New profile posts

Ok, ok. I do admit to being a fan of sci-fi, myself! We just don't have much to work with, at the present.

Heh heh, I thought as much. Enjoy your nap, Naptaker!
...Oh. K, I'll just take your word for it. O_O

lol, just a stupid saying that's fun to joke about. Mostly, it's said to make fun of the ignorant rednecks who kiss the red, white, and blue, heh heh.

Indeed... But you're still Naptaker!!!
I think I still have a steam account. I might have to double check that again, sometime!

What's this? Jumping the shark on the fantasy stuff straight to sci-fi? Well, I don't really have sci-fi stuff, or girls, so... :/
Just stress from exams ^^; Do you mind if I ask what's making you stressed as well? :)

Sitting in the dentist chair for 30-40mins doesn't sound pleasant. Usually the dentists where I live are always in a rush, so they try and make your appointment over and done with as quick as possible. Since you said you only repaired one, does that mean you need to go back and get the other one filled in as well? :lapi_down:

Yes, those things are terrible! As well as the pliers *shudders*
Same, although for me it's more of the appearance of the syringe. I think I'd be less scared if it was just plastic and perhaps a bit smaller :P

Talking about all these tools makes me want to postpone my yearly check up to, oh, let's say... 100 years from now? :miku_peek:
Oh well, looks like a more recent Illusion game I never played... Doesn't matter, really.

I wouldn't be surprised if I mentioned that to you, heh heh. Gotta be careful with saying that too much!

That's because I'm an "ignorant 'Merican", you know? "We only speak 'Merican, 'round here. If you don't know 'Merican, you can geeeet out! lol

Well, it was good to finally hear from you, again! You do that, nap taker! Hmm... Think I'll dub you nap taker, from this day forward!
I did notice! ;)

And indeed, you will! Though... I will have trouble with that, as the thumbnails for my pics are not all the same. -_-
You didn't answer me about what game that was from. o_0 And did I tell you to be careful? I thought I just said I didn't care? Hmm... heh heh.

So, Milk Jugs of Myrr, eh? That has a nice ring to it!

Yeah, I knew the whole "I can't speak a word of Swedish" was coming. Oh well, I can still mock you for your misgivings!
Yes, you have indeed. Do I care? Nah.
Hey hey, what game is this from? You've told me nothing of this! Or... Those... :smug:

Ha ha! English fail, yet again!
The cats aren't sure about a four-legged thingy who doesn't smell or sound like them but is eye level as them.
Have you ever heard or about a Shiba scream? He sounds like a coyote.
However, I've been away since Sunday night but he's growing everyday.
Careful, Icarus. O_O All I'm going to say about that!
Yeah yeah yeah, I get... -_-

No no, too bad, you'll have to mess with myself AND Bond Travolta if you dare such an undertaking! o_0
AGH!!! I could have sworn I responded on your page! :akazukin_sorry:

Hey hey, I'll have no invading of Minares High!
Agh, keep that metal beast away from me and my ladies!
Sorry! I was eating dinner! I notice you, sempai!
Thanks for the rep! Yeah, that was a lot of fun to do. :)

I see most of us have seen what has been done to HF... Guess we'll all be sticking around here for the time being?
And hey, I miss your glasses girl avi, already!
Well I made the set I am using right now.
and I made a vocaloids one today.

was doing real people for a bit. then stopped.
I am okay. I've been pumping out the GFX work like clockwork these days.
But it's fun and allows me to be creative, which is what I like about it most.
Besides that, probs just a lazy day for me.
Lol, not to thanking...^_^

And I see, well it counts that now open is the Result-thread...xD

And I'll her send that!
Thanks. :D . Well problem is that AS is a banned website in my country and had to use VPN to browse it. Problem came during sign up at Human Verification wasn't displaying at all after doing too much refresh and changing the IP address worked but at slow speed.
Thank you for understanding, Shi ^^

He was on a hiatus from The Gift event, so that might have been why :P

Thank you very much :fulfilled: Good luck to your sister too! :)
Thanks for the rep! I'm kind of out of whack on how everything works here still, so I'm kind of giving out Likes and Thanks all willy-nilly and didn't realize Thanks = rep :XD:
Oh alright, that's nice! I know what you mean with stressed though since it's pretty common in my life as well. May I ask what the source of it is or do you prefer to keep it private? c:

I only went there before because yearly check to which they said "oi m8, you got 2 holes"
Repaired one of em today, am surprised it only took 20 mins since it usually takes 30-40. Probably because the dentist always runs around helping others and you're laying there in the chair mentally screaming "BUT, BUT... ME THEN?!"
Personally I'm fine with the tools xD Okay, almost... the pointy thing they scrape and poke on your teeth with is horrible ;w; Except for that it's just syringes that scares me because I hate the sting.
I gotta be the only person taking both salve to make the sting hurt less and then the syringe to make the drilling hurt less :D
*Pokes Ino* Just wanted to ask how stuff is going and how you're doing in case you comes back here sometime c:

I'm doing fine myself, been solving some irl stuff lately which is starting to go forward now. Got some studying to catch up to because school went shit and I need some new better grades in some subjects. Swedish is one of them ironically enough *COUGH*
Planning to take some electrician course because that's what I'm interested in so will try my best to deal with that after the Swedish...
Outsite of studying and stuff I'd like to get into drawing and going to the gym. Japanese is also a thing I'd like to learn, but lack of motivation on that one because it feels so huge. I need to get the habit of setting smaller goals c:

I hope you're fine and am looking forward to talk to you again
Hugs, Hino
A little bit stressed but other than that, I'm good thanks :)

Uuh, agreed 100% ;-; Always try to avoid going to the dentist if possible :scared: Their tools scare me...
Are you going for a check up? :)
Yeah it was more my mentality not agreeing with the rest of my body. I am fine now though, thanks for asking!
Well I just hope to give a little back to the community.

I have been ever grateful for it coming to be all these years.
I made the set you see right now actually, on my profile. : 3
Have not heard from you in a bit friend?
How is everything?
Hi Vel!

Well, don't worry, I'm not angry or so... - I can you quiet understand, because my lil. sis is as well under exam-stress, where then...^_^

And I did him (Mon) few times mentioned about - even before the edit in your Gift-thread - just until now didn't get a reaction of him...xD

But okay, I can still wait!

Edit: Much success at your exams^_^!