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I thought imouto was 18... and why do you want those......... :akazukin_wut:

Poor not so nice looking people :alice_down: I guess thats why there is plastic surgery and make up :alice_sorry:
I guess you watched it for the guy then? :puniko_think:

Umm... sure... sure I did... :alice_hide:

It might cost more to visit me than just japan :alice_dead:
Where are you TwT
Yush >w<

Hahaha nooo I'm not talking about bishies!

I'm fine I guess:3

hahaha why not?;3
/me eats
nom nom nom >w<

Hahah we're not talking about the same big boss:3

How are chu? can I eat you next?:3
/me huggles and open mouth
the venom one?!OwO
(Pt. 2)
I don't think my right ear is quite as good as my left, either, so you're not alone.
Ooh, nice! I'll check it out, and no worries, I won't be judgmental or anything silly like that. I've messed with the RMXP, but very, very briefly. It's a bit overwhelming!

Nope, but I mentioned who I remember in the previous post. EBS makes bass equipment, right? I don't think I've ever seen EBS amps or anything in person, now that I think about it.
(Sigh) No, never got the chance. I've had ample opportunities, but every time, one of the two things would happen:

1. The other musicians were too lazy and/or would back out of it due to their being lazy and undedicated. (Undedicated isn't a word? How weird... Thanks, dictionary...)
2. The band that I had intended to join would break up, with its former members being... lazy. -_- Musicians can be such flakes!

I've recorded some lesser material, but most of the stuff I'm proud of is acoustic based. I hate using digital drum loops/MIDI software! :raging:
Preferably, though, I play electric stuff. I'll try to put something together for you, sometime!

I was wondering when the sandman would strike!
Talk lata!
(Pt. 1)
Nope, not enough for me, at least. -_-
Really? So it'd be like, for instance, me driving my Ford Truck to McDonald's, then going to the beach to catch some waves?
Either way, seems like a stupid reason to be angry about something.

Oops! Forgot the power-ballad Carrie, so I suppose that counts. But... I guarantee most people will only know them for TFC. Most people see them as one-hit-wonders, at any rate.
So strange, that American thing...

Oh, is that all? If that's the case, anyone could feel that way if they play too hard for too long. You have to remember that playing the guitar is not a natural behavior for our hands/fingers; the fretting hand, in particular.
I experienced that feeling if I pushed myself for too long a period, early on. The trick is to take breaks, and also make sure your fretting technique is correct. I also used (and still use) a finger exerciser called a Gripmaster to strengthen my fingers & wrists.
Some guy told me a long time ago that he had a friend that got in a wreck and worried he would never be able to play the same. That guy got recommended the Gripmaster, and eventually, he was able to play again.
...I sound like a damn infomercial, lol! It's true, though, no bullshit! I honestly think you could play again, if you really wanted to. It's tough, but it's possible.
Ha! T-Rex is the guitar pedal brand I was trying to remember! I've never used any of their pedals before, though.
I actually use a Mad Professor pedal, but they're based in Finland.
Agh, well, next time make your point less confusing! x/
By the way you put it, it almost sounds like they are looking for anything to label being racist, just for the hell of it. "Grrr, I am offended by EVERYTHING!"
That's no way to live! *Edit* - Then again, people have become VERY sensitive over here, too...

Agh, yes, I've heard that (thank you for labeling it so) stupid song, before. But, as with most "one-hit-wonders", rarely do you remember their names.
So Rednex was Swedish??? And singin' about our southern people like they know them? That's racist! lol
Hmm... Looking at that list of bands, it seems your country had quite a few one-hit-wonders, over here! (Rednex, Eagle-Eye Cherry, Europe, The Cardigans)
Yes, The Final Countdown. What else would it be? lol
Indeed, so did I, because they sounded... You know... American?

Really? Wow, that sucks. Maybe it was some form of carpal-tunnel? Either way, it's really weird for that to happen at such a young age.
Digital music can be fun, but yeah, I don't get as much out of it. Plus, messing with all those plugins, filter knobs, etc, is... Ugh. Just give me a damn guitar and an amp.
But yup, I'm kind of a guitar pedal freak, too. I want to say I've used or have at least heard of a pedal making brand from Sweden, but I can't remember their name...
I have no idea why that would be racist. Was there anything even racist going on during WWII in Sweden that I don't know about?
Jeez, it almost seems like racism is looked at differently than it is over here... Over here it's taken, very, very seriously. (Pretty sure you know why)
I'm so confused, lol. Loving a race is basically the complete opposite of racism! lol.
*Edit* - Of course, if I said "I love White people!", that could be interpreted as some kind of silly racism, but why the hell would I say that? I guess saying "I love Americans!" would be more accurate.
So yeah, funny is one way to put it.

I've heard of Hammerfall, but never heard their music. In Flames, ahh, I remember them! Mostly from about 10+ years ago, actually. Oh shit, how could I forget the infamous Europe, known for one song in particular...
Eagle-Eye Cherry is Swedish? Wow, didn't know that. I only know of that Save Tonight song, though. Yeah, I remember the flippin' Cardigans. "Love me, love me, say that you love me!" -_- Could be worse.
Roxette! Ha, them I am much more familiar with, due to their big period in the late 80's, I think? Kind disappeared in this country after that, though.
Guess it must have been love, but it's over now... Heh heh heh. Never heard of the other bands you mentioned, though, I don't think.

Yeah, Yngwie's a fat-ass tool!

I play guitar, and have for 15+ years, so it had to be slipped in from time-to-time. It went unnoticed, though! For shame! lol
I've mentioned guitar playing and various other music related things a few other times, too.
But yeah, the ABBA disdain kinda stands out among all that, doesn't it? Only because they're Swedish!
I would have brought up A-ha, too, but I remembered that they were Norwegian.
Other Swedish bands I've heard of are Ace of Base, Yngwie Malmsteen (complete prick; can't stand him, or his music), Amon Amarth, Opeth, and Meshuggah.
I'm not really crazy about 'cookie-monster' death metal growling, but I do enjoy Mastodon; particularly the album Crack the Skye. (Though... they're American)
Nope, can't say I've heard of Sabaton or Vintersong. Got me, there!
Racists? You might have to elaborate on that the next time we talk, seeing as you'll be hopping in bed pretty soon!
Yes, a few times I tried to slide music into the conversation, and every time, nothin'!
That particular song is one of their most famous, which is why I was completely caught off-guard by your not knowing it. But enough of that friggin' band!
I'm far more open than I used to be, but there are still genres I tend to avoid like the plague. I tend to stick around various rock related genres, but there are exceptions.

And I could throw that very statement to you, as well! Considering you live in a completely different country that has produced quite a few familiar bands, I also wouldn't be surprised to find out there were bands I didn't know about.
But, you may also be surprised if I just happen to know of one or two you weren't expecting me to know. Music is everywhere!
Sarafim, your signature says "Reed online Hentai Manga
My tumblr"

I think you mean "Read online Hentai Manga
My tumblr"

Read = To read, " I want to read a book"
Reed = A Plant, Found in most swamp areas.
Ugh, I agree, no more talk about this depressing subject. -_- I totally understand where you're coming from, though, and can relate to your plight.
So, it goes without saying that your area is suffering just the same as where I am. :/ Not good.

I've tried bringing up music with you a couple times, before, but it seems you weren't all that interested? I'm a music guy, so I wouldn't mind talking about such things, if you're interested.
...Then again, your unfamiliarity of U2 is disturbing; enjoy them or despise them. I'm not really crazy about them, but I do like a couple songs.
Grrr, dammit! That's unacceptable! Now you're forced to be punished with this!

Wow, that sounds like complete shit to go through. :/ Not to mention you were so close to being full-time!
Well, 'round here, you're basically on your own. Looking for jobs online is a complete joke, as well. It's just not an easy time to live in.
LOL, you make her sound like a pet or something! Shame on you! :lmao:
"Job coaching center"? The hell? Yup, sound like twats, to me.
With or without Q?
You can't live....
With or without Q....
Sorry, man, couldn't resist the obvious U2 pun, there!
so I'll be able to buy pg-18 movie tickets :akazukin_puppyeyes:

He is nuts, it would be fun to stab him from the back XD Let's not continue this topic, ruining our mood :goodtea:

They could get rejected based on their appearance... :alice_pfft:

The heroine is pretty too :bigeyes:

Samy ate it :miku_love:

I'll visit samy if I could :runhappy:
LOL I didn't watch. Was it satisfying?

I'm glad to hear they are crediting you back your money.

Will the special edition run out quickly for Persona 5 or not? Decision, decision...
Yeah it seems to have a very interesting combat system this time. I've played Persona since Persona 1, but Persona 1&2 were very different. How different? Put this this way, end boss for Persona 2 was a resurrected Adolf Hitler with super powers ._. Atlus has this old video game series called Shin Megami Tensei (SMT) which always focuses on some type of end of the world event that destroys civilization and has demons running rampant as a result. Anyway, it's a very dark, moody, feeling of hopelessness type of series. Persona is actually a spin off of SMT, so Persona 1&2 were very dark as well, not until Persona 3 that the Persona series really separated itself from SMT and became its own thing (which is why you only hear people talking about Persona 3, 4, and now 5, not 1&2) now they have happy characters like Rise, and stories that you save the world instead of having the world explode in your face. I'm glad though since I like the Persona series better now. If you ever want to give the series a shot definitely skip 1&2, you can try 3 or 4, but I'd recommend just playing 5 if you were interested.

Damn that sucks :/ has happened to me before as well. Lost my Comic Con pics, and pics to some county fairs in Texas :deadsad:
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarshmallooooooooooow~! +w+
/me glomps dawn
Can't wait either. You seem to be on top of it, lemme know when it releases so I buy it :3

Seems like an intricate battle system. I've never played any of the Persona games but it sounds interesting and quite popular too. I've seen quite a few cosplays at the animecon I went too.
(I took pics but my SD card decided to fuck me over and crash and don't have any pictures left D: )
Hello! Thanks for the compliments, I really appreciate them =) I'd be glad to talk with you more, want to become my friend? ^-^