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Oooh, in owner mode. I gifted the other girls in girl mode too, no wonder it didn't really work xD

Yea, Chizuru deserved a route oh boy the Amane/Kazuki Yrui is going to be wonderful :nosebleed:

Yea I can see where you're coming from. The costume from the one below isn't as exciting. I assume you already re-ordered it? :3
Okay, okay I'll pre-order soon.

Oh, ouch! I'm sorry to hear about Cordelia. Did AmiAmi contact you back? Hopefully, something can be about it.
Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll get FF XV though. Lost a bit of faith in the franchise after XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns. I'm the the HD Remaster of FF XII though.

I don't mind some English VA's. Like Laura Bailey as you mentioned. If the English cast is good I don't mind, but if that aren't that great then I prefer the Japanese VA's.
OHH, AN EXCUSE TO TAKE DAYS OFF OBLIGATIONS! * Ignis extends his arm. You'll also nurse my wounds, won't you? :akazukin_puppyeyes:

O-of course you can! But if they're that lovely to you, I'd feel bad to separate them from their loving mistress, y'know?

That's better. Don't worry―once we get to the slaughterhouse you'll get more than what you need that you can hack to your heart's content!

:gokiko_uguu: B-but why? Does Vel-chan not like whipping and dripping candles on senpai in chains and blindfolds?

Sure I can, *hiccup* Miss! * Ignis cuffs the cop and takes him to his car.

I know, right? You could get a few cages with that amount... not to mention knives, whips, pincers, candles...

Someone you hate, then? :korokke_aha: Vel-chan, tell me who you hate and I'll come back tonight with a new dress for you!

That sounds bad alright. I'd give up very quickly on chemistry, but I kinda wish I'd been more diligent and better at sciences so I could get into the astrophysics field (´Д`)

O-of course! I have 99 yandere kouhai, but Vel-chan obviously isn't one!
Too bad she's barely around nowadays... probably in her final year or something.

Hmm, do you think in postgraduate I'd be able to learn how to coach kouhai on murde―err, professing love in unconventional ways? :alice_hmm:

:kurochan_shock: I guess they're not into yuri... * Ignis crosscrossdresses as a reverse-reverse trap.

Indeed. Yay for emulators ヽ(=´▽`=)ノ They're such a great help regardless of whether I have the original consoles, like making it possible to play PSP games on HD or old games whose original discs I have are physically damaged. I can has names of what series Vel-chan likes? (For starters, some RPG series I like are Rune Factory, Tales, Summon Night, Phantasy Star, Atelier, and more)
You changed your username o.o
Sadly I don't have a Vita, but it is on my list for the next console I should get in the future :) Probably not for a long time though, so not sure whether I should just wait until I get a Vita, or spend an extra $20 now to play Odin Sphere.

I'm glad it's on the Wii, otherwise I'd have to cross it off for future games to get :deadsad:

The Cordelia figure and Odin Sphere art book both looked incredibly cool and beautiful! :bigeyes:
Yes, it's over now ^^
I see, that would indeed be pretty stressful :( I can relate to that, as I usually worry about these things when I'm going to sleep. orz
Although having concern for one's future is good but too much thinking about it, on the other hand, is not. You begin to think of all the 'what ifs' that most likely will never happen and in the end it becomes pretty overwhelming. That being said, since the future is such an uncertain thing, it can be understandable to be stressed about it. In these circumstances, I usually try and plan some short term goals for myself that I know will lead me into a good direction. That way I can work towards something I'm certain will benefit my future instead of focusing on 'what ifs'.
If you don't mind me asking, when you mean economical instability, do you mean because of no job, too many bills to pay, debts, or something else? (Sorry if I'm being too nosy. I just find that it's nice to talk about things that are bothering you :) )

I'm sure they don't mind if you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the appointment, and it's probably good to take a break from having to deal with all those tools and waiting :) That is, if they don't make you wait some more when you come back :lapi_sad: Hope your 2nd filling went well! :)

I should probably do that next time xD
Do it for the prospect of never having to go to the dentist again, Hinode! :miku_cheer:

Hm, that's a good question. They usually send me a letter when it's time for me to go back. Mainly it's just to see whether I still need these two wires that are behind my teeth from when I got my braces taken off.
Samy doesn't want to get older XD

Omg...that's horrible, his ways only revealed his selfishness and craziness...did he just want your mom to experience the same thing he did? But still he is the worst for manipulating people to get self satisfaction... How are your mom now? Did she recover from that nightmare? She should build up more confidence, and of course stay out of strangers~
It must be tough for you to deal with the priest and tolerate with her, getting yelled and all those things >< It's alright now :nekopara_hug:
hahaha that dumbass is not your opponent using those garbage words XD Samy should reply with "God told you to snap out of it". :samuraihero:

Yess, aren't they sweet? :alice_love: though it will only sound embarassing and weird in rl~
Descendants of the Sun is really good, samy should watch it :bigeyes:

It is soft and oishii desu~ cook it with chinese recipes~:miku_happy:

It's hard to come true...merely a dream :mini_sulk:
Ali-chan! *Glomps*

I've been good, thank you. How about you? ^^

Thank you, I hope you did well on yours too! How do you think you went? c:

Does that mean I can't give you these lovely spiders if they don't? :deadsad:

:shocked: O-okay, you can keep driving then. We'll just sit here in peace. :shinonome_...:

* Velenora hits senpai on the head Bad senpai!

* Velenora whispers to the officer. Is there any chance you can just lock him up for being drunk?

$455 USD? Then $800 USD to AUD would be $1081.89... * Velenora faints.

Wrong! You are not allowed to wear a meat dress made from the flesh of someone you love! :mini_panic:

Yes, unfortunately it was the first module that I had to learn for my chemistry unit this semester. Atomic orbitals, electron configuration, quantum numbers and wave particle duality was fine, but the rest I relied on memorisation rather than understanding, hahah...hah... ha. orz

Like someone you know? I'm sure senpai is referring to someone else and not me, right senpai?? * Velenora takes out her chainsaw.
I look forward to a possible chance of getting to know her more in the future \(^ヮ^)/

You can do it, senpai! Do it for all the little to-be-yandere girls out there! :lapi_cheer:

* Velenora watches all of senpai's kouhai running away. Um, are you sure? :lapi_sweat:

Nice to know we have similar interests :fulfilled: I agree. Having to buy different consoles just to play a game makes my wallet cry (╥﹏╥)

Yay, thank you :)
hmm...but some rpg franchises out this year rite? like ff 15

lol...i thought you not really interested in japanese vaXD...i guess some of them do great job like rean and laura va..jusis' sound off tho'=/
Sounds reasonable enough. You know... on a separate note, what do you call your currency? I haven't even thought of a name for mine. Usually, I just think of gold coins, silver, copper, etc.
Back to Hiyera's library system! I think we've discussed what most patrons use the reading room for, already, heh heh...
Is she deadly, hmm? In what way, I wonder? I don't know much about her, actually.

*Continues staring* Right, right, why in all of Mustelheim would it be you?

*Edit* - Aww, man, it was like 30 minutes and I had to jump off. I was wondering if you'd went to bed already or not. Maybe I'll catch ya later, tonight!
Well, that makes perfect sense! Who would conduct such a survey, I wonder...

My girls really need to take a voyage and see this library, when this war is over! I don't know how your book loaning policy is, though, heh heh.

I fly off the seat of my pants, lol, planning is about 1% (give or take a point) of my work.
Doh, I kinda figured it was about time for you to hit the sack and rest the weary eyes! x/
I'm back for a little longer, got things to do, in a bit!

Sounds like a lot of thought and planning are going into this one!

Oh, is that right? And were these women from all over, Mustelheim, or Casjan? You never know, could be different!
Well, I can't argue with my stomach. Gotta go out and get some dinner.
We shall have to continue this discussion at a later junction!
Talk again, soon, hopefully!
well it was terrible this year so you didn't miss anything :/

I really wish Cold Steel had dual audio :/ don't like the Dub cast.
That'll work! Print it!

Ooh, how titillating! lol... Oh boy... Puntastic.

Now that sounds like a great idea! How's that new "giggling" effort with Ki & Nikkou coming along, btw?
I want to see those two and giggle like a madman!
LOL, no need to today, but if you do want the special edition I would pre-oder sometime in the next couple months just to make sure. A lot of times scalpers take all the pre-orders. Like with the Fire Emblem:Fates SE.

That's precisely the point I was making about the blondes/Sweden book, and you acknowledged it! Ha!

Indeed... Hmm, I know nothing of him, outside of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?".
A mighty title! Or, maybe, "Anatomy of the Supreme Bust: A Gift From the Gods!" That might be my version, heh heh.
Though, I think mine sounds more like a historical account of how, say, Casjan came to have such well endowed women.
Yours, on the other hand, needs to be sold and spread across the lands! lol

For yours, perhaps, "Busted!: The Lost Art of Natural Breast Enhancement"?
You have to remember that creating girls has always been my first & foremost love, and that I only started doing studio stuff when PC's studio came out.
So... I have every reason to be at least excited about that, if nothing else!

lol, did they use Jessica Rabbit as a reference in that book? You're quite right, that would probably be their best-seller!
A different perspective: Big breasts are so ingrained in the genetic code of Casjan, that such a book would be like making a book about blonde girls in Sweden, right?
Jeez, have you even looked at anything about the demo?
Never assume, my friend!

It's actually packaged with the newest character creator, which is even better than SBPR's! Plus, you can convert your SBPR cards to be HoneySelect ones! Just make sure they don't have hair mods; I've had to create some new versions that use the actual SBPR hair.
Thus far, I've converted quite a few, but fully completed Thyone and Simona! I'll have to take screenshots, sometime!

All I'm saying is that you're missing out, and should give it a try, if not at least for the sake of preparation. Illusion's biggest blunder would be NOT creating a Studio for this game, and like someone else mentioned, it would most likely be akin to PC's Studio, given the scenes we've seen, thus far.
Well, at any rate, I would recommend you at the very least give the demo a chance!