New profile posts

How do you get the other girls to accept the gifts? I played with Hitomi and she had max satisfaction with Kokoro, Helena and Kasumi. Yet, when I gifted..they returned EVERY SINGLE ONE ._.

EDIT: Also, hyped for the upcoming Grisaia Novels :runhappy: From some game CG I've seen, it's going to be quite :nosebleed:
I feel just as bad knowing I missed that 'hassle' one in the original... Dammit! :spiraldown:

No prob! Well, I'm sure it made sense at the time, so no one can fault you for that. Honestly, you're better off without the bite (and the super-strength!) if I was able to determine her true identity so early on. Makes sense, so definitely for the best.
Your goal was achieved, I'd say, heh heh. ;)

Well, myself and others thought they looked great, originally, so they can't be that bad! :) No doubt, if (and when, I suppose) HS gets a studio, it's going to take some time before it catches up; especially with PC, knowing your wealth of goodies!
Us using SBPR, on the other hand, probably won't wait too long if the studio is better and more akin to PC's. Hopefully this Friday we'll get some solid info!
Not like in the movies but I did...a bit rebellion, arguing with things...had a lot of disagreements back then when I was a high schooler:goodtea:
The movies are just too exaggerating:nekopara_laugh:

Japanese seiyuu :miku_love: they speak engurish XD
Its like organic veggies? Healthier :lapi_carrot:

Let me join you samyyyy :runhappy:
Hey hey, I think that remake is even sexier than the original! You changed A LOT; most notable, the peeing & the neck-bite. (I don't miss the pissing, honestly, heh heh) But, obviously, that whole sequence is completely different, either way. All the breast-play/groping... Right up my alley!
Naturally, since you've perfected your use of post-processing (and the res-jump), the quality is also much higher! You've got a couple grammatical errors, though, so I got your back!

Panel 2 - "Such hassle!" ; should be, "Such a hassle!"
Panel 3 - "It's not the first time she does this" ; should be, "It's not the first time she's done this"

So, are you planning on doing more of these? Seems like... such a hassle, lol, but I'd totally understand if you did.
Super-sexy work!
Wasn't expecting another reply so soon... What happened, Naptaker?

Ki would do something like that, wouldn't she? And 200 B's?! Hell no, I'll agree that giggles are most likely bound to happen!

Ahh, I see. Out of curiosity, have you checked out the new Honest-Select game? I can't remember if you've commented on it or not.
Oh, alrighty! By no one else changing it, how so? You mean changing yours to work with Aastaroth's new mod structure? If so, I don't know.
Well, talk lata, then!
Well, High Elf was pretty much what I meant with the Noble Descent chapter. No, I know nothing of Warhammer, though it seems everyone in our group knows everything about it... -_-

Heh heh, blind love will drive someone to behave that way, right? Whatever it takes!
I think what it means is that Ki better be careful that the books advice doesn't have the opposite effect and create a rift between the two.
And, so much so, creating the worst possible outcome...:

"I like you, Ki. I know you love me, but... I don't love you. Maybe we should just be friends? I think that's for the best..."
:chuuni_sob::chuuni_bwaaah:<--- Ki
Hey now, it's only one, since I just did that pic earlier! And this next one wasn't planned on being a single pic, either!

lol, or it could mean that there are also many different races of elves that may require different techniques, too. Either way, 1,000+ pages for a book like that is... Yeesh.
Ki better hope those chapters on 'Forest Elves', 'Warrior Elves', and 'Elves of Noble Descent' are accurate!
Actually... Nikkou is probably more of a 'Valley Elf', now that I think about it...
Just how long is this book, anyway? For Nikkou, you're probably going to need something the length of 'War & Peace', lol.
More goodies are always appreciated!

That was a devious laugh... Oh, I actually just remembered what I was going to do before HF crashed! So, you will also have that to look forward to!
Huzzah, I knew it!
I don't mind modern themes, but I do prefer the fantasy/sci-fi realms, much like you do.

Ho ho, so she thinks that will work on Nikkou? She's not your typical elf, though I'm sure she knows that by now!
Go for it, Ki, but wow, good luck, lol!
Let's hope so.
Yeah, the blogs and the profile/visitor message navigation are very clunky, indeed.

Is that right? I'm curious to see how that works out! Funny thing, but a part of me doesn't want Nikkou to part from Ki, simply because I've enjoyed their chemistry & adventures, so far!
Oh, and I may have figured something out about your librarian Hiyera... Did you happen to use that pig-tails girl from your Ledlight Digital Stories as a base for creating her, or are they basically the same girl?
Looking back at that, again, I also noticed a girl named Juleen who looked exactly like Juvella; and, of course, Annabella. Interesting to look back on!
Yes, yes they did! It is spoken together in a slurred way, at times, but never written... It just looks wrong, and I can't believe I didn't pick up on that in the first place!

Remember, it all has to do with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person perspective and past/present tense. That's it!
Oh, I saw that we could have avatars in HF again, though I was underwhelmed by how little they are compared to, say, around here?
Again, as long as you understand how "is" and "are" work, everything else is a breeze.
Oops... What an idiot I am... I better just tell you, right now: There're is not a word! If we wanted to say it correctly, it would be 'there are'.
There's (There is... heh heh, sorry) no such abbreviation of the two words there & are together. So, if someone says "there're", it's WRONG, lol.
Indeed, it has!

I'm glad it did! Hopefully you'll start getting the hang of understanding all that, now.
The thing with There's/There're is quite simple: There's = There is; There're = There are. Those two words are just abbreviated versions of them together.
Give it time, you'll understand, soon enough!
Yeah, funny thing too is that Huskies won't talk to another dog breed like that, but they will with other Huskies. Even huskies they've just met, start talking like they are best buds lol.

20 hours is good for every other genre, but not a JRPG like Star Ocean, will wait for a price drop.

Been watching E3? New Zelda looks great! Downloaded the Resident Evil 7 demo too that they showed at E3. PS Plus Members can download it for free. It looks good, looks like they are trying to go back to their survilal horror roots, last few RE games were basically action/adventure games. PSN Store currently has a decent E3 sale for PS4/3/Vita games too.

Last Guardian looks good too! And OMG can't wait for Persona 5!
Haven't played any VNs since Neko Para vol.2. I guess I can look into Grisai, although the main reason why I played the first game was because I was exposed to the sad excuse for an anime...
I dont think I had any point where I rebelled like they do so in the movies :nekopara_sigh: It is kind of illogical to do dumb things just because parents said not to before :nekopara_puzzled:

I guess you would prefer if a bishie read it to you :nekopara_tehee:

That depends how strongly people are opposed to its use and whether the taste is worth it :nyanmusu_yousee:

Hmm... I want to try all the different types of noodles :miku_prance:
(Part 2)
"A" and "an" are a bit trickier to get the hang of:

a - A (ha ha) speech word/sound used before a consonant, aka, a word that isn't spoken with a vowel sound: "I had a good time slapping that booty!", or, "What a fine ass that was, eh?" (Heh heh, remember was, too! It's in the past, lol!)
an - Exactly the same usage as "a", only before a word with a vowel sound: "An amazing stack on that one, eh?", or, "I have an obligation to kick your ass, pal!"

Hope that helped, at least a little! Back to the conversation...
I pretty much agree with everything you said about learning Japanese. Tricky stuff...

"There is" and "there are", too? That's all about the "is" and "are" rules I mentioned before, really, so no biggie.
Yes, there are many terrible English speakers in this country, and on the Internet; even great English speakers can type HORRIBLE English! That's why I try my best to speak online as I would in real life.

Raging grammar nazi's... Bah, fuck'em, lol.

Oh, and I posted a sweet little retaliation for ya! So... time for me to hit the sack and fight Mr. Sandman!
(Part 1)
Very, very rarely have I gotten to that point. You know me... If I get sleepy, I don't fight it for much longer!

No? Oops, and I forgot to relate to your troubles with these words: Was, were, a, an, is, and are. I'll try my best to give simple examples of when to use those words.

Was - Referring to a moment or thing from the past in either a 1st or 3rd person perspective: "That was a sexy ass, indeed!" or, "Was that example too stupid? I thought it was brilliant!"
Is - Like was, but referring to something in the present: "Is that girl picking her nose?!", or, "I think mocking that old man is the only solution!"

Were - The exact same as was, only this time from a 2nd person perspective: "Those were good times, indeed.", or, "Were you just looking at my boobs? You were?! Disgusting pig!"
Are - Exactly like were, but like "is", has to do with the present: "Are they mad?!", or, "You are one sexy girl, Ki!"
According to Sekai Kickstarter page The Labyrinth of Grisaia should release next week.
Passed? W-wait samy didn't experience it?:alice_wut:

Apparently no :miku_ng:

If they do, they won't get good business :bored:

Yup it is! :alice_happy: I wonder how other japanese noodles taste like...soba etc.:shinonome_glitter:
Oh, I see... isn't it soon over at least? c: For my part it's mainly thoughts about my future combined with economical instability.

Well, pretty much although it's just waiting in the chair lol. You get to sit and talk with the other person in there who usually helps the dentist with stuff so it kinda works. Still, I hope I never have to rush to the bathroom in the middle of it because my worries and laying on my back in their chair is triggering my stomach heavily which usually results in a bathroom visit eventually. You're lucky in a way that they rush although I guess it has some bad points too :c And yeah, gotta go there in about 2 days to repair the 2nd one so I hope that goes fast too and that I doesn't have to wait ><

The apperance of it is hilariously terrifying although to be honest I usually close my eyes when they say they're gonna poke me with it just so I don't have to see it lol. It builds more fear from seeing it than only feeling the sting xD
To be fair it's not like anyone wants to go there, but postponing it would be nice although my teeth would probably end up hurting alot tho :c I need to take better care of em so I don't have to go there ;w;

So when's your check up then? :goodtea:
I'm very stingy with spelling and grammar, but, at least for me, it's not good netiquette to criticize the English of others; especially foreigners!
I can't make it a statement of fact, but I've heard and read many times over that English is, by far, the most complicated and hardest language to learn.
Personally, Japanese seems to be incredibly tough, but that's the East meets West issue, more than anything; totally alien in look and sound, compared to Western based languages.
lol! The totally inept and silly web-lingo hasn't exactly helped our cause, either, has it?

Nope, not it, but I do use that one from time to time in RL!

Well then, there's no excuse for that classic B-movie blunder! Oh wow, I wish I could have seen that! lol

Your reasoning amuses me, yet again. I don't like going to bed unless I feel tired!
Until next time, snooze well!