New profile posts

Lol, not to thanking...^_^

And I see, well it counts that now open is the Result-thread...xD

And I'll her send that!
Thanks. :D . Well problem is that AS is a banned website in my country and had to use VPN to browse it. Problem came during sign up at Human Verification wasn't displaying at all after doing too much refresh and changing the IP address worked but at slow speed.
Thank you for understanding, Shi ^^

He was on a hiatus from The Gift event, so that might have been why :P

Thank you very much :fulfilled: Good luck to your sister too! :)
Thanks for the rep! I'm kind of out of whack on how everything works here still, so I'm kind of giving out Likes and Thanks all willy-nilly and didn't realize Thanks = rep :XD:
Oh alright, that's nice! I know what you mean with stressed though since it's pretty common in my life as well. May I ask what the source of it is or do you prefer to keep it private? c:

I only went there before because yearly check to which they said "oi m8, you got 2 holes"
Repaired one of em today, am surprised it only took 20 mins since it usually takes 30-40. Probably because the dentist always runs around helping others and you're laying there in the chair mentally screaming "BUT, BUT... ME THEN?!"
Personally I'm fine with the tools xD Okay, almost... the pointy thing they scrape and poke on your teeth with is horrible ;w; Except for that it's just syringes that scares me because I hate the sting.
I gotta be the only person taking both salve to make the sting hurt less and then the syringe to make the drilling hurt less :D
*Pokes Ino* Just wanted to ask how stuff is going and how you're doing in case you comes back here sometime c:

I'm doing fine myself, been solving some irl stuff lately which is starting to go forward now. Got some studying to catch up to because school went shit and I need some new better grades in some subjects. Swedish is one of them ironically enough *COUGH*
Planning to take some electrician course because that's what I'm interested in so will try my best to deal with that after the Swedish...
Outsite of studying and stuff I'd like to get into drawing and going to the gym. Japanese is also a thing I'd like to learn, but lack of motivation on that one because it feels so huge. I need to get the habit of setting smaller goals c:

I hope you're fine and am looking forward to talk to you again
Hugs, Hino
A little bit stressed but other than that, I'm good thanks :)

Uuh, agreed 100% ;-; Always try to avoid going to the dentist if possible :scared: Their tools scare me...
Are you going for a check up? :)
Yeah it was more my mentality not agreeing with the rest of my body. I am fine now though, thanks for asking!
Well I just hope to give a little back to the community.

I have been ever grateful for it coming to be all these years.
I made the set you see right now actually, on my profile. : 3
Have not heard from you in a bit friend?
How is everything?
Hi Vel!

Well, don't worry, I'm not angry or so... - I can you quiet understand, because my lil. sis is as well under exam-stress, where then...^_^

And I did him (Mon) few times mentioned about - even before the edit in your Gift-thread - just until now didn't get a reaction of him...xD

But okay, I can still wait!

Edit: Much success at your exams^_^!
Nice to meet you too, how are you doing? c:
Currently I'm kinda eh myself because worries. Dentist never be fun ;w;
Hello there dearie! : 3 That's cool!. I will definitely participate in the next one and gift people my wares.
I haven't seen you for a bit, thought you were busy though?

I was having difficulties in real life, sort of half arsed sorted through them though. : )
How have you been?
Hi Shi :)

Just saw the edited part in your last post in The Gift #02 thread. I'm not quite sure what's going on at the moment, as I thought Monmon was going to create the Results #02 this time around since I have my hands full with exams at the moment. I'll need to check with him about it when he comes online, so it'll have to be delayed a bit more until then. Very sorry about this!
Hmm... yes that seems to be the impression... :nekopara_dizzy:

Im not sure if I would say it is always right... since accents differ and some words even have multiple ways to say it... :nekopara_dead:

Not really... the main thing about their hot pot is that the broth has lots of herb flavors so there is no need for sauces :puniko_hungry:

Fresh... like how Jiro believes sushi should be consumed immediately after preparation? :nekopara_confused:
Aww, I'm glad that it was able to make you a bit happier! :lapi_happy:

Nice to meet you, by the way! ^^
Thanks for the rep and like! :D
Does he? The main issue is, however, will he ever check on here?
For a time, I tried to make myself believe there was... But... Too many life experiences and having an overly analytical mind ultimately drove me into atheism several years ago. Religion, as a whole, I honestly don't care much for; just look at history, or even the present. One of my biggest pet peeves is respect my beliefs, and I'll respect yours. Shove your beliefs in my face, and I'll spit all over'em. o_0 Jaded, but that's just how it is.

I... Know nothing of the Chaos Gods, or Slaanesh. Sorry! (Hey, I went a little Shatner on you there! lol)
Thanks, Gil! :) Most of my comics and all that are either completely or loosely connected to 'The War', so it made sense to throw in an introductory group pic.
I don't know what I'd submit next, though.
I'm not religious, by any means, but I do prefer the many fun (and mundane) gods of Greek Mythology over... the current overpowering alternative shoved down all our throats. -_- It's all just mythology, anyway, heh heh...

Either way, both of us were on the verge of a cardiac arrest, lol. Looking back, you're right about that PP. Crazy!
With every twinge of guilt, there's going to be shit loads of ecstatic glee, though, heh heh. I pretty much felt the same way about the Penguins, too. Neither team has won it a lot! (Mine, obviously never...)

I swear, 90+% of that 3rd period was me freaking out about the Penguins spending time around our goal and getting off shot after shot! Brutal! That PP we had was pretty sorry, too, lol.
The hockey gods... That shit always cracks me up. "The Hockey gods", "The Baseball gods", etc, as if Zeus and the lesser are up in a mighty Hall looking down upon sports teams and deeming who is worthy to win or lose.

Funny, if you think about it. Reminds me of that old, early 80's flick Clash of the Titans, actually.
Even after we went down 3-1, I couldn't bring myself to hate your team, honestly. Pretty much felt like we were done. I don't have that confidence in the Sharks like I do with the GS Warriors.

Hell of a game! Jones stepped it up for us after that frenzied 1st Period. We'll see how shit goes down on Sunday, though.
Argh, this whole period has felt like a goddam power-play for the Penguins!

And just when I say that, the Sharks are getting a PP chance...
No problem getting along with the elders...just the teens :wasclose: They will have good impressions towards samy, quiet and obedient :dthumbup:

That woman voiced pronunciation :boys2_pfft:

Mongolian?! Do the waiters wear like them too? :boys2_hippie:
Sushi too...depends on their freshness :mini_good:
Yeah. Is it vocaloids like last time?