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*raise hands* me me oh me! :alice_hi:

He regretted being a he thought of those ways to get money...hope she'll recover soon~ cut off all the communication ways to reach them, to keep your mom safeee XD

That's the best way to avoid more contact with him~ :wasclose:

Well they need to have good looks too if they wanted to confess in public :nyanmusu_yousee:
It's really nice :bigeyes: even my little brothers watch it :bigeyes:


Not convincing at all, how far!!! :kurochan_tantrum:
Do you have an Asia Region PSN account? Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong etc... If you do then you can download the demo on your PS4 so you can try it out. While I have the game on PS4, it's suited perfectly for a handheld like Vita as well, so kinda a hard choice. Muramasa plays perfectly on Vita, and looks beautiful as well. So Odin Sphere should look and play well on Vita too.

One thing I should mention about Muramasa on the Wii. Muramasa on the Vita is a HD Remaster of Muramasa on the Wii. So the Vita version has new bosses/enemies/weapons/skills plus it has 4 new DLC characters not available on the Wii.

Thanks, had them both on pre-order for a while. Really love that Artbook too.
Who wants to get older? :akazukin_down:

I dont think he was anything more than a narcissistic... Not sure if he got satisfaction out of it but he sure did get money... My mom doesnt regret it..... shes too brainwashed to... I think the main reason she stopped talking to them is because they moved away and she cant see them anymore... She went back to a normal church as well so...
I just ignore him whenever he tries to "teach" me... You cant argue with idiots because theyll spout illogical garbage in an attempt to argue back... :kurochan_sigh:

Heh... its always sweet when someone confesses... unless theyre a creeper :kurochan_fear:
Ill see if I can x3

My mom makes it every so often so yeahhhhhh :nekopara_sigh:

In the far future~ :kurochan_thumb:
Well, skinny guy's gotta eat, too! What did you think it would be, eh?
Anyway, talk later, then! :)
*Sniff* *Sniff* I smell the remnants of baked pizza and Dr. Pepper!

Aww, shucks! x/
Not a big deal, you'll get there, soon enough!
Land lore? More info on the different lands, I take it?
You do have a heck of a lot of info on your land, way more than I do!

Hey now!
...Yeah, you're probably right, lol.
Ooh, sounds good, glad to hear it!

Ha! Who's been making all the mistakes, now, eh?
Well, our blogs are kinda tough to get to, right now, so I haven't even bothered with them.
I'd like to see more of your land's lore, though! What's wrong with your cards? I like'em!
You mean fancy cards for characters who don't have them?
And that is why they better steer clear of Casjan, if they know what's good for them!
The orcs found that out the hard way...

That is true. I have a ton of girls just loafing around in Casjan, in the meantime. Probably getting chubby on steaks, ale, and all the finest delights at the Castle, lol. (The outsiders, I mean)
That they are, which has been quite convenient for you, and very tricky for me! o_0

No, I don't think they'd enjoy being ravaged by Pit Demons too much... or Orcs, etc, etc...
Not even Yvette, and that's saying something!
Jeez, you kidnapped Nikkou, Yvette, and Nanami. I've only technically captured Ju'le (and, of course, let Zin "escape"); Juvella & Annabella was just a fun little romp at the hot springs, they're still fine!
Casjan can't be seen as weak, so if you kidnap, I'll be forced to do the same! There are, of course, other circumstances that lead to sexy fun besides kidnapping, you know?

Indeed, that they are! Yvette would be more than happy to please and be pleased by some lucky fellas, though I don't know if Nanami would feel comfortable with that, given her sad past...
I have a King and some other "modern" men. I think we've established that making fantasy related men, at the present, isn't easy or all that fun.
I hope so. It doesn't feel right not sharing the good times with you! Maybe I'll try to involve some different people in a one-shot scene, later. We'll see.

Ha ha, I like the way you think!
I know that, I only made the damn thing! lol!
She was enjoying a pleasant nap after being exhausted by the King's pleasing her! (and a little alcohol, as well...)
Indeed, prior to his bangin' Lilias from behind, he was engaged in a serious threesome of fondling, making out, and all that good stuff.
I'd go into detail, but... I'll leave all that to your imagination!

One-sided, in that it seems like you've been sharing all the pics and I haven't been very productive, lately. :/
Hmm... Yeah, you might be right about that. Don't know why I didn't think of that particular event!
The King was a gentleman, though, and only pleasured Annabella to orgasm, followed by a bukkake between those lovely tits! No sex!
Err... I guess that's what would be considered acting as a gentleman in Casjan? Good to be the King!

Oh really? Dammit, I feel like this has become rather one-sided, and haven't been giving you much in return.
Sorry about that!
Bah ha, never assume, even when you think you're certain!

I'll have to grab a copy of The Lost Art of Natural Breast Enhancement to deal out extra punishment!!!

Your whole country is naughty, so should that come as such a surprise? Naughtiness abound!
(Eh... Casjan's pretty naughty, too, but I don't think it reaches Mustelheim's level...)
Took my jumping on to remind ya, eh?
Paper money is boring, so I'm right with you on the various coins, as well.

I suppose there are the "saintly" people who just need a quiet spot to read. And... then there's the other people, heh heh.

But, but you said she'd teach people with late books a lesson! Is it just spankings, or something? I'd spank her...
You have a tumblr? oh no this world is too young to die D:, now calm down and slowly put your hands up
yeah it's best to forgot all the other girls. Just gift your partner, and your character every night in owner mode, should get around 370-380k each vacation just doing that. Make sure you gift your partner every night in girl mode too as well though.

Yep, gonna love the Chizuru route. JB deserves some D from Yuuji as well for all that she does for him, so glad that she has some H Scenes too in this next game as well.

Every Persona game has 1 character that has a support type Persona only. Which means that character cannot directly participate in battles, but they are able to support the team every battle with skills their Persona learns which usually skills like HP/SP support, keeping track of enemy weaknesses etc... anyway, the support character in Persona 4 was Rise Kujikawa. In Persona 5 it's this girl in the pic named Sakura Futaba, think Rise is prettier, but maybe this I'll end up liking this girls personality.

Vel-chan! ^^ *hugs* long time no see ^^

Yeah, pretty stressful, but I managed....somehow xD I kinda finished a month I have some exams so I can get a higher mark, dunno how to properly say it, to have my mark augmented somehow xDD so I guess holiday started and didn;t started xD

You finished yours? Like...for now or something like me? xD
I really want the school bad and plush that come in the LE lol.

Heard back, they will credit the amount I paid as store credit so I can re-purchase so that's good.
Oooh, in owner mode. I gifted the other girls in girl mode too, no wonder it didn't really work xD

Yea, Chizuru deserved a route oh boy the Amane/Kazuki Yrui is going to be wonderful :nosebleed:

Yea I can see where you're coming from. The costume from the one below isn't as exciting. I assume you already re-ordered it? :3
Okay, okay I'll pre-order soon.

Oh, ouch! I'm sorry to hear about Cordelia. Did AmiAmi contact you back? Hopefully, something can be about it.