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Like I said don't worry about it Gama-chan!:D

Another reply: Even If I play tentacle rape or any rape related game?
I'm pretty fine, telling Vel what to write for the discord thread;p how about you?
oh okay it's kinda the only thing that makes me angry is :
When i'm called a fatass (even tho i am one xD)
A freak(
or if someone calls me a liar even tho i'm clearly telling the truth.
Oh come on Vishy-chan! You should know me better already :D you should know i would never judge someone over their preference (I mean look at me i'm a guy who plays otome and BL games xD)
Don't worry about that!:D as its not something I would ever say to you:)
Well I just hope you don't think I am a weird person for liking both eroges and Otome since I am a girl and all.
Okay then:3

as long as you don't call me a fatass or a freak you can't upset me :D
M loads when you change channels?

*pokes nose*
Well and if they won't fix the problem i will go there and kick them in the backside for you :D

Hmm so let me say this: If i don't come here anymore or abandon you that's only can happen if:
1. I can't connect to the internet for some reason.
2. Something bad happened to me.
So as long as i have my internet connection and my life i won't abandon you so don't worry.
Well, I just hope they come and fix the problem soon:(
Don't worry!:D I won't leave you! rather I am worried you would leave me instead.
Haha Same XD I loved it as well. Which character did you like the most?
Well I don't mind characters which can be re-named in a game as long its a game I'd play it:D but usually I don't put my name in there as it feels strange. So, I usually go with nicknames or any name that comes to mind.
oh so that's what happened i see.
Hmm on one hand i'm glad that it's not because of me you left but on the other hand i'm sad that you have connection problems :(
Haha what are you saying Gama-chan?:D You did not hurt me.
I just have internet connection problems:( and yesterday too so yeah...
Since I couldn't do anything or complain as it was night I just went directly to sleep. Sorry about that!
Of course! She'll definitely like them! Especially because they were gifted by senpai. :wasclose: Don't worry K-chan, I'll send the exterminators to save you later...

But I'm afraid of bugs! :akazukin_dash:

Wah! * Velenora starts flailing.

Calling all agents, this is an emergency! Eliminate those 'toys'! I repeat, eliminate those 'toys'!

Sorry, I had to do this senpai. You left me with no choice. * Velenora handcuffs Ignis. We can't let a yandere stalker like you out on the streets. :chuuni_kraken:

All men? But you said you were a gentleman! :onionisfine: * Velenora quickly grabs the chainsaw.
Ah, I see. c: AS is just that wonderful that you can meet people with common interests so easily. :fulfilled: We already know that you're a stalker, you can't feign innocence anywhere anymore. :digoil:

You call that cleaning? :boys_shock: And your shoes are leaving a trail of blood prints behind! This won't do, you must clean it up properly before having any tea! :lapi_clean:

For once, those chemistry classes came in handy. :swearveng:

Yes. Yes, you are! Although you were already sweet enough without the help of any sweetening agent~ :lapi_happy:

That's okay, I think I'll pass. Senpai would be too sweet. :shinonome_bright:

Those kind of things always get me right in the feels. :crushed: Although the ones where characters can no longer perform/play usually end on a good note, so it lessens the pain of realising they can never do what they love again.
It was very nice, I doubt anyone could not like it if they read it. :bliss: I'm glad you didn't mind my comments on your story though, since I'm not really good at giving feedback on things. :wasclose:
Vishy-chan you kinda disappeared suddenly yesterday. Is everything alright? I got so worried. Did i said something that hurt you or something?
Well energy system is fine in an app if it's a how to put it well if it's more focused on the game part like the rhythm games i play. But to wait to read a story is kinda bad. (Well in the games i play you need to reach a level to get a new story but that's different)

Yes i read more VN-s too because it's a much longer experience than simply watching an anime :D
well, it's almost the same pic I have on my YouTube channel any way lol, both selfies, but the YouTube one was a few years back so I look a bit younger in it.

My niece and nephew might stay with me over the summer once I move into my apartment, will be nice if they do, I miss them... :sowwy: I'm my nieces godfather too.
Yea I did :3
I understand what you mean. I'll post it and maybe delete it again later on but we'll see~
Oh, BTW. Did you see my irl pic before I took it down? Just curious, will only be fair for you to see it if you will be posting one of you too.

I just don't like posting pics of myself on forums, so I took it down already. Don't want the forum to turn into Facebook or something lol
Yeeeeeeesssss I loved it :D and I usually prefer Otome or any game where you can re-name the main character, but that was good enough that I didn't care! I was so sad when I finally finished all the endings, I just wanted it to go on forever T_T
Yeah I much prefer to buy the whole game like you get on PC, idm paying for routes on apps if I like the character or story, what I really can't stand is stupid apps with an energy system! They say they're free, but they're only free if you don't mind only reading a couple of paragraphs per day, or completing stupid tasks that usually require cash items to progress, I really don't understand why anyone plays them o.O

Ive definitely read more VNs than watched anime, way more haha, I prefer to be in the story than just watching it :3 sometimes my eyes get tired though so that's when I resort to anime xD