New profile posts

Very cute too. I can only imagine your brother's two dogs talking at the same time. Makes you wonder what they're saying.

Star Ocean is only 20 hours! It's amazing that the bar is set pretty high on how long game should be.
But yes, 20 hours is kind of short unless there's a reason for new game+. Unless the 20 hours is amazing I would wait in buying the game.
Plus, you have enough to keep you busy until they drop the price. :)

E3 starts this Tuesday!
Aww cute dog!

This is what I meant about Huskies talking. They talk to each other like this it's kinda funny lol.

Found out Star Ocean 5 is 20 hours which is very short for a JRPG, especially SO. And only the same 7 maps over and over :( might wait for a price drop instead.
Fine. A bit bored, but music usually helps curb that.
Got into some swedish dark funeral the other week.

Their videos are amazingly dark. Also fascinating.
I dunno if that is really true though :nekopara_sigh:

If you dont click it on purpose, how else would you use it? :nekopara_confused:

Im not sure if its good for your health... they have their own broth stock which probably isnt healthy :nekopara_dizzy:

They already have wasabi tho? :nekopara_confused:
Keep up the good work! XD :nekopara_patpat:
Never really used it, except clicking it on purpose :boys2_peace:
A herb stock, good for health it is! /me feeds onii-chan :alice_love:

I think so, and without wasabi:reallydespaired:
you are very welcome. Enjoy them <3
You and me both. My files are unity ready and hate to work on something new before porting. But I believe they are sticking with Unity Engine


Made these a few days ago.
Hahahahaha! I somehow knew it, that it will take time. When I read post by HongFire he said: "HongFire was one of the first fully customized Anime site on the internet which we spent many years to develop." So waiting a week time is like living in a fool's paradise. I am going to enjoy watching the Euro Cup now. Btw have you seen the new trailer of coming game. Merging of two games PC+SBPR. It's crazy! I only hope for three things. 1-No bad optimization like SBPR, 2-Item attachment and 3- Please it should have studio or else it will be greatest crime Illusion has committed.
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir is awesome BTW. Added a new combat system, new enemies, new bosses, new cutscenes, new leveling system/skills etc... I really enjoy the new combat system, very fast, more similar now to Muramasa if you have played that. And of course the upgraded graphics and frame rate.

They also have a classic mode you can play. Besides the new graphics and frame rate none of the stuff I mentioned above are in the classic mode, just a direct port of the PS2 game, so you have 2 ways to play. Even the combat is the old style in classic mode.

Oh, I got the Storybook Edition too. Mentioned you in the IRL thread in case you wanted to check it out.
Thanks yo! : 3 I do love my k-pop
Hi and welcome to my circle, and thank you very much for your trust in me - Let's hope for a good and healthy cooperation in the incoming/upcoming times^_^!

Then I shall give you some spiders as a thank you present for the oh so wonderful bugs. Wouldn't that just be lovely?

...Senpai, would you mind stopping the car please? So I can hack you into tiny. Little. Pieces. Hehehehe.

Is 'clinic' a code word for Yandere Training Camp? ヽ(´□`。)ノ

* Velenora comes back with a police officer.

AU$631.94? Oh my. (´Д`。)

That dress looks stunning! I think it might even beat Lady Gaga's meat dress!

Haha, join the club. I barely understood any of it :akazukin_tehee:

Shh, don't be so modest, senpai ヾ(^∇^) I've only recently come to be acquainted with Renano, but she seems like a really kind person, so I don't think she'll mind or hold anything against you for not making a wish :)

Oh, if that's the case, then it probably would be good to pursue a master's degree. In the end it's your decision though, so you should choose whatever you feel would be best for you, regardless of what anyone else thinks. :fulfilled: (Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn.)

I will do my best :akazukin_makasete: And that's fair enough :)

Was referring to your yandere side [IMG]

RPGs, mainly, but I like any kind of games that isn't first-person shooter or sports related. What about you? :)

That's true, but feel free to chuck some criticism at me if you ever want to, such as for a WOW or SOTM entry. Always appreciate some good criticism :thumbup:
Thanks! I was always a liker of cute sets. most of all!
Ok, ok. I do admit to being a fan of sci-fi, myself! We just don't have much to work with, at the present.

Heh heh, I thought as much. Enjoy your nap, Naptaker!
...Oh. K, I'll just take your word for it. O_O

lol, just a stupid saying that's fun to joke about. Mostly, it's said to make fun of the ignorant rednecks who kiss the red, white, and blue, heh heh.

Indeed... But you're still Naptaker!!!
I think I still have a steam account. I might have to double check that again, sometime!

What's this? Jumping the shark on the fantasy stuff straight to sci-fi? Well, I don't really have sci-fi stuff, or girls, so... :/
Just stress from exams ^^; Do you mind if I ask what's making you stressed as well? :)

Sitting in the dentist chair for 30-40mins doesn't sound pleasant. Usually the dentists where I live are always in a rush, so they try and make your appointment over and done with as quick as possible. Since you said you only repaired one, does that mean you need to go back and get the other one filled in as well? :lapi_down:

Yes, those things are terrible! As well as the pliers *shudders*
Same, although for me it's more of the appearance of the syringe. I think I'd be less scared if it was just plastic and perhaps a bit smaller :P

Talking about all these tools makes me want to postpone my yearly check up to, oh, let's say... 100 years from now? :miku_peek:
Oh well, looks like a more recent Illusion game I never played... Doesn't matter, really.

I wouldn't be surprised if I mentioned that to you, heh heh. Gotta be careful with saying that too much!

That's because I'm an "ignorant 'Merican", you know? "We only speak 'Merican, 'round here. If you don't know 'Merican, you can geeeet out! lol

Well, it was good to finally hear from you, again! You do that, nap taker! Hmm... Think I'll dub you nap taker, from this day forward!
I did notice! ;)

And indeed, you will! Though... I will have trouble with that, as the thumbnails for my pics are not all the same. -_-
You didn't answer me about what game that was from. o_0 And did I tell you to be careful? I thought I just said I didn't care? Hmm... heh heh.

So, Milk Jugs of Myrr, eh? That has a nice ring to it!

Yeah, I knew the whole "I can't speak a word of Swedish" was coming. Oh well, I can still mock you for your misgivings!
Yes, you have indeed. Do I care? Nah.
Hey hey, what game is this from? You've told me nothing of this! Or... Those... :smug:

Ha ha! English fail, yet again!