New profile posts

Ehmm, unhappily not yet - it's still in my planned-watching-list... But what I heard have about the series are mostly positive comments, where then it's worth to try with...^_^

And yeah, shortly came the movie out of the TV-series out
Have you watched the anime Girls und Panzer? I think I might watch it soon. Do you know if it's any good?
immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooouuuuuuutooooooooo you're onlineeeeee TT^TT

You're my precious family too my sweetheart! You're my one and only imouto in the whole world, no one can be compared to you T^T

Boring?Never! You're the most most most fun person everr~!<3

Hahaha he rarely gets online xD though he told me he'll be back soon :goodtea:

Nee chan loves you the mosssssstttttttttt! imotuooo<3333333[IMG]
(PART 1)

Challenge of the day: Try and fit everything into one VM xD. UPDATE: Challenge of the day failed :deadsad:

But didn't you also say that you dislike bugs, senpai? :reallyconfused:

* Velenora stares at the hatchet before shifting her gaze towards Ignis. Why yes. Yes I do~ Senpai, I'd like you to meet Miss Hatchy. She's very nice, I bet your head would get along with her very well~

Well, I guess learning to protect yourself at a young age would come in handy but what if they end up hurting themselves or someone innocent? This will be held over your head!

:puniko_wtf: You know what, never mind. I'm just going to walk away and pretend I don't know you because that would be the sanest thing to do at the moment. Probably should call the po-po on you just to be safe though...

Those frilly dresses look absolutely divine! We must get some!

Hm, do you think the red tiles will match our frilly dresses though? :reallyconfused:
(PART 2)

Oh, I quite like philosophy, but I think I'd come to hate it to if it was tied with physics xD Physical cosmology isn't so bad though. Quantum mechanics on the other hand... * Velenora shudders.

Oh no :( I'm sure the wishes you have will definitely come true though! Although I have a feeling you were referring to helping Renano with her project more than getting your wishes granted xD (This is how sweet you are; putting others before yourself.)

I think you would have been great at medicine, but liberal arts also sounds really good! :) Congrats on graduating, by the way! (Probably really late congrats though :P ) Having a master's degree sounds great and all, but they're also time consuming and not to mention expensive. If you don't think it's worthwhile to pursue a master's degree, then it's probably best not to. Besides, having experience alone can be more beneficial than an advanced degree. However, I have zero experience with graduate studies, so I might be talking nonsense at the moment, so please take what I say with a grain of salt.

Aw, thank you! That's very kind of you to say ^^ It gives me a boost in confidence in my decision to pursue it.

Oh, whoops! Senpai, I don't think I'm going to graduate Stalker Academy anytime soon. Misinterpreted what you said about the PhD... orz.

As long as they don't find out about the other side of you, then yes, get ready to be swamped by your kouhai! :thumbup:

Oh okay, I'm hoping I won't come across one of his games then. At least not one with a unsatisfying ending :wasclose:

I think you did really well when it came to judging everyone's piece. ^^ The feedback was very well balanced out between praise and criticism, and never once did it come off as negative. :)
VEL-CHAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! You're back!!! :runhappy:

*huggles mode on T^T*

Sorry annoying you with this but could you please upload the bonus scene of the recently released anime "Nudist Beach":

There is lot of people waiting and complaining for this, you did a great job with the normal disk RIP but missing the Bonus footage with the blonde teacher that everybody want to watch.
Thank you and keep up :)
I have the opposite issue with small handhelds. My hands are too big and they get crampped easily holding them for a long time. Especially had that problem with the original 3DS, the NEW 3DS is more round around the edges so it's not as bad.

Just read online yesterday that the Fire Emblem for mobile will be free to play with micro transactions :/ not sure that's good news. Hope they don't mess it up.

Well most Zelda games are challenging, just A Link between Worlds on 3DS was easy.

Yep, about 3 years we have been friends, and I hope many more years as well.

That would have been nice! Too bad you missed it! If you don't mind me asking how much were the tickets going for?

Gonna try to catch a Cubs game soon. Live sports are awesome.
Forgot to mention...almost got ticket to tomorrow night's game but wasn't fast enough. :(
Button mashing...the bane of my existence. I wish my hands were bigger or will get bigger...sadly not, and never will.

The first Fire Emblem on mobile...interesting. I wonder if the maps will look on the phones.

Easy you say...laughs. I never even finished which ever Zelda I started playing, but I need another game to my list like I need a hole in my head too. I still my list and it's still growing.

Yes! Another year of E3...which makes our friendship three years, yes?
Hello, Shine!
You posted |NEW|[160113][ベルゼブブ] HYPNOS FUCK-ヒュプノスファック Ver.2016-02-06 [RJ164524].
But the game was updated for the game's patch "性神覚醒パッチ" after the date 2016-02-06.
So could you please upload the newest version?
I hope you upload and update it again.
Thank you in advance!
Wootch if you get this message I want you to know your project needs you back. If you working tell your fans.
Hello, New Dragon.
Could you please upload this newest version?
[ベルゼブブ] HYPNOS FUCK-ヒュプノスファック / [Bellzebubu] HYPNOS F*CK.
Because The DLsite hasn't updated yet though, the game was actually updated for the HYPNOS FUCK 性神覚醒パッチ.
Thank you in advance!
Thank you for updating [New][160517][ベルゼブブ] HYPNOS FUCK 性神覚醒パッチ [RJ171219]!
And apparently, [New][160113][ベルゼブブ] HYPNOS FUCK-ヒュプノスファック Ver.2016-02-06 [RJ164524] was updated.
The DLsite hasn't updated yet though, the game was actually updated for the HYPNOS FUCK 性神覚醒パッチ.
So I'm glad if you upload newest version!
The first season is sometimes referred to as two seasons, since it covered the first two arcs. Currently, What I call season 2 covers the 3rd arc, Infinity.

You might want to check out the SMC thread in Anime Discussion.
What season is it on now? I only watched the first season, but I really enjoyed it. Great art too.

Original opening song was better though imo.