New profile posts

Now if you excuse me I should go back to stalking senpai:puniko_thumbsup:
A list of the stickers I uploaded til today?:shinonome_right:

Actually....I don't have one cause I'm also lazy:shinonome_sorry:

Ganbatte Ignis! ^-^'''''' :shinonome_fight:
OMG that's funny in some way XD

Just noticed your birthday by coincidence, hope you don't mind my simple birthday wish :P
(Part 2)

Some of it is closely linked to philosophy, like all those quantum thingamajigs, so...

Yeah, I saw that thread, but silly me couldn't reply to Rena in time ( ;∀;) I've actually thought of getting into medicine myself, but it's almost impossible since in high school―where I had to pick a focus between sciences or social sciences by the second year―I got into social sciences and then liberal arts in college. I'd have to catch up so much just to cope up with the basics in medicine. Psychology's great too, and now I see why your comments and behaviour are highly positive: inspiring and motivating others seems to be your passion :) And don't mind about it~

Graduated already. Parents encourage me to pursue further (master's degree), but I can't say I'm really inclined to. Yes, with a PhD in bullshittery... if that's what you're referring to by that onion smilie :korokke_hum:

Actually, that sounds good. If I remain the sweetest of all, then all those kouhai will flock on to me, right? Right?

Oh, it wasn't books; some series of games or something. But I also treat plots in games seriously. It was long ago, I don't remember his name ._. I'd recognise his works right away, though.

Exactly. That was also my consideration. I wanted to avoid making it all flowery praises while making sure I touched on what I thought should be pointed out. I tried to be careful with my language not to be lecturing or bashing, as well as emphasising that it was all just my opinions, which is why I wrote things like "what I consider its strengths/weaknesses" instead of just "strengths/weaknesses". Wasn't easy to accomplish, but I hope I did okay :)
(Part 1)

Wrote too much 2-3 times too, but managed to shorten them \o/ ...This time it somehow inflated to 2700+ characters though orz

Why does everyone hate bugs? Roaches want to be friends with humans too :gokiko_shobon:

Asking for help? No, that won't do. Instead―* Ignis hands Vel-chan a hatchet. You know what to do!

Those toys could act as a countermeasure against those who'd really scar the grills! Think of the children!

:puniko_shocked: C-c-c-hainsaw? Oh, I got it! Vel-chan's so bold that she skipped whips or candles and went straight for the chainsaw!
Is this an indirect admission that she'll also tend to my wounds or even accompany me to the grave? :akazukin_blush:

Yes! A GIRL! And oh my, SHOPPING! * Ignis takes out a catalogue of frilly dresses, garter belts and other legwear. What are we getting first?

But mopping is work (つД`) I know! How about a change in colours instead? I'll dye your tiles bright red―they're sure to charm your esteemed guests!
I actually didn't really do anything, in part because I didn't even remember it was my birthday until the evening. :P
Hi nanashi, I hope your day is going well too. I'm just heading off to bed myself =w=
(PART 1) I actually had to separate the VM... My apologises orz

Don't drag me into this! \(・□・;\)

I rather have no bugs... :scared:

WHAT, NO! Someone save me! :dontleave:

That's what you think, but in reality, you're scarring all the little girls in the world. You should be ashamed of yourself!

:kurochan_uwotm8: * Velenora takes out her chainsaw. Oh you know... cut off some limbs here and there.... [IMG]

Ignis is actually a girl?? :shocked: Come! We must go on a shopping spree together! * Velenora drags Ignis to the mall.

O-of course not! I did no such thing. Σ(゜ロ゜; )

That depends if they're still alive to even care. Well I mind - you dirtied my floor! * Velenora gives Ignis a mop and a bucket. I want to see this place spotless after I finish my tea!
(PART 2)

I feel your pain :deadsad: Kudos to you for liking certain aspects of physics though. I absolutely hated it xD

I'm currently studying Bachelor of Medical Research, but I'm going to transfer into Bachelor of Psychology next semester. If you have stalked looked at 'The Essence of Wishes' thread, you may have seen my wish of getting into medical school. :P Uni has really made me re-evaluate my life, so after a lot of soul searching, I realised that going down the path to becoming a doctor wasn't for me. Was in denial for a while about it, but eventually I came to accept it. I might not be able to save people's lives like I wanted to, through being a doctor, but there are certainly other ways I can help people. As long as I can still fulfil that part of my dream, I'm okay with it. (I'm sorry, you only wanted to know what I'm studying and I ended up telling you part of my life story xD )

Are you studying at the moment, or have you graduated? :) With a PhD perhaps? :gotidea: N-no, I totally wasn't stalking you... :innocent:

Oh no, we can't have that. Senpai must be the sweetest of them all! :alice_love:

Oh boy, that would terrible :( If you don't mind me asking, but what authour was that? So I can stay away from their written works...

You're welcome~ ^^ I don't think so. Positive feedback is nice and all, but getting constructive criticism is even more important in my opinion. I really liked how you went to great depths when it came to judging everyone's piece for WOW #1; it showed your care and concern for the individual and their personal development. Also, it wasn't all criticising, since you included the strengths of each user's works, which balanced out the criticism and praise.
Yes, that's the spirit Ali-chan! :alice_happy:

I hope your inbox is now looking mighty squeaky clean :lmao:
Yeah, Sony really dropped the ball with the Vita :/ so much potential wasted.

Hopefully we will get more info during E3. Whatever it ends up being it won't succeed without 3rd party support. That's what killed the Wii U, no 3rd party developers wanted to develop games on it. If it's another flop then I think they should just stick with handhelds.
It's not a mobile phone. They might putting too much into a device that may not sell. It's as if they're trying too hard. Example Vita! Now look at it.