New profile posts

In my last VM I said "not a huge basketball anymore" but meant "not a huge basketball fan anymore" lol, just don't feel the game is the same as it once was. My oldest brother is a very sore loser as well, he broke my PlayStation because he couldn't beat me in Street Fighter ._. bought me a new one though. His wife is the same way which causes some very bad arguments sometimes. My niece is the same way too, but my nephew is the complete opposite of them though.

Yep, same thing happened to hers as well, she collects PVC's like I do so we talk about that sometimes, and games coming out etc.. She is alright, currently looking for work in the gaming industry. She recently got a NEW 3DS as well. I'll let you know you would like to contact her on Steam.

Cant send pm so;

I may return by the end of july, hopefully everything will be okay until the way thank you for understanding and helping me with the contest, until then im a retired mod i guess
Right on time I'm going hiatus you decide to appear out of your fab shadows? xD *pokes her new title* i feel old :dispirited: wow my heart feels warm just by thinking that you download yaoi pics haha xD you dont do sigs anymore? Too lazy or too busy?xD oh poison hahaha xD of course not xD *forcefully opens your mouth* accept my soul now xD sounds like we're doing a ritual xD tree poison?! your imagination gone wild again :lmao: now accept iiittt:traitor: you left a fish thing for my bishies?! What a heartless person you are xD They might be 2d but they're still human not fish!xD
*huggles* yaaay:3
How are you?
W-wah... completely forgot about that.... :akazukin_sweat:

Wont be seen as a creep either... unless they normally act like a creep and she rejects him for that :akazukin_pfft:
/me takes a deep breath and :miku_panic:

B-but that doesnt mean you have to headbutt meee :miku_cry:

I think the US only has two metropolis while Asia has mega conurbations or something like that :miku_tehee:
Short... :reallyconfused: /me reads the thread and finds out samy hasn't filled it yet :nekopara_surprised:

:chuuni_yes: cause he won't get rejected with the reason ''you don't know me well" ~ Oh really? :akazukin_evillaugh:

Take a deep breath and :shinonome_relax: XD

That's opposite of my intention! :rr_bump:

I dunno...never actually studied populations :alice_sorry:
You're funny. As I've mentioned in the past, I know how I am about competition or maybe I've never had mentioned it~well, I'm a terrible loser. Plus, I'd rather not get caught up into something that I have no control over.

Ah, the same thing happened to Langesha too? Well, at least it's known problem. So, Langesha is on Steam too? How is she? Would you mind asking if I can contact her via Steam too?

Awesome tank, and figmas. I love it.
Hi Unown,

Sounds like your friend's wedding meant a lot to you. And you couldn't be any happier for them. The cherished memories even through the good and bad parts of the wedding, though some of it will gets a little skewed will remain with you and your friend for a very long time. Hearing such thing makes me happy

I'm doing okay. There have been some challenges which I'm still working through mostly health and my lovely growing boy. Otherwise, having support from loved ones has been wonderful.

Whether a friend or loved one, it’s nice having people whom you appreciate to stand next to you, or vice versa you being there for them to support. These relationships build such a strong bond amongst people all around which we need.

Anyways, it's good to have to you back. ^.^
"Involuntary touching", lol, you sneaky guy! There always is an exception, isn't there?
Hey now, don't blame the better half! But yeah, drinks can do funny things to people, sometimes.
Wait, was it just Q that was pinching your butt?! Either way, I feel your pain.

It had to be dark; wouldn't be me for that bit, if it wasn't!

All of the above! And... It sincerely sounded like fun to fly to Sweden and enjoy a bbq.

Heh heh, you get your much deserved rest, good sir. Glad your midsummer festivities were fun!
Talk to ya lata!
Wow, that sounds like a blast... (Reflects on own life) Ugh.
So is it like tradition for women to drink, hug, and baby talk with you? lol
Yeah, gotta clip those nails! Last thing we need is looks of "the hell?!" from them.

Ha! That sounds like every holiday, over here.
"St. Patrick's Day? Doesn't matter if we're not Irish, let's get drunk!"
"Cinco de Mayo? Doesn't matter if we're not Mexican, let's get wasted!"
"Valentine's Day? Doesn't matter if we're single, I'm fucking lonely and need to drown my sorrows, gimme a drink!"

Eh heh... That last bit got a little dark, but you get the idea. I think people will look for any excuse to get drunk, no matter where you're from!

Errgh, don't tease me! :dispirited:
lol, what you consider fun would have resulted in slaps or lawsuits, over here. Only in a perfect world... (Sigh)

Oh, is that what that festivity is all about? Summer just literally started a couple days ago, over here. I think I heard about that "symbol", from somewhere...
Could be wrong. Could be confusing it with something else, or perhaps you mentioned already? I don't think you have, though, I think I'd remember something like that, lol.

That's quite an expensive flight, you know?!
Eh... I think I'll leave that matter at that. What you call rape & abuse sounds like fun, to me!
...Though, I could see how too much baby talk could feel like abuse, lol.

How was it, you say? Hmm... Kinda... Dull. Most of the day revolved around next to nothing, and maybe some tinkering/porting with the character creator for HS.
So yeah, not very celebratory, in comparison to someone else I know!
I'd prefer to have two pillows, if you know what I'm talking about! Eh? Eh?
Oh, that was terrible...

Bad jokes aside, wow, pillow of the day? Quite the honor! I take it Q was the main pillow user?
No, no it couldn't, lol.
lol, kidding, of course, it's cool.

Soooo, did ya get wasted and raped, even though the chances of that happening were against all odds?
B-but im short.... :akazukin_down:

It is a better chance than asking a random girl? :akazukin_wut: O-of course not :alice_dont:
I dun like heights tho :nyanmusu_unsure:

/me eats meats that look like eggplant :puniko_thumbsup:

Hmm... I dont think any of the cities in the US are quite as overpopulated as those in Asia :nekopara_sigh:
I'm going hiatus, sorry it's sudden, hope we can talk some time again..
oh forgot to mention its the same artist who drew un-rebirthday song game series x3
I reccomend this one click me :3

As for real hentai lol I once played this but removed it on accident :dead: it has a second game from point of view of different heroine , want to re download the last 3games I posted x3 otherwise thats all the games I tried so far as hentai xD
hmm hentai xD the otoge's I play are these : 1 2 3 4 5

You're very welcome dearie I hope it helps :3 Yes he's actually very kind although he's a tease, the game I currently play is Ozmafia ^-^ This game's route is are so complicated and long :dead: Trying to get all cg's xD Finished caramia >.< started playing kyrie's route but got tired and created another save for axel, I wonder am i the only one who plays multi. routes xD Ozmafia is really fun to play and i love the art it's my favorite mangaka who used to draw for diabolik lovers :bigeyes: let me share some cg's :bigeyes:

by the way, this is my otome/otoge/bl game folder's inside xD
I'm sowwie ♥ *huggles*
I won't be like that again
*feeds dawn with marshmallow*
Thank you

I will watch this over the weekend :fullblush:
What's the deal, eh? You DO know it's your turn to respond!
Aaand you weren't even online... That's the problem with that damn green "Online Now" icon; I guess it doesn't even turn off until an HOUR after the person logs off!
Go figure, I wait and find out the hard way, lol.
Well... Poopie.
I'm not like that to other people, I guess I just love torturing you, I'm so sorry uwu!
Ah I feel like I'm being rude lol
I'm so sorry, dawn.