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yes i have some stuff i need to do in the city so i have to leave in around 15 minutes or so.
Well i'm not there now because i need to leave soon to attend to some things. :( Maybe in the afternoon.
I just downloaded it, I put the same user as here 8Laelia8 I dunno how the fuck to use it though xD I'ma go cook me some dinner now <3
Yeah my mum uses Whatsapp too, she's the one that made me get it so she could message me for free and then my dad got it too xD

Well I mean I can always download it I guess, at least it has a cooler name than whatsapp haha!
Yes! Oh. I am on discord so I thought maybe we can chat on there though...
(By the way my mom uses What's app:D)
Not really ♥
I'm sorry I don't :( I don't even know what it is haha, I'ma noob T_T I just googled it, is it like a messaging app or something? I use WhatsApp for messaging if it's that kinda thing, only cos that's what all my family use though.
Yeah it's pretty much unobtainable T_T it says it uses over 100 LED lights and has all the lines from the show, and you can link it with your smartphone, it has a built in camera so it can scan peoples faces when you point the gun at them, and then it sends a live video feed or picture to your phone with an overlay like the show that tells you their psycho pass and crime co efficient (not real ofc just randomly generated xD) and then depending on the lvl of the reading it'll either not let you shoot and the lock the trigger, let you use paralyser mode, or if it's high then it'll transform and let you use the lethal eliminator kill mode :D I've never seen such a cool and accurate weapon replica in my life!
Yep you're right! And ofc I don't mind :3 have you seen this yet?
It's only a really short 30 second demo but it's soooo coooooooool <3 I want one so bad but I'll never get one cos it's $899 o.O so expensive. It's a working replica of the guns they use in Psycho Pass, but ofc you can't shoot people xD but it's cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool *drools*
well let me say this as last thing: The world is a sick place..
And uhm if you dohn't mind let's talk about something more pleasant.
Yeah they used to cut her hair and stick chewing gum in it and stuff too :( as well as pushing her to the floor and taking it in turns to kick her, all the teachers knew about it and did nothing and her family didn't care... there were rumours that her step dad let her stay at his house in exchange for sex, no idea how true that is though, either way she must have had a really really crappy life :(

And yeah you're right, and the bullies aren't going to admit to it either because they probably don't wanna get in trouble!
wow setting someone's hair on fire... That's sick..
talking with them will not solve anything, and they don't know all the bullies as there are people who too afraid for asking for help against them...