New profile posts

Yea, that's what I hope too. I'd be a little bit happy if I can buy them at least.

Eh, I can't find it in there ;-;
Uh..shit. Since I need a new account.. I think I can safely assume I lost all progress so far when I try it on the new account right? If that's the case, I won't bother. Son't feel like grinding for days again.
I'm screwed if they decide to release a new character as DLC..
Ehhh, well, this is a more reason to disappear xDD so you can get used and stop worrying xDD told you already that you can't say anything bad and make me mad so shhh xDD

I know *cries cries* I said, I will be like a total panda in some days xDD

You tried the game already? the one named Heirs And Graces? The link in the thread works? :/
But that's not that funny to be honest when you disappear without a word i can't help but worry if i said something bad and that's why

3 hours is not even close to how much you should sleep. now i feel bad for you. come here and make yourself comfortable here and get some sleep :D

Eh you should not just forget everything like that xD

Oh that one? well it's kinda lacking steamy scenes as far as i know tho xD

well if you really think that i will accept it gladly so thank you :D
True, true, I am a ninja!! In one moment I am here and in the next...who knows? xDDD:boys2_peace:
So many hectic weeks in which I slept like 3 hours per night ....even if I start sleep normally now, I think it will take me a full week to recover my lack of sleep xDD *zombieeeee modeeee* xDDD Haaa, now I can forget all that I studied, hehehe xD

P.s I investigate the new yaoi game from Winter wolves, looks interesting xDD
P.p.s shhh, you did a great job with your profile, you deserve the prase:XD:
Oh i bombarded you with questions haha sorry. it's just with you we never know when you disapear so i wanted to ask a lot of things xD
good to hear you are doing well expect for lack of sleep. (Maybe i should go there and hug you till you fall asleep xD)
oh panda? now i imagined Ali-chan as a Panda :gakuran_cute:

How i am? well getting better slowly. Well you know how i am never enough bishies so i always get some new xD

eeehh? you like my new design? :boys2_shy: I-It's nothing spe-special ahahaha.ha
Vishy-chan! How are you? ^^ I know we didn;t talk in a looong time, hope you didn;t forget about me :(:boys_down:
How are you Gama-chan? How did you spend your time? ^^ new games or new bishies? ^^ or both, heheheh xDDD

P.s I like the design on your profile, so cool :boys_peace:
I hope that we can at least buy them for now, and gift them to the girls when we reach that level :sigh: either way, this is insane, I honestly thought level 100 was max level, guess I was wrong :/ I guarantee it will be something like this... They will say be at level 110 for lotions, and 100 for the new swimsuits OR use real money and get them now! So pissed. Thought grinding was over :/

I'm curious to see what they do too.

Is that code still in your game case? I left mine in there until I used it. Yep, you need a non Japanese Asian Account. Try for either Singapore, or Hong Kong since they will be in English. Also need one of those accounts to download the free swimsuits like Honoka's recent free swimsuit.
Awieeee Gama-chan ^^ Missed you so much :boys2_love:
Wow, wow, take it easy tho xDD It's ok, I still have one more exam left in 2 days but this one is more chill so I can slow down for now xDD After that one I will be like a Panda, just sleeping and eating xDD I am fine, do not worry, except lack of sleep, I am perfectly fine and sane (it depends on how you define sane) xDDD:boys2_sleepy:
wowie! talk about a pleasant surprise ! *runs up and hugs Ali-chan tightly* I missed you soo much! how are you? is everaything okay? how is the exam going? are you eating and sleeping properply? Don't strain yourself into getting ill or anything
Wild Ali-chan appears! ^^ How are you Vel-chan? ^^ xDD we didn't talk in a loong time, I was busy with exams *rip me* Hope you did well on yours ^^
Wild Ali-chan appears from nowhere! xDD *hugs Gama-chan* I am soooooorry I didn;t get around here in a looong time :(
I won't make, it, that I know already. So I hope for a re-release in the future. *sigh* Why.. Just why.. :ohnoes:

Wondering what the lotions actually do. They could make it bigger or smaller/softer look/More jiggles. I curious.

Oh btw I forgot to ask. I don't know how to get Marie's devil swimsuit/costume. I probably threw away the code or whatever it was by now.
But I assume I can't use any DLC with a EU PSN account right? I mean, I heard you had pichu help you set up a different account for it.
I know, it's ridiculous! I'm not even on level 90 :/ I planned on giving the game a break for a while till the new items/swimsuits release since I'm sooooo tired of the grinding :/ guess I have to at least try to get to 100 before the new swimsuits expire... and I really don't feel like/have time for grinding right now... AT ALL

P.S. According to the wiki, on lotion is for the breast, one is for the butt, and the last one is for the beast and butt.
What. The. Actual. FUCK.

FFS Team Ninja >_> I'm not even level 80 yet and I have to be 100 for the new ones!? OMFG. Let's not even start about the 3 new items. I'ts gonna take SOO long to get to the 100. I doubt I'll even reach it by the end of the period with my current work/gaming schedule.
This is ridiculous.. /me flips tables (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
From DOA X 3 Wiki page... More grinding!!! :baby: FU TEAM NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Skin Care items that will be released during July 2016. There are three in total. Each one will affect a specific physical body part. Can only be used at Owner Level 110. Depending on the version, the parts that are customized are either breasts only (Venus) or both breasts and butt (Fortune)"

New Swimsuits:

"Will be released on June 16-29. There will be nine variants of each swimsuit. Like the prior DLC, this DLC set will be rereleased on a later date. Can only be used at Owner Level 100"
*jumps on imouto* dammit having net connection problems heartu cant handle the non wi-fi world :dispirited:
Or, to be more accurate, an open-minded, non-jealous type of gamer!
You think so? Even the women-folk, as well? That's a funny thought, actually.

I stuck a lot of info about them into Queen Umbraah's description, but maybe I'll put together something more cohesive about theirs and other races of Casjan.
Aaaand, my apologies, but I can't argue with the sleepiness of my eyes and body any longer. We shall have to continue this sometime soon!
Talk lata!
That sounds like a lot of fun! I can only hope my future life-mate/wifey is just as open... Though I doubt my chances of finding someone into H-games, 'round here. :/

Indeed, I've already learned you're quite the respectful one. And... I already assumed that Snow Elves were conceived, before, but I'd like to think mine are at least unique!
Yeah, I know of the strange perversions of others. Loli races... Ugh. I'll never understand the attraction. I know I must respect the taste of others, but I cringe every time I see loli-related stuff.
Ok, I best calm down, about that!
lol, I see, I see.
Well, she must be one heck of a lady, then!
When two weird people meet... I can think of no better, funner romance! Lucky guy!

Heh heh... What it means is that, if she wasn't, and you did try something funny, then you'd have one very angry papa & mama!!! She's a sweet soul, though... I am undecided on what to do with her, tbh.
That cannot be, because I only just now told you it for the first time! I've mentioned that they all tend to eventually be quite full-figured, among other things, but nothing of the maturing stuff.
Nope, you sure did! 100% Positive!
Yep. Cool as to me!
Hey hey, why are you putting castle in quotations, hmm? Are you inferring on her cleaning something other than an actual castle??? o_0
You would have Eikyuu clean your man cave, as well, eh? I don't know how your "Q" puts up with you! lol
Quite right... She's stuck on a misadventure with that feisty Ki! Nikkou's the one who kinda made Eikyuu take off in the first place, though... Haven't gotten around to writing that out, yet. I'll add it to the blog on HF, sometime!

Ooooh, you filthy perv! You're lucky she's officially "of age", now! Btw, fun fact for you: Snow Elves continue to "mature" much longer than a typical human, too, if you know what I mean...
Better grab some extra tissues for that nosebleed of yours!

Oh, and forgot to mention, but you've told me the Fun Fact about the Alvsang/Elf Song! That... Or maybe I remember it from your blog? Doesn't make it any less fun, though!
You'll see, now! Remember how I said I was creating Eikyuu, Nikkou's sister? I finished her about a week and a half ago!
Eikyuu's been helping around in Castle Casjan, though Nikkou never bothered looking for her, there. A fast friendship, perhaps?
Oh yeah! Princess Galyah has her father's eyes! How sweet, right?
Eh heh, Internet died for a second, there. Anyway, pics are done, just gotta upload them!
That is true, that is true.
Well, I added a little bonus, as well, so it should just be a few more minutes!