New profile posts

Well I guess, I had to do it once when they filled the roots in a tooth and they didn't seem to mind. I looked retarded while running out there tho c: That time they went back to it instantly luckily enough or else I would have cried lol

Closing your eyes actually helps! I usually close my eyes while they do their business in my mouth too since it puts less pressure on me not seeing everything :'3
I need to buy thread at least since my gum is starting to get pretty bad apparently. I could buy some floss too while I'm at it I guess.

Yeah, usually gets a letter of doom here too when it's time for yearly check :c Oh, you had braces? We can always hope that you get to take the wires off too soon then! What are the wires even for though? I don't know much about braces at all ;w;

On another topic, how was your midsummer? I got no clue if you celebrate it over there or not but I guess most countries does at least c:
:shocked: Oh wow, that was quite a while ago! Makes me realise how long it's been since we lasted talked, which is my fault since I've been on an on and off hiatus due to exams. :akazukin_sorry:

Currently on my semester break until July 11th :)
Type! XD /me shoves the keyboard :chuuni_kira:

hahaha if the girl believes in fairy tales :mini_laugh:
Samy fell asleep?! :miku_snore:

Where are we going? :nekopara_confused:

hahahaha it's decided! It's the ham in sandwiches! :akazukin_evillaugh:
I suppose everything always starts somewhere. Even those long messages you see below yours on my profile, they started from a simple "hello" and "pleased to know you". I'm not the type to start conversations often, but I try to always respond accordingly. Just shoot if you feel like chatting me up, I guess ;)
Yo, Ignis. :)

I don't know. I don't really message anyone either.
Right! Which impudent soul brought up the idea, anyway?!

They're lovely pets, aren't they? I'm sure the other tenants will appreciate them!

For me? * Ignis takes Ms. Hatchy off Vel's hand. Hey, sexy. Me, you, and everyone else here are going to get all hot and messy tonight.

What if Vel-chan doles out the punishment but on me instead of random senpai? :alice_waai:

Send pie? I have no plans to *hiccup* send pies to anyone! Maybe you could send 'em to the judge so he'll lower your sentence?

Sounds good! 'Course you can wear it, too. You, me, we'll both look great in that <3

It still didn't excuse me getting lazy as a result, though :P Worse―she just... skipped most of the time? Barely appeared, really. Public school... better employment security even for bad teachers I guess...

Weapon? I thought Ms. Hatchy was a lust device :akazukin_blush: Wait, does that mean she'll inflict pain on me?

Indeed :)

Then this can't stand. No kouhai of mine shall remain innocent! * Ignis signs Vel-chan up for Yuno's class.

Nobody wants to play with me :miku_dejected: * Ignis plays with some Barbies and attaches tiny knives to their hands.

I can relate. Think I even know more people IRL who are into otome and BL games than 'normal' RPGs... You'd probably like my circle of friends. They even made mock BL scenarios involving me and another guy in college.

Are you playing Rage Burst on PS4? Is the English version even out? Probably losing a lot without playing GE2 first because the story is a direct continuation :( I think there was a fan translation project a while back but I'm not sure.

Sounds casual :P I'm one of those crazies with some 380 mods orz (some merged to avoid the 255 cap). Most are equipment―gotta keep waifu well-dressed 'n' all.

...Come to think of it, your profile's got pretty few messages for someone with relatively high activity.
Ah, no unfortunately my holidays are from May 17th to 31st which ended already.
What about you? When is your holidays?

Eek! There were around 100 spiders in that glass case! * Velenora runs away.

Oooh, now we're talking! * Velenora whips out her chainsaw and cleaver. I would like to use Ms. Hatchy as well but she's only for you senpai!~

Of course not!

:shocked: Senpai, how could you?? :dontleave: Someone save meeeh.

* Velenora notes this down. Interesting :smug:

WAIT! How about I go and buy you that very lovely dress instead? [IMG]

Ah, I see. That's understandable. Sorry to hear that you had a pretty crummy physics teacher back in high school :( Were they the type of teachers that just didn't know how to teach students properly, or was it more of a rotten attitude?

I thought that a weapon that will be specially used on senpai must have a name~ :alice_love:

Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best! ^^

Me? Yuno's yandere protege? Oh no, I-I've never even met her, or sought to be a yandere. I'm just your innocent kouhai, hahaha...hah...ha :innocent:

Erm... :alice_...: Would you look at the time? Gotta run, senpai! Ciao~ :alice_gtg:

It probably is. I think it's mainly because I don't know anyone in real life who play those kind of games, and those that I do know online that play games like that, I've never actually asked. :akazukin_tehee:
Same :( Really need to save up and buy a PS Vita :swearveng: Rage Burst is really good; probably my most favourite game at the moment ^^ Really wanted to play GE2 but not knowing Japanese really deterred me from getting it. Although seeing how you spent 400 hours into it, I'll take it that it's a really good game! :D
Mainly appearance mods but also a better performance mod :) How about you? c:
That's good to hear :) Are you currently on holidays? ^^

And fine, thank you.
U-uh :nyanmusu_unsure:

Do you want him to turn himself into a monster and look for something like beauty and the beast? :lapi_depressed:

/me hugs back :nekopara_hug: and slowly nudges imouto away from eggplant

I dont think its that dense :nekopara_dizzy:

He could get rejected for the reason for not being original :boys_down:

Open your eyes now~

/me hugs samy :rr_hug: to prevent the nudging too

Like sardines in tin? :nekopara_laugh:
I've gotten to know your sleeping habits a little, too, so I kinda figured you'd be gone.
Btw, do you think we should just start talking on HF, now? It seems that things have at least stabilized.
What?! You'd rather the world have one less smexy, porcelain-skinned crossdresser?!

Oh. Sorry, dears. You're not wanted. * Ignis releases the spiders in his apartment building―outside his room.

:akazukin_tsk: Fine, we'll just get to the second best place. * Ignis drives to the parliamentary building.

Vel-chan would rather be on the receiving end?! :kurochan_fear:

Obschtruckting just tees is *hiccup* a fail low knee! * Ignis cuffs Vel-chan as well.

A man's dangers is another woman's toys!

Aww. Maybe I should just make one for myself, then... :lapi_blush:

Nothing's too late―in principle. I had a terrible physics teacher in junior high, so I hated it and slacked in high school. I couldn't get into sciences so I stopped studying physics by the second year of high school. To even cope up with astronomy courses, I'd have to learn back from high school levels. I guess I could pay courses for all that and study little by little, but that's too much at stake.

A kouhai who happens to always have a cleaver, a chainsaw, and a hatchet she affectionately nicknamed Ms. Hatchy at her disposal!
Same here. Hope she won't get too tangled up with work, or maybe even marriage :lapi_sweat:

Sounds like you know her teaching capabilities well! You must be her protégé!

:miku_depressed: You're the only one who hasn't run away! * Ignis looks at Vel-chan with gleaming eyes.

Exactly! I thought Phantasy Star was quite popular. Haven't played Nova 'cuz I got no PSV, though :( Ohh, those are good series too. I still haven't played Rage Burst for the same reason, but I really enjoyed GE2 (spent some 400 hours on it with multiplayer!). TES too―Skyrim's gotta be the game in which I've invested most hours so far. Does Vel-chan mod her game? :3
Thanks Hino~ :runhappy:

I ate lots of cake lol. But I left none for you, it was too good.. :deadsad:
Vishy-chan~ :runhappy: How are you? Hope everything has been going well for you!
Don't have an Asia Region PSN account but was able to download the demo, strangely. Although hey, not complaining here :D Thanks for letting me know, going to give it a try and see how I feel about it before making a decision on whether to buy it on the PS4 or not.

In that case, I will probably wait until I buy a PS Vita :P

Do you mind if I ask where you buy your figures from? I don't collect anime figures myself but my brother loves to. I've bought a one from a local store for him, for Christmas, however they don't really have the greatest variety and they only stock the same ones. Not really knowledgeable when it comes to buying them online, so I was wondering if you had any online stores you could recommend? :)
Sorry for the late reply Ali-chan. Some real life issues came up D;

Oh, like supplementary exams? :) But that's pretty good that you get a chance to improve your marks ^^ Good luck, wish you all the best with them! :D

Yup, for now. Then I have some more in October or November; I can't remember xD
OF COURSE not! * Velenora takes out a cleaver. :lapi_evil:

No no, it's quite alright. I insist you take them!

B-but what if I don't want to go to the slaughterhouse? :alice_cry:

Vel-chan absolutely does not like whipping and dripping candles on senpai in chains and blindfolds. :alice_dont:

Oh, uh, oh no. W-what do I do? * Velenora tries to pull the officer away from senpai.

Those things sound dangerous... ┬┴┬┴┤・д・)ノ

NOOOOO- I mean, it's okay! You don't need to do that senpai! :wasclose:

Did some research - it sounds like a really cool field of work to go into! Would it be too late, or possible, to go back and do a science/astronomy course through a community college, which could possibly lead to gaining entry into an astronomy degree?

Yes, I'm just your kouhai! Definitely not a yandere at all~ :innocent:
Oh! I hope everything goes well for her! And that we can see more of her in the future, once she graduates. ^^

Will Yuno Gasai be your lecturer? If so, most definitely :alice_happy:

They seem to be still running away from you, senpai :alice_...:

Yes, and especially when it comes to PS1 games. Even though I have the console and games, I rather just play them on my phone rather than take out the old dusty thing.
:alice_glitter: It's rare for me to see anyone who has played Phantasy Star games. That makes me happy :bigeyes:
I like all the series you have already listed but also God Eater, Persona, Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, Fire Emblem, Shin Megami Tensai, Fate, The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Kingdom Hearts, Samurai Warriors Chronicles, Dragon Quest, and Mana. Might have missed some but that's most of it ^^