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Well i get the event card of course and got some SR cards like the animal tea house Leon (and i absolutely love it it's so cute xD ) yeah i know the kids are not really effective when you need to level up a level 90 card and i got an Ocean event Torahiko from the 5 ticket scout so i have some card to level up xD
Oooh, ooh? What cards did ya get? OWO Also goodluck levelling! I'm trying to level some of mine too qwq but it does take a lot of time and money if I just feed the kids to the guys(sounds wrong but lmao), aaaaaa
oh that's good i have a few new card that needs max leveling so i really need the bears :D Well i don't know but i think it should been a Runa event for a while now so chances are high it will be this time :D
Yup~ It's week 1 now :fulfilled: Homesick is killing me:akazukin_sweat:

It must be! What did you mix? :nekopara_scared:

Our HQ has the gadget? :nekopara_confused:
We'll survive...God knows our spirits :samuraihero:

Did samy take it nicely?:gokiko_yada:

There's someone else than me asking this question? :korokke_fue:

Unfortunately, no :korokke_peek:
Oh? School started right after orientation? :lapi_ko:

O-oh n-n-nothing..~ I-its not like I mixed anything in it to see how it tastes :nekopara_tehee:

I... have no idea how she does it :puniko_think:
We planned this horribly :lapi_depressed:

/me takes a commemorative photo of this historic event :lapi_camera:

Ehh... well... someone else asked about them as well... :nekopara_dizzy:

Is imouto in it? :miku_tehee:
anh vien ao cuoi , anh cuoi dep , anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi ngoai canh , chup anh cuoi bien
kinh cuong luc | lam cua kinh | gia kinh cuong luc | kinh an toan | kinh mau op bep | vach kinh cuong luc | kinh cuong luc ha noi | kinh cuong luc mau |
Yupppp :runhappy: though I'll still feel sleepy in some lecturers' classes :rr_awake:

It tastes good, why did you ask so? :rr_stare:

She's a mad scientist able to make invisible cloaks? :kurochan_glitter:

We didn't read the news? :nekopara_dead:

/me touches it!
I touched the sun :gokiko_uwoh:

Samy read on why just for the black pigs? :bigeyes: Never thought of samy having this passion towards pork :korokke_meh:

Everything in it is perfect...the actors, the scenes, the songs :bigeyes:
I'm doing well in it :D I think i will be able to stay in the top 3000 so it's good enough :D
What about you?
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤YOU. ARE . MY. PRECIOUS. WORLD!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ *gomen I cant control my feelings anymore :deadsad: *

The most happy person?! I'm so happy to hear that omg T^T I love you more than anything <3 :rr_kiss:
Oh it is! I never really knew where this girl is from, since this sets was made by nee-chan:wasclose:

Thank you again telos-san! :P
Fuck! Again a brainless-insane action, what the fuck is with the people nowadays...>~>
Sleep in for a few days now? :akazukin_roger:

D-does it taste alright? :kurochan_climb:

Im... not sure... :lapi_shock:
H-hurricane? Why would we even be outside if there was a hurricane coming :puniko_shocked:

Its... clear.. with a yellow blob... :nekopara_puzzled:

Ehh.. I tried reading up on why... but they dont seem to know either... :nyanmusu_dead:

Ahh that... I should get around to watching it :miku_tehee:
Huh, didn't hear anything about a knife attack, but then again I get most of my news from coworkers.
I think it was something about McDonald's wanting to officially sponsor Pokemon GO or something, so was delayed 1 day while they worked something out.

I'll probably pick it up for Console, just bought Bloodbourne.

Also, heard there was a knife attack in Japan. Hope everyone in your group was unharmed.
That's why my soul was coming out...:alice_dead: Well it ended yesterday! :cheering:

Thank you samy dear! :nekopara_hug: /me drinks :lapi_drink:

She's a magician? :miku_wut:
Let's just hope there won't be any hurricane...:kurochan_sigh:

hmmmm /me cracks an egg and looks at it :kurochan_climb:

They eat expensive food and have good genes :kurochan_wut:

Have to catch up with the descendants of the sun too:kurochan_ok: