New profile posts

Ill write one.. soon... :akazukin_halp:

Then we get back to plastic surgery and classes on manners :akazukin_easy:
/me takes a few more deep breaths :rr_slump:

/me cries more while slowly nudging away the eggplant :nekopara_cry:

Probably~ Considering how tokyo is pretty densely packed :nekopara_dizzy:
I'm fine I guess, just woke up xwx
How is your day so far?:3
I'm sorry, I can't say that in public:3

Poor boy, numerous reasons to reject him :lapi_broken:
Take more deep breaths :nyanmusu_wtf:

/me pats :nekopara_patpat:
Where is my cooking? :gokiko_shobon:

Japan and China? :akazukin_tehee:
I knew that, but I didn't know you'd be pulling the nip card on me! Yowsa!
Yup, quite a nice variety, too!

No, no they don't! That's why her nipples aren't dark! ;) The progressives lighten them up, quite a bit.

Very well, then, enjoy your sleep and pillows! Catch you lata!
lol, no, I don't quite think that's possible, but they must have been VERY similar! Wow, even with male friends? Nope, not even mine went that far!
(Though she could hang out with all the guys she wanted)
Wow, that's quite a string of bad luck. It's been 7 years of single powa, for me. Only recently have I started missing having someone, though.
Mostly, I've been perfectly content! I was tired of the drama, my heart needed a rest.

Yeah, she does! lol, she's your trophy gf? I'm not quite sure how she'd feel about that, though. Maybe she'd pinch you or something?!
She seems like a good gal, so I'd consider you lucky to meet her, after that bad string of other girls.

Whoa, whoa, Nikkou nipple talk, out of nowhere! Sounds like someone is taking the next big step, hmm???
As for your actual question, let me check! *Checks Nikkou's nipples* Yup, 5th slot, first of the modded nipples Stampar created! They're named "Progressive"!
Oh, wow, that hits close to home. I had a lot of cool Myspace (back when it was actual decent...Quite a while ago!) friends that were girls, and she would always be checking my profile and looking at the girls. That should have been my first sign that this was not going to be easy... So, because of her, I basically deleted all those girls as my friends, and eventually, deleted my account for a short period. It's long gone, now, for obvious reasons, but yeah... Ultra-jealous girls who are ALSO complete hypocrites I want to stay as far away from as I can. I was a broken man after that relationship. After being so loyal, only to find out she was cheating on me, it took me a long, long time to get over all that. In a sense, HF and all the glorious "dream-girls" served as a peculiar way to make peace with myself. That whole thing is a long story, but I've told it so many times, I'd rather just look at Ki's boobs or something, lol.
You sound like a lucky guy, from what I know. Q seems like a winner!

Heh heh, us Americans take our flag TOO seriously!
Ah ha! Golden-yellow, pfft, screw you google search! Thanks for the true color assessment!

Ehh, if only it were that easy, my friend. If only. Someday, I shall have them again, though. My ex... Grr...
US, Asian, or European, I just hope she doesn't have ridiculous jealousy issues, let's just put it that way! -_-

Very well then, I look forward to it!
lol, I mean, I was teasing you for the whole Lula debacle, and now you tease me with RL boob pillows, plus Tyra and Ki!
Btw, I look at the pictures of the Swedish Flag, but the yellow seems to vary from straight-yellow to golden-yellow.
What do you consider the most accurate color?
Gah, there's no substitute for the real thing, and you know it!
If Nikkou allows... Now it's become the reverse with all the teasing! Argh!!!
I'll just keep working on Desideria's port to HF, then!
Pfft, that doesn't sound so bad, looking at how that all ends. Lucky bastard!
Uh oh! Someone made a booboo!
Oh, I see, can't have Q witness such a disgraceful display of manhood! lol!
Heh heh, joking, of course. Ki, how I need ye'!
I see, so basically Western style 'tease'/ecchi, eh? lol, 90's style, that is.

Well, you're going to have to suck it up and face reality! Dry those eyes, dammit!
So, basically just Lula: The Sexy Empire (guess that's the actual name?) is the only decent one? I saw the Wet Attack... Ugh, got beat by the ugly stick!
Ahh, 90's h-game, well that explains it. Well, how about this for another bombshell? My first H-game was SB3! So, that said, I didn't get into h-games until I joined HF.
In other words, 2012, buddy. 2012.

Is your heart still beating?
Heh heh, your being shocked is funny, as you now truly see that it is dangerous to assume!
LOL, is it that shocking that I wouldn't know about her?
For your pity's sake, I looked her up. So she had her own games, Lula Inside & Lula 3D? Not familiar with those.
So sue me, I never heard of Lula, I probably wasn't into h-gaming when those game out, you know?

I'm shocked that you're shocked, tbh...
Ahh, I see, I see.

Yup, I'm a complete stranger, now! BAH HA HA!!!
Nope. No clue who Lula is. Western style art like that doesn't usually do much for me, either.
Well, well, someone got busy! Is this that tabletop game you were talking about, or something else?
Big boobies? Pfft, just a couple of the same shots of that girl in the tank-top, no biggie.
And it had to be done? Not your fault? So random!

lol, alright, I figured as much, just enjoyed teasing you about the pinching.

This area is too rural, so I don't think that sort of thing happens all that often. In big cities, though, I'm sure it's a more common occurrence.
"Deal with it? Just don't pinch my ass, you cheeky creep!"
Ah ha, well, that's completely understandable (and far less creepy, lol). Indeed, it's not worth your life!
Sure, sure, I'll just take your word for it.
Jeez, is butt pinching just a thing over there? You almost make it sound like it's tradition. Either way, that sounds like a hell of a pinch, I hope Q didn't notice!

Well, I can't disagree with ya, there.
In my last VM I said "not a huge basketball anymore" but meant "not a huge basketball fan anymore" lol, just don't feel the game is the same as it once was. My oldest brother is a very sore loser as well, he broke my PlayStation because he couldn't beat me in Street Fighter ._. bought me a new one though. His wife is the same way which causes some very bad arguments sometimes. My niece is the same way too, but my nephew is the complete opposite of them though.

Yep, same thing happened to hers as well, she collects PVC's like I do so we talk about that sometimes, and games coming out etc.. She is alright, currently looking for work in the gaming industry. She recently got a NEW 3DS as well. I'll let you know you would like to contact her on Steam.

Cant send pm so;

I may return by the end of july, hopefully everything will be okay until the way thank you for understanding and helping me with the contest, until then im a retired mod i guess
Right on time I'm going hiatus you decide to appear out of your fab shadows? xD *pokes her new title* i feel old :dispirited: wow my heart feels warm just by thinking that you download yaoi pics haha xD you dont do sigs anymore? Too lazy or too busy?xD oh poison hahaha xD of course not xD *forcefully opens your mouth* accept my soul now xD sounds like we're doing a ritual xD tree poison?! your imagination gone wild again :lmao: now accept iiittt:traitor: you left a fish thing for my bishies?! What a heartless person you are xD They might be 2d but they're still human not fish!xD
*huggles* yaaay:3
How are you?
W-wah... completely forgot about that.... :akazukin_sweat:

Wont be seen as a creep either... unless they normally act like a creep and she rejects him for that :akazukin_pfft:
/me takes a deep breath and :miku_panic:

B-but that doesnt mean you have to headbutt meee :miku_cry:

I think the US only has two metropolis while Asia has mega conurbations or something like that :miku_tehee:
Short... :reallyconfused: /me reads the thread and finds out samy hasn't filled it yet :nekopara_surprised:

:chuuni_yes: cause he won't get rejected with the reason ''you don't know me well" ~ Oh really? :akazukin_evillaugh:

Take a deep breath and :shinonome_relax: XD

That's opposite of my intention! :rr_bump:

I dunno...never actually studied populations :alice_sorry: