Someone should make a bishie pomodoro timer, so when you've studied for 25mins, you'll unlock a scene where a really cute bishie will talk to you and give you motivational words for 5mins, before you go and study again
But yes, I know that feeling. So many animes/mangas/otome games to play but exams are there saying, "I'm going to make you feel soooo guilty for not studying. STUDY ALREADY, YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING. WHY ARE YOU NOT STUDYING??"
Such a beautiful, peaceful looking bishie
But yes, I know that feeling. So many animes/mangas/otome games to play but exams are there saying, "I'm going to make you feel soooo guilty for not studying. STUDY ALREADY, YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING. WHY ARE YOU NOT STUDYING??"
Such a beautiful, peaceful looking bishie