New profile posts

I just checked skype but didn't saw anything :o And yush I feel much better! Love chu so much~:alice_inlove:
Lol xD Teachers dont like being recorded usually :nekopara_sigh:

I got them from the cat lady down the lane :kurochan_climb:

Then... what about those higher ups that are on the hundredth floor? :miku_wut:
/me gets blown over :alice_fall:

Would you prefer doggy ears? :akazukin_wut:

You want to dip the cookies in milk? :kurochan_rascal:

Adobe is really close so yeah...~ The school has some agreement with them~ I dont think most of the students are even aware they can get it though :kurochan_sweat:
Lol, not to thanking, wasn't a big deal^_^

Yeah, though GIMP works also for a app adaptation for phones and tablets...xD
:nyanmusu_yeah: He has a weird slang of his, sounds strange everytime when he speaks~ wish I could upload his voice here :goodtea:

Odd? :nyanmusu_wtf:

Ermmmm that HQ just came out of my mind when I first saw basically yes I am :gokiko_yay:
That's how I maintain my balance :miku_beee:

I'm a neko dawn?

Chocolate milk cookies? [IMG]

Samy's uni is good...I hope my uni provide me photoshop too:lapi_annoyed:
Seems like the next event in I-chu will be starring Rabi and it will be a Jack event. (but make sure to not neglect school for a game :D )
hmm...wii, it's hard to find wii or wii u related here now>.<. what genre is it?
Just got Tokyo Mirage Sessions for the Wii U. It's fun so far.
Hey Jezebel How are you?

So you became a Moderator D:

for otome section?

How are your studys?

sorry for suddenly disappearing and never replying to you for a long time...
Yahoo~ Rie-chan :3 Let's talk lot's and lot's !
*pokepokepokepokepokepoke* nihaha >:3~~
You always make me the happiest, I really treasure you a lot sweetheart. And I feel like we got closer now~ Yay~! We're going to talk more than before then!:nekopara_hug: When I got your message you can't imagine how happy I was...thank you for always making me smile❤

I'll listen any topic from you, I enjoy simple things in life~ Anything you say makes me happy so don't think that your messages are boring, I love all of them!

Hahaha~:3 Get ready for my random hugs❤

Oh sounds fun~ it's very surprising to see tons of people playing this game, I love how people become social when they see someone also playing pokemon go ^^ you know, games usually are meant to play inside so this is a really big difference for everyone in my opinion, it's both healthy and lets you meet new people of course the best part is it's fun!

Oh my god! I'm really looking forward for those pics! I hope you'll have a great day honey <3

Seriously...are you trying to give me a heart attack?:blushhappy:
Hi there, i was recently looking for some K-ON albums and i found them in and after looking the info while i was adding them at my iTunes library i saw the by Yarukinasu and i thought i should drop by and say a thank you for this release.
Hi Dawn How are you? Did you get into University?
Hi and g'afternoon for you;-)!

And app? You're mean sure the image-editor softwer... Well, I do use GIMP.
you know how the saying goes.What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger so i think you will manage to do things that you like while doing your best in studying. so good luck with it :D
Nanashi :miku_hi:
First, hello and wish you have a great day upon you~

I would like to ask about the renders. What apps do you use?
Hohoho~ I see! And aye, aye sir~ I shall do my best at studying well while getting indulged in the things that I like T u T)/ hoping that it won't kill me---
Well you have been on my friends list for a few years now I believe, so wouldn't just delete you for no reason. Plus I enjoy chatting with you too.

Sounds like a good trip overall. When I flew to Texas I only had about 30 minutes to reach my connecting flight so I had to get off one plane, and literally run across the airport to the next plane :/ I took a train back though which was nice. Bought the ticket that gives me my own private room so I just played SMT IV a lot and enjoyed the scenery. No wifi connection so couldn't get online but was still fun.

Sounds like you are moving up the ladder! It's always a great feeling to see how much your hard work has paid off. I'm happy for you. Would you like to work at the cooperate HQ eventually?

Guilty Gear is fun, but it's more geared towards advanced players. A lot of moves/buttons to memorize, and even on easy mode that AI will throw you in the air and have a combo fest.

Odin Sphere was great, again it's more or a button masher type game, but I really enjoyed it.

I went last weekend to the Poke meet up at the Chicago Botanical Gardens. Was fun but the heat/humidity made us cut it short. Met some new people though and we wanted to get together again today since the weather is much more favorable. However I had to send in my phone to LG to have it repaired and it's not back yet, and since I saved their numbers on my phone I had no way of contacting them. Just showed up real quick at the meeting point we arranged and told them about it so they didn't think I was just ignoring them or something. Should receive my phone back next Tuesday.

Have to drive my brother to the Airport tomorrow, something to do with his work at FEMA. They always have him traveling all over the country.
Hep nazar bunlar xD *değişti*