New profile posts

Yup~ It's week 1 now :fulfilled: Homesick is killing me:akazukin_sweat:

It must be! What did you mix? :nekopara_scared:

Our HQ has the gadget? :nekopara_confused:
We'll survive...God knows our spirits :samuraihero:

Did samy take it nicely?:gokiko_yada:

There's someone else than me asking this question? :korokke_fue:

Unfortunately, no :korokke_peek:
Oh? School started right after orientation? :lapi_ko:

O-oh n-n-nothing..~ I-its not like I mixed anything in it to see how it tastes :nekopara_tehee:

I... have no idea how she does it :puniko_think:
We planned this horribly :lapi_depressed:

/me takes a commemorative photo of this historic event :lapi_camera:

Ehh... well... someone else asked about them as well... :nekopara_dizzy:

Is imouto in it? :miku_tehee:
anh vien ao cuoi , anh cuoi dep , anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi ngoai canh , chup anh cuoi bien
kinh cuong luc | lam cua kinh | gia kinh cuong luc | kinh an toan | kinh mau op bep | vach kinh cuong luc | kinh cuong luc ha noi | kinh cuong luc mau |
Yupppp :runhappy: though I'll still feel sleepy in some lecturers' classes :rr_awake:

It tastes good, why did you ask so? :rr_stare:

She's a mad scientist able to make invisible cloaks? :kurochan_glitter:

We didn't read the news? :nekopara_dead:

/me touches it!
I touched the sun :gokiko_uwoh:

Samy read on why just for the black pigs? :bigeyes: Never thought of samy having this passion towards pork :korokke_meh:

Everything in it is perfect...the actors, the scenes, the songs :bigeyes:
I'm doing well in it :D I think i will be able to stay in the top 3000 so it's good enough :D
What about you?
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤YOU. ARE . MY. PRECIOUS. WORLD!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ *gomen I cant control my feelings anymore :deadsad: *

The most happy person?! I'm so happy to hear that omg T^T I love you more than anything <3 :rr_kiss:
Oh it is! I never really knew where this girl is from, since this sets was made by nee-chan:wasclose:

Thank you again telos-san! :P
Fuck! Again a brainless-insane action, what the fuck is with the people nowadays...>~>
Sleep in for a few days now? :akazukin_roger:

D-does it taste alright? :kurochan_climb:

Im... not sure... :lapi_shock:
H-hurricane? Why would we even be outside if there was a hurricane coming :puniko_shocked:

Its... clear.. with a yellow blob... :nekopara_puzzled:

Ehh.. I tried reading up on why... but they dont seem to know either... :nyanmusu_dead:

Ahh that... I should get around to watching it :miku_tehee:
Huh, didn't hear anything about a knife attack, but then again I get most of my news from coworkers.
I think it was something about McDonald's wanting to officially sponsor Pokemon GO or something, so was delayed 1 day while they worked something out.

I'll probably pick it up for Console, just bought Bloodbourne.

Also, heard there was a knife attack in Japan. Hope everyone in your group was unharmed.
That's why my soul was coming out...:alice_dead: Well it ended yesterday! :cheering:

Thank you samy dear! :nekopara_hug: /me drinks :lapi_drink:

She's a magician? :miku_wut:
Let's just hope there won't be any hurricane...:kurochan_sigh:

hmmmm /me cracks an egg and looks at it :kurochan_climb:

They eat expensive food and have good genes :kurochan_wut:

Have to catch up with the descendants of the sun too:kurochan_ok:
Okies! I'll add you <3 Today's so wonderful, feeling so happy, I hope it's the same for you^-^
I use it rarely, did you sent a friendship request otouto?:o
I have no idea, but it was out on Friday. I do some walking around, but not tons unless I'm travelling. I was thinking of going to kawagoe this weekend to look around, but I was lazy so I'll maybe do that next weekend.

Yeah no computer here that I would play DS3 on. If my laptop even can run it, it wouldn't run it well enough to bother.