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Actually I was feeling kind of down since you lately don't talk to me(it even feels bad while writing), I'm so greedy lol I want you all the time here even though I know it's not right :sigh:
Though super happy now that you sent a message~ It's sunny here but it doesn't bother me that much >.< So I enjoy the weather ^-^
My days are relaxing...though it's like I'm searching for something exciting, maybe I should start going out again :3 Wish I was there, would love to spend time with you together :nekopara_hug:

Love you sweetie <3
Hmm... In your view I can understand, but let's say that in a state 100 laws are, and in the other 49 states are also each 100 - well then together about 5000 different laws - 5000!!! Sorry, but could you still the overview keep?
Yes, basically they can legally take everything from you to cover damages, hospital bills and all that.

I know what you mean, and it's not perfect, but I think it's better with 50 individual states. Take that away and the US government will have way too much power over everything, and everyone. And I don't want that.
Basically you can then free and legally from him everything take off... Well, this are the things, where you the question set: that your country really united is - Because about 50 different law-systems in a country(!)
That is why you should have car insurance regardless. If that happens I can take that person to what is called civil court. I could sue him for his car, all his money even their house depending on how much money they would owe me. So you can basically lose everything. It's a stupid law to not have it. Every state should require car insurance.
Ah, and what is, if a guy from Wisconsin in you crashes with his car - Then how you're get the damage cost, if he doesn't have a insurance?
Yep basically all court fees.

A lot of the laws differ between states though. For instance, in my state (Illinois) the state requires you to have car insurance to drive you car. In Wisconsin, my neighbor state, their state law says you do not need to have car insurance.
oh you should it's a super good series. just finished it today. i marathoned the last 6 episode haha. oh by the way tomorrow starts a new bingo event in Idolish7 :D and I-chu will have a collaboration with yumecast soon
Oooooo ass class, now that you mentioned it D: I haven't finished the first season-!
Hey dark about the debate we had earlier I hope you didn't feel offended or made you upset.
Hmm... I see, the paper itself was/is probaby $0,50 worth, and the court gets the 99,95%...

Yeah, also this. Or if you even a traffic accident created have with intention...
no was going 15 over, but sometimes the police mark that you have to go to traffic court on your ticket. When that happens they add a bunch of court fees on top of your ticket, so most of the money is for the court fees, not the ticket itself.

Here we have a point system as well, I think 3 tickets in 1 year and they can take your license away. However sometimes they can automatically take it away, like driving while drunk, or driving with no car insurance.
Wow! Are you with 200 mph. gone...0.o???

Well, at us is it in a point-system, if you so 5 (if my memory not wrongs) infraction points get, then you can quiet lose your license...
yep, they aren't last ticket cost me $220 :/

and if you get a lot of speeding tickets in 1 year the judge can take away your drivers license.
Yeah, of course... This and these tickets aren't cheap, and this can also your license cost. What this terrible were for you...>_y
yep, but still have to be careful, because sometimes the police hide at night and wait for people to speed so they can give you a speeding ticket. Happened to me before :/
yeah, not too many people working at night so it's more peaceful and the drive home is fast since not too many cars on the road.
Well, at morning and in the afternoons loudly and chaotic, but in the night seems it quiet peaceful, right?:goodtea: