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Can you re-upload this game [070223]おいしい魔法のとなえかた ? and this game [110527][C:drive./F] 復讐催眠~月の姫君は服従の夢をみるか?for me,thank you so much
This is officially one of the worst Bears teams I have ever had the displeasure of watching.
All thanks to you and Aastaroth for showing patience over my so many silly question. In the end I finally got hold of editing 3D static tool. Also credits and thanks to Nneezz for helping me in the broken mesh problem. I think I have covered many stuff in objects and doing basic trial/error in poseable model.

SBPR mods was enough to test the water what people like most. I also kept your "reputation comment" in my mind when you gave me on some "uneasy" items. :D. If you enjoyed the Spa-room scene than definitely you also like the pool.
I didn't put any strict restriction of getting files. A simple "like" click will open it and get it. It also gives me an idea who are getting it. I don't know your way of recruitment? Actually I am hearing this first time. But pretty sure I hope more will come. GeekyGami (Linkerman) has potential and has more skills than me. I am looking forward what he is doing while HF was unstable. :D
Thanks for liking the "Spa Room" map, :D. I didn't know you enjoy such environments. Sorry for the inconvenience of adding "Hidden" tag for download link. Only meant for serious users. Don't like lukers of any sort.
Yep I hard about it. Wasn't expecting that.

Also, Go Lions! Crush those cheese heads!
It says that for every attachment on this site, but it's a false positive so you can just ignore it, i'll find another way to post it alongside some other pages
Hey Frank I pass the honor of making the Next LPW to you.
Welcome backkk~ You were poking around in some threads during the week though... were you? Or was that a ghost :alice_shock: I-I might have missed you a bit :kurochan_climb:

They changed the topic? It isnt nice to give only a week to think of something... :lapi_depressed:

I guess they have that thing called plot armor after all... cant fight against that :alice_sigh:

That title is probably wrong ;p Its much easier to convert their movements into animation than the other way around :akazukin_sweat:
Heh random thing for you as well~

They dont even have a schedule for when they open? :alice_dead:

W-w-what? I d-dont think I qualify as a bishie :akazukin_but:

Not really..~ I dont eat much candy... :akazukin_tehee:
I would still rather be alive :alice_...:

Odd that they dont just fall over though... almost fell over in class because we were all standing around and I was nodding off :miku_tehee:

S-s-she drank it :lapi_shock:

/me drags imouto off to see castle in the sky :rr_hold:
Hehe <3 I couldn't hold myself since you were too sweet!

As you can probably guess lol I'm busy with my upcoming birthday party, eh I feel happy though kind of sad because of getting older xD Wish you were here...and everyone ^^
Sweetheart...really, I feel so warm and happy suddenly just by talking with you. You're like a magical human being, feeling more at ease than ever by seeing you all okay. Glad everything is fine at your end, I'm being busy with arranging my birthday party *sigh* 2more days and everything will be ready. Super excited!

Awww <3 I'm honored to show you the path then! Hearing that makes me smile, thank you for thinking me as a pacemaker >.< I love you too! Awwwww now you're making me blush >///< <3 *hugs super tight and never lets go* :rr_love:

My one and only sister, please stay safe, please know that you're always somewhere in my mind...I'll be always here if anything happens, supporting you is the best I can do so, so glad being able to talk with you again! :nekopara_hug:
Samy onii, I'm back! Did you miss me? :runhappy:

Just did my essays yesterday, worst test ever regarding the system lecturers are using, they changed the title given a week ago just before my test :sowwy:

Nope, he is a superhero :puniko_hmm:

Speaking of video :evillaugh:

Somehow yes, have to walk to all cafes to check on them :rr_bump:

Samy is a bishie! That'll work :lapi_happy:

Does samy eat chewing gums?:alice_hide:
Two is better than one :alice_waai:

Yup, one of my friends from secondary school slept while she was taking her shower, too tired for studying until 3am:boys_sigh:

Yum yum, thank you samy~ :lapi_drink:

I don't know, it just came into my mind :mini_whistle:
Sammy otoutoooo❤❤❤ * hugs tight and kisses your cheek* ❤ :nekopara_hug:
My lovely! Gahh I'm also too busy these days, at least we're in the same boat xD Thankies >.< I saw you in my dream last week, we were eating cakes! Wish I can give you a hug now T_T
Thank you for the birthday wish, DA! :lapi_happy:

Hope you've been well, and that SOTM has been getting lots of entries! :fulfilled: