dawnotaku Ghost Kitty~ dawnotaku wrote on Ghost Kitty~'s profile.
Parents have connection to it? 
Be like imouto
I can't survive without it
...unless I eat pasta every single day 
Invisible technique takes time to learn
Hmmmm...why did samy pick it at the first place?

Be like imouto

I can't survive without it

Invisible technique takes time to learn

Hmmmm...why did samy pick it at the first place?

I'm supposed to land on you? 
Ermmmm...ermmmmm did samy have illusion?
Oh you must try then /me gives a cup of milk
Well yeah~Does samy like it?

Ermmmm...ermmmmm did samy have illusion?

Oh you must try then /me gives a cup of milk

Well yeah~Does samy like it?