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Tôi đang kinh doanh bơm chìm nước thải, với nhiều loại pa lăng cáp điện, thiết bị pa lăng xích, và máy móc công nghiệp pa lăng xích kéo tay, chất lượng cao máy bơm chìm nước thải, giá thành hợp ly bơm chìm, bảo hành chu đáo máy bơm chìm nước thải, tư vấn chuyên nghiệp pa lăng điện
Tôi đang kinh doanh bơm chìm nước thải, với nhiều loại pa lăng cáp điện, thiết bị pa lăng xích, và máy móc công nghiệp pa lăng xích kéo tay, chất lượng cao máy bơm chìm nước thải, giá thành hợp ly bơm chìm, bảo hành chu đáo máy bơm chìm nước thải, tư vấn chuyên nghiệp pa lăng điện
Tôi bán máy bơm hút bùn, và các bơm chìm nước thải cánh cắt, nhiều thiết bị bơm nước thải, máy móc như máy bơm chìm, ngoài ra còn có bơm chìm
Tôi đang kinh doanh bơm chìm nước thải, với nhiều loại pa lăng cáp điện, thiết bị pa lăng xích, và máy móc công nghiệp pa lăng xích kéo tay, chất lượng cao máy bơm chìm nước thải, giá thành hợp ly bơm chìm, bảo hành chu đáo máy bơm chìm nước thải, tư vấn chuyên nghiệp pa lăng điện
Also, here is a guide for the VN.

:EDIT: BTW. From what I heard this VN ends in a cliffhanger, and the story continues in the sequel. So up to you if you want to read this one now, or wait till the sequel is translated and read them together, it's being translated as well. No release date yet. So far 3 VN's have been made for this series, and another cureently being made, and they are all directly related and continue the story.

Sequel page.

So far I love this VN. It's different from Sonohana but still so good. This VN is a bit more mature, but still very cute, a good mix. Gonna read the whole series. I'm hooked. Music, artwork, characters, story all top notch. It's by Innocent Grey and they write mystery VN's like Kara no Shoujo, so this has a bit of mystery too. Very well made.
Yeah..~ Something happening with the site.... :akazukin_down:

Mostly because im too lazy to upload them first :alice_hide:

B-but cat tails can be cute too :alice_dead:

So... what do we do then? :kurochan_climb:

I think its just school mostly... which is also starting for me.... :rr_hug:
That might be fun :kurochan_thumb:

Then... you pulled it out? :miku_!:

So you can both get sick together if it was bad? :kurochan_laugh:

Everest still doesnt seem entertaining :alice_...:
Couldn't do anything yesterday...getting gateway error :dead:

It's rare to see onii-chan using gifs :alice_glitter:

It's a traditional trend around here...cats without tails are cuter :alice_...:

Hmmmmm.../me stares at the pointy hat :miku_peek: Found it! It's XXX's property~

Maybe she is on a world tour? :boys_glitter: Don't feel sad samy, you have dawn imouto here! :nekopara_hug:

Do I disguise as a birdie to trick people? :nekopara_pleased:

People feeling uneasy with it :puniko_timid:

Yes, it is fine~ I have my roommate tried it along with me :samuraihero:

No worries, I'll keep samy entertained and safe :rr_hug:
I'm excited for it too, should be awesome.

When I first saw that shorts/strap suit my first thought was Misty from Pokemon lol, of course she had a shirt underneath though. Will give blue one to Hitomi, the other one is meh.

Started the VN. Super cute so far! As I mentioned no H-scenes, but cute, innocent yuri love is good too imo. Now just gotta decide which girl to choose for Suoh.

No worries man, I know you are busy working both jobs, plus Pokemon GO. Speaking of which, hear about that dude getting 600k XP in 1 day?

:EDIT: Sandwich suit cost 1 million :( Decuple cost 200k.
It's been going okay I guess, but still it's painful. What's funny is the next day he refuses to listen to any commands. I guess he decided one hour was enough lol.

You and me both about disliking XIII and XIII-2, or Lightening Returns. We seem to be the minority though. Most people liked the games a lot.

I heard about No Mans Sky. Too much hype for a game that didn't offer much.

Did your brother go to Louisiana?

Yeah, I've been too busy which doesn't allow me come here as often as I had been. Hopefully, sometime in the future things will quiet down a bit. How's your job and family?
Yea, I'm quite exited for Olympics 2020. Knowing Japan, it's going to be outrageous.

I've heard the name Kira Kira but thats it. Didn't play it either. The other you linked seems great though. Been a while since I got my Yuri fix so I'll be downloading that one too, thanks :3
Reminds me, I still have to play the last SonoHanabira o.o

As for the new suits.. I dunno tbh. I liked the previous sets more than these. I prefer the shorts/straps one more though. The other bikini is strapless which I don't really like =/

Haven't been active much man, sorry. Been kinda busy with work and all. Also pokemon GO, level 25 atm :3
I'm psychic :gotidea:

but don't you have dreams dear dawn?

yep lots of programming. I'll try my best to help you my dear wifu :menft:

There are like 5 departments IT, Business, Engineering, fashion, Medical.
Most girls go to IT and Business since fashion isn't grade not a bright future. Medical few only go there since there's a lot to memorize and study. And Engineering it's filled with dudes so they decide to go to IT even if they suck.

I kinda got a scholarship so i don't pay anything :runhappy: on the contrary I get paid to study :lol:

Sleep > Games > Life > etc > Exam

sleep is greater than everything :runhappy:

i won't hurt you :traitor: i'll just kidnap you and make you my wife imprison you in a tower forever :laughpanda:
Hey girlcelly,
After much digging I was able to find that you had already posted "完熟ルージュドリップ" & "LOVEMILF." I was able to download them with the few seeders that were still active, by some miracle:P

Anyway, i still haven't been able to get my hands on "GREATER HEAL":( Which is also the one game that I mostly want:(
Would you happen to have it? Would really appreciate it if you could reply, thanks:)
I don't know where you're pre-ordering but the official site I'm pre-ordering from closed the pre-ordering quite awhile ago, so watch out for scams.
Just found out that since Japan (Tokyo) is hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics they get to bring back one sport that was removed before. And since Japan plays baseball/softball that's what they are bringing back to the Olympics! Yes! Thanks Japan! Bring back best sport in world!!!!!

Also, do you if if this VN is any good?

:EDIT: actually decided to go with this VN instead. Another Yuri VN just translated, no H-Scenes but got good reviews.
Yes, I did. Its not that expensive compared to the Blu-Ray sets I got for the Fate franchise because it has Saber on it xD
Oh, great!
I'll send you a friend request then :D
My name would be Senpaiperv (all caps) in case you wanted to know.