This Wouldn't fit in the last VM:
:EDIT: it looks Erika (the girl in the wheelchair) and the new girl I mentioned will not be a route for Suoh, but will be a couple themselves. Hope that's not a spoiler, that's all I know about the 2nd VN atm.
EDIT 2: Also, found out that you HAVE to do Mayuri's route first since that is the true route that continues in the next VN's, I guess Rikka's route is just a bonus, but apparently isn't part of the true route, only Mayuri is true route. That might also be why you kept getting a bad end, if you were on Rikka's route you will eventually get a bad end since Mayuri's route has to be done first. So I guess other couples will form, but that main story is Suoh and Mayuri.