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you have 2 way to buy games. One, is to buy the physical version of the game, the other way is to buy games digitally on the PSN Store. If you buy them on then PSN Store, then yes, you download them on the Vita.

Also, the Vita has 2 models. 1000, and 2000. 1000 is the original model, it has a superior OLED screen but is a bit more expensive. The 2000 uses a LCD screen, not as nice, but it's a little cheaper. Also, the original Vita has no built in memory, the 2000 has 1 GB of bult in memory, which is enough if you buy physical copies off all your games, but not if you buy them digitally. Also, the Vita uses custom memory cards and they are expensive.
Now, in the 4th VN you go back to playing as Suoh again. So will be sometime before we continue Suoh, and Mayuri's story since that VN doesn't release till next year in Japan. Still, the other 2 are already picked up for translation by JAST and I'm interested in playing as those couples too. Should be fun! Very interested in the 3rd VN's couple. Still, I love Suoh x Mayuri and I have a feeling they will be my favorite couple in this series.

:EDIT: isn't the track on the trailer for the 3rd VN with Yuzuriha x Nerine amazing? Especially when it picks up at the 1:00 minute mark, then again at 1:48 with the drums. So amazing, I love this track. Trying to find where to download it. Says it's sung by MANYO.
Hmm..I see. Seems like a lot of responsibilities. The house, bees and the property itself. Would moving into the house be a problem for you? Like, too far away from home and/or work?

Oh I see, I guess that's explains why I couldn't get any further into the story. It seems they added Rikka the make things a bit more complicated. I mean, the game would've been far too easy if you could only get in one route. Would end up being a kinetic novel where the choices you make have zero influence. I just hope the next VN is just as good. Most continuations aren't as good as the 1st one of the series.

Oh just wondering, how do you "read" your VNs? Do you read at your own pace and enter for the next sentence or do you put it on auto? I'm kind struggling for this one lol. The speed I have now is a bit too slow for me. But one step higher is just that tiny bit too fast D: Sometimes I need a split second to let sink in what I just read, I can't have it continue if I didn't xD So sometimes I just enter but that's pretty tiring after a while =/
Don't worry, I'm not catching up anytime soon lol, still about half-way in chapter 3 I think, judging from the choices I already made.
Naturally, I'm gonna go for the rest as well. It's surprisingly good (and cute)

Haha no worries man. I can live with spoilers as long as it isn't like, plot-revealing or something.

Yup puppies are a lot of work lol. You can enjoy (or not! xD) yourself all day with one. But yea, silence with a puppy is very suspicious. Days off are needed as well, you need to rest every once in a while.
No but I'm planning a plan to get one. Just want to ask how it works. Is it like steam where you can download games from your library?
32Bit/XP Patch is included in both the torrent and direct download release. Please use the relevant patch to get your game working.
Yeah, i missed talking with you, but i guess it can't be helped school is important after all.

Yeah and Sora one of the new character in Enstars is voiced by yumoto voice actor too.

I hated naruto always i guess i'm not into much violence im my animes. that's why i nowadays watch Boys love or other type of romance stuff(but then i feel bad because i never gonna experience feelings like that haha..)

I burned some diamonds to get Tetora, but i guess with school it's gonna be hard for you :(. yet again i only plan to get the 5 star point reward, i'm not prepared for ranking yet . Yeah i know yume100 is so hard. i not even feel like i'm progressing xD (and now the english wiki i used for it closed so i'm without help. )

Yeah they gave a lot of discs but i'm scared that ranking will be hard.
★ 自炊 Own Bought Game ★ [160812][ORCSOFT] バカだけどチ○チンしゃぶるのだけはじょうずなちーちゃん [794M] [RJ181074]
I have error: Member "kag" dose not exist. How to work on this game Flower?. Thank
Aaaaaaaa, long time no talk ; - ; i'm sorry I was sooooo trapped in homework and school stuff orz

Ahh, yassssss Koutaro Nishiyama is the only battle lover left!~ xD Because Lucas = En; Momosuke = Yumoto; Babel = Atsushi; Leon = Ryuu; Takamichi = Io~

Me toooo, I also watched those as a child >w< I was into them though hahaha...~

Also, in that event, orz I could only reach Yuta,,,,, because school ate all my time llOTL This event though!!! I SHALL GET THAT EICHI IN THE RANKING >o<)9 and in Yume100 i am still also a weakling qwq

Nhà cung cấp máy bơm nước, với các loại máy bơm tsurumi, giá rẻ máy bơm pentax, chất lượng máy bơm ebara, hoạt động tốt máy bơm sealand, bảo hành tốt máy bơm tohatsu, chuyên dùng máy bơm sear, cho công nghiệp bơm định lượng Obl, và dân dụng máy bơm app phù hợp với mọi yêu cầu.
Can you tell me how to make this game 学園退魔!ホーリー×モーリー work on win 10 or can you up full game for me ?
I want to play this game.
Thanks you very much.
That would partly be the fault of their parents and society... :alice_nay:

I just toss it all into photobucket but yeah... uploading just adds more work to do :kurochan_dead:

Meat tastes weird... I guess they can.... I dunno though... :alice_sorry:

Then I guess we better be really sneaky so she doesnt catch us :alice_hide:

On Tuesday and Thursday :lapi_depressed:
Am I supposed to catch you? The safety net isnt set up yet :miku_panic:

T-then what did I find? :kurochan_fear:

/me nibbles on mint... Wait... I didnt drink the milk though :kurochan_wut:

Is it laputa? :alice_happy:
That's right if they are learning the proper things...:lapi_study: not learning to become an outlaw :lol:

I have been doing the wrong way...:rr_ugh: Uploading is troublesome :sigh:

He said meats taste weird...that never happened on me though :miku_shock:

She's THE catwoman! Of course she does!

For every day?![IMG]

/me is fired to the target samy piggy with a high speed [IMG]

:akazukin_but: I can't find my tail [IMG]

/me puts mint leaves into samy's mouth :dthumbup:

/me photoshops samy to a floating castle :nyanmusu_tehee:
Nhà cung cấp máy bơm nước, với các loại máy bơm tsurumi, giá rẻ máy bơm pentax, chất lượng máy bơm ebara, hoạt động tốt máy bơm sealand, bảo hành tốt máy bơm tohatsu, chuyên dùng máy bơm sear, cho công nghiệp bơm định lượng Obl, và dân dụng máy bơm app phù hợp với mọi yêu cầu.
Nhà cung cấp máy bơm nước, với các loại máy bơm tsurumi, giá rẻ máy bơm pentax, chất lượng máy bơm ebara, hoạt động tốt máy bơm sealand, bảo hành tốt máy bơm tohatsu, chuyên dùng máy bơm sear, cho công nghiệp bơm định lượng Obl, và dân dụng máy bơm app phù hợp với mọi yêu cầu.
Nhà cung cấp máy bơm nước, với các loại máy bơm tsurumi, giá rẻ máy bơm pentax, chất lượng máy bơm ebara, hoạt động tốt máy bơm sealand, bảo hành tốt máy bơm tohatsu, chuyên dùng máy bơm sear, cho công nghiệp bơm định lượng Obl, và dân dụng máy bơm app phù hợp với mọi yêu cầu.
Nhà cung cấp máy bơm nước, với các loại máy bơm tsurumi, giá rẻ máy bơm pentax, chất lượng máy bơm ebara, hoạt động tốt máy bơm sealand, bảo hành tốt máy bơm tohatsu, chuyên dùng máy bơm sear, cho công nghiệp bơm định lượng Obl, và dân dụng máy bơm app phù hợp với mọi yêu cầu.