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  • Well its a different page than the subscription one anyhow xD And thats the one ive been using =w=

    Hmm yesh saw random stuff stop working and whatnot O.o I do think check shouldve been asleep by that time so... dunno~
    Lol well... i used to poke at groups once a day but then it got more troublesome to find so i stopped... xD Well... not too troublesome i guess~
    Lol then i really should poke in a bit more.. xD Well tmr... =w= Too lates today~ Two people... can still fill quite a bit xD
    Lol hmm... well its games and shool stuff thats keeping me from spam now =w= If there was no games then.. might post more.. xD Shi does seem a bit busy though~

    Ahh i should poke the groups sometime... xD Theres probably who knows how many pages now xD
    Lol wasnt time for meh yet since im behind most of the world xD

    Hmm... i dont think shi made a page for me actually xD I believe it was monj last time =w= And... hmm... dont think i had a page this time xD
    Blueberry cheesecake :bigeyes: /me stares while tummy grumbles :bigeyes: Lol i dont think ive had blueberry before xD Had strawberry cheesecake and stuff i think..~ Oh yeah theres that cheesecake factory place... had some odd flavors there xD
    ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

    \\\\ ٩(`(エ)´ )و //// Happy New year..... Arylin-chan ^^ о(ж>▽<)y ☆
    Happy New Year :cheering::cheerleader:
    Wishing you a New Year that brings luck and prosperity, fill your home with joy and spirit...
    Hmm... risky forts xD But i guess build times are just not that important either way then...~ Countries with more castles/forts have lower hp overall? And couldnt you do the same with castles? Build it in front of the enemies xD Or is the building somewhat different there?

    How do they arrive? At the town center or wherever you chose? Hmm... so i guess theyre not equal to the resources taken to summon then...~ For the unlimited use ones...~ Point will keep building up though wouldnt it? So eventually those with fancier cards would lose their advantage if the game drags on too long?~ Special powers... @_@ Those seem like the changed upgrades for AoE 2 expansion thingy...~ But perhaps you get to have more types~ Do you get to choose your own deck and customize it?

    Lol resource cards and stuff are useless for you xD I guess... same map gets not that fun =w= Same pattern of attacks from the AI and stuff?~ How big do they make their squads though?~
    Ahh so castle has more potential in a long game? But what of the build time? Or is that usually negligible unless people want to build up in an are where it would break easily? Oh wait cards O.o So thats why theyre limited... more utility with them... I guess forts are like the trebuchet carts?

    Lol the AI are less predictable?~ Probably cheaper to just train troops normally then? Or is the cost not that great anyhow with the only real drawback being the limited uses? How do the cards work? Have a deck of cards or something and you just draw from it every so often? xD

    Well i guess the advantage of fixed maps is that all the players have a more... determined balance? None too close to the enemies or whatnot... but not as fun ><
    Oh O.o Cant build more... are they much more powerful than in Aoe 2? Since they were limited and all...
    AI usually lacks strategy xD They just build up smallish groups and rushes you every so often... Usually has an army of workers...
    They build fast enough to shove one in front of its base? O.o Or just that the AI ignored them for who knows how long...

    Freebies... they work differently for every civilization? And how many troops do they usually summon?

    Random map generator... hmm but the maps are usually random if you just start some randomish game? Or you mean create something suitable for wandering around in?~

    Hmm... did you use any of those cheats to get those... fast moving units which could play dodge ball with the seige weapons for a while? xD Though that mightve been one 2..~
    Hmm... did that before =w= Also somewhat fun to make 7 vs 1 xD Just sit there with a wonder and theyll naturally charge at meh xD Theres always one person that tends to offer an alliance though if its 1 vs 7 =w= I wonder... would be fun to just fund an ally in 2 vs 6... xD

    Cannon towers... if they were faster they wouldve been really powerful in AoE 2 @_@ Highest damage in the game i think? Maybe not for siege weapons which doesnt show how much damage it does...But rows of that with castles makes for a nice wall that nothing can pass xD

    Ahh so freebies and neutrals are different =w= Didnt play 3 so dont know too much about it~ I guess thats sort of last resort stuff or if youre going with a large attack and wanted to build up faster~

    Ive done some large no holds barred battles... @_@ Filled the map with troops... and then lagged like heck until the starting fights were over xD
    Wandering maps would probably be the ones i did most... but not as fun when i know where to go =w=
    I sort of like melee quite a bit so 2 is good for that xD Lol yes... same here xD Just sit around with large armies and watch what happens =w=

    In map editor i shove max resources and tons of heroes everywhere~ Maybe have a little scenario for myself~ Tried to recreate some .hack scenarios through it... xD Not that i got to and being the creator its not as fun since i know where stuff are...~ But i was going to start out with a weak militia and then survive the first encounter by luck... or not~ Then find... hmm what were those grey troops? The free ones youre talking about? But anyhow there was an occasional troop and i just went nuts gathering a small army and going through various cities and whatnot... though there is that odd thing where you can run around walls wasnt there? Didnt reach right up to the shoreline... forget if that was a problem but i know there was some stuff like that with certain... terrain? Made it so there was just a hole in the wall that people could run through.. Cities were mazes of houses and whatnot~ Ai sort of sat around not doing too much though...~ Need to figure out how to get them to work since i dont like the random seeding much =w=

    Ahh you did that as well x3 Too bad im not particularly proficient at making the campaigns... only know the basic stuff~
    Ahh fooey xD Kept thinking shooter @_@ Brain being dumbs xD Seems to happen more and more lately... =w= Hmm... i liked AoE 2 quite a bit~ That map editor could waste days @_@ Too bad i dont know where it is now... has AoE 1 and the gold version of it but it kind of... lacks... the online version doesnt have map editor either D: But yeah i only ever really played single player where i had all the time i could want to build up my forces =w= Computers werent the best opponents though...

    Hmm... so basically just trying to wreck havoc on the enemy and hoping he/she doesnt have better forces lying in wait xD
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