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  • Hello mildis! I’m so happy that you wrote to me. How are you? Sorry for making you worry and thank you. I received an annoying message from a member. I was a little angry. The problem is I can’t ignore this person because I’m a type of person that I can’t say no. I was very tired and stressed too and I wanted to take a break for a few months from this forum. So, anyway, I rested for 2 days, I cleared my mind and returned back. I’m very sorry for bothering you with my problems…
    I’m using “invisibility mode” to hide my activities. Settings>General Settings and select Invisible Mode on.
    Osaka は "Osaka-hu(大阪府-都道府県)"を示します。

    It's supposed to be v14934 (getchu 809466) - Change! I'll update the thread

    Thanks for telling me.
    Hello Mildis :) I'm so glad to hear that you got the Decorated Melodies OST ^_^ Where were you able to get it from? Yes, if you can upload this OST and in MP3 format too, that would be amazing! *hugs*

    Scans for the "Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari" first fanbook and the hana awase fanbooks would be hugely appreciated too! Hopefully, it will be a little easier than before for you ^^ Thanks Mildis *hugs again* <3
    I found this game on the internet and uploaded it on Aarin. I saw that Jezebel wanted to upload it on anime-sharing and therefore waited for her upload. :)
    You’re welcome! Yes, the game works without installing it. The game was programmed to work like that. I think Amedeo, Operetta games and most doujin games work without installing them. Usually if the files of the game are all inside a single folder, then you can play the game without installing it.
    Hello mildis! I’ve installed the game successfully. In order for the game to work you need to put the patch (DCGS_DVD.exe) inside the folder you’ve installed the game and replace it with the previous DCGS_DVD.exe file.
    (C:\Program Files\Sanctuary\DCGS_DVD\).
    sailor moonは確かまたアニメ化する企画があるのをこの前どこかで読みました。今やってるのは知りませんでした。彼女はニコニコの画像をブログの記事に載せたんだと思います。clampがまたヒットしてるかどうかはよくわかりません。ただ、海外は昔のアニメが人気です。思うに彼女自身が最近見たからたまたまその画像を引っ張ってきたのかもしれませんね。そうです、この画像はinu yashaのヒロインの子です。bdはフランス語で漫画という意味のphraseの略称です。そうですね、彼女の自己紹介文、文法的におかしいところありますね。まあ砕けた言い方をしてるだけなんだと思います。わかりにくいですけれども。
    Thank you very much for the links and the information. Yes, I was asking about the artist, I was not sure about dousei kareshi. I mean the characters designs reminded me the characters from last escort 2 and I was not sure if the same artist did the art for both games. Thanks a lot!
    Hello! Thank you so much for the link. The song is beautiful! I will download it. I heard all the songs. Yesterday I downloaded some magazine scans from otomedream that Alansa uploaded!! I want to ask you, the picture in the front is from the Last Escort 2 (ps2 otome game)? You know who did the art for the game? I’m just curious, I’ve seen the same art style in many games.
    というか、firstcomplexについてのApril 27th付けのVM今気が付きました。なんでわからなかったんだろう、本当にすみません。無事にゲームはダウンロードしました。私はbitshare使いました。bitshareは使い勝手がいいのを知ってたので。でもMEGAだとダウンロード制限がないことに最近気が付きました。MEGA使ってる人多いんじゃないですかね。なんかうpする人も使いやすいし落とす人もやりやすいみたいなことをどっかのスレで誰かが言ってたような…。ところでgameのplay方法はもうわかったでしょうか…?一応書いておくと、中断ということはセーブとかロードのことですよね?もちろんできます。そうです、スロットにセーブです。一時停止…とかは単純に進めなければいいのでは?手動で進みますし、いったんセーブすればいいと思いますよ。さっきの画面をもう一度…というのは商業では出来ることもありますけどこのゲームでは無理です。backlogで会話の流れだけなら前のは見ることはできると思いますが。ただ、ビデオのように自由自在に指定したところから見ることはできないですね、ゲームですし。それではまた。
    こんにちは、mildis-san. I'm actually not sure why you're surprised... by opening the blog, the music was suddenly on. Is that why you're surprised? Although I know nothing about this song, i feel somehow nostalgic withe the melody. いつやってたのか知りませんけどなんか90年代っぽいですね。憶測ですけど。 というか、mildis-sanってBL詳しいですね?好きなんですか?
    Hi, hi~
    Hmm? Did you mean by the download link for the albums? Nope, sorry >__< I never download SM's single CD. I usually download only the op and end songs I really like. Oh, I also have the live action songs, you know ^^ Especially since I like the actress who played Venus~
    Maybe you already know, but if you want to download anime songs, it is best if you try
    Hi! :) my native language is Ukrainian. But I know Russian very well and on the Internet I usually communicate using it. Russian language is very hard and it is difficult to learn it by yourself. But for me, English is more difficult than Russian. :D
    Saw your post regarding Ai no Uta, Mildis! Thanks so much :D You're too awesome *hugs*
    Hello Mildis! Downloaded the trial sample and they're good! I think they're completely fine :)
    Hi Mildis :) Yeah I was able to download the files and everything was perfectly working. I downloaded it from mega, which I think most people download from as it's the fastest (at least for me) ^^
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