Neo-Exile's GFX Lab


Elite Member
Oct 31, 2010
Yo there people~
This showcase contains some of my, well, experiments. GFX experiments of course. I'm not saying that I'm a pro or anything, I just wanna share what kind of garbage I've worked on so far xD

First, this is my latest animated avatar. With the help of SoSo a.k.a fortella.'s basic animating tutorial, I've managed to figure the rest of the animating method myself, and with some help from Ignis's old .psd~


Second, this is a promotional banner for my club... I did some experiment with Gradient Map, Gaussian Blur and a bit of erasing here and there~


Comments and critique are always appreciated! :)
If I may~

On your animated avatar, I presume you used 2px black borders? Whatever you used, make sure they're solid borders, not ones somewhat getting paler on the outer pixels. If you take a closer look at the ava, you'll notice that the outermost areas on the top and bottom aren't covered by the borders - or they are, but the borders are pale enough to reveal them.

Next, basic concept - you may want to make area around the font support easier reading. You could use double borders, like white borders outside black borders; or add outer glow with rather strong opacity. I'm referring to the text borders, btw. Just an advice, to make transition smoother, you could make duplicated layers with gradually lowering opacity. I do this often when doing animation for stuff like blinking eyes.

As for the FB gamers union banner... hmm, I find it difficult to comment on it, so maybe later >_>
Hmm yeah, now that you mention it something does feel off when I first placed the border ._. I thought it had something to do with my PS since it looked fine when I view it with ACDSee O_o
Maybe the Zoom tool will help me next time >.>"

Hmm yeah. I did took another look to the PSD of yours that you gave me quite a while ago, and "mutilated" it. I learned that method, but I also find it too much hassle -_- I was kinda not on the right mood at the time, so I f***ed smooth transition off and proceeded with what it is not O.o

Thanks for the advice, and I'm waiting for your comment on my banner ^^
I hope you don't get offended but, the banner needs more work.
It's kinda low-quality and uh... A little "dull".

The avatar's funny though haha.

Do not use .gif formats for big images like your banner or else, it'll really cripple the quality. The PNG format is still the best format for graphics. Try to be more creative with the texts and try a "catchier" font.
Do not use .gif formats for big images like your banner or else, it'll really cripple the quality. The PNG format is still the best format for graphics.

Problem is that his banner is animated and PNG is not a multi frame format.
Personally I would suggest dropping the whole animation idea and go with a solid high quality image. Sometimes it's better to sacrifice little spectral for authenticity (that's why there are minimalist designs).

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