New Otome game titles are on PSVITA. How do you feel about this?


May 29, 2011
A lot of you probably know this, but the latest Otome game titles will be released on PSVITA.
How do you feel about this change? What is your stance on constant console change?

Personally I'm sad that I have to buy, yet another console. I don't mind buying new games.
Buying yet another console, is like tolerating the hardware manufacturers that you agree in buying a new one every 5 years or so.
With today's technology, its actually possible to integrate handheld consoles with great specs. Heck even our smartphones are becoming more powerful than our consoles with every passing month. I just hate that Sony loves staying mediocre and pulls an expensive price tag on us.

The only console that never changes is our lovely PC. Ahh, it's kinda sad that only the doujin makers remain in fueling up our PC's with new visual novels.
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Seems to me like a way to get people to move to the Vita with no real reason.
Nothing was advanced technically in the animations or the sprites, so what other reason do they have to actually move?
Only so that Vita can bank on something, because they are failing BIG TIME.
Moving to a dying and failing console, which is not selling as well as the PSP did, is not the right move and this will hurt them.
I'm really sad about Diabolik Lovers, since I really wanted to play the new game, but I'm not going to buy a Vita just for it.
You could also note that some are moving to the computer, which is always a good sign.
Seems to me like a way to get people to move to the Vita with no real reason.
Nothing was advanced technically in the animations or the sprites, so what other reason do they have to actually move?
Only so that Vita can bank on something, because they are failing BIG TIME.
Moving to a dying and failing console, which is not selling as well as the PSP did, is not the right move and this will hurt them.
This is so true. The PSP was already perfect for VN's. There was no need to re-invent the wheel.

I'm really sad about Diabolik Lovers, since I really wanted to play the new game, but I'm not going to buy a Vita just for it.
You could also note that some are moving to the computer, which is always a good sign.
That and Norn9 ~Last Era~. Oh gawd, I swear it was a last minute decision.
I'm not so sure what the future holds for the PC games tough, only Reject and some R-18 otome games remained active.
Why?...Why do they have to move to VITA?
I agree that PSP is already a perfect one for playing VN.
What is the problem of keeping it as it is? -_-''

Well, at least, Quinrose and Rejet still keep on producing new VN for PSP.
I really hope that the other companies aside from OTOMATE will not move on totally for VITA.
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I'm sad about that. I understand that Vita has a bigger resolution and a nice touchpad system. But I'm not able to buy the games because of financial reasons and my parents' thoughts about games. I could like the idea of moving to Vita if it could be hacked. But now, I'm just sad about not being able to play NORN9 Last Era and Var Commons, and also other several games.
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It's really sad that all Otome games are moving on a PsVita because there are many games that i'd like to play ... Reine des Fleur, Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate ( and Vandead Carnival ), Code Realize and Psychedelica ( all of Otomate ) and other that will coming out in future.
Actually i'm not able to buy a psvita because is very expensive and my parents don't let me to buy it.
I hope in emulator for PsVita.
True, what's the whole point of moving if there is actually no need to do so?
Sadly the move to Vita may be related to people like me. When I buy a PSP game, and then upload it then the company loses money. Although I encourage those who can buy the games to purchase them, but I understand that games are very expensive. Plus, if you live in a country where you cannot get the games shipped, then it becomes more of a challenge. I understand this, but the big Japanese gaming companies like Ideal Factory and Otomate they are only looking at profits not what's realistic.

We will have to wait until someone figures out how to jailbreak the Vita to extract the Vita games. I recently bought a PSP games on my Vita (from PSN Japan), I was able to extract the game, but to transfer it to my PSP to play was impossible.

Hopefully, PSP games won't go away, but we'll wait and see.
I am sad about it too, because if i can buy PSP vita, i can't buy otome game for it in my country simply:291540::291532:
It is sad that PSP shifts to VITA.
Feelings that Sony wants to sell VITA are understood.
The PSP hardware is a sales termination.
It is uneasy that Otome Game will not sell it with PSP in the near future.
I Have high hope for Rejet since they have Extremely Good Music and concept *rejet bias*:56053:

As long as it is rejet i dont really mind

I heard from my friends that Vita sound and art quality are on another level compare to PSP so i think from now on they gonna release all game in PSV *though i wont have enough money to by them* :56042:
it is just very sad now that most of VN for console will come out for only PsVita, for me the quality of graphic and art on PSP game is already good enough, no need for bigger improvement on those factor of game, it's action which really need to be made on ps vita, i think the main reason they prefer making this game on psp now because of the copyright issue, PSVita is impossible to be hacked now there is no doubt that they will do anything just to ensure their game wil give the best sale performance, when i first heard about diabolik lovers dark fate i very excited but not until i see "ps vita" on their official site now all of my joy just vanish in thin air for only one second the moment i see those words, so now the only way is to wait for sony having earned back all their capital fund and a good sum of profit before a pro can get down to the work hacking this platform, right now i even cannot afford a PSP(i could back then but i choose a smartphone instead), and i can't afford a psvita or games in another 4 years, until i will have graduated from university and have a stable job for my living
I find it sad...and scary, I don't have money for PSV that's for sure. But who knows if they're gonna stop there... If Sony keeps releasing a new console then companies will run after it and then everyone will change to that new stuff. A PSV emulator seems out of reach now, maybe in another couple of years. Buying games is another thing but my parents won't just let me buy a new console that easily T^T
I find it sad...and scary, I don't have money for PSV that's for sure. But who knows if they're gonna stop there... If Sony keeps releasing a new console then companies will run after it and then everyone will change to that new stuff. A PSV emulator seems out of reach now, maybe in another couple of years. Buying games is another thing but my parents won't just let me buy a new console that easily T^T

I understand how you feel, it really hard to keep up with everything :56024:
I'm so not happy about it, I've been taking care of my PSP since I bought it years ago. Doesn't even have a scratch on it even my Cell phone that I recently purchase looks worse.......

I know that Companies this days need to keep sales to keep on..... but every 3-5 Years is just too much for me. I do have every PS consoles from PS1 to PS3 but unfortunately not PS4 and PSVita >_> I wish I had... still need to wait till I have enough money to buy those..... and I don't just download I DO TOO buy games here in my Country even if I just understand half of it! =_=

If the shipping cost to Austria weren't that expensive I would have bought all the games from Japan T_T
It's really sad that all Otome games are moving on a PsVita because there are many games that i'd like to play ... Reine des Fleur, Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate ( and Vandead Carnival ), Code Realize and Psychedelica ( all of Otomate ) and other that will coming out in future.
Actually i'm not able to buy a psvita because is very expensive and my parents don't let me to buy it.
I hope in emulator for PsVita.

WHAT!? Reine des Fleur is for VITA only!? asdgasdjhgjkl h-how could I missed that vital info ; a ;
WHAT!? Reine des Fleur is for VITA only!? asdgasdjhgjkl h-how could I missed that vital info ; a ;
It was posted in their website actually, the only game I know that kept their platform a secret...was Norn9 Last Era...and..boy oh boy it was shocking ;A;/ Tears came out from my eyes, after the big reveal in B's Log.
Reine des fluers is in my MUST GET otome game ( and did) as well as ken ga kimi vita version along with marginal#4 supernova =w=
It was posted in their website actually, the only game I know that kept their platform a secret...was Norn9 Last Era...and..boy oh boy it was shocking ;A;/ Tears came out from my eyes, after the big reveal in B's Log.

I try not to visit their website much, and even if I do, it is usually the characters' pages ^^; I knew the era of Vita is coming (what with all the amnesia and dialov) but I did not realise it has come to the originals too orz Does that mean I have to start saving up for Vita now?

Reine des fluers is in my MUST GET otome game ( and did) as well as ken ga kimi vita version along with marginal#4 supernova =w=

RdF IS IN MY MUST-GET LIST but seeing as it is Vita.................................. /wails
If you dont wanna play the game then you can wait for the cracking series to come out =w= though it probably gonna be too late ;A;
If you dont wanna play the game then you can wait for the cracking series to come out =w= though it probably gonna be too late ;A;
It's not that I don't want to play the game (MORE LIKE I CAN'T BLOODY WAIT TO PLAY THE GAME) but to get Vita now.............. orz. Besides since I bought PSP late, I still have a mountain of a backlog to go through D; At this rate, it's going to be the same with Vita D;
It's not that I don't want to play the game (MORE LIKE I CAN'T BLOODY WAIT TO PLAY THE GAME) but to get Vita now.............. orz. Besides since I bought PSP late, I still have a mountain of a backlog to go through D; At this rate, it's going to be the same with Vita D;

I understand what u mean, its lucky that i bought the psp extremely early that why its ok for me toget vita and i already did, hope that you can get it soon
I understand what u mean, its lucky that i bought the psp extremely early that why its ok for me toget vita and i already did, hope that you can get it soon

It was quite late when I discovered the fandom : A ; When did you get your psp and vita? How did you find the vita?
I might get it next year hopefully but yeah |D
It was quite late when I discovered the fandom : A ; When did you get your psp and vita? How did you find the vita?
I might get it next year hopefully but yeah |D

The image is on another level compare to the PSP, soo clear and soo... High quality

I got the PSP from my grandma when they first release (just touch the game recently around 2 years), my first PSV otome game is gonna be M#4 *excitement*

Oh i almost forgot, the sound also clear and we can use touch screen, all of the shameless (trigger KISS) *run and hide*

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