[Original Story] Title Pending. ^^


Fear the mustache...
Elite Member
Nov 3, 2012
I've only started this 2 days ago and I can't sleep properly unless I put this into writing so here we go. I can't say if it's any good so whatever. :thumbup:

PROLOGUE (Part I): We are the Lunar Legion [EDITED]11/11/12

The fog of war has risen as noon fast approaches. A loud horn echoes through a wide open field, at its center stands a massive fortress. The walls are worn and damaged, one of it's two large wooden gates is splintered while the other is barely holding up. Inside the fortress keep is a small army no more than 60 men strong eating heartily at a single grand dining table after repelling a siege earlier that day. The battle was severe but their morale has never been greater.

A man dressed in sleek black clothes covered by a white cape decorated by an hourglass insignia is seated at the end of the grand dining table. He stands up and begins to speak in a cold but assuring voice.

"Eat well my brothers, eat to your heart's content. At the sound of the next horn we will face the greatest trial of our lives. The odds are steeped against us, but we will not falter..."

A soldier in light armor approaches from his right and interrupts him.

"Lord Lisel, Azuriel and his men have arrived."

Lisel moves his gaze past the soldier and towards the end of the hall, there enters a group of thirteen individuals, seven female and six male, each of them clad in long black coats with a cross insignia at the back. Aside from the coats, nothing else would make one think they worked together. One peculiar thing they had was that they all wore different things on their heads.

"You're late Azuriel, again." Lisel says to the group but directed to the person that entered the hall first and stood in the middle. He wore a black and red top hat with a red ribbon tied at the base. His clothes were simply black business shirt under a grey vest accented by a red tie and black slacks.

"Sorry about that Lisel, Kandie her couldn't find her weapon." He points with his thumb at a girl standing farthest to the right, the smallest of the group. She wore a white headband with bat wing accents along the sides and is dressed in a yellow medium length goth dress.

"It wasn't my fault" she says childishly, "Gaadfricks hid it!"

"Me?" says the person standing to the right of Azuriel, he is dressed similarly to Azuriel but with a different color palette. He wore a blue shirt under a black vest and accented by a white tie. His main identifier is a white bowler hat.

"Why would I even hide it?"

"Enough" remarks another, this time it was the third person from the left, he too dressed similarly to Azuriel and Gaadfricks but wore a red shirt under a white vest and accented by a black tie. He wore a black fedora.

"We have no time to bicker, the enemies will be upon us soon."

"Thank you Carcarov. At least someone in your group had some sense of urgency." commented Lisel. Kandie merely pouts while Azuriel smiles and scratches his head, then hits Gaadfricks on the head.

A woman from the group then steps forward elegantly and directs a question at Lisel, "We are in dire circumstances, what strategy do you have against these odds?" she wore a white and black Victorian dress top and a short Victorian style skirt modified for combat over a black bloomer shorts and alternate white and black knee-high socks. On her head was a red frilled headband.

Lisel stands and walks towards a door and opens it. "Ah Quizentine, we will start immediately, this way, we only have a short time to discuss the battle plans. Adromedus, Harrow."

"Yes Sir!" shouted two people who immediately stood and walked away from the dining table and towards the door.

{To be continued regardless of the response} :goodtea:

PROLOGUE (Part II): We are the Lunar Legion

Lisel enters through the door, followed by Adromedus, one of Lisel's commanders, he wears a midnight blue formal military uniform and Harrow, the second in command, he wears a similar uniform but dark grey in color.

Azuriel and Quizentine led their group into the strategy room. Azuriel walks in with his hands to the back if his head not feeling a bit worried, Quizentine retains her poise alongside Azuriel, but her annoyance can clearly be seen on her beautiful face. The rest of the group followed shortly with Kandie and Gaadfricks trailing behind nudging at each other.

The room was empty except for a large detailed map of the area nestled on top of a table at its center. There were no chairs, only a set of pieces representing the armies participating in the battle.

The first to speak was Harrow, "As you can see from this map, there are four other armies participating in this battle."

"Four? That's a bit much, I guess they really went all out this time huh?" commented Kandie.

"The four armies are as follows," continued Harrow, "The Red Sun army led by the Bloody Lord Hyonru is positioned to the south of our base." He points to a number of red pieces situated south of the fortress and camped in an open plain. "The White Moon army led by the Ivory Princess Cynia is positioned here, south west of us." Again he points to the map, this time to a set of white pieces set next to what appears to be a river. "The Blue Skies army led by Ciodyl the Azure is positioned near the hills to the north." He points to a small group of blue pieces nestled among the hills far to north of the fortress. "The last is the young Jade army led by the Dragon Empress Leijin situated along the eastern plains, their numbers are the greatest we've seen so far." Pointing towards a line of green pieces settled along the eastern plains.

"Each piece represents 10 units." entered Adromedus "By our estimates, both Hyonru and Cynia commands around 60 units, Ciodyl has around 30 and Leijin has about 80."

Lesil addresses everyone with a serious tone, "As you can see, no matter how we look at it, the numbers are against us, a direct confrontation with any one group would leave all of our other flanks undefended."

"We can use the rivalry between Hyonru and Cynia to draw some of pressure from our southern defenses." spoke Quizentine. "We all know that their forces have clashed multiple times, with their last confrontation leading to victory for the Whites."

Azuriel reacts with an inquiry looking at Quizentine but retains a rather oblivious face "And how do you suppose you'll do that?"

"A careful understanding of the enemy general is key to this battle." answered Quizentine, "Both Hyonru and Cynia will utilize their entire army in a full frontal assault. They will march directly towards the fortress unhindered. That is... unless we draw them towards each other."

"How can you be sure they'll send their entire force in one wave?" asked Harrow who thought the idea was absurd.

"There are two things I can assure you. One is that Hyonru seeks to destroy Cynia. He intends to capture the fortress before Cynia, to do that he needs his full force to sweep us. Cynia lost to us
in the previous war, she wants to defeat us herself. The two are in a race against each other, the best way to deal with them would be to force them to clash."

Lisel was listening intently and considering the strategy. "This will be a terrible gamble. But if it works, we'll be rid of half our enemies before they reach the wall" he sighs and looks at the map. He then begins moving black pieces. "We would need the majority of our forces just to draw them to each other, leaving the fortress with minimal defenses. As we are now we can not draw them too close to our southern wall."

Carcarov who has been completely silent at the time suddenly speaks and moves a number of pieces along the map, "We can draw them to these hills along the south, the elevation would prevent the Whites and Reds from seeing each other while providing cover for our units to retreat."

"Once they clash, they'll immediately realize the rouse." said Azuriel who was suddenly serious.

"Exactly Azuriel." answered Quizentine "they will be forced to divide their forces while our main army is waiting along the hillside prepared to strike."

Another horn begins to sound and a soldier barges into the room. "My lord!"

Lisel speaks "Rally the men!"

"Yes sir!" answered the soldier and rushes outside.

Lisel then addresses the room "Adromedus, you and your units will attempt to draw Hyonru, while Harrow, you will focus on Cynia. Now go! We have no time to waste! Intercept them before they come to close."

Adromedus and Harrow nods and quickly moved outside both shouting orders and gathering their men.

"Not you Azuriel, I have a critical task for your group."

{End of Part II} [Stay tuned for Part III! :goodtea:]
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i know. I'm going to edit part 1 when I insert part 2. Glad some people eventually read it. :goodtea:
because I'm never proud of my work? :lmao:

but do point out the mistakes. the very reason I posted it was so it can be criticized. :goodtea:
you have no idea what's in store for me in 5 days. 8 hours of exam for 3 consecutive days. How's that for hell?

anyway, part 2 of Prologue will be posted later today. :goodtea:
posted updates. too lazy to post new posts so I edit the 1st post instead. :goodtea:
barely. about 4-5 words. lol. it might have been better if I just wrote a script.
Hmm well still interesting xD or at least i like random battles and the such ;p
there's a surprise after the prologue. :goodtea: but since only two people are reading I only intend to write until the end of chapter one. This was just an experiment after all.

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