
I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar!
Oct 16, 2010
The fifth episode got me laughing quite a bit - that fight was just so wrong on so many levels. :D

She was clearly stronger and lost because she was checking out Takuto - what the? :D

Anyone else watching?
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2 words to describe star driver = flamboyant,fabulous

i still have no idea where the plot is going though. i guess it should be like utena focusing on fight of the week until last few episode to wrap things up.
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I'm waiting for the series to finish airing, so I won't wait like mad.
They should have made the Maiden of the North the main heroine anyway - she's more creative, can sing better and is more interesting than Wako.
Her name also doesn't remind me of Pacman. :D
They should have made the Maiden of the North the main heroine anyway - she's more creative, can sing better and is more interesting than Wako.
Her name also doesn't remind me of Pacman. :D

agree 100 % . Wako kinda sucks. Other leaders also look far more interesting >_>. If they try to make the plot to be romance, wako will kill the series for me unless she goes through development.
Besides, she's engaged already - so there would've to be some form of murder and crying involved. :rolleyes.
me me, i am watching!
so much flamboyance, theres a reason why the 5pm mbs slot was taken by this show
They should have made the Maiden of the North the main heroine anyway - she's more creative, can sing better and is more interesting than Wako.
Her name also doesn't remind me of Pacman. :D

Wako is a hungry girl... beats anything else hands down.
Besides, she's engaged already - so there would've to be some form of murder and crying involved. :rolleyes.
And there it was. :P
Anime is picking up the pace and things are going ahead - romance without hindrance, background details about Cybodies filling in and so on...
And who would've thought those maids were good for anything besides fanservice?

The president is cute. ^^
Good episode but felt a little rushed to me ,well as long they dont keep using the fight of the week format, i am satisfied. Revealing backstory and using it in 1 episode is fast, at least it is unpredictable and more interesting. Two characters with the same bdae, CLAMP? XD
A bit of recapping, a bit of story development and a bit of fighting - and most importantly, the Maiden of the North back in story mode and singing Monochrome. The riveting story of Sam continues, this time he is refusing the throne, because he just wants the star ship. In a twist of fate he has to kill his beloved to be able to use it, though. Can't wait what he'll do next. ^^ Seriously, if they made an anime just with Sakana-chan singing and story telling I'd watch it. :D
Oh, Sugata also woke up.
Good episode~

Ah, so with this episode it becomes clear what the creators were going for: a plot twist that when used well can turn out great, yet is very, very, very easy to screw up. Many series have fallen because they simply could not control the cheese that comes with such a plot twist: the best friends turned enemies. I hope they explain the history of the island or else it will turn into a nasty plothole. Looking forward to the fight between Takuto and Sugata.
Who cares about the rising tension, developing drama and the anime going towards conclusion when Sakana-chan is gone? :( :( :(
And they are both idiots. >_>
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Star driver always send my predictions the wrong way ......

No more Sakana, no more story, no more song ....sadfacejpg.
Wtf and lol at the panting scene at the end. Someone will probably use that as a soundtrack for SugataxTakuto yaoi fanfic.

Some specualtions:

It also seems that the girl in the picture (episode 3) whom Takuto wanted to protect is Keito. You can see that Keito pays a lot of attention to the interaction of Wako and Takuto in the previous few episodes. It is almost as if she was jealous. In episode 4, Keito made the comment that her manipulation of Wako and Takuto worked too well. The comment would make sense if Keito has some sort of feelings for Takuto.

When Sakana was getting off, she walked to the front of the bus, away from Wako. She’s the north maiden, Wako is the south, that would make the pink hair girl the west maiden, and Keito the east.
Starts with guys bathing - not the best way, but hey. :P All the girls have to stay out as well - that's cheating! >.< Actually there's a lot of almost-fanservice in this episode - hmm.
Anyway Mizuno is introduced - a quirky little girl full of energy. Apparently she can talk to birds and developed a crush on Takuto after he saved a young crow. She also joins Night Flight Thearter - busy gal. :P
Anyway, her sister just became the new leader of the second section, so some internal friction is pre-programmed (especially since the sister knows about her crush). It is also revealed that they now can regenerate broken cybodies (well, soon), which they already hinted at in the last episode. They want to use MIzuno's sister's cybody to find the West Maiden - apparently Wako and Tauburn are to hard a nut to crack for them. :P Albeit I don't know why it never occurred to them that taking binoculars into Zero Time would allow for effective Maiden spotting as well. ;)
They also suggested that Takuto's father is part of Glittering Crux - quite an interesting development, albeit nothing new ever since Star Wars premiered. ;)
They also added a penis joke in there. :eek:
And the finish? Mizuno is the West Maiden...

Certainly an eventful episode. :P
Great development episode

An episode that gives a complete new spin to the story. It brought in A TON of new stuff, characters and plot threads. I am liking Mizuno a lot already compare to Wako who is boring. I am biased against genki archetypes. The other members is going to dump Mizuno' sis after using her.

It looks like Stardriver is using arc format subtlely focusing on different shrine maidens each arc. I think Takuto is going to develop his own harem slowly. Star driver a harem anime in disguise hmmmmmmm.

Preview shows Takuto has finnel bits/fangs/ dragoon system. Lockon will be proud.
It starts off with a competitive match in the riveting sport of baseball. At least Takuto made a perfect Safe. :D
The descriptions for the players in the second half were also epic - viva la ignorant youth. :P
Anyway, Takuto's team lost due to an underhanded trick (didn't he already hit two home-runs before that? :confused:), but there was vengeance in the fight later. We also get some more drama brewing and Takuto starting his harem in earnest; maybe he learned a few tricks from Touma? Even though, he still can't dual bat properly and has to resort to guided missile things instead - I wonder how many new powers for Tauburn they'll come up with to defeat his enemies...

Mizuno is also cute enough to almost forgive them for cutting out Sagana-chan. Almost. >.<
Monochrome was also better. >_>
Development episode~

For girls, straight down the middle" and "With his balls, it doesn't even matter."

Another pretty good episode, balancing out the humor and the drama, and starting to seem more and more like Utena. Though the battle this episode seemed a bit disappointing. The guy had a sword and he only used it as a bat for his aura spheres. Hoping the battles actually get harder for Takuto later on.

Tauburn's funnel is quite funny compare to other mech shows. As expected, Marino falls in love with Takuto. I think Mizuno won't mind some threesome though. New song was ok but Monochrome was better. I like Mizuno more since she is genki type character xD.

Seems like we're actually going to get some explanation about what cybodies are for in the next episode.
Still no Sagana-chan. >.<
Anyway, it starts with some insights into the lives of Kanako (bit of a workaholic) and Simone (the episode is narrated from her point of view). Once at school Kanako starts to hit shamelessly on Takuto and invites every to come to her pool party. At the event itself Kanako continues to provide fanservice to further BD sales and Wako provides entertainment - in the form of a song. I wonder why all the Maidens are good singers?
Anyway, the rest of the party consists out of some fanservice and light humour. While everyone is having fun Sugata meets Head, who apparently is a painter. The very short conversation actually leads to Sugata more freely using his powers later on.
We also get plenty of titbits about Simone: She hates Kanako's playfulness, admires her for wanting world peace, is shocked that Kanako could be using Cybodies for personal use, and is the actual daughter of Leon Watanabe (the husband of Kanako). No one but her and her sister Milene knows this and she only found out a year ago herself. She also only serves Kanako to get revenge on her by becoming her superior in Glittering Crux. To that end she challenges Takuto (with help of her crush/slave Takashi). As always they seem to be winning, until a new power is discovered. In a change of pace it is this time one of Sugatas and not Takutos. Apparently he can lend his power to Tauburn, resulting in the two swords growing huge. That much of power at Takuto's disposal makes the fight easy and thus another member of Glittering Crux bites the dust. Another deviation of the norm is that Simone doesn't have to hand in her emblem.
At the end it is revealed that Milene is the closest confidant of Kanako, who saved Simone's life after the accident, using her Cybody powers. In a further twist Simone's mother was actually the one that introduced Kanako to her husband. Kanako also knew all the time about Simone's fake name, but lead her on because it is like something out of a novel - an explanation that only reinforces Simone's hate for her.
Meanwhile the tension between Manticore and Mizuno about their common love interest raises. So far Mizuno doesn't know about her sister's crush, but given her behaviour this is only a question of time.

Also: "Secretary, take me inside of you."
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@ Coro - Sad to say but Sagana chan is never coming back but we get 2 songs in 1 episode to make up for it.

This series is getting better now that we’re moving into the interesting back-stories. This episode really did some justice Simone, and turned her into quite an interesting character, not to mention also giving Kanako some extra depth here.

The interesting thing with Star Driver is that at the beginning, I thought that all of the character arcs would have the same format as Kanako’s. Instead, everyone is different. Kanako’s arc is probably the most Utena-esque: developing her both through stories of her and the people close to her. Midori and Benio meanwhile are running are both running after guys, but the latter does so to control everyone while the former is interested in them for a whole different reason. Keito meanwhile only acts behind the scenes and doesn’t seem to have anyone close to her and the biggest mysteries are Head and his replacement, You.

All of them don’t just have completely different characters, they also have completely different roles in this series, are explored in completely different ways and influence the plot in completely different ways.
Once more Kanako terrorises the class with trying to seduce Takuto. Once more she fails.
Glittering Crux is nearly ready to repair cybodies. However, the process is not without risk - apparently they need the Star Driver's libido to be powerful enough. Yes, cybodies can only regenerate if you're horny enough. For some like the perverted nurse this shouldn't be a problem, but others might have difficulties. If the libido output is too low people can die. It's also theorised that Samekh was regenerating before and its drivers fell unconscious because of that. Now that Sugata is awake Samekh could very well be regenerated.
After the Clittering Crux meeting Kanako invites Takuto to a date via a letter. Simone delivers said invitations and during that reveals more about her mistress - the two of them seem to be build up to play a more important role later on. Anyway, Takuto goes on the date and Kanako suggests the two should meet from time to time, since both can't be with their lovers. Even though she wants a platonic relationship, she continues fooling with him.
The evening of the same day sees Sugata again meeting Head for more life counsseling advice. The later suggests that they're both alike; both at a crossroads in life.
All of this was just the introductory part of the episode - taking up roughly half of it.
In the actual episode Mizuno meets Kanako and explains about magic - how everyone would usually be able to use it, but that it has been sealed by a powerful demon king and now only a select few are able to use magic. This leaves me wondering whether the demon king is head, Samekh, Takuto's father, the founder of Glittering Crux (which could also be Takuto's father; nothing concrete has been said about this), or someone else entirely. Given a later line of Kanao's it's most likely to be the first leader of Glittering Crux.
On his way home Takuto encounters President (Kanako's Crux alter ego), which warns him that his meddling is only making two things worse. It is not revealed what those things are, but we at least find out that the cybodies (the legacy of an ancient galactic civilisation of perverts, it seems) have been discovered decades ago. Kanako invites George Honda (the first guy to loose against Takuto if I recall correctly) for a sparing match in which she beats him up. They state this was for her preparing to fight against Takuto, but I guess she also had to vent some frustration. She looses, but at least she gets to trick Takuto into kissing her.
There is also another reference to the goal of Clittering Crux: Departure. It is completely unknown what this is, but my guess is they want to meet the creators of the cybodies or just generally travel to the stars.
I also like the little touches they include in this series, like Kanako repeating what Takashi said earlier about loosing or Wako appriviosing with a toothbrush in her mouth.
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