What is your opinion on Time Travelling?


Oct 31, 2010
My 600th Post on this forum, so I decide not to be general and kick this section off. Time travelling have always been my dream since a young age because of the nice idea of Doraemon, or just going into the future or going back to history. As I start to learn more and more and became an A2 Physics student, me realizing that time travelling is impossible just hit me really hard. But even then I still think about it nowadays, because it is a dream I had since a young age. So here is a couple of questions you could think about before posting, those are questions I sometime ask myself:

What if time travel is possible, will I really like it?

If you can choose to time travel and alter your life decision will you do it? (Let's just say the time paradox doesn't exist.)

What do you think of time paradox such as going back to kill your ancestor and completely rewrite history?

Do you think there will be future if Time travelling is enabled?

Will you want to travel into the future and see what it is like?

Will you make yourself a billionaire if you travel back in time and know that certain big events will happen?

All sorts of opinions you want to give on Time Travelling, feel free to drop it here and I want to see what other people think about time travelling.

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Time travelling is and will always be interesting subject because of the possibilities it can create. If it is possible it has to be very complex. Here are a few thoughts of mine:

  • It is better for humankind and the world that time travel is impossible because it will go wrong (in my opinion).
  • If time travel is possible, then I believe in the Many-worlds interpretation so that the current timeline stays unaffected and the time traveler goes to a different world with the same timeline until the moment where (s)he traveled to. And so with the Many-worlds interpretation there will be no time paradox. I don't know much about that interpretation but I think it is something like this.
  • But even if I can change the current timeline, I think I would not do it. Simply because mistakes and all the consequences makes us who we are. So if you 'correct' your mistake and there is no time paradox, will you stay the same as before? Another interesting question is whether you remember how you were before the time travelling or not.
I too am curious about time travelling and do hope it is possible. Maybe it is possible but is it too complex for us 3D beings, just like a 2D being does not understand what exactly depth is. For now, it is good enough for me to imagine the possibilities of time travelling and that it stays in the world of fiction.
  • It is better for humankind and the world that time travel is impossible because it will go wrong (in my opinion).

  • Agree, the world will completely change cause time line will mass up.
    Why? Even I can be Hime or warloard cause I know History right?
    That will be easy to make the new part in time line.
    For example, If I lead Cho Cho win the battle of red cliff in romance of 3 kingdoms era or Help Nobunaga from Honjoji Temple in SEngoku era.
    History of China and Japan will change for sure right?
    WEll, I will be most powerful Hime in China or Japan if it really happen ne..............lol
The only way to solve time travel paradoxes is to use a multiverse setting - and in that case it becomes dubious whether you're actually time or dimension travelling. ;)
Anyway, changing things in the past will always bring unexpected outcomes, which in turn will make your knowledge about the future obsolete. Of course, this is based on the assumption that there's no randomness in the universe (e.g. free thought), because once you add that time travel all of a sudden has no appeal any more - if you go back to observe the past you end in a future you don't know any more.
In the end it's one of these things that only sound good if you take a cursory glance at it - once you start looking deeper you realise that nothing good can come out of it, simply because of the way time works.
What if time travel is possible, will I really like it?
I might find it fascinating, though I can't really say if I'll like it or not. The scene of your wife's death in the future or an undisclosed truth is truly unpleasant to be experienced first hand.

If you can choose to time travel and alter your life decision will you do it? (Let's just say the time paradox doesn't exist.)
I don't see any point in altering my past... I loved my life as it is~

What do you think of time paradox such as going back to kill your ancestor and completely rewrite history?
Mad, suicide, impossible. That should explain it.

Do you think there will be future if Time travelling is enabled?
Yes, there will be a lot of it.

Will you want to travel into the future and see what it is like?
Absolutely not. Your life is meant to be experienced, not just to read through. Besides, there will be always surprise if you don't know what's going to happen~

Will you make yourself a billionaire if you travel back in time and know that certain big events will happen?
Pointless. Therefore, no.

All sorts of opinions you want to give on Time Travelling, feel free to drop it here and I want to see what other people think about time travelling.

Call me old school, but I don't think we'll need it, except for entertainment and educational purposes. You know, some dictator might use it to alter the world history to his grasp provided the Time Paradox theory was true.

All in all, little goodness, but prone to abuse. [sarcasm]And should the Time Travelling machine operate on Windows, hackers will chew the clock[/sarcasm]
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What if time travel is possible, will I really like it?
I find time travelling interesting, cant say i will like it or not.

If you can choose to time travel and alter your life decision will you do it? (Let's just say the time paradox doesn't exist.)
Hmm..may be if i can change my own result. If it affects other ppls , then may be not.

What do you think of time paradox such as going back to kill your ancestor and completely rewrite history?
If it affects other ppl, den i prefer not to rewrite history

Do you think there will be future if Time travelling is enabled?
May be yes ,may be no (either time paradox, parallel world, time loops).

Will you want to travel into the future and see what it is like?
No, wats the fun of life if i know what is going to happen or results.

Will you make yourself a billionaire if you travel back in time and know that certain big events will happen?
No, i do not need to be a millionaire. I am content with what i have.

All sorts of opinions you want to give on Time Travelling, feel free to drop it here and I want to see what other people think about time travelling.

Stein;gates all ages visual novel by Nitro+ which i finished last month provides good time travelling science theories (time paradox, time loop, butterfly effect and etc) and an epic time travelling story. The anime adaption has already been announced so look forward to that for a modern time travelling plot using handphones and microwaves LOL.
What if time travel is possible, will I really like it?

- I guess. None of us can actually say that we haven't made some terrible decisions in our lives, but fact is, those decisions help us to become to the person we are now, no matter how cliched that sounds. Do you really want to change that?

If you can choose to time travel and alter your life decision will you do it? (Let's just say the time paradox doesn't exist.)

- Definitely. I have made some wrong choices so far, and I would kill for a chance to get that back.

What do you think of time paradox such as going back to kill your ancestor and completely rewrite history?

- Who am I? Archer Emiya? No thanks. XD

Do you think there will be future if Time travelling is enabled?

- Well, this is where the concept of a multiverse is invoked. If our current-verse goes on and sometime in the future, a time travelling machine really WAS invented, then even if they decided to rewrite the past, it will be outside the loop of our current-verse. All quite confusing really.

Will you want to travel into the future and see what it is like?

- Kinda. But I'd rather be surprised, so I guess not.

Will you make yourself a billionaire if you travel back in time and know that certain big events will happen?

- Money has never been really a major concern of mine, not because I am overly rich or anything, but because I am not hedonistic by nature. But I guess if I can make a quick buck, why not?
If time travel was invented, heres what i would do. Convince Earth's goverments to sponsor armies and equipment, go to the past and conquer world in the past, creating a parallel world and advance technology till Earth dies again lol.

And for one:

What do you think of time paradox such as going back to kill your ancestor and completely rewrite history?
You just created a parallel universe so you can exist if you do that.

My opinions are purely theoretical.
Those are all very interesting opinion on time travelling! I've had fun reading what's people opinion on this topic.

@ Xyzapy, I agree that it would probably go wrong if human have the ability to travel time, but we've invented many things that was original good but ended up being used against ourselves (for example weapons) because of us human beings. Multi-verse interpretation is a very interesting argument, from my knowledge and talks I been to, multi-verse means that every possibility is possible and happening in different world, apparently they're "parallel" to our time frame as we interpret it, but I certainly think that if every possibility is possible, then surely time travel different in "other universe" too no? But that's just my interpretation and impression of what I get from multi-verse, and I certainly think that there will be infinite amount of those "parallel" world if all those possibility are explored, but I don't strictly know whether that will be "time travelling" in a sense, but with multi-verse it certainly won't cause time paradox as to compare with out time frame as far as I'm concern, it might messed up their's but not ours. To be fair, I guess you're right that mistakes make us how we're and what we're not, correcting the decision will probably change the history completely, but only the one who time traveled will know as he is the only one with that memory. And yes, as I was talking to my friends about this, we did at one point came to the conclusion that it might be too hard to use human being to interpret/process such thing as Time. But anyway, very interesting and thanks for being the first one to reply.

@Ayanochanmk2, well with the situation of time travelling, only that person will know because you'll be the only one who possess the knowledge of what so call future? As for the "world" to be messed up, it is only to your very frame of reference because you have the memory of what "things" should be, but in fact you just created new things, where everyone without that memory will interpret it as a normal whereas you interpret it as "weird" as this and this suppose to happen in your memory. In fact if you alter history, or more precisely rewrite history, the world won't mess up, it will just carry on in a different way. But no, you can only rewrite history to a certain extent as once you change one event, another might be different follow from that event, as let's say CaoCao did win RedCliff, then other battles might not follow on which lead to the dead of certain generals such as Zhou Yu might not have to face Zhuge Liang which won't ultimately causes his death, so therefore you will only be able to change a couple of events in "history" but the rest will be a new future to you as well.

@Corocoro, Yes, but I believe that's wrong as well, because multi-verse traveling, you're technically strictly speaking not time travelling, but just travelling to a "parallel" world where same history might have happen with minor changes that you don't recognizes, so therefore having say that with multi-verse setting won't cause time paradox not exactly a valid reason, as you're not even dealing with time. But I doubt it would be dimension travelling? As you're not travelling to a different dimension, in a sense it is technically impossible for a "lower" dimension existence to travel to a "higher" dimension as there will be an extra "plane" that the "lower" existence doesn't possess, so therefore rendering the idea of dimension travelling a bit weird in my opinion. But you're right about you won't know the future anymore, as it will completely be rewritten, but you're the one who write the story, so if so then you can talk about all those knowledge that is yet to be discovered, so you could even possibly advance human race in a much quicker pace than we do now, we probably will be able to have a much higher understanding of science if we start with what we got now in two thousand years ago, then our interpretation of time might be a lot different in year 2010. (or equivalent time spent)

@Neo-Exile, Haha, fair enough that you don't really want to travel into the future and find certain things out, some thing are meant to be kept untouched. Well to be fair, you might have a different point of view in the future if you happen to really regret yourself, you might enjoy your life style now but you might really hate it in the future want to change certain decision you have, but that's just a possibility, as many of us have agreed that it will not effect you, but most likely everyone surrounding you or in worse case everyone in the world. It certainly won't make sense if you go back and kill your ancestor, actually just you going back will probably be enough to rewrite the history and create a time paradox the moment you travel "backward". But it is interesting that how do we "travel" back into the history that doesn't actually exist? I mean taking from the point that this second I'm writing this post, but next second I might be not writing this post anymore, so how exactly do we go back to that second that is already lost? It is technically impossible unless somehow those history is contained in storage device to "contain" those information, otherwise how do you suppose to see something that doesn't exist anymore? xD But it is a nice idea to think about going backward. Well what will be the fun you ask? Well I should probably rephrase the question as I don't really mean "Near future", but future where your age won't let you to see, like 200 years from now, do you want to know what happen? I don't know, certainly you probably won't live that long with the technology and life cycle human have at the moment, but who knows where technology will be in fifty years time when average life expectancy is probably 200 years plus? Though I would like to ask you this, how do you time travel into the future when it doesn't exist yet? Like the next second of me doesn't actually exist yet, then how do we even travel into the future let just a years time when technically it doesn't exist? So won't it be true that if we can time travel, then there will be no future but you're travelling into the past of what it happened already? Is like reading a book, you cannot read page 301 when the book only goes up to 300 can you? So there must be something there for you to "Read" before you can "read" it. Haha, I won't call you old school, is your opinion and I respect it, I think it is a perfectly valid opinion just like everyone else because this is what make use unique, the way we think and the way we express to certain thing that is propose to us.

@Kou, Well because we know little about it, we can't really say whether we like it or not I guess. It will certainly effect other people if you change what happen in time, not just yourself as people you interact with is part of that "time". Technically no matter what you do, the moment you time travel you have likely to have effected someone already, even if you might not realize it, you've. I like your answer on whether there will be a future or not, certainly a lot different to people, but if possible I would ask whether you could expand on that a bit more please? Well like I said again that I phased the question really badly, and I should be talking about future where your age won't allow you to get to, will you want to see the future in about 200 years time? I personally would want to see that my body won't allow me to see. Is good to be happy with what you got, and appreciate it, otherwise you probably won't be the Kou we know now. I'll be watching out for that anime, thanks for the suggestion.

@Paladinoras, True true, we might not want to change it, but it is just a question where at the end of the day, you kind of ask yourself, have I done it to the best that I could moment in your death bed. You know, I'm just curious of what people's opinion on it, there is certainly no right or wrong answer, but matter of opinion. Well I don't know, we learn from experience and if we just keep going back to change it, we'll never learn will we? You'll make that terrible mistake again because you'll know you can change it, just like how we write in pencil, if we know we can change it, we're more likely to make mistakes where as if you're using pen, when you know you can't change it then you'll be a lot more careful and make a lot less mistakes. Emiya Shiro regretted his life because what he saw as an ideal was nothing but an ideal in the end, but his opinion did change in the end, so our opinion might change just like him. I don't think so, you'll create a different thing if Multi-verse were to exist, because will only be able to mess with the current time frame and not other time frame unless you're universe travelling, because you've just introduced a possibility of new option to this universe, it will certainly impact the other universe as new possibility will probably also happen there, but in a different time, so you don't effect the time flow of different multi-verse but only this one, as multi-verse suppose to be separate to our one. Well like I said again, I do mean travelling in 200 years time where you're unlike to see the that time when you have died already, not near future (if we forget time paradox of course, but time paradox just makes things more confusing xD). Is good to hear that you're please with yourself, not a really greedy person, hopefully there is more in this world but then the economy might get upset xD as we rely on people to make and spend money in order for the economy to flow.

@Firev1 Interesting idea compare with the rest, but why so may I ask? I don't think you'll have created a parallel world, you've just wrote a new history where you will be part of that time's history, but like I said, how do you go back to someone that disappear and long gone already? But this is just intended to be theoretical discussion so it is fine for your opinion to be theoretical.

Thank you everyone again for reading and think about this post, I appreciate it and had fun reading and commenting everyone's post, it makes me think of things that I might have missed out and trigger me to think in a different way. Hopefully my opinion have not offended you and I just gave it to the best of my knowledge, so if I'm wrong then point it out and we can discuss.
You're rambling a bit - try to sum up your ideas or use more periods and paragraphs to break it up. Multi-quoting also helps. :p

That being said, let me elaborate what I meant above:
If you're travelling to the past, you alter it. Now, due to that alteration the universe you're in will follow a different path than the universe you came from. Ergo you just created a branch in the multiverse (cause the one you're residing in to split off from the one you came from). If we think further and really accept the multiverse as an infinite possibility cloud you wouldn't even time travel in the first place - just switch from one universe to another that is at a earlier point of time. No one said that the universes have to be at the same point of time, matter of fact that would already limit the number enormously and violate the "what can happen will happen" basis of the multiverse theory. This is also pretty much the same as what Paladinoras mentioned.
And when I used the word dimension above I meant it as a different universe, not a different dimension in the sense of height, width, length... And even as nonsensical as that would've been, it would still have been correct - as we would be moving freely in the fourth dimension, whereas our current movement in it is restricted to one direction and speed. Since we're also able to already perceive and move in it, no plane shifts would be necessary.

As for travelling to the future: there's two possible explanation. One is that the universe is predetermined and thus there is a fixed timeline. The other is that you're just travelling to the most probable future of the time you started out in.

And the point about accelerating technology is also moot: in the past it wouldn't have been possible, because the adaptation time of new knowledge was too low. It took decades for a small advancement to propagate throughout the world.
Nowadays technology is adapted at a faster pace, but it still takes several years. This is due to how our economy works - you need money to create factories that can produce new things. You then need to recoup your investments before bringing a largely different product on the market.
There's also the question of producing that technology in the first place - you can't just take the plans for a modern processor to the past and then produce it. You need to also have the plans for the machinery able to create the CPU, the materials needed and how they need to be refined, the surrounding components and so on. Just a small advancement needs large amounts of data.
This means that you'd have to bring huge data stores with you - and then there's the question whether future technology is able to interface with the current one, how much creating a working interface would cost and even whether the knowledge to do so still exists - so you need a tidy sum to even bring advancement to the past, the pace will be insignificantly faster and in the end you might be incarcerated/killed by jealous people making up conspiracy theories about where you got that knowledge in the first place.
Instant advances only happen in games, not in reality...
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@Firev1 Interesting idea compare with the rest, but why so may I ask? I don't think you'll have created a parallel world, you've just wrote a new history where you will be part of that time's history, but like I said, how do you go back to someone that disappear and long gone already? But this is just intended to be theoretical discussion so it is fine for your opinion to be theoretical.

It is a time travel theory to have parallel and split routes, if you didnt notice, the theory is also explain in Fate/Stay Knight game besides science articles on time travel. Its one of the many theories on time travelling. Another thing, why? well i dunno but sure it be fun.

@coro hey coro if we invent time travel, we probably invent teleport and for energy, mobile energy for time being followed by power plants and hunts for energy? I know we will have some huge ass dimension gate for sure lol.
A VN called "Ever17" gave me this thought as well, and it gave me some new insights.

I guess the day time travel is available, a crapload of "new" technology will be invented, and the world would suddenly change to this futuristic euphoria within 24 hours. Politics would probably be crushed, and I think even religion may be changed (<-- Sorry for saying this. I know it's against the forum rules, but it's connected to the original post)

But what about afterwards? Then comes the people who tries to search for the Meaning of Life through time travel (Which, in my opinion, is impossible), and life just becomes boring for everyone else who knows what'll happen and lose all enjoyment in this world.
For me, time traveling is something that will only produce destruction, as stated by Professor Membrane of Invader Zim. One change will do a domino effect. It may also lead to your disappearance. In my regrets I'm always thinking of time traveling, hoping to change that fact. But well, what we have experienced is what lead us to what we are now. But Honestly, I want to time travel. xD
I often thought about time-travel as well, and the conclusion I came to is that if Time Travel is truly possible, it should not exist.
And the reasoning of such is quite simple. I'm sure many of you heard of the butterfly effect. But thinking that killing a single living creature in the past might lead to a drastic outcome in the present is simply moronic. Our reality is a very complex and fragile system. Killing or meeting someone in the past is as dangerous as merely intruding as a spectator. Breathing the air, moving within space, absorbing and/or emitting information - all of that will cause a chain-effect, bringing chaos and destruction to our present reality.

A primitive example: You've travelled into the past, and are standing in the middle of a busy street. An unknown person passes by. "Historically" speaking, your body did not stand there in that specific time frame, thus the person who passed you, was forced to take a slightly different path. By causing him to change his route, he will most likely end up bumping into people, "historically" speaking, he did not bump into. The people who he ran into, "historically" speaking, did not experience a sudden mood swing due to a collision with a hurried businessman. Due to the subsequent change of mood, the people in question might also end up walking either slower, faster, or even taking a different route to their destination.
Thus you, simply by appearing in the middle of a busy street, changed the course of "history" for several or even a crowd of people. I'm sure there's no actual need for me to dive deeper into the resulting events of this primitive scenario.
oh i like this one...

What if time travel is possible, will I really like it?
>> yup. well meeting different famous persons at the different era is sure thing to do just like road trip. i

If you can choose to time travel and alter your life decision will you do it? (Let's just say the time paradox doesn't exist.)
>> nah.. i won't be posting here. if i choose to alter my life's decision.

What do you think of time paradox such as going back to kill your ancestor and completely rewrite history?
>> it's confusing in such way probably if you gonna kill your ancestor you wouldn't exist or you belong to another or exist on different family tree... there would be an alteration of space-time continuum or creation of parallel worlds.

Do you think there will be future if Time travelling is enabled?
>>>if you could go backward. why not forward.. i guess.

Will you want to travel into the future and see what it is like?
I ll probably take a peek on it...

Will you make yourself a billionaire if you travel back in time and know that certain big events will happen?
haha. probably.. i ll bet for lottery tickets..

Time travel would be like a double edge sword for me. prepare for its consequences as well as its benefits.
I think that while time travel is impossible according to what we know of physics right now, it would definitely be a dangerous tool if it existed. This reminds me of a short story in which the main character works for an agency that is waging war on another group using time travel. By the end of the story, we learn that the main character himself is the leader of the other faction (in his future) and we see history rewritten many times. The faction he originally belonged in wanted absolute control of time travel and wanted humans to stay on Earth. The other faction wanted humans to expand to space. However, when they would expand into space, the other faction would find the point of divergence and change it, erasing their work. And it went like that back and forth.

I cant remember the title of the story or the author. Im looking for them right now. Anyway, this is what time travel makes me think of... people would abuse it and cause whole societies to completely disappear from history.
Well, in my opinion, the time travel you see in movies or on television will never actually be achieved in such a simple fashion. Time travel in popular fiction is something that the human psyche created as a possible solution to constant distress brought on by being able to view things in retrospect. Being able to change time so easily is more of an impossible dream than a goal we can actually reach. Because time and space are connected in the universe, I believe it's impossible to change one without significantly affecting the other. For example: If you were to move backward in time, the world around you would also change. Now whether or not that change will be simply bringing everything else backward in time as well, or possibly creating some tangent universe separate and different from our own is beyond my level of thought. Then again I could be completely wrong xD

Although we may never be able to go back in time and fix our mistakes, it IS possible to theoretically travel forward in time and there is documentation to prove it. If you were to move at a high velocity through space, time would pass slower for you relative to someone stationary on earth. Upon your return to earth, you would have aged less than everyone still on earth, and as a result, moved into the future. The Russian astronaut Sergei Krikalev is actually 1/50th of a second younger due to the 748 days he spent in space orbiting a space station. The only problem is that it takes massive speeds to actually change time flow more that a fraction of a second.

Now whether or not you actually call this time travel is up to you.
I dont call it time travel but it is pretty neat to think about.

Put money in savings account.
Travel at .99c for a few centuries.
Come back to Earth and claim money.

Granted, theres the chance that the bank you put your money in doesnt exists, or even that your civilization doesnt exist anymore, but if they do, youre rich!
There are several things that bothers me regarding time travel and the connection it have with parallel universes.

For one, there's this so-called the Grandfather Effect, where you go back to the past and kill your grandpa during his single life which mean your dad didn't exist so does yourself as well. But then again, IMO, if you didn't exist because of that *past* action of yours, then your grandpa wouldn't be killed by you b'coz you didn't exist, thus lead to the existance of you, which then you'll repeat the same action of killing your grandpa. This close cycle will repeat itself forever, IMO.
But then again, if you did kill your grandpa and you still exist, that mean, it was your grandpa from another parallel universe. But as y'all know about the parallel universes is that they're all the same with different version. My theory is that if your dead grandpa which is from a parallel, yourself from that universe will still be exist!
"Why" you might ask, well that's simple - it's a parallel universe. All parallel universes must have the same copy of people and other things, except that those people and things are in different version.
Here's my example of that, your grandpa on your universe died at old age, while the one that you kill died at a young age. Perhaps at another parallel universe, he probably died at birth. My point is that he MUST exist in all those parallel universe as well as you, no matter in what manner of his demise turn out to be.

Well that's my thought on time travel, based the parallel universe theory.
Hope y'all understand what I was trying to say above.
The thing with parallel universes is that theres absolutely nothing that says that they have to be similar to ours.

From what I understand, alternate universes might be created all the time based on the chances of something happening one way or another. This could be, as far as I can tell, from whether the wind blew or not to whether you walked into someone or not, or even something as small as whether an electron got caught by a particle somewhere out deep in space. If we manage to go to an alternate universe, it might look so similar to our universe, we would never know we left ours at all. It might instead follow completely different laws of physics due to different starting conditions in the beginning of the universe, too.

The book Timeline by Michael Chrichton is pretty neat in that in the book, they discover a way of traveling through time, except that rather than going back into their own history, they go to an alternate world where the big bang happened a few centuries later than ours (a completely insignificant scale for that event), so their Earth is a few hundred years behind ours but otherwise the same. So, in effect, they appear to travel through time. Any changes they make, though, only affect that universe so they could kill their ancestors without repercussions. Their future selves wont be born, but only in that universe.

Some things do affect their own history, though. The way they explained it was because when they go into an alternate world to "time travel", a world that is more advanced than theirs did the same thing when they were at the original world's point in time and traveled into the main character's. This is because the universes that are very similar tend to follow the same course of events (so the same history) so if for example, the main characters go back and kill a random villager in ancient China and then go home and go and check to see if that guy they killed died in their history too, chances are that the same event will have already happened because travelers from another universe did the same thing as them. This doesnt mean that they have no choice to kill that man. They could easily have missed and then history would be different on both universes.

Anyway, this is all speculation and science fiction, of course, but I liked how Timeline did it and it makes sense based on what we know of quantum physics (its not completely accurate or anything, though.)
Watch Stein;Gates ppl! :P. Ok, i am biased.
^ Leave the anime talk to the anime section =.= This IS SERIOUS DEBATE SECTION...
And why are the ideas and scenarios presented in anime not valid?
Let's face it, all the posts here are personal belief sets influenced by fiction we have read or seen - and why should one medium be invalid and the others not?

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Hi,RJ01128837 links are dead , could you please reupload?
moreka wrote on ramori's profile.
Hi can I upload this in FHD 1920x1080 ?

OVAヤリチン家庭教師ネトリ報告 #1
OVAヤリチン家庭教師ネトリ報告 #2