What would you do if you were...?


Mar 24, 2012
All you do is ask what someone would do, the next person answers and asks the next question.

Name some kind of occupation/status (or something like that) and make a question. You can even add a situation if you like XD

If you were president for a day, what would you do?

ans: If I were president, I would _.

it can be funny or serious~ just remember to be nice and appropriate :3

If you were an astronaut for a day, what would you do? :P
If I were an astronaut for a day, I would break into NASA's files and find out what really went on with the first moon landing.

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
I would hate myself all day long, and probably be in some family movie, I'd wager.

This is a pretty fun idea for a thread. :)

What would you do if you were a HipHoppopotamus (who's lyrics were bottomless)?
I'd get some big-booty hippos for a music video and diss some gangly giraffes. Hippo-Hop would be amazing.

What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a day?
Hmm... nothing much? x3 Would be quite interesting for a bit but ill get bored enough after xD

What would you do if you were barney for a day?~
Try to put on a top hat~

What would you do if you had a time machine for a day?
I would have gone to the past to see how the world was created.
If you could change the realm you exsist in for one day, what realm will it be?
Strike Witches Realm. Is that a thing? Then I can go see my Waifu.

What would you do if you were me for a day?
do all sorts of mischiefs, so you will feel like a true 9 year old :evillaugh:
what would you do if you where me now, jest to be fair here :goodtea:
Sit in my your room quietly and watch anime all day.

Kidding, I'd go do all the things on your bucket list.

What would you do if you were made out of Gold?
... no question, answering previous question...
Sell my self to a museum so everyone would enjoy the sight.
What would you do if you dropped your soap in the prison?
Make sure to bend down using my knees and not my back and enjoy what's inevitable anyway.

What would you do if you saw me drowning in a river?
Suggest you try swimming.

What would you do if you could run at shinkansen speeds?
I dont know....maybe travel around the world... but if I could run at speed of light...../gg

What would you do if you could stop time?
I would sleep more, go to white house and see the Gov. secret files.

What would you do if you were the richest man on earth?
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Put all of money on red at the roulette wheel.

What would you do if you had incredibly strong, fast robot arms for a day?
I would try to study those arms so I could make a robo bust body FOREVER~!
what would you do if you knew what death was like for one day?
Be dead. Then scare the shit out of people by coming back to life the day after.
what would you do if you were a member of justice league?
I would destroy the whole base and kill myself since I hate justice league because it is a kid show ._.

What would you do first thing if you changed to a girl when you wake up?
*looks in the mirror" I thought I'd be prettier... :crushed:
And why is the left one so much smaller then the right...

What would you do if turned in to Richard Simmons :O

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