エロゲ史上最高の妹はだれ?AS Let's decide!


New member
Sep 14, 2011
I pose to you a question of utmost importance.

Who is the best imouto-chara in galge/eroge to have ever existed?
There used to be a general consensus on 2ch that Yaya from Clover Point or Mai from Keyorina were the best ones. But in the past 2-3 years, competition has ramped up again. There are more and more awesome imoutos...


And don't tell me that it depends on personal preference!? This is a completely objective question!
Who is the best imouto-chara????? please give reason. AS let's decide!

Here are a few starters:
小河坂 千波
今関 凛子
小鳥遊 夜々
伊藤 乃絵美
皆神 さくや
長瀬 湊
春日野 穹
観崎 美唯
簸川 樹里 (whoops theyre all blood related)

Note: remember to give reason if you can.

Nagase Minato, Akaneiro Somaru Saka. I'm more of an anecon by nature, and I kinda view her as an ane-taipu instead.

The PC version only though. Not in other versions where they're not blood related ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)
Hey Aaeru, I'd be appreciated if you can romanize them all since I can't read the name yet, and I'm sure not many one can or remember the name in Kanji.
Since I can't read Kanji, I'm gonna give name that I remember.

Kana (Kana Little Sister) - hands down ftw.
小河坂 千波 Kogasaka Chinami
朝倉音夢 Asakura Nemu
千歳佐奈 Chitose Sana
桜塚恋 Sakurazuka Ren
片瀬雪希 Katase Yuki
朝霧麻衣 Asagiri Mai
大泉麻衣 Ooizumi Mai
瓜生桜乃 Uryuu Sakuno
小日向すもも Kohinata Sumomo
伊東美琴 Itou Mikoto
今関 凛子 Imazeki Rinko
小鳥遊 夜々 Takanashi Yaya
伊藤 乃絵美 Itou Noemi
皆神 さくや Minagami Sakuya
長瀬 湊 Nagase Minato
春日野 穹 Kasugano Sora
観崎 美唯 Kanzaki Miyu
簸川 樹里 Hinokawa Juri I think
I'm going to go with Tsubasa from Moshiraba.

Her story was just so captivating. the game has ended long long ago but she lives on inside me (´;д;`)
Lol no...I just can't think of any 2d imouto I like more than her...but don't get me wrong though, I am not a siscon!

On the other hand I'd also vote on Yuu.
[/obligatory picspam]
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None of the more recent imoutos have beat her yet -
Yaya from Clover Point. レッツ背徳!
Kasugano Sora. Hands down, no questions asked.

Edit: orite the reason. She is overdependent on her brother, a tsundere, and incredibly erotic. But she manages to comfort her brother as well when there is a need. <3
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Kasugano Sora :fag:
CV by Natsuno Koori

no need for further explanation!
I must be mad to comment here.

Well, I cant give any answers since I hate imoucons. 99% of the ones I encountered have either irritated the hell outta me or made me wanna puke.

If there is 1 or 2, then:
Nagase Minato (akane-iro) - for reasons similar to Iggy's first post, then again, didnt really like her
Shirotae Mahiru (sara sara sasara/pri-sara FD) - rare for AK to have imoutos, she is one of the few I remember off my head with no negative feelings.
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I must be mad to comment here.

Well, I cant give any answers since I hate imoucons. 99% of the ones I encountered have either irritated the hell outta me or made me wanna puke.

If there is 1 or 2, then:
Nagase Minato (akane-iro) - for reasons similar to Iggy's first post, then again, didnt really like her
Shirotae Miharu (sara sara sasara/pri-sara FD) - rare for AK to have imoutos, she is one of the few I remember off my head with no negative feelings.

that's Mahiru, teruteru

Thanks animak, seriously. Was playing remaster 2-3 days ago, when I cleared one of the females called Miharu.
Too similar. >__>

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