[FMV] veien hjem, med hjertet ("the road home, by heart")


Dec 21, 2011
(I'm not even sure if FMV is a proper abbrovation, but I meant 'fan music video', in any case.)

I'm an avid hobby photographer, and I use my phone camera a lot, as a under-qualified substitute until I can afford a proper analogue/film camera. I also film a lot with it, and this is a short video I created some 2 weeks ago. The footage is simply of the road home to my house, from a random destination, set to my favourite song by a Norwegian shoegaze band, Dråpe.


You can probably tell that the quality is not the best, but I hope some of you will like it regardless. (The video looks better in a small frame, but I don't know how to fix that, hehe.)

: )
Random and somewhat weird, but it has a nice feeling to it somehow; felt like I was really taking a ride in the car.

The effect might've been greater had the camera not shaken so much, but it's understandable.

Overall, it's simplistic, and I liked how it sped up when the tempo got faster.

Off-topic: Lucky, you guys got snow already. q_q
Yeah, I realize it's shaking terribly. At first I planned to keep the whole video at normal speed (just trim it a lot, naturally), but I figured it might make the shaking seem less out of place, if I sped it up. I'm not sure whether it was successfull, or not. ^^"

I like simplistic things the most, I think it shows in pretty much all of my works, haha. Writing, photography, drawing, etc.~ But I'm glad you liked it, somewhat. : )

Off-topic: Well, actually, the snow is gone now. It has been coming and going. It snowed yesterday, but now it's gone again. Sad, isn't it? T^T
i;m liked the scenery there~~ wish i can go there when i see fuyu video... ahaha~~

i think's it funny.. when u spedu up the record... but u pick nice song indeeed.. :D
You should see the scenery when it's snowing and the landscape is completely covered in a white blanket. (More so than it is in in that video.) My hometown, and Norway as a whole, imo, is most beautiful when it's snow~

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nyuge100 wrote on Esan's profile.
[Japanese] [221223][みるくふぁくとりー] もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界おっぱいメイド学園!
I would like a package version (iso+mds) of this. thank you for your consideration.
gamblepudding wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hi, can you please re-upload 機械の少女が紡いだ記憶(中編) Ver4.2 [RJ263914] in katfiile or mexa? I believe you have the latest 4.12 version.