Rinne no Lagrange -Flower Declaration of Your Heart-


RL Siscon. Problem?
Sep 25, 2011
Erotic pilot suits, likeable female main heroine, right amount of fan service, giant robots, and German Suplex. MARU!
Should be on watch list of those who are lacking supply of GARness for giant robots but want them delivered in form of cute females and slit up tight pilot suits!

My premise rating: 4.5/5
Watching too~

The heroines are likeable, but I dont know about the sub-standard designs I have seen on their official web. Will need to step up on it. The mechs look good, with season 2 already set in place, sure I am going to following.
That 2nd episode was better than I had expected. It hit all the right notes for me, visually and characterization-wise.

I was a bit worried that Madoka would end up "too perfect", but her overall personality is very fun and well-balanced, and that makes it all work.

Another thing is that it's not hard to see the inspirations behind some of the key cast members for this show.

Tadokoro, the Fleet Captain, is giving me some Bright Noa vibes, and that is simply awesome. I just love how blunt, direct, and to-the-point he is. Granted, it's not always smart of him, but it makes for a good badass commander type, imo. If not for how his ace pilots are cute girls, I'd be looking forward to an epic Tadokoro Slap!

Lan is a Rei-type, but with some nice added personality and emotional intensity. I like how there's a lot of insecurity simmering beneath the cool, calm, and collected exterior.

Conceptually, a Gundam-esque show with a spunky genki girl ace pilot, with a Bright Noa as the leader of the base, with a Rei-type as the No. 2 pilot, with a mysterious Itsuki Koizumi-esque alien acting in some intermediary role, and with yuri subtext, is just a wonderful blend of elements that's like something out of my wildest anime creation dreams. It's like an incredible blending of Haruhi, Gundam, and NGE!

It seems so brutally unfair to mention such giant names after just Episode 2 of a new anime original which isn't getting epic hype (at least not yet), but Lagrange really is making me think of those other anime shows a lot. While such prominent inspirations abound, each character feels like her or his own person, especially Madoka and Lan. I'm very much looking forward to where this anime chooses to take them.
Lovely episode 2~

Would like to comment more but just tired...
Some pointers:

1. Gotta love Madoka and her personality. Bright girls are always good, love that semi-disappearing suit of hers.
2. The know-it-all dude and the goofy clueless captain makes a good tsukomi-boke pair.
3. Lan is all cranky this week. WHY?
4. Really loving the robots designs and all. Wonder why IG didnt put in this much effort for GC.
5. They need to step up their drawings, its too bland and normal. Otherwise, great efforts for the animation and background.

Overall, GOOD EPISODE. Liked it very much.
Scratch what I said about Lan not being able to pilot her Vox because she did just that. She apparently knows the "secret" of Vox machines and what awaits for those who pilot them. Rather hard to imagine up something grim from the current atmosphere of the show though.

Madoka doesn't seem all that bum'd about having to fight in a robot, but it's typical of main characters in any mech anime. I'm just interested in how she'll develop since her type is pretty rare in this genre of anime.

I find Kirius to be a fun villain (villain for now anyway). He's one of those gaijin samurai type characters who value honor and sportsmanship, but also with some element of an air head. Not to mention the size shifting sword that his mech wields which is suspiciously similar to the Sanshiki ○ankantou in nature. Anyways, it's pretty obvious there is no real villain yet, probably not until Mugi joins the shuffle anyway.
This has definitely become my pleasant surprise of Winter 2012.

Don't get me wrong, Lagrange was one of a handful of Winter 2012 shows that I had listed as a definite try, but I never imagined it would be this good. My hope was that it would be a decent, fun watch with passable mecha battles and appealing yuri subtext.

Instead, it has exciting mecha battles with some twists to them, appealing yuri subtext, and an exceptionally well-done female lead with a good supporting cast. It also manages to be refreshingly upbeat without seeming silly to me. Genuinely upbeat tone mixed with intense drama is a tricky thing to pull off, but there's probably no combo I like to see more than that one in action-oriented shows. It's a big part of the reason why Gurren Lagann is amongst my five all-time favorite anime shows.

Now, one twist to the mecha battles in this episode was the degree of concern that Madoka showed over collateral damage, even including property damage and crushed farms. You almost never see that in explosive action-oriented anime shows. Heck, even in American comic books and Hollywood movies this often is a side-issue at most. Here in Lagrange, it was a constant focus for Madoka, and I think that adds a welcomed dash of realism to everything that is going on, making it more immersive. As upbeat as Madoka is, there's still a down-to-Earth quality to her in that she never loses sight of "the little guy" or what she is fighting for in a practical sense. It makes for a neat contrast between her and the more proud and vaguely aristocratic male antagonists that she fights against. Madoka comes across as a warrior of the people whereas they come across as having a certain air of nobility to them.
Again too lazy to post long.

[spoiler="episode 3]
1. Madoka's a sweet heroine. Just really have to love her.
2. Lan's overcoming of her 'fear of the legend' seemed quite rushed, but overall impact was ok.
3. Muginami's entrance soon?
4. That sword grabbing technique, shirahatori?
5. Those 'bad guys' aint exactly bad nor smart.
6. Praises for IG for not screwing this project up. I mean, its really a great and pleasant show.
I really feel like the anime has slowed down from where it started in episode 1. It felt kind of like there was a lot of content to cover in the first episode and the past two have just been... idk boring developmental filler-stuff where nothing too exciting happens and there's no amazing plot twists or anything like that. It could be good or bad, I suppose.
Lan's "blooming" did seem kind of forced but at the same time, I can understand where the only way for people to conquer their fears is to face them head-on. Since it's a 24-episode anime, I feel like maybe they could have gone more in-depth with her character development, but maybe that's to come in the future.
Muginami is really taking her precious time to be introduced. I hope we get to her introduction sometime soon.
Ah, anyone else feel like this "legend" Lan keeps talking about involves the deaths of important characters?
Also, starting to wonder who the real enemy is. My guess is that it's Moid but... idk, I might be wrong. He just seems kind of fishy to me.
Can't wait for episode 4!
I feel they are spending too much time on introducing Mugi. Quite frankly I find her the least interesting character of the trio. No I don't find her mysterious as they try to make her look, no I'm not really that interested in her background (if not a bit obvious)...Can we get back to Madoka, Lan and the main story now?

Watching Lan be jealous of Mugi saved me though. The gap between her design and personality is astonishing and that makes her all the more interesting. Unfortunately (for me) there seems to be lot more Mugi to go through for anything to happen at the steady rate that it has been up to this point.

Oh, and this week's ending eyecatch was <3
Episode 4 was a pretty good and relatively lowkey episode.

I like the all-yuri love triangle being developed here between our three female leads. You don't see that every day! It's also interesting how the Rei/Yuki Nagato "type" here is the clutzy one, while the more Mikuru-esque girl appears stronger/more competent so far. That's a neat twist.

Finally, I think that this anime is doing a better job than most in combining typical anime-style high school hijinks with serious giant robot warfare/combat. The fusion comes off a bit more naturally here than it did in Star Driver, and in most Guilty Crown episodes.
Yet another well done episode.

I.G is doing a good job here combining the school, mecha fights and girls together. They generally have good ideas for fan service which I strongly suggest other studios follow. Want to do a beach episode to show off her girls? Learn from them! Just look at Inori and her criminal level dress. They did that too.

Completely hiralous to watch the commander. Having these stupid characters really helps, especially when he kinda seem fearful of 'abusive' women, evident in his confrontation with Yoko and the teacher. Lets hope he stays funny like this.

Who is muginami?!?! If you would to ask me, I would say I didnt really liked this character. Well, we should be seeing more of her later of course.
Virajulio tearing Mugi away made my day. Never before have I had this much satisfaction in watching one of main characters be destroyed by a villain. Maybe it helped that I hate Mugi and Vira reminds me somewhat of Kamina, but wow, that was effin' awesome on so many levels. I wish she'd stay down and get out of the ring, but alas this is where Madoka homeschools Mugi into truly being a club member...

On another note, Dark Madoka was a surprising revelation. I wonder if she was really that pissed just because Hiroshi and Vira were drinking, or if she has something against alcohol. I mean, calling your uncle by his name without any suffix is pretty lewd in a country like Japan. Could Madoka possibly have a bit of Yandereness in her?!

I find funny how Vox inscribe their insignias on girls' most private places...Madoka on her ass, Lan on her side boob, and Mugi right on her vagina. Niiiiice.

There's always (so far anyway) something new revealed every episode here. This and Aquarion are two of my favorite new releases this season.
Loved the Lan/Muginami interactions here. The latter comes off as a bit two-faced but I don't think she was lying about having fun with Madoka and Lan. There's a hint that she's not used to having experiences like that. Really liked how she pushed Lan's buttons because at the end of the day Lan isn't being completely honest with Madoka either.

Speaking of Lan I hope she realizes that Madoka's outburst at Hiroshi's could apply to her as well; after all she said something similar in her convo w/ Muginami at school. Of the three girls she strikes me as the only one who really gets how serious things are (since I suspect a lot of what Muginami is doing is to impress her "brother" who's probably been deliberately keeping her out of things.)

Also enjoyed Madoka's berating of her Uncle and Villa since it seemed to tie into her having to clean up litter off the beach (unless Kamogawa also has a law against getting drunk on the street).

This is also the first time I suspect the series might be willing to go to some pretty dark places. Something to do with way they animated Mugi during her convo with Lan and Villa at the end (oi..)...Anyway can't wait for next week.
I really wonder whether I.G. is 2 faced. How can this show be so awesome while the other (GC) fail to deliver even the basics of viewership experience.

Once again, have to praise the very well-done heroines, especially in Madoka and Lan. Those suits are next in line after Inori's dress for criminal fan-services. Disappearing sleeves and other parts, with an emphasis on the inconsistent chest size of our girls, but who cares at this point. Lovely lovely~

Madoka and Lan prepares for sortie to get revenge for a girl who still fails to understand them in the end, the entire process was just great. Drinking that 'ENERGY' drink had no effects on Villa and Madoka, but visible damage done to Kirius and Lan. Villa is proving to be a great antagonist of sorts, his flair and second-guessings are a pleasure to follow. On a similar note, Moid is just plain confusing and to a small extend, creepy.

Well-done visuals and animations AGAIN, nothing to complain after a great episode.
Loved this to bits. I actually like that Muginami wasn't motivated by the power of friendship as some speculated. She had her own personal reasons for going out despite Moid's very obvious manipulation attempt. That being said I hope she doesn't get too much flak for what she did at the end. Of course she's not going to turn against her "brother" overnight there's too much history there.

I'm glad that Lan herself is also puzzling over Villa's change. Madoka has been seeing things in very black and white terms I think. So having both Lan and Muginami with complicated connections to the enemy should help her to see things are little bit more grey.

But damn Villa, that weapon! I guess he really was serious about not wanting Mugi to pilot. Now I'm really expecting something to come out of this whole Vox legend if he thought that was a necessary evil.

And thank goodness, authority figure Tadokoro is back. Liked the way he dealt with Madoka. Loved his little side comment to Lan before she left the briefing room (cause you know Madoka probably thought they'd launch immediately again).

Character interactions continue to be the main draw of this show for me. Hiroshi watching over Mugi while telling a little story about his ex was a nice touch. And I had to laugh at Souta's grief about losing his chopsticks after his indirect kiss with Youko. Speaking of which, the one yaoi artist for this series on pixiv should have a field day with the Villagiulo/Kirius energy drink scene.

Not sure what to think about the blossoming at the end but it seems the girls come out no worse for wear. Looking forward to the flashback next episode.
This episode focused on the past relationship between Mugi and Villa, and ended in the alliance shift that was destined to take place. I think the apple floating in the ocean at the end is meant to symbolize that the link between Mugi and Villa has finally been broken. She is now an official member of Madoka's little harem. Change can be both painful and wonderful at the same time. Losing one dear companion to gain a new one. While it certainly wasn't easy breaking ties with Villa, I'm sure the next time there's a Vox battle between the four of them, Mugi won't be defending him again.

Obviously Villa's actions are still going to need further explanation. Since two of the three MCs had a close relationship with him in the past, he clearly isn't some typical bad guy. There's just one thing that's getting in the way. No matter how many pained gestures he makes, or how badly some people (myself included) want a good/competent male character in this show, the fact of the matter is that he did try to kill Mugi. Also, I really didn't like the way he choked her in the scene where she's betrayed, although that may have been his "overacting" if he really wanted her to stay with Madoka. Let's hope the explanation isn't some convoluted BS either
Chairman makes a surprise visit (or rather the his granddaughter does in his place). Surprisingly, she didn't annoy me; probably because they didn't bother giving her an ultra high-pitched voice. Also turns out she was the one who trolled Lan into thinking "woof" was an earth greeting. She definitely has a presence and Youko seems to be the only one who isn't thrown off by it.

This is a good exposition episode with plenty of great friendship moments between the girls. Loved Lan and Mugi's protesting on Madoka's behalf. Glad to see more of Madoka being thoughtful and was glad to see her talk the other two down because she's able to see the big picture. Besides we know the grounding of Vox Aura won't last. Oh, and Array in a maid costume.

Anyway, next episode looks like Villa and the Demetrio trio will storm the Kamogawa girls school festival. Plenty of hijinks to be had I'm sure.
This show just doesn't let up. Brilliant episode. The comedy with the De Metrio trio was perfect interspersed with the various background developments advancing the main plot--the encroaching forces of KISS and Le Garite aiming to destroy or forcibly obtain the Vox respectively--as well as some background information about Madoka. The deftness of the pacing and the easy rhythm with which it moves between its elements actively reaffirms my impression that this show really knows what it's doing, and where it's going.

Oh, keyword of the day: "Madoka Radar"!
I hope this will be the last episode to focus entirely on the Jersey club friendship and everyday shenanigans because I'd like to see a little more plot now. It seems there's a war brewin'.

I've largely enjoyed the character development/revealing of the last few episodes, but yeah, it is now time to get back to the action and overarching plot.

Ultimately all of this building up in character relationships will likely cause future scenes to have some added dramatic and emotional heft to them, so it'll probably be worth it.
It was rather anti-climatic imo. We never really found out exactly what terror the aura brings...then again, we know there's gonna be a second season sooner or later so...

One thing I don't really get is how Muginami managed to send a letter out to Madoka from distant space where she couldn't even see the planet with eyes squinted. That was just weird...

Final thought
It was one of the better series from the last season. Too bad it couldn't fully cover all the questions but it opened up possibility for second season. And the closure wasn't bad either. The last Maaaaa ruuuuuuu by Madoka was quite touching...could have ended there imo, instead of inserting that weird letter from distant space scene...

The only thing that seemed abrupt was the end of the battle, which was a bit anticlimactic, I must admit. I adored the epilogue, though. Watching Madoka rush from place to place... she's an incredible character, probably my favorite so far this year. The very end was a nice touch too. Good feelings all around.

I was expecting things to flow to the next season without having to set things up again.I seriously got trolled by the yuri confession. No final thoughts as there is a second season.
Madoka claiming her harem back from the oniichans. THE POWER OF YURI SOLVE EVERYTHING. JERSEY CLUB SPIRIT!

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