What "free to play" games have you tried?


Mar 24, 2012
Many of us have been through some online games that were advertised as "free" but charge money for the better items. I want to ask:
what you played alot, and why.
what types of games do you think fail~
what makes you interested in a game, or leave one?

What would you consider to be a more perfected online game? (make one up or suggest one that's real~)

For me, I think the game with the most time I've invested was runescape. A few years ago, it used to be pretty much what me and my best friend played. But later on, it got boring with all of the quests and grinding. I later tried mabonigi and trickster, both of which got boring so fast... I didn't like how I was just by myself doing wtv :/
I also got into pangya, which I still kinda play just because some other nice ppl still play~

I think the one thing that fails is lottery and "chance" items. This causes lots of ppl to be selfish and all "GOGGOGOGOGOGOGOGO" It's like "let's all hop on the merry-go-round and let greedy companies take money and make ppl mad at the same time~ ^^" I have never invested my own money in online games, and I could be proud of myself for that. What's really said is when people are playing just for items, to level up, for a slow pathetic story line, etc. etc. etc....

The most ideal game I think is where people do things together, and not flame because someone's a hacker or taking all the kills or wtv. :/ Things like that easily kill the joy of playing online. But sadly, there aren't any ideal games worthy of playing in sight~ -.-~
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I think I spent most of my time playing GunZ: The Duel more than anything. I do not play anymore, but I consider myself to be very good at it. I even bought some premium items from the cash shop, that is how much I loved it.

The types of games that fail, in my opinion are the games that are considered WoW clones. I have not played WoW, but seeing as most of the F2P games are based off of WoW, it can be pretty annoying at times.

What makes me interested in the game is the music, gameplay, and colors. The music has to be very good for me to play it over and over, for example Remnant Knights has one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard. Gameplay is also a plus because sucky gameplay equals a sucky game, it's self-explanatory. Last but not least, colors plays a huge factor when choosing a F2P game because I think colorful environments welcome you into the game's world.

A more perfected online game would be a real-life copy of The World from .hack, haha.
Hmm i played runescape quite a while but after finishing all the free quests i got bored... If zomg can be considered one then i played that and killed the final boss a couple times before getting bored...

Games that dont get have enough storyline to keep older players interested wouldnt be quite as fun... sometimes the newer classes are just too much more powerful and people dont feel like giving up on a high level character... causes conflicts... grinding gets boring after a while... people may also be quite negative... not that that is the game's fault... though it may partly be the game if there is something allowing for the other's negativity...
Eden Eternal is the best F2P I have ever played. I love it. Was playing since open Beta.
My thoughts on paying for better items or equipment is that it's unfair, it's self explanatory but for those that don't get it... think about it like this.
"F2P" games are risky since you invest a lot into them and asking money for items is sometimes the only way, you could also use ads on certain websites or forums related to the game, although it always depends on the type of game, i would think of MOBA, MMORPG or any other competitive genre that's "F2P" to give the following options.

If you support the game by paying money i would only allow people to get items or for example complete quests "FASTER" than the rest, again it's only to support these games.
I guess it would be better to explain with examples:

League of Legends: I don't really like the game but the "store" is fair in this game, this MOBA is unique thanks to the runes, masteries and summoner spells that every single person can obtain. If you pay for RP(RiotPoints) you can purchase all the runes way faster than the rest, also champions and skins but those are irrelevant in this case. Yes you get an advantage for getting everything faster than the rest although it's not impossible to obtain the same things than those that pay money, except for skins but those are irrelevant when it comes to balance.

And now the example for a game that failed at this is.

S4 League: In this game, items matter, a lot. Skills bring you very far, you can beat people that purchase these amazing weapons and clothes(gear) although it's not fair at all. In this game everyone can purchase most of the things in the normal shop although there are many items that you can't obtain without money(AP) and in this case the influence of most of these items aren't relevant although there are "pets" that give you an advantage, that's unfair. But it gets worse, the game is skill-intensive but you can't beat opponents with better weapons with raw skill, not always.(It's simple math in the end, the better the weapon, the more damage you do, if played correctly even if you both play as good, the one with better weapons will always win) The big thing that makes this game unfair is that you can purchase weapons that are way better than the normal weapons that you get from the normal shop.

For those that know about S4 League, you can't possibly do more damage with you +1 Plasma Sword than a +11 Plasma Sword which is only obtainable by paying with real money(AP) or you could get, if lucky +0 ~ +10 weapons from the Fumbi shop.
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There's a ton of games that I could get bored instantly because of how they make soo much hype and fail to keep it up. Almost every f2p place will have an exaggerated video about some characters or wtv that looks amazing, but then they're worthless when you actually play them X_X. I think that once people see the stereotype of old classes, skills, quests, weapons, etc. They'll instantly go somewhere else. I'd rather play a short fun game than a long boring one X_X.

Hmm do you also notice how many of these f2p companies never fix some bugs, or are some companies from Asia? It's almost sad how most of the English games are brought over from overseas, and there's no one in America who is able to keep up with them :f All of the americans are playing Cod or something instead of other things. Really, I think that alot of people are tired of seeing the same old stuff, but the bigger companies just don't listen. :/
Perfect World Entertainment; shining example of pack of immoral, money grabbing, selfish, greedy bunch of assholes in the F2P industry...their flagship game Perfect World International is full of bugs, manages to not play smoothly on any existing computer and sells just about every possible power in the game for money. Yet it makes insane amount of money because it exploits people's superiority complex to gain more power over the others. Hence community there is dead, most people won't even play with those who they deem are "below the standards". And if anybody criticizes, the response is usually "because it's F2P"...ironic thing is that this game would be lot cheaperand fun to play if it were P2P.
I don't play much 'free to play' games nor play much online games.

From some of the games I have played so far, they were very fun and entertaining.

The graphics are the main area of interest for me if I want to play a game. I'm sure others feel similarly.
League of Legends ... but only two games. I hate it, it's only a cheap copy of DotA, which was much better.

Metin 2 ... only a few times with friends. I don't like MMORPG'S very much.
Maple Story, League of Legends, Rappelz, Perfect World International, Trickster Online, Tribes Ascend, Starcraft II :goodtea:
F2P? I've went through a few of those. Mostly shooters as RPGs (esp. Online) are not my things.

Special Force (Quitted)

Karma...(known as Karma Returns in Korea, Senjou no Karma in Japan, and Karma Revo in Thailand) I play the third one. Fun...invested heavily in it...now it's like a desolate landscape with hackers everywhere...

And last but not least...World of Tanks. Your daily dose of frustration, rage, and disappointment. No hacks problem though.
Depending on the culture put into the game, it would make all the difference of whether or not you can enjoy it. If you simply do things by yourself, it's almost like a rip-off console game. For example, in the JP version of pangya, it takes a long time to play a game because people wait for others and actually talk. There was such an intense pressure for me to watch how I talk, especially because I didn't know how to make the text into Japanese at the time. In the US version, most people like to play by themselves or wtv.. it's so infested with a horrible amount of selfishness, and only the good players rarely show up. Not to mention the amount of frustration you could have just by trying to play well at the game. It's almost unfair for most people, especially since the prices are too high in player shops.
In the early years of my High School life, I would have went through all the online application games, broswers games, role playing text forums and so on. So I won't list them but I haven't found one that works with my net connection well (ping and net speed is a issue, heck it prioritize the person closer to the server so I can't loot well). If something like Sword Art Online (in real online connection), I'll probably invest in it due to the vast amount of skills you can learn and invest in.

Other than that, most US servers are selfish and I can't get along with them. I used to be a priest to bishop in GMS and every time we're supposed to split the loot (only asking for mage items for me) they somehow keep forgetting and I'm left with a spent income. Just an actual example on my online experience. Now days, I'm over it and just staying on simple games like League of Legends (solo queue since I haven't got an idea how voip works) and forum text based role plays.
The best f2p is Lineage2... I played it since korean beta (its f2p by less then a year) and I still love it like the first day!
^Tried it and my connection was pretty bad due to geographical distance between the servers and where I live. To top it off, I don't seem to get alone with people who plays Nexon games due to their... personality clashes and various harassment that I took long time ago. I might try it again but I still remembered it as a game that requires a lot of real cash invested in it to make it worthwhile a while back then.
Forgot to mention that I've also played Runescape too~

Depending on the culture put into the game, it would make all the difference of whether or not you can enjoy it.

This is huge factor for me, for any game really, and is one of the reasons why I haven't gotten into League of Legends. The few times I've played it seems like winning and rage takes priority over having fun. In the near future, I plan on trying out Star Wars when it goes free to play later this year.
Really.. If companies would work for/with each other, people would be making more profit because the games would be much better. There could be designers, bug fixes, event planners, artists, music composers, performers, etc. etc. The sad thing is, most of these companies have little interest in making a good game once they start getting money. Even worse, they try to cut corners by making over-hyped videos of a game, which turns out to be completely unrelated/false. People are fresh out of good ideas, and I doubt they'd go hunting for better people until they're bankrupt X_X. But then, some other company would buy the rights and do the same process all over again... And now these methods are brought to console systems, at least a little.
right now im playing runescape but some free games i have played, S4 league, asda , perfect world, smoking guns,Maple story,operation 8, tf2. You said F2P and not rpgs so i just did all the free games i remember XD.

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