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  • Everyone has difficulty living in an unfamiliar country, especially in local cities not accustomed to foreigners. I hope your life will be better:)
    Oh, you came to Japan, did not you? Congrats!:D
    I have not been ASF for more than a year, so I did not know that you came to Japan.
    Please enjoy life in Japan!
    Isn't there a Japanese/Korean dress up game that has great music+design like Pangya? and i dont mean els**rd.
    closers is no go cuz unacessible...
    Soul worker? vid card isnt good enough...
    Oh, You had a rare experience in Japan :eek::D
    Because I don't have knowledge about the transfer to a JPN college, I can't help you. I hope that a good result is brought for you :)
    Wishing you a happy new year!
    明けましておめでとうございます!(Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!)


    For several months of the time when you came to Japan last year, I had not accessed ASF. So I was not able to help with your problem, sorry. Were you able to enjoy a trip in Japan?
    Thank you very much.I only Play LoveLive! School idol festival with EN version and Japan version.The last one is selector battle with WIXOSS.This game is good but really hard download new patch and it slow in my country.
    Yippee, Thanks for your message :)
    Because the opportunities when I access ASF in these days decreased, I may not notice in your post and message... When it happened, sorry :sowwy:
    Ah, the shop "DVD・ブルーレイ通販なら@タクミスタイルズ東京(時間指定・海外配送OK) " is the exceptional shop. It says (時間指定・海外配送OK) .... This means "available receiving time specification, and Overseas shipping OK". So you may purchase the DVD from this shop. You need to ask the shop and confirm whether Overseas shipping is really available in this product.
    There are two shops which say they sell first press limited version (初回限定版) at this point. (The price is a bit high. Brand new DVD, 1st Episode: Yen 9,400). You can get it if there is Proxy in Japan which purchase it for you. If you can trust on me, I receive it and when you visit at Japan, I will ship it to you place in Japan when you will stay in travel this summer. Now, there are two products on Market places. But they will be sold until this summer, I think. You may check these two products. See This page. The shops "haru*kana" and "DVD・ブルーレイ通販なら@タクミスタイルズ東京(時間指定・海外配送OK) " say they are selling "first press limited version" at the price Yen 9400.
    Hello, In my memory, you live in Japan, don't you. If you live in Japan, you can use (purchase from) Amazon Market place (they ship only inside Japan, in general. There is of course exception. Some shops ship overseas though). If you live in Japan, you can purchase "First press version" from Market place shop. The first Episode DVD was released on 17 December, 2014. There is no clear information, but "the first press version" may be sold out already. Three months have passed. So you cannot get first press Bonus from usual DVD (now on sale). Do you live in Japan? Regards, mrd
    Hello, As to This Question, have you already ordered or purchased the Blueray DVD? In my opinion, both are usual version, with which NO first edition Bonus (such as VN CD, 12 pages booklet) may be attached. If you want the Special edition with bonus VN CD etc. , there is other method. Regards, mrd
    Oh! I thought wrong that you bought a public lottery for shopping in Japan. I read a past message and just noticed a mistake... :surprise:
    Ah~, Summer Comiket! It seems to be fun. Because many people are sick with heat of the midsummer, please be careful. I hope that you win a lottery :D
    Oh, Do you visit Japan again? These may be good for a souvenir :D

    accessories for PS Vita
    (Japanese language)
    releases, May. price: 4000JPY/34USD.
    Yamato (White) version:
    Nagato (Blue/Gray) version: amazon japan limited release. It can't be shipped outside Japan.
    Hi, Murakumo.
    This time, I'll inform you because I changed the user name from abcbmadoka to AB_Titty. When I registered in ASF for the first time, I didn't expect that I might do much post like now. So I made user name without thinking carefully. I've regretted it for sometime past, and finally decided to change the name. Please refer to my profile if you want to know the meaning of the new name.
    it´s good like that !love is all you need...especially sweet girls love ♥ greetings from Berlin
    May the year of 2015 bring you a lot of happiness and smiles.
    I'd be happy if we could stay good friends.
    Happy New Year!

    Oh I'm too lazy to exercise myself inside, unless its on my own terms, I love running, in the night ><

    So you got the less known Black Screen of Death then.

    Anyways just today saw you had a group, joined it. Gotta run. Cya again soon.
    Yeah I'm sure they are, I usually explain way too much just to try and be sure people don't misunderstand ^&^

    I've already started thinking about christmas...

    Lot of games thats in a genre mostly dark for me/unknown

    You don't like going outside even when its dark, and there is nothing but stars on the sky, or would you like to go more outside if the entire place was without anybody else. As if some apocalypse happened.
    hehe thanks, I always try my best to watch my health in that season, which is actually almost the only season to be honest. Only thing is I could need some more exercise, and more stable sleep patterns. But thanks, and you too.

    -Only use the AC during winter time.
    -Letter replies....sounds stylish too me~
    -I know ! don't worry about it, now you sound more like me.

    P.s. Well I just wanted to say it too. Ja matta~
    Oh hi again, don't tell me your plagued by a guilty conscience since last time...I should clarify, that I haven't witnessed ANY actual mistakes yet :)

    And even then if there was any, mistakes happen as well at times. In my last reply I just mean that some of us feel bad even without making a mistake, which I probably don't need to ask if you are one of them or not by now. But you haven't actually done anything. Sounds like I'm saying the unnecessary, but just so it's been said. Better safe than sorry as they say.

    Been doing well ? I'm probably doing a major hikkikomori season this autumn with some gaming, all though not sure if I qualify to call myself that then, since I plan on doing lots of gaming with others. Just irl that is, not emh how ever I should define, put it.
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