Poetry Thread


DDL Hentai Mistress
Apr 16, 2011
Come on, folks! Crack ye knuckles and post your poems.

Let me starto~ (I'm an amateur and had no formal study in terms of poetry writing).


Here are some of the stuff I made:

Was it so long ago,
That you and I met
In a room where most
Ignore each other.

It was that moment
That our eyes crossed
And you smiled
And I smiled.

Yes, it wasn’t that long ago
That we bent our heads
To talk in secret
And laugh at our own childish pleasure.

It was that moment
That I knew I had a friend:
Someone I could laugh with,
And perhaps cry with.

Yes, it was our scattered lives
That drew us close
And opened our eyes to a reality
That we are not alone when we think we are.

It wasn’t so distant then.
That memory
Of you and I

And so perhaps,
It won’t be of much matter
If we would be separated once again
For I know I’ve a friend
In you.

do you fear the inevitable silence
that comes and goes without warning
do you fear the irksome pauses
that we sometimes have when we talk
it's like showing us we're running out of stories
or perhaps we're slowly reaching the apex of interest
do you fear these meddlesome thoughts
that pass by quickly through our minds
it's like we're holding on to something fragile
when perhaps it's already lost

like i do
when i see your face
your eyes hold me
with that withering gaze
like i always do
when we pass by each other like strangers
your silence breaks me
and tears my heart to pieces
like they do
when you greet me in my coffin
i've fought and lost the battle
but i'm probably not in heaven

i fear getting close to people
there's always that risk
they lie even when they smile
they can hurt you
but i fear being alone more
there's that familiar silence
that slowly invites
loneliness in


there is nothing here
sakura leaves keep falling
i am missing you

The silent lovers share a fleeting kiss
A kiss made by the eyes
One blue-green, one amber
With one look, both drown in sighs

A woman holds a child in her arms
While her eyes go astray
To where a man sits beside his wife
The searing pain won't go away

The man smiles but thinks of her
The woman in his peripheral view
He sees her with her newborn child
The emptiness won't go away

They have only that moment to share
A kiss made by the eyes
But for all the love they silently keep
Only heartache is the prize
can't write anything but haikus... but i'll try xD

Boredom, it is my
enemy, eternally
fighting against me.

When I see your smile,
your beautiful eyes, I can
feel my heart beating inside.
^i didn't know that you're into stuffs like that ~ well done verses.
loool. here's one i made up for you xD

A friend online, from
Anime Sharing Forum,
Mr Octopus.
A two-part poem I made months back.

solitary soul, i see you pass before me
your body is covered in a thick smoke of blue and gray
i see your head bowed, shoulders heavy
your face clouded with sorrow and dismay

what ails you, dear soul, and makes you drag your feet
as if shackled heavily, invisibly and without hope
what sucks your spirit and makes you weak,
makes you tire of everything, unable to cope

dear heart, look back and see me before you
with smiles of welcome and open arms
hear me call beyond your thick smoke of gray and blue
and i shall cover you and keep you warm

look back, my love, for i exist right here and now
waiting for you to walk, stumble, and even collapse into me
i would whisper words of peace and love, this i vow
just stop for a moment, look back and see me

i stumble towards the unending darkness before me
my body is filthy and overwhelmed with confusion
my gait, once kingly, now walk languidly
my mind, once lucid, offers no solution

i have smiled truly and welcomed life before
and yet now, my hands are empty and i am lost
looking for the end or the exit that seemed too far;
now, wondering and pondering my life's purpose

i walk alone in darkness and i fear i shall never be found
my soul is trapped and i cannot, for the life of me, find the key
in my path there is no light, no air, and even no sound
and yet i hope, pray, for someone to save me
Another haiku ^^

As I draw my sword,
the blade glints, more beautiful
than any weapon.
haiku for today:

i hate you paypal
why did you freeze my account?
what a load of crap!
Haiku of the day

Exams are over,
Time to celebrate, the end
of my high school life.
I have no experience in poetry, but I will try.
Drinking that cannot be controlled.
Depression that cry in the alleyways.
Corruption fills the sky like an eternal nightmare.
Darkness that consumes all in sight.
Filthy women that multiply as time passes.
This is nocturne.
Well someone asked for my poems so here:

Our Paradise
In a world we love that is clean and green,
Lies the mountains, the forests and the peaceful seas.
We have homes and families that are strong and keen,
That loves to plant a lot of flowers and trees

Oh the shimmer, the glimmer and shine of the sun,
Gives light, gives hope to everyone.
The peace and joy we have these days,
Would forever remain like our elders say.

Our ties and bonds would be much stronger,
If we believe in the Lord and always pray.
Our wish to always have celebrations and laughter,
Would never end to merciless slaughter.

The moonlight sky
The moon that shines,
All so bright.
That reflects in the seas during the night;
Would bring joy and give us light,
For God is with us all tonight.

The moon up so high in the sky,
Guides some travellers that love to fly.
The moon, the stars and clouds above,
That God gave to us, whom he loves.

My dear child that sleeps tonight,
May you grow up strong and very bright.
You’re talents would guide you to your dreams,
And never let you fall inside a bad realm.

One’s Path
The sound of the wind is calling me,
Telling me that the world is big to see.
The gentle breeze knows my name,
They even know how to, make me feel ashamed.

The sea so quiet that gives a low whisper,
To my mind, to my heart these things linger.
Showing me what needs to be done;
And part of my mission is to teach everyone,
That living our life to the fullest,
Is the best way to say you’re one of the greatest.
No one controls you but yourself,
And I would just guide you to find thyself.

We see, we speak differently;
But to my eyes we are one family;
That helps each other when crisis strike,
And acts as a corrector o make everything right.

A Human’s Life
A glass so fragile,
That is beyond one’s style.
Is easy to break,
And easy to remake
But what does it contain that makes it so special,
That makes one’s life easy to mingle.

In front of the light,
It shines so bright.
The reflecting images I see,
Makes it change its way with others;
And change its attitude like our forefathers.

Like seeing ourselves in the mirror,
Makes us see the true warrior,
Beneath the skin and flesh of our own bodies.
Even if you put up a dress, a gown in a day;
You yourself have your own special way,
To make others see you,
Like I do.

The Storm
The weather so cold,
That drops a thousand fold.
Which are tears from the heavens,
Above our mountains.

The boats, the planes, the travels are cancelled;
In times so fast these things are held.
Oh the oceans, the seas and bodies of water,
Are also affected by our bad weather.

What makes this things occur in our time,
When we have a lot of problems above the line.
We should take care of the things we had,
That is given by the Lord, Our dear God.

A bond so strong,
That last so long.
A sparkle of light,
Fills your sight,
With bronze, silver, and gold,
As precious as the friendship you hold.
The might and strength within you,
Would fill your life and make you through
The challenges that waits for you.

The things you share together,
Should always be cherished forever.
Every journey you take,
Would help you see the journey you would make.
And the way you treat each other,
Is as if she’s your sister.
this is my favorite

Our Earth
In the ocean so bright
That is filled with light,
Lives the fishes, dolphins and corals
Who lives happily because they are free.

In the land which is filled with trees,
Lives a lot of creatures and also bees.
We step, walk and run on it,
But it is also the place we sleep and sit.

Oh the sky
That is up so high
Is the place where the birds love to fly.
The clouds, sun, moon and stars
Live in this place
Where the earth’s beauty lies.

What do you think?
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Sleepless Nights and Haunted Memories
My dreams escape me through a florescent needle
Burning crystals sink deeper into my head.
Still I stir from overbearing nightmares
It’s the scent of hopelessness in the air, the stench of failure
I repel all around me when I awaken
Lingering in the darkness, eternally lost to the desperation within.
Savor the last drawn breath.
My tears cannot reach you. They fade into the scenery I helped formulate.
An image of death. Painted onto the canvas of loneliness.
Guess Ill toss up something I wrote for a class... it isn't really perfect by any means... some parts still need working on =/ I have to cut it down so its short enough to read in 30 sec anyway... I sort of imagine it read in the voice of the narrator for that certain shia labeouf song...

A tale of hope. A tale of despair.
A tale of the strange man by the name of Solaire.
Within the world of the forsaken, he sought the glow of his own sun.
However this dark tale had already ended, long before it had even begun.
For this was a land after mortal death, inhabited by creatures unliving.
Past regrets heavy upon the fragile mind, failures less than forgiving.
Each step wearing on his wispy soul, until little remained but the final goal.
Yet even that was wrenched from his loosening grasp, the golden light he found on the verge of collapse.
The friend he never thought would betray, took the fallen lord's soul away.
Again ends the tale of the strange man by the name of Solaire.
Just another broken by the endless despair.
Beneath the sheets, demons lurk behold
a whiff of odour putrid, intensifies the dark
headaches killing my focus
locust on flesh a chewing
counting down the days slowly brewing
an environmental collapse of mental anguish
distinguish the raw taste of defeat
the aimless wandering beat of the heart
Sorting It All Out

Slotting through the layered lines,
Mapping out the glowing veins,
Hitting dead ends, making gains,
Hoping that I'll hit no mines.

The prize is clear and in my reach,
If only I knew where to grasp -
I slowly open, latch by clasp,
The box that I'll before long breach.

And finally, I meet my treasure;
Getting there's been quite the task.
But now I sit, lie back and bask
In a new joy beyond measure.
Where wingless angels lie

Where wingless angels lie
cries can be heard in the darkness
infinite misery throughout time and space
the race to end of all races
dreaming is but a fantasy
or is it our reality
our mentality wavers thin
the chosen few will win
If I Were the Devil

If I were the Devil I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world;

I would delude their minds into thinking that they had come from man’s effort, instead of God’s blessings;

I would promote an attitude of loving things and using people, instead of the other way around;

I would dupe entire states into relying on gambling for their state revenue;

I would convince people that character is not an issue when it comes to leadership;

I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies;

I would make it socially acceptable to take one’s own life, and invent machines to make it convenient;

I would cheapen human life as much as possible so that the life of animals are valued more than human beings;

I would take God out of the schools, where even the mention of His name was grounds for a law suit;

I would come up with drugs that sedate the mind and target the young;

I would get sports heroes to take on the job to advertise them;

I would get control of the media, so that every night I could pollute the mind of every family, the backbone of any nation;

I would make divorce acceptable and easy, even fashionable…..If the family crumbles, so does the nation;

I would compel people to express their most depraved fantasies on canvas and movie screens, and I would call it art;

I would try to convince the people that right and wrong are determined by a few who call themselves authorities and refer to their agenda as politically correct;

I would persuade people that the church is irrelevant and out of date, and the Bible is for the naive;

I would dull the minds of Christians, and make them believe that prayer is not important, and that faithfulness and obedience are optional;

I guess I would leave things pretty much the way they are.
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Soul Searching the Skies
When the mountains break open
upon a grass laid bare
is an innocence, none too familiar
a call to the heaven's for answers
rejoice for I am your father
I cast thee out from you
the devil and his minions
I branch and unfold a symbol
of wealth and righteousness
a sacred soul divine
to gall or not to gall
thy peasant on my heel
watereth a plenty mends all woundeth
Son of god, son of a dying ember
remember the times we shared
and all those that cared
for the flock and the village frock
I wrote this one about 6 years ago, probably before going to uni. This is one of the few english poems I ever did, most of my poems are German since I consider it to be more flexible for poetic approaches.


Inconvenient situations create
Inconvenient feelings form
Inconvenient words define
Inconvenient people.

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Would it be possible to upload?
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Could you reup this https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/231014-しんでられ城-アームズブレス2.1410042/
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