The Second Thief Game~

Ghost Kitty~

Art of Spam~
Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
Herros everyone~ Ill be the host of the second game~

Ill start the game on the 13th for some odd reason or another~ I do wonder who would know why~
The thief will run around randomly until the 21st~ Then he/she will be working towards an actual goal~
People can still join after the game starts but theyll have a slight disadvantage... or not~ Depends how they play~ This is somewhat based on luck and everyone wins or loses together anyway~ Except for the thief who doesnt care about the rest~ Anyone who joins after will be assumed to have been one of the guests standing around the waiting room and get whatever clues the other guests standing around there have gotten~
Active participation would be advised though i suppose you might get clues even if youre not doing anything ;p
The thief will be running around the castle grounds and encounters with the thief will give you clues to who he/she may be~

I was sitting by the window looking at the castle on the hill. It happened to be the birthday of the mistress and she ordered her knights to go kidnap invite people they randomly found around the city some friends. I was among the first to be dragged off. I suppose sitting by the window makes for an easy target… not that I really resisted when I heard about the food. I tossed together a little present and off i went. At the party I saw a growing number of random people who also seemed to have been dragged there, willingly or not. We all went around the waiting room and... well... waited for the party to start.

The mistress appears and excited murmurs fill the air. She glanced around before walk down the grand staircase and greeting some guests. Shortly after, the doors to the dining hall are opened and people wandered in to find a mountain of food. Everyone who stepped through the door stood in awe, wonder how many kinds they could possibly try before getting stuffed full (caused quite the traffic jam with each new guest replacing the previous shocked guy at the doorway). The mistress came into the room and everyone took a seat as a knight made a short announcement to introduce her (short in that she “accidentally” stomped on his foot to keep him from continuing). She ordered told everyone to start eating and some of the guests immediately rushed for the food. I wonder whether from excruciating hunger or just obeying out of fear after seeing that little spectacle. It was a buffet style dinner with plenty of food for everyone so I saw little need to do similarly. While everyone was busy eating, a loud crash was heard from the waiting room and everyone froze in their spot. Some people rushed over to see what had happened and they found unconscious guards. After getting out of their little shock they noticed that all the presents were missing. Other guards rushed into the room and stared to run around flustered. One of the knights asked the guests for help and hurriedly tossed them a map of the grounds before running off to join the others. The map looked quite old and seems like it was torn from a larger page.

The knights are patrolling the grounds and have the walls under constant surveillance so the thief cant escape... probably… The thief will be running around in the castle during the start of the game and, upon successfully escaping the building, will be running around the grounds searching for some place to hide or escape. Try what you may to catch him/her. You can stake out one section of the grounds/castle each phase (day) and hope that you get a sighting of the thief. Knights will lurk around places where there was a sighting so if you go talk to the knight then you can get the clue that he/she may have. The guards are quite forgetful so be quick or miss the clue.

The grounds are surrounded by a tall stone wall with an arched gate where everyone ordinarily enters and leaves. There is a garden with a large maze created from the various plants spread around the front. A small forest surrounds the other parts of the castle. A foggy lake with a boathouse lays hidden within the forest along with a hidden grove. There is a peculiar house within the hidden grove which doesnt always seem to be there. There is also an island with a cave in the middle of the lake for anyone who found a boat. Four guard’s quarters were built around the grounds, close enough so that they could react to any problems which may happen. The castle sits at the center of the grounds.
The grounds will be divided into five sections, four areas each with its own guard house (lake, garden, forest, and gate) and the castle as its own area. The chances of spotting the thief will depend on how much people are in a section and whether the thief actually appears there. The castle will get any news of sightings the next turn and everyone else will get the news on the turn after so if you are around the castle then you can get the somewhat faster information. If you spotted the thief yourself (was in the section where the thief appeared) then you will get slightly more information than those who go around asking the guards. Lurking at the gate will make it more difficult for the thief to escape normally. The other areas may give a chance at a random event which could aid the discoverer. The game ends when the thief escapes the grounds, is caught, or all the presents are retrieved.

The castle is composed of three floors. The upper floor holds the library, games room, and study. There is a master bedroom along with east and west wing guestrooms on the middle floor. The lower floor is composed of the dining hall, waiting room, restrooms, and kitchen. There is also a basement where they store everything that they don’t need and stairs to the roof can be found in the study. A network of underground passages connects parts of the castle and grounds. There was a room found within the passages.
The castle is divided into the three main floors and the basement. Everyone on the floor where the thief appears will get clues. Pick a room/pair of guest rooms or lurk in the hallways in the floor you chose and you may get a bonus clue should the thief appear. Everyone in the building will be alerted if the thief is spotted and can get clues if they talk to the guards although guards will always give somewhat less than you could otherwise have gotten from an actual sighting.

As you might have guessed, this game requires quite a lot of luck. Each sighting will give the people who saw the thief a chance of retrieving a present that the thief carelessly dropped while running away. The thief will have a chance at escaping every turn but sightings will lower the chance of escape. The thief will be caught after 250 sightings total or 50 sightings from a single player and an accurate accusation (the thief has quite the low chance of winning actually xD). There is a small chance at a general random event happening each turn which may benefit everyone… or not. Places may have an area specific special event and other untold surprises~

Guard's piece of the map~

The odd thingy going around the grounds a river from the lake~
The stuff on the right of the map of the grounds is the layout of the castle~
The guard's houses were all built the same way so i can save some time and lead I mean because that odd constructor guy who planned them didnt want to work~

A suspicious figure in a hooded cloak ran by~ You called out for him/her to stop but he/she turned a corner and disappeared by the time you got there~
You spotted the cloaked figure again, this time he/she was carrying a large bundle which you suspect was the stolen gifts... You tried to give chase but the thief disappeared once again...
You spot the thief and he/she looks vaguely familiar but you cant place where you might have seen such a person…
The thief dropped a key which seems to work on all the doors in the castle. Now where would he/she have gotten this?
The thief seems feminine but she disappeared before you could get a closer look.
One of the guards commented about how she seemed to be talking with the fire sprites around the gate~
You thought you had the thief trapped but she turned a corner and disappeared~ You suspect that she went down the manhole nearby as it was missing its cover~
Some guards went down the manhole where the thief was assumed to have escaped into~ They found a complex maze of passages that spread under the grounds~
The guards said that they saw her talking to forest sprites around the lake later on~
A guard reported seeing the thief sneaking towards the maze~
The guards are talking about how the thief dropped some invitation to a tea party~
The guards said they saw someone around the gate... but were not quite sure if it was the thief~
The guards reported seeing someone lurking around the sealed passage...
The guards are blaming their failure on the fact that the thief had whips and stuff~
The guards found a map with an x marked in the middle of the lake after she ran off~
There are rumors among the guards which say that something will happening at the island soon...
The guards mumbled something amongst themselves when they heard that the thief could talk to sprites...

Carries around a bag of items which he trades with people who happen to be in the same area~ The amount necessary to trade depends on the difficulty to obtain the item and how many copies he has~
-5 = 2 for 1
5-10 = 3 for 2
10-15 = 1 for 1
15-20 = 2 for 3
20+ = 1 for 2

Hmm any random changes to the rules and whatnot will be stated at the start of the phases~

The thief appeared on the third floor study~ The clues will be sent through pm but whatever else that happens will just be written here~ (Actually im too tired/lazy to go think of clues atm ;p)
If you didnt pick a place to move to then you will just be in the waiting room until you do so or wherever you left your character last~

Waiting room Clues- 0
Kitchen- Clues-0 Event-You found food, eating it will give you a boost of energy and let you visit two spots the next turn although you will only have a 66% chance of spotting the thief if he/she appears in either spot (you can save it until you wish to use it)
Games room Clues- 2
Waiting room Clues- 0
Waiting room Clues- 0
Study Clues- 3
Library Clues- 2
Waiting room Clues- 0
Waiting room Clues- 0

The thief was spotted in a guest room on the second floor~ Hmm i think im going to have people specify guest rooms on the east or west from now on~ Unless a 50% chance of getting the bonus clue is fine for you ;p

Waiting room Clues- 0
Guest room Clues- 3
Games room Clues- 2
Waiting room Clues- 0
Kitchen Clues- 0
Library Clues- 3 Event- While digging around the library you find a soot sprite which stared at you for a bit before disappearing~
Library Clues- 2 Event- While digging around the library you find a soot sprite which stared at you for a bit before disappearing~
Waiting room Clues- 0
Waiting room Clues- 0

The thief appeared on the first floor restroom~ You lucky people keep spotting the thief every turn ._. Wasnt really expecting that xD Anyhow i still havent gotten clues down yet... Currently i should be working on that painting but well... considering how im here typing this up that obviously isnt happening ;p

Waiting room Clues- 2
Games room Clues- 3 The two alices got bored waiting and started playing around, they currently have that bit of heightened concentration that comes after gaming so will get an extra clue if they spot alice during the next turn~
Item(s): Food
Library Clues- 2
Waiting room Clues- 2
Games room Clues- 0 The two alices got bored waiting and started playing around, they currently have that bit of heightened concentration that comes after gaming so will get an extra clue if they spot alice during the next turn~
Kitchen Clues- 5
Restroom Clues- 5 Event- The thief left you to deal with the drunk guest~ What will you do?
Kuro helped the guest-
The drunk guy sobers somewhat and thanks you for your help. He gives you a lucky coin which will give you a second try on your next event that turns out to be purely negative~
Waiting room Clues- 2
Waiting room Clues- 2

The thief runs through the waiting room~ Right in from of all the guys standing around afk shocked that such an event had happened at a birthday party~
Waiting room Clues- 5
Guest rooms West Clues- 3
Item(s): Food
Kitchen Clues- 4
Library Clues- 0
3rd floor Hallway Clues- 5
Master bedroom Clues- 5
Item: Lucky coin
Waiting room Clues- 5
Guest rooms East Clues- 2

The thief appeared in the guest rooms on the west side of the building, disturbing a couple soot sprites~ Kacta is quite very unlucky here o.o Wow... should i give him some random pity stuff? xD
Waiting room Clues- 5
Guest rooms West Clues- 6 The soot sprites crowd around you and stares wondering what you will do~
Alice was staring off into space and didnt notice the swarm of soot sprites~
Item(s): Food
Games room Clues- 4
Kitchen Clues- 1
Games room Clues- 5
Guest room West Clues- 8 The soot sprites crowd around you and stares wondering what you will do~
The soot sprite watches as Kuro leaves and goes off to Alice~
Item: Lucky coin
Waiting room Clues- 5
Guest rooms East Clues- 4

The thief decided to taunt the guests by running past the waiting room again~
Hmm ill finally be giving clues ;p cuz theyre basically done atm... Im giving one clue for every 5 pts and there will be clues given until you reach 100 pts~ I feel i should call the clues sightings instead... since thats basically what im giving as the clues xD

Master Bedroom Clues- 6(1)

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom Clues- 6
Item(s): Food

Eve Rebirth
Waiting room Clues- 7(3)

Dining room Clues- 3(2)

Lucca Emily
Games room Clues- 5

Kuro the Cat
Kitchen Clues- 10(2)
Item(s): Lucky coin

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room Clues- 8(3)

Sevit Alveil
Guest rooms East Clues- 4 Event- While poking around, Sevit accidentally bumped into a mirror and cracked it~ I do wonder how this would effect you~

The thief ran through the master bedroom and was shocked at the group sitting around~ You all leapt at him/her and one of you almost managed to grab him/her but still missed~ He/she ran out the door again and disappeared~
Wow... is this a gathering in the master bedroom or what? xD You lucky bastards ;p
Just a little reminder~ The thief is not going to just be running around randomly starting tmr~
Also~ Anyone who joins the game late will be assumed to have been one of the guests in the waiting room and given the amount of clues that a guest would have at that point~

Guest Clues- 8

Master Bedroom Clues- 9(3)

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom Clues- 9(3)
Item(s): Food

Eve Rebirth
Master bedroom Clues- 10(3)

Master bedroom Clues- 6(3)

Lucca Emily
Master bedroom Clues- 8(3)

Kuro the Cat
Study Clues- 10(0) Event- While digging around the study, you found a key hidden under the desk~
Item(s): Lucky coin

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
Kitchen Clues- 5(1) Event- You couldnt find any maids to help you clean the cracked mirror because you saw some food and sort of got side tracked ;p

The thief was digging around the study when Alice walked in~ Alice was trying to grab the thief when a large swarm of soot sprites appeared out of nowhere~ Soot sprites are now all over the castle and soot is everywhere~ Crowds of sprites gather around Alice & Leonard, Sevit, and a smaller crowd around Kuro~ Other sprites are just floating around looking at everyone else curiously~ The thief escaped in the chaos~

Guest Clues- 8

Master Bedroom
Clues- 9(0)

Alice & Leonard
East guestroom
Clues- 9(0)
Item(s): Food
Event: You bumped into the mirror that Sevit had cracked and it got smashed on the floor~ What a clumsy bunch ;p

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 12(2)

Clues- 9(3)

Lucca Emily
Clues- 10(2)

Kuro the Cat
Games room
Clues- 12(2)
Item(s): Lucky coin, Key

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 5(0)
Item(s): Food
Event: That guy is drunk in the bathroom again~ When will he ever learn... So what will you do?

The thief returned to the master bedroom since he/she couldnt find anything with the crowd gathered inside last time~ Thanatos interrupted his/her searching but a sudden flash of lightning from the storm that started outside made him jump and alerted the thief~ The thief tosses some soot sprites which essentially acted as a smoke bomb~ (so many soot sprites everywhere ._. btw you can interact with them although whatever happens may be somewhat random~)

Guest Clues- 8

Master Bedroom
Clues- 12(3)
Digging around revealed nothing but more soot sprites which scattered as you got closer~

Alice & Leonard
Games room
Clues- 10(1)
Item(s)- Food
Effect(s)- Broken mirror (7)

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 14(2)

Clues- 9(0)
Event- That certain thing that you had been holding in for a while finally got relieved so now you can go concentrate on the task at hand ;p

Lucca Emily
Clues- 10(0)
Events- The soot sprites are everywhere and interrupted your searching~

Kuro the Cat
First floor hallway
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 5(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Event- That certain thing that you had been holding in for a while finally got relieved so now you can go concentrate on the task at hand ;p

The thief sneaked around the library but noticed Alice and ran off again~
Hmm im adding a certain randomness back into the thief's movements... dont feel like just picking the place since im lazy and it might work better for everyone since i might get predictable after a bit ;p

Guest Clues- 8

Clues- 14(2)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 12(2)
Item(s)- Food
Effect(s)- Broken mirror (6)

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 14(0)

Clues- 13(4)

Lucca Emily
Clues- 12(2)

Kuro the Cat
West guestroom
Clues- 13(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key
Event- The thief didnt come by and the bed looked so comfy so you sort of took a nap~ You woke up refreshed but the guard wasnt that happy that you just went to sleep~ He shoved you out of the room and told you to go search harder since you just had a nap (move two to places next turn~ The second place will be where you stop)~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
Master bedroom
Clues- 6(1)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin

The thief ran through the study~ He/she dug around a bit and found some soot sprites~ A couple soot sprites that his/her hand brushed against disappeared in a puff of smoke and left behind small objects which the thief quickly snatched before running off again~

Guest Clues- 8

Clues- 17(3)
Event- A couple soot sprites are still wandering around from the thief's disturbance~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s)- Food
Effect(s)- Broken mirror (5)
Event- While digging around you found a small bottle of wine~ It will give you a boost and allow you to move through two area as the food does but slightly less effective since its wine and that doesnt help with concentration much ;p

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 14(0)

Dining Hall
Clues- 13(0)
Event- Someone took the pudding while you two were fighting but you both found some wine to drink away your tears ;p

Lucca Emily
Clues- 15(3)
Event- A couple soot sprites are still wandering around from the thief's disturbance~

Kuro the Cat
Waiting room --> Dining room
Clues- 13(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key
Event- Someone took the pudding while you two were fighting but you both found some wine to drink away your tears ;p

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
West guestroom
Clues- 6(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin

The thief sneaked into the library next door after getting seen in the study~ Everyone shouldve run off to the study in their attempt to chase right?

Guest Clues- 8

Games room
Clues- 19(2)

Alice & Leonard
East --> West guestroom
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s)- Wine
Effect(s)- Broken mirror (4)
Hmm i think ill just say that its more effective to go through two areas if youre going to use those movement boosts ;p

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 14(0)

Clues- 16(3)
Item(s)- Wine

Lucca Emily
Clues- 15(0)

Kuro the Cat
Dining room
Clues- 13(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key, Wine
You mope around the dining hall and find yet more wine~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 8(2)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin

The thief never actually left the library~ He/she sneaks out of hiding and started to search again~
Hmm i kind of lost track of who i gave clues to... xD You should get a clue/sighting for every 5 pts in that... poke meh if i havent cuz im pretty sure i havent given everyone the clues...
Im also messing with the instant use buffs to make them somewhat more useful hopefully...

Ex skills that could be for my character
Curse (Random buff/debuff/event)
Demonic form (Devil’s luck, power, stamina,etc.)
Familiar (Search areas)

Guest Clues- 8

Clues- 21(2)

Alice & Leonard
Games room
Clues- 14(2)
Item(s)- Wine
Effect(s)- Broken mirror (3)

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 14(0)

Waiting room --> Dining hall
Clues- 16(0)
Event- You finally found some of that pudding that you were craving and it seems that no one is around to steal it this time ;p Basically you got food~

Lucca Emily
Games room
Clues- 17(2)

Kuro the Cat
2nd floor hallway
Clues- 13(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key, Wine

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 10(2)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin

The thief wanted to sneak into the master bedroom but noticed eve and kuro lazing around so sneaked away again~ Some slimes got into the building and left trails everywhere (effects everyone)... a couple of the slimes seem to have eaten some random items... kill em all... or not~ Your choice in the end ;p If you dont feel like doing much you could just say that you want to go on a rampage and kill slimes until one of them gets to you~

I suppose ill just stop mentioning unidecimo until he comes back xD

Guest Clues- 8

Clues- 21(0)
Event- Slimes and soot sprites... what a mess xD

Alice & Leonard
Games room
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Wine
Effect(s)- Broken mirror (2)
Event- Alice killed a slime and found a torn piece of paper from some book~ On it was the words "A young wizard used to live in the castle~"

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 17(3)

Clues- 17(1)
Item(s)- Food
Event- You found a secret tunnel behind a book shelf... you dont have any source of light but will you go anyway?

Lucca Emily
Games room
Clues- 17(0)

Kuro the Cat
Master bedroom
Clues- 16(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x3, Food x2, Strange fruit
Event- Kuro decided to attack a slime and after splattering it, he found a bottle of wine~
Kuro went on a rampage and started to indiscriminately slay slimes~ He got a key, two chunks of food, and some suspicious looking fruit before the slimes got to him~ Now he is just sort of paralyzed for the turn ;p

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 10(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Event- Slimes and soot sprites... what a mess xD

Random little list of generic abilities and whatnot~ Still working on it so probably wont be finalized for a while~ Create your own ability or take one of these~

Move through two areas in one turn:
20% chance of events in the first area
Recharge period of five turns
Tribute item to activate

Take a second turn:
Recharge period of five turns
Tribute item to activate

Chance of events:
Up to 10% boost per turn
Double chance of event in area(s) every 5 turns

Getting rare events:
10% more likely to get rare events
Increase chance of rare events in area(s) every 3 turns

Negate negative events:
33% chance
Tribute item to nullify immediately

Extra clue/sighting:
20% chance of an extra clue
Double clues if in the same location

50% chance of scaring thief if in same location:
15% chance thief will drop item
Thief will move through two areas the next turn

Send to area to scout for thief (will only get one clue if thief spotted)
Send to search area for items (three turns to recharge or tribute)

That library is messing with meh /me glares...
I tried to see if i could get the thief to end up elsewhere with dice and thief still went to library :raging:
So yeah~ The thief watched as Alice went into the secret tunnel and sneaked into the library~ Alice & Leonard walked in and saw the thief~ The thief was trying to run when Alice wandered out of the tunnel somewhat confused~ The thief found some soot sprites around and used them to create a smoke screen to escape~
Btw~ Thief is quite close to escaping ;p
Ill assign whatever skills i think would best benefit you and is related to your character next turn~ You can ask for it to be changed if you wish and there is variations to every skill~

Guest Clues- 8

Clues- 23(2)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 17(3)
Item(s)- Wine
Effect(s)- Broken mirror (1)
Event- Soot sprites got left over from the thief's disturbance~

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 17(0)
Item(s)- Key
Event- You dug around the room and found a key~

Library- secret passage- Library
Clues- 20(3)
Item(s)- Food
Event- You wander around the dark tunnels and somehow managed to wander back to the library... Hmm no luck this time~
Event- Soot sprites got left over from the thief's disturbance~

Lucca Emily
Games room
Clues- 19(2)

Kuro the Cat
Master bedroom
Clues- 16(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x3, Wine x3, Food x2, Strange fruit
Event- You dug around the room and found a key~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Clues- 8(0)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 12(2)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin

The thief ran into the kitchen to steal alice's pudding and found a trap door~ He/she disappeared down into the castle's basement (revealed location- it is its own floor) and locked the door behind him/her~
I made it so that events are somewhat more likely to happen so there should be more... and there is... xD

Guest Clues- 10

Clues- 23(0)
Hyper speed- Move through two areas in one turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Event- Digging around revealed nothing but more soot sprites...

Alice & Leonard
Master bedroom
Clues- 17(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- While digging around the drawers you found some keys~

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 17(0)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- While digging around the drawers and found some keys~

Library- secret passage- Master bedroom
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Food, Key
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You wandered back into the secret passage and ended up in the master bedroom this time~
Event- While digging around the drawers you found some keys~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 22(3)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You tried to open the trap door but it wont budge... someone with a key needs to open it first...

Kuro the Cat
Library- secret passage- Library
Clues- 16(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x3, Wine x3, Food x2, Strange fruit
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- You did the exact same thing as alice did last turn and wandered back into the library...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 10(2)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scouts an area of choice (if an items is retrieved then you can either let it rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- Digging around revealed nothing but more soot sprites...

The thief popped up in the master bedroom~ Alice and eve were both laying in wait and blocked the door~ The thief tosses a couple soot sprites and when the soot cleared the window was broken and the thief was gone~ They saw a figure running away from the castle~
Thief escaped so the grounds are now open as well~ The castle is no longer divided into four floors and you will get clues as long as the thief appears in the castle~
Btw the trap door stays unlocked as long as someone stays in the basement or kitchen~ Same with secret passages but only if people continue to use it~

Guest Clues- 10

Clues- 23(0)
Hyper speed- Move through two areas in one turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)

Alice & Leonard
Master bedroom
Clues- 20(3)
Item(s)- Wine, Key
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- Tons of soot sprites are aimlessly floating around the room~

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 20(3)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Tons of soot sprites are aimlessly floating around the room~

Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Food, Key, Armor
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You found a rust suit of armor which would probably fall apart after defending yourself from an attack~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 22(0)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~

Kuro the Cat
Kitchen --> Basement
Clues- 17(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- You found a rust suit of armor which would probably fall apart after defending yourself from an attack~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 10(0)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scouts an area of choice (if an items is retrieved then you can either let it rest for three turns or give it food)

The thief was spotted near the gate but guards chased him/her off before he/she could escape~
Im getting rid of that delayed info thing~ More trouble than its worth~
Maze can now be accessed without searching the garden since kacta wandered into it ;p

Guest Clues- 10

Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Food
Hyper speed- Move through two areas in one turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Event- You dug around the basement and found some loaves of bread on a shelf~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- You dug around the basement and found some loaves of bread on a shelf~

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Master bedroom- Secret passage- Maze
Clues- 21(1)
Item(s)- Food, Key, Armor, Tea
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You wander through the secret passage again and end up in a maze~ After wandering the maze a little you come upon some odd guy with a hat and rabbit drinking tea and they give you a cup~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 22(0)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- Despite searching you couldnt find the boathouse~

Kuro the Cat
Clues- 17(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- Despite searching you couldnt find the boathouse~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 10(0)

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scouts an area of choice (if an items is retrieved then you can either let it rest for three turns or give it food)

The thief wasnt spotted this turn... i wonder where he/she couldve gone~

Guest Clues- 10

Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Food
Hyper speed- Move through two areas in one turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Event- You saw an odd rabbit run into a hole in the ground~ You take a look inside and the rabbit is glaring at you~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- You see some water sprites dancing around the lake~

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You hit some odd button and the secret passage opened again~

Maze--> Lake
Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Food, Key, Armor,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You see some water sprites dancing around the lake~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 22(0)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~

Kuro the Cat
Gate guardhouse
Clues- 18(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- After talking with the guards they handed you a slip of paper that they had found laying around~ Written on it is the words "He was quite power hungry and regularly “borrowed” artifacts from others~" It seems like part of a page from some book...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 10(0)
Event- You found one of the presents laying around the room... the thief probably dropped it while running with the rest...

Sevit Alveil
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scouts an area of choice (if an items is retrieved then you can either let it rest for three turns or give it food)

The thief ran by the master bedroom and disappeared into the secret passage~ He/she was later spotted running through the forest~
Sighting 5~ The thief seems feminine but she disappeared before you could get another look.

Well... since people didnt know this... Any event can be interacted with~ Interactions with creatures will usually have a couple different outcomes and you can either approach normally or give it an item~ Creatures may favor some items more than others~

Guest Clues- 12

Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Food
Hyper speed- Move through two areas in one turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Event- Quite a lot of squirrels are running around~ I wonder what happened~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- Quite a lot of squirrels are running around~ I wonder what happened~

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 23(3)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Lake--> Garden
Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You happen upon some patch of sweet smelling flowers~ After standing there and gazing for a while you start to feel odd...

Lucca Emily
Clues- 26(4)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~

Kuro the Cat
Forest guardhouse
Clues- 21(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 12(2)
Item(s): Present

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scouts an area of choice (if an items is retrieved then you can either let it rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- You happen upon some patch of sweet smelling flowers~ After standing there and gazing for a while you start to feel odd...
Event (familiar)- Quite a lot of squirrels are running around~ I wonder what happened~

The thief was spotted in the garden poking at a rabbit's hole~ She wandered off after a bit as no one was around to catch her~

Boathouse and Hidden Grove can now be accessed~

Guest Clues- 12

Clues- 26(3)
Item(s)- Food
Hyper speed- Move through two areas in one turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- The squirrel looked like it wanted to bite your hand but stopped and ran off~ You find a small key that it had dropped~
Event- The fog finally cleared a bit and the boathouse came into view~

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- The fog finally cleared a bit and the boathouse came into view~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 26(0)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- The fog finally cleared a bit and the boathouse came into view~

Kuro the Cat
Garden guardhouse
Clues- 24(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s): Present

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 14(2)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scouts an area of choice (if an items is retrieved then you can either let it rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- You found a hidden grove while wandering around the forest~
Event (familiar)- The fog finally cleared a bit and the boathouse came into view~

The thief was seen running around the maze~ Lucca tried to grove chase but the thief disappeared around a corner~ Everyone else was quite busy poking around the newly discovered locations and werent around to help ;p

Guest Clues- 12

Clues- 26(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish
Hyper speed- Move through two areas in one turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Event- You find a fish around the house in various forms~ (can be used as food)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- You find a fish around the house in various forms~ (can be used as food)

[MENTION=17416]unidecimo[/MENTION] Still busy? xD
Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Ability activated- You managed to open the secret passage yet again xD

Hidden grove
Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- More squirrels are running around~ Theyre seem to be everywhere~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 29(3)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~

Kuro the Cat
Lake guardhouse
Clues- 24(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- Ability activated- The guard mentioned that there seemed to be an island in the lake but everyone who tried to reach it had gotten lost in the fog and ended up back where they started~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s): Present

Sevit Alveil
Hidden Grove
F- Lake
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- More squirrels are running around~ Theyre seem to be everywhere~

The thief was sneaking around the gate and poking at stones in the wall until alice spotted her and scared her off~

Guest Clues- 12

Lake--> Maze
Clues- 28(2)
Item(s)- Food, Fish
Hyper speed- Move through two areas in one turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (5)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 23(3)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~ (Activated)

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You found another piece from the book with "He captured it and made its power his own~" written on it~

Hidden grove
Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 29(0)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You found some row boats under the house~ They can take you around two areas excluding the castle the next turn~

Kuro the Cat
Clues- 24(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- You found some row boats under the house~ They can take you around two areas excluding the castle the next turn~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 12(0)
Item(s): Present

Sevit Alveil
Hidden Grove
F- Lake
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)

The thief was spotted in the forest~ She was running towards the castle and later found digging around the study~

Clue/sighting- One of the guards commented about how she seemed to be talking with the fire sprites around the gate~

Guest Clues- 14

Clues- 30(2)
Item(s)- Food, Fish
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (4)
Event- The squirrels seem to be marching around here... how odd~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- The squirrels seem to be marching around here... how odd~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Hidden grove
Clues- 24(3)
Item(s)- Key, Armor,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 29(0)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~

Kuro the Cat
Hidden grove--> Maze
Clues- 28(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- The walls of the maze seem to continually change and eventually you realize that youre lost... (lose a turn)

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(2)
Item(s): Present

Sevit Alveil
Hidden Grove
F- Lake
Clues- 17(3)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)

The thief was wandering around the lake when eve saw her gave chase~

General Event- The cheshire cat appeared before everyone and invited you all to go through an odd door that he opened~

I think ill just mark when abilities activate with (A)

Guest Clues- 14

Clues- 30(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (3)

Alice & Leonard
Games room
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~ (A)
Event- You almost fell asleep but you woke yourself before doing so~ Youre feel quite tired~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 28(5)
Item(s)- Key
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~ (Activated)
Event- Creature of the forest are lurking under the shade and watching~

Clues- 25(1)
Item(s)- Key, Armor,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 30(1)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~

Kuro the Cat
Clues- 28(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present

Sevit Alveil
Hidden Grove
F- Lake
Clues- 18(1)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- You see forest sprites dancing around the trees~

The thief found a way out but curiosity got the better of her and she went through the cheshire's door~ She ended up at the boathouse watched as others started spilling in after her~ Thanatos wandered in the front door and went into mild chock at the odd sight~ The thief gave an amused laugh and ran downstairs~ The group tried to squeeze through the door and give chase but by the time they pushed through, the thief had escaped on a rowboat and disappeared into the fog~

Hmm just go twice during the next phase... its quite late for this one as it is... :x

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 10
Cheshire- Boathouse
Clue- 18 (4)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Event- You search around and find that there is tons of squirrels running around~ Someone found a pile of fish and everyone got one~ There are still a couple row boats left (move through two areas besides castle during the next turn)~

Clues- 34(4)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (2)
Event- You search around and find that there is tons of squirrels running around~ Someone found a pile of fish and everyone got one~ There are still a couple row boats left (move through two areas besides castle during the next turn)~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~

Eve Rebirth
Cheshire- Boathouse
Clues- 32(4)
Item(s)- Key, Fish
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~ (A)
Event- You search around and find that there is tons of squirrels running around~ Someone found a pile of fish and everyone got one~ There are still a couple row boats left (move through two areas besides castle during the next turn)~

Cheshire- Boathouse
Clues- 29(4)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You search around and find that there is tons of squirrels running around~ Someone found a pile of fish and everyone got one~ There are still a couple row boats left (move through two areas besides castle during the next turn)~

Lucca Emily
Cheshire- Boathouse
Clues- 34(4)
Item(s): Fish
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You search around and find that there is tons of squirrels running around~ Someone found a pile of fish and everyone got one~ There are still a couple row boats left (move through two areas besides castle during the next turn)~

Kuro the Cat
Cheshire- Boathouse
Clues- 32(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- You search around and find that there is tons of squirrels running around~ Someone found a pile of fish and everyone got one~ There are still a couple row boats left (move through two areas besides castle during the next turn)~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food
The maids give everyone a bit of snacks and refreshments~

Sevit Alveil
Cheshrie- Boathouse
F- Gate
Clues- 22(4)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- You search around and find that there is tons of squirrels running around~ Someone found a pile of fish and everyone got one~ There are still a couple row boats left (move through two areas besides castle during the next turn)~

The thief was sneaking around the gate when she was spotted~ Fire sprites appeared and distracted everyone long enough for the thief to disappear again~ She was then spotted in the garden running among the flowers before she disappeared again~

Clue/Sighting- You thought you had the thief trapped but she turned a corner and disappeared~ You suspect that she went down the manhole nearby as it was missing its cover~

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 10
Garden--> Gate--> Hidden grove
Clue- 27 (9)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Event- Flame sprites are wandering around the gate~
Event-The flame sprite gave you a slip of paper with "He became obsessed with sprites and tried to create some~" burned onto it~
Event- You find a field of flowers which refresh your mind~

Clues- 38(4)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (1)
Event- You find a field of flowers which refresh your mind~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 26(3)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- The walls seem to be shifting positions with every step you take and you have no idea how to get out~

Eve Rebirth
Lake--> Gate
Clues- 36(4)
Item(s)- Key, Fish
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You pass by a foggy island while rowing around the lake~ Water sprites appear around the island as you get near~
Event- Flame sprites are wandering around the gate~

Boathouse--> Maze
Clues- 32(3)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- The walls seem to be shifting positions with every step you take and you have no idea how to get out~

Lucca Emily
Maze--> Gate
Clues- 37 (3)
Item(s): Fish
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- The walls seem to be shifting positions with every step you take and you spend the rest of the time figuring out how to escape~

Kuro the Cat
Hidden Grove--> Gate
Clues- 36(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Event- Flame sprites are wandering around the gate~
Event- The fire sprite gave you some page torn from a book~ "He valued secrecy and created a hidden room to hold his experiments~" was written on it~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food

Sevit Alveil
Forest--> Garden
F- Gate
Clues- 27(5)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- You find a field of flowers which refresh your mind~
F Event- Flame sprites are wandering around the gate~

The thief was spotted in the maze and the two alices gave chase~ Small tremors started and put everyone off balance~ The thief ran disappeared while the alices were getting back up~ The alices look around to find that they seemed to be lost again...

I feel like the thief is trolling meh by making it seem like she would escape and then not =.= /me pokes dice...

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 10
Master bedroom Hidden grove
Clue- 27(0)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Event- Lose move due to curse~
Event- Forest creatures are running around the grove~
Event- Interact- The creatures stare for a few moments and beckon you to follow~

Guest room
Clues- 38(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Event- You sit on the bed... which feels very comfy looking... and... and... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... (Since youre refreshed now~ you can move twice the next turn~)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 30(4)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- You seem to still be lost...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You sit on the bed... which feels very comfy looking... and... and... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... (Since youre refreshed now~ you can move twice the next turn~)

Clues- 36(4)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You seem to still be lost...

Lucca Emily
Clues- 37 (0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
You find a bottle of wine while digging around in the kitchen~

Kuro the Cat
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food

Sevit Alveil
F- Gate
Clues- 27(3)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- You find a plot filled with carrots~ The gardener chases you off after he catches you pull one out~
F Event- The flame sprites stare at the afk familiar~
F Event- Interact- The fire sprites give you another slip of paper with "He surrounded the room with a maze of passages~" scribbled on it~

The thief was wandering around the hidden grove~ S ran in a while later following forest creatures and spotted her~ Forest sprites were being mischievous and kept him from chasing~

clue/sighting- Some guards went down the manhole where the thief was assumed to have escaped into~ They found a complex maze of passages that spread under the grounds~

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 10 A F
Hidden grove--> Garden
Clue- 34(7)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Event- The forest creatures lead you in circles and you end up back at the hidden grove...
Event- Forest sprites are dancing around the grove~
Event- Air sprites are blowing through the garden~
Event- Interact- The air and forest sprites put their hand over your chest and you feel a surge of energy~

Clues- 41(3)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Event- Forest sprites are running along the treetops and following you~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 30(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~

Eve Rebirth
Kitchen--> Library
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You sneaked off with a bit of food from the kitchen~

Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 40(3)
Item(s): Fish, Wine
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- Forest sprites are running along the treetops and following you~

Kuro the Cat
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food

Sevit Alveil
F- Gate
Clues- 27(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) (2)

The thief wandered into the garden~ She poked at S who was somewhat... stuck... until kuro got there and chased her off~

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 10 A F
Clue- 38(4)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Curse- The curse paralyzes you and you cant seem to move...

Clues- 41(3)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 33(3)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Clues- 39(3)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 43(3)
Item(s): Fish, Wine
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~

Kuro the Cat
Clues- 40(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food

Sevit Alveil
F- Gate
Clues- 30(3)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) (1)

Thanatos decided to go to the boathouse and saw the thief~ She was digging around but ran off when she noticed Thanatos~

Sighting- The guards said that they saw her talking to forest sprites around the lake later on~

Xavier Cross walked up to the gates saying that he was there to help catch the thief and the guards took him to the waiting room to give him details on what had happened~

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 10 A E
Clue- 38(0)
Item(s)- Whip, Pocket watch
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Curse- Youre still paralyzed but it seems that you have better luck... if you even get to use it...
Event- Squirrels run around you while youre laying around... they leave a whip on you before running off again~
Event- You find yourself next to an odd rabbit hole... i wonder if its safe to poke~
Event- Interact- You found a pocket watch after poking around the hole a bit... I wonder what it does~

Clues- 45(4)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- The walls of the maze close around you again~ It doesnt seem to want you to leave~

Eve Rebirth
Master Bedroom
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You find an odd whip in the master bedroom...

Clues- 39(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- The walls of the maze close around you again~ It doesnt seem to want you to leave~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 43(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- The walls of the maze close around you again~ It doesnt seem to want you to leave~

Kuro the Cat
Clues- 40(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~ (A)
Event- You notice an odd hole in the ground but the sprites sing in the distance sounds equally tempting~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food

Sevit Alveil
F- Gate
Clues- 30(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- You find that carrot patch again... hmm why not take another~

Xavier Cross
Waiting room
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food
-Ability- What kind?

The thief was sneaking around the hidden grove when kuro wandered in with the forest sprites~ Kuro ran at the thief but squirrels smelled food on him and mobbed him~ Anyhow the thief tossed some acorns around kuro and ran off~

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 10(1) A E W
Clue- 40(2)
Item(s)- Whip, Pocket watch
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Event- Water sprites dance around you as you search around the lake~
Event- Interaction- The water sprites give you a handful of water and it gives you a warm feeling when you drink it~

Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Event- You get on a row boat and off you go~ (Move through two areas)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- You come upon an odd little puzzle on the ground and after poking at it a bit you hear a click and a wall in the maze parts to reveal a tunnel leading underground~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You find an odd whip in the master bedroom...

Clues- 39(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You come upon an odd little puzzle on the ground and after poking at it a bit you hear a click and a wall in the maze parts to reveal a tunnel leading underground~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 43(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You come upon an odd little puzzle on the ground and after poking at it a bit you hear a click and a wall in the maze parts to reveal a tunnel leading underground~

Kuro the Cat
Hidden grove
Clues- 44(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~ (A)
Event- Theres tons of squirrels running around in a frenzy~
Event- Interaction- Kuro "parties" with the squirrels and, after they finish eating everything they could find and had run off, he finds a strange little fruit~
Event- Strange fruit gives you a boost and allows you to move through two areas~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food

Sevit Alveil
F- Gate
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food)
Event- Water sprites dance around you as you search around the lake~
Event- Interaction- The water sprite gave you a small slip of waterproof paper with "During his experimented, he created soot sprites which he used to do random labor around the castle~" written on it~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

The thief was spotted in the garden~ She was talking with air sprites which spirited her off when guards arrived~
Guards also reported sightings off a buttersnake by the gate~

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 10(1) A E W
Clue- 40(0)
Item(s)- Whip, Pocket watch
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Curse- You feel weak again... have fun laying around for a bit~

Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 36(3)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Secret passage- Library
Clues- 39(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~

Lucca Emily
Secret passage
Clues- 43(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You find fire sprites wandering around the tunnels~
Event- Interaction- The sprites disappear as you approach but you find a charred piece of paper on the ground~ "His experiments failed otherwise and he started to plot other methods of capturing these elusive creatures~" was written on it~

Kuro the Cat
Lake--> Maze
Clues- 47(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~ (A)

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food

Sevit Alveil
F- Secret passage
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
F Event- You find fire sprites wandering around the tunnels~
F Event- Interact- The fire sprites engulfed the familiar in flames but left it unharmed~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Kuro S and Sivet run towards the gate hoping to find the buttersnake but arrived too late~ The thief had gotten there earlier and was snacking on the sweets and tea that the buttersnake had brought~ She gave a sly smirk and ran off when the three arrived~ Squirrels ran towards the picnic as soon as the ran off and the three had to fight for their share~

Sighting/clue- A guard reported seeing the thief sneaking towards the maze~

I rewrote the story to some extent~ More of a diary like style now ;p

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S 15(2) A E W
Gate--> Master bedroom
Clue- 44(4)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Curse- You feel energized and ready to run endlessly~
Event- You managed to grab some sweets and a cup of tea before the squirrels took it all~
Event- Interaction- You feed the squirrels and they run off~
Event- You found another whip in the master bedroom...

Maze--> Forest
Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (5)

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Clues- 39(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~

Lucca Emily
Secret passage- Master Bedroom
Clues- 43(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Whip
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You found a whip in the master bedroom...

Kuro the Cat
Clues- 51(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine x2, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish, Tea, Sweets
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~ (A)
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- You managed to grab some sweets and a cup of tea before the squirrels took it all~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food x2
Event- The kitchen staff give the guests a bit of food to keep them calm~

Sevit Alveil
F- Secret passage- Forest
Clues- 37(4)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Event- You managed to grab some sweets and a cup of tea before the squirrels took it all~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You found a whip in the master bedroom...

The thief was spotted walking around the garden~ She poked around in the rabbit hole but an angry rabbit poked its head out so she walked off~ Sevit was sneaking after her but a mob of squirrels ran around him and she noticed him~

Hmm i think ill just leave player who reach 50 clues with a more powerful version of their current ability unless they ask for another one or create one of their own~

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S15(2) A E W
Master bedroom
Clue- 44(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs (A)
Curse- You cant move again... but your sight seems sharper~
Event- You see something shiny under the table and it turns out to be a key...

Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (4)
Event- You wander around the forest and stumble into some covered pit~ It seems to be part of a tunnel...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- Some of the forest creatures are sniffing around the house~
Event- Interact- The forest creatures watch as you walk closer and start walking off~ One stands at the tree line and seems to want you to follow~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Clues- 39(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You find a note with "I created enchantments which should lure sprites to my land… though it seems that they are not the only creatures to come…" written on it~

Lucca Emily
Master Bedroom
Clues- 43(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Whip, Key
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You see something shiny under the table and it turns out to be a key...

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 54(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish, Tea, Sweets
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~ (A)
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Forest
Clues- 41(4)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an items is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Event- You managed to grab some sweets and a cup of tea before the squirrels took it all~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You see something shiny under the table and it turns out to be a key...

The thief was at the lake talking with forest sprites~ Alice and Kuro sneaked closer to listen but they were blinded by a green flash of light~ The thief disappeared by the time they could see again~

Some guards reported that they heard loud snoring somewhere in the forest but couldnt find the source...

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S15(2) A E W
Garden--> Forest
Clue- 46(2)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Curse- You get a little boost of energy but for some reason it dulled your senses...
Event- You finds a wabbit hole~
Event- Interaction- It didnt take you to some odd cartoon world but your hand sure does hurt now~
Event- You find a tunnel of sorts in the ground~

Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (3)
Event- You find a tunnel of sorts in the ground~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 40(4)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Food, Present
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- The creatures led you to around the lake and you spot the thief in the distance~
Event- The forest sprites are wandering off after the thief disappeared~
Event- You found a small present box where the thief was~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Squirrels are climbing all over the gate~

Clues- 39(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Fish, Tea
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You find that tea party again and they give you a cup of tea~ You find that the napkin the gave you was actually a page from a book with "I tried to tame the sprites but they only grew weaker in captivity so I had to release them all before they disappeared…" written on it~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 43(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Whip, Key
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You find a tunnel of sorts in the ground~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 58(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish, Tea, Sweets
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Dowsing- Your dowsing led you to the lake and you spot the thief in the distance~
Event- The forest sprites are wandering off after the thief disappeared~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2
Event- You find another odd present hidden around the room~

Sevit Alveil
F- Forest
Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Event- You finds a wabbit hole~
F Event- You find a tunnel of sorts in the ground~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

The thief appeared in the hidden grove surrounded by squirrels~ She was poking at the roots of a tree when she disappeared~

Hmm Eve can be some gate guard for a while then ;p

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S15(2) A E W
Hidden Grove
Clue- 50(4)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel lucky~
Event- You look around and acorns are in every nook and cranny~
Event- Interact- You try to grab at an acorn and suddenly you fall through the ground~

Clues- 48(3)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (2)
Event- You look around and acorns are in every nook and cranny~

Alice & Leonard
Library--> Master Bedroom
Clues- 40(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2,
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Dusty tome- You flip through the pages and it seems to depict images of sprites and how to summon them~ As you read, the book starts to glow~ (Any sprite in particular that you want to summon?)
Event-The book gets soaked through with water and you find that you managed to summon a water sprite~
Event- Interact- The water sprite fills a small bowl with water and mumbles something under its breath~ It then tells you that you should go to the lake~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Forest--> Forest--> Forest
Clues- 45(6)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Acorn x3
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Thorough search- get up to 3x the amount of items during this turn
Event- You look around and acorns are in every nook and cranny~
Event- Interact- You try to grab at an acorn and suddenly you fall through the ground~

Lucca Emily
Secret passage--> Basement
Clues- 43(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Whip, Key, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Event- You find an old suit of armor in the basement~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 61(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish, Tea, Sweets, Acorn
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (3)
Event- You look around and acorns are in every nook and cranny~
Event- Interact- You try to grab at an acorn and suddenly you fall through the ground~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Forest
Clues- 42(1)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F (3)
Event- Air sprites are floating around the garden~
Event- Interact- The air sprite leave you with another note with "I have to content myself with merely watching the sprites but I found that they loved wine and would give me slight boosts if I offered them some."
F Event- You look around and acorns are in every nook and cranny~
F Event- Interact- It tried to grab at an acorn and fell through the ground~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

S Alice Kuro and Sevit's familiar find themselves tumbling down a tunnel and end up in a small secluded space under the tallest tree~ The roots closed off the tunnels they roll out of and they spot a large fuzzy creature sleeping against the roots~ They spot the thief sleeping on top of the creature and try to sneak closer but with each step they take they grow drowsier and eventually fall asleep in the patches of flowers~
Lucca and Alice spot the thief by the lake later but she woke as they tried to approach~ She scattered the forest creatures hiding nearby and ran off~

Hmm im going to mark down notes gathered as items and theyll actually have another function now ;p

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S15(2) A E2 W F
Heart of the forest--> Forest--> Secret passage
Clue- 54(4)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x4, Note, Whistle
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel quite energized and quite lucky~
Event- You wake up in the forest and feel well rested (extra move)~ You find yourself holding a handful of acorns and an odd whistle~
Event- You find forest sprites gazing at you while you were laying there~
Event- Interaction- The forest sprites gave you an odd liquid to wake you and you recoil from the bitterness but you also feel a bit more powerful~
Event- You meet a fire sprite wandering around the dark passages~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprites mumble something and you find yourself burning~ You faint but wake up unharmed and wondering what that tingling sensation in your body is~

Clues- 51(3)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x2
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (1)
Ability 2~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 44(4)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- The forest creatures are running all over the place~
Event- Interact- You asked if they would lead you somewhere and they obliged your request~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Heart of the forest--> Gate
Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Acorn x4, Note x3, Whistle
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Event- You wake up by the gate and feel well rested (extra move)~ You find yourself holding a handful of acorns and an odd whistle~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 47(4)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note, Four leaf clover
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Lurker- The thief ran off looking a bit startled~
Event- The forest creatures are running all over the place~
Event- Interaction- The creatures swarm around you and you notice that you seem to be missing your whip... but you also found a four leaf clover~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Heart of the forest--> Garden
Clues- 65(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (2)
Event- You wake up in the garden and feel well rested (extra move)~ You find yourself holding a handful of acorns and an odd whistle~
Event- The flower pollen made your eyes water a bit...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Heart of the forest--> Basement
Clues- 43(1)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F (3)
Event- The flower pollen made your eyes water a bit..
F Event- You wake up in the basement and feel well rested~ You find yourself holding a handful of acorns and an odd whistle~
F Event- You find some random manhole cover... is this the one missing from the gate?

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

The thief was trying to sneak out the gate when Alice came by, left, and returned 5 times while Eve, S, and Sevit just stood there wondering why... Anyhow the thief disappeared with a red flash of light part way through Alice's hyperness and ended up in the boathouse~ Thanatos and Kuro charge at her but she tosses fish in their face and runs downstairs to take the last boat there~ Alice saw her rowing past the forest and talking to forest sprites~

Busy thief this phase O.o And kacta has been darn lucky with his recklessness xD

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S15(2) A E2 W F
Secret passage--> Library--> Gate
Clue- 58(4)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x4, Note, Whistle
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel energized and your senses seem sharper~
Event- You reopened the secret passage in the library~
Event- The red flash came from fire sprites nearby~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprite gives you a boost of energy~

Clues- 55(4)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x3
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2?~
Event- You lost the thief but you got fish?...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 48(4)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Event- You try to sneak closer to the thief but you stumble into a tunnel and the thief was gone by the time you peeked out~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 40(4)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The red flash came from fire sprites nearby~

Gate--> Gate--> Gate--> Gate--> Gate--> Gate
Clues- 69(24)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Note x8, Whistle
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Ability 2?~
Thorough search- You can get up to 5x items this phase~
Event- The red flash came from fire sprites nearby~
Event- Interaction- The thief gives you a page from some book with "These boosts are not as powerful as I hoped… I shall find another source of power.
I heard rumors of a powerful artifact that an old witch had hidden away and the rumors proved to be true. This artifact is just as powerful as the legends say… I hope the witch doesn’t mind me borrowing it.
That horrible witch sent a dragon… I only wanted to hold the artifact for a while… I would have returned it eventually…
I managed to defeat the dragon… but my lands are ruined… and I fear that this wound may be my last…
I found this dusty book in the library and decided to continue where that wizard left off." written on it~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 50(3)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note, Four leaf clover (3)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Ability 2?~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 69(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (1)
Event- You lost the thief but you got fish?...
Event- The thief dropped a small present box~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Basement
Clues- 47(4)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F (2)
Event- The red flash came from fire sprites nearby~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprite gave you the next note~ "I don’t see the wizard anywhere but the enchantments he laid continue to attract creatures."

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

The thief was spotted around the lake and later the boathouse~ Thanatos was lazing around and not expecting the thief to appear again so soon~ The thief had run downstairs and taken another row boat by the time he noticed~ He wondered what had dragged all the boats back without him noticing...

Guest Clues- 14

samyeung46 S15(2) A E2 W F
Secret passage--> Basement--> Hidden Grove
Clue- 60(2)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x4, Note, Whistle, Wine, Strange fruit
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel luckier~
Event- You find wine in the basement~
Event- You stumble upon an odd tree and there is a single piece of fruit growing on it~

Clues- 62(7)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x3
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2?~
Event- There more boats for some reason...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 48(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 40(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Library--> Library--> Library
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Note x8
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Ability 2?~
Thorough search- You can get 3x items this phase~
Event- You blow in the whistle and the catbus comes running along~ It runs around the library like crazy for the rest of the turn...
Event- The book shelf slides off to the side and reveals a hidden passage~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 52(2)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note, Four leaf clover (2)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Basement
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F (1)

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 14(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

The thief wanders into the hidden grove surrounded by squirrels and finds S laying around again~ She stacks a little pile of acorns on S and walks off while the squirrels swarm~ She was later spotted in the dining hall with a bottle of wine... and another bunch of squirrels running around the hall~

Hmm changing it so that the whistle/catbus can take you to one location in every area... or just +5 movement... giving kacta back the whistle for now... not that it did anything for him last turn ;p

Guest Clues- 17

samyeung46 S25(2) A E2 W F
Hidden Grove
Clue- 64(4)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x3, Note, Whistle, Wine, Strange fruit x2,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- Youre paralyzed again but your senses seem somewhat sharper~
Event- There squirrels running all over the place~
Event- Interaction- You scatter a few acorns to get them to leave you alone and a squirrels leaves a strange fruit in your hands~

Clues- 62(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2?~
Event- You find more fish while searching around the house~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 50(2)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Ability 2?~
Event- Forest creatures are watching you from behind the trees~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 40(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Secret passage
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Key, Armor, Note x8, Whistle
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Ability 2?~
Event- You find a locked door while wandering through the passages~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 52(2)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note, Four leaf clover (1)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You wander around and thought you were lost but stumble upon a trap door leading underground~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- Air sprites are dancing around the garden and blowing petals everywhere~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 17(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Basement
Clues- 48(1)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 17(3)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x2, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find another whip hidden in the closet~

The thief appeared in the forest and was picking at a lock on some rusted iron door~ Thanatos and Sevit rushed over to stop her and she ran into a tunnel nearby~ They hear a thud and a dark blur got tossed out while the was tunnel closing~ The unfortunate heap was Lucca who happened to end up at that exit~ They poked the at the metal door a little and found that it opened to another underground passage~ Guards rushed over and decided that they would go explore the passage~

The guards are talking about how the thief dropped some invitation to a tea party~

Mwahahaha finally done with school stuff :runhappy: This week was horrible @_@

Guest Clues- 17

samyeung46 S35(3) A E2 W F
Gate--> Garden--> Boathouse
Clue- 64(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x2, Note, Whistle, Wine, Strange fruit x2, Fish
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel extremely energetic~ Nothing could go wrong~ Right?
Event- Squirrels are running all over the garden~
Event- Interaction- You toss the squirrels a few acorns and they run off to hide it wherever they do~
Event- You found some fish laying around the boathouse...

Clues- 66(4)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2?~
Event- The guards told you not to go into the tunnel and the other tunnel which the thief escaped into is closed... what luck...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 50(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note, Fish
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Ability 2?~
Event- You found some fish laying around the boathouse...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 40(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x8, Dusty tomes x6
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Ability 2?~
Thorough search- You receive 6x items this phase~
Event- You open the door to find a dark chamber~
Event- While stumbling around in the darkness you feel rows and rows of books upon a shelf~

Lucca Emily
Secret passage--> Forest
Clues- 56(4)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- The guards told you not to go into the tunnel and the other tunnel which the thief escaped into is closed... what luck... but as you walk away the floor caves in under you and you find yourself in the tunnel again~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Forest Guardhouse--> Boathouse
Clues- 72(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Dowsing- The dowsing led you to the boathouse~
Event- You stumble upon a watch tower at the guardhouse~ It should be easier to spot the thief from here... maybe... Well its the guard's job anyhow~
Event- You found some fish laying around the boathouse...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 17(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(4)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The guards told you not to go into the tunnel and the other tunnel which the thief escaped into is closed... what luck...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 17(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x2, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

The thief wandered through the master bedroom and drew on the Afk person's face~ She grabbed a whip before wandering off~

The guards said they saw someone around the gate... but were not quite sure if it was the thief~

Was thinking of making some ability with the orihime and hikoboshi theme for kacta but got lazy ;p

Guest Clues- 20

samyeung46 S35(2) A2 E2 W F
Clue- 64(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x2, Note, Whistle, Strange fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel like you can conquer the world... not that it would be smart to do so~
Event- You meet air sprites playing around in the garden~
Event- Interaction- You give the sprites wine and they run around joyfully~ They sings a song for you and you feel a boost of power as they fade away~
Event- Squirrels peek out as the sprites sing and run around~ You see find a lucky coin after all they run off again~

Clues- 66(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2?~
Event- You find forest sprites sitting around and playing music~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 50(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note, Fish x2
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Ability 2?~
You dig around and find more fish~ Plenty around here...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 40(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A
Dark chamber
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x8, Dusty tomes x5
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Ability 2?~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Dusty tome- The pages of the book are blown around the room and an air sprite appears~
Event- Interaction- The air sprite whispers into your ear and you feel a slight surge of power~

Lucca Emily
Secret passage--> Maze
Clues- 56(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You wander around the maze a bit and end up back at the tunnel~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Forest Guardhouse (tower)
Clues- 72(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Event- The guard said that he found some odd piece of paper a while ago with the words "A master of the grounds was chosen today. She seems quite mischievous…"

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 20(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You find forest sprites sitting around and playing music~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 21(4)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x3, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You dig around where the thief was and find a whip of your own~

The thief was almost at the gate when she saw S Eve and Kuro running at her~ She ran to a group of fire sprites and disappeared with a red flash~ Squirrels scattered from where she was standing~

Guest Clues- 20

S S35(2) A2 E2 W F2
Clue- 68(4)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x2, Note, Whistle, Strange fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You maintain that feeling of control~
Event- The fire sprites are wandering around after the thief disappeared~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprites burns a mark on you which faded after a while~

Clues- 66(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2?~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 52(2)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Ability 2?~
Event- You find a shred from the book with "I saw the master cast some enchantments over the preexisting ones… She made it look so easy…" scrawled on it~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(4)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The fire sprites are wandering around after the thief disappeared~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Tome,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Dusty tomes- You open the five tomes and speak the incantations of the pages they flip to~ The first tome burns and leaves you with a pile of ashes~ The next two tomes break apart and become dirt on the floor~ The fourth shreds into tiny pieces that are blown around the room~ The last drops to the floor as a soot sprite pops out and takes a couple words of the incantation with it~
Event- You lay around in the flower patches and feel refreshed when you get up~
Event- Interaction- The fire, forest, and air sprites create a swirling orb of energy which they shove into your chest~ The soot sprite gets frightened and explodes with a puff as you approach~ Soot gets all over you but the tome seems to still be readable to some extent unlike the other ones... You find a scrap with "She told the squirrels to help me but all they do is laze around all day and eat… They’re useless…" written on it~

Lucca Emily
Secret passage--> Library
Clues- 58(2)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note x2,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You find a note with "Why did she pick me? Sure I know something but gathering energy seems like a pain…" written on it~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 76(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (2)
Event- The fire sprites are wandering around after the thief disappeared~
Event- Interaction- The sprite sent a wave of fire but your armor took most of the blow~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x3, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

You dont need the back story or the stats though how your character was (description of looks and whatnot) when he/she got dragged over to the party is necessary~
My character will just be an example since i probably wont be playing myself... well that depends~ I can probably help everyone else although i wont be winning the game~
Im grabbing characters from here so go make one if you want to have a character in this game~ Something simple works fine~ I suppose posting one here works too xD
One character per person and if you dont want your character to be in the game then tell me~

I woke up on the cold stone floor in the middle of a glowing circle. It was a familiar gloomy room that I had hoped to never see again. Everything was the same as it had been when I last saw it, except for the thick layer of dust and cobwebs. The dull red glow of the sigils still illuminated the room and the tomes were left where they laid. I expected those hooded sorcerers to walk in proclaiming that the experiment had been a success, but that was impossible for they had all died all those years ago. I hadnt understood what happened then and I still dont have a clear understanding, but what I did understand was that those things were going to appear again. They haunted me and appeared wherever I went. Nothing could escape them and all that tried to slay them had been massacred in the attempt except for that one group of four. They had been the only ones that fought those creatures and lived to tell the tale, but now they were gone... Why was I still here? Was this another effect of that curse those sorcerers cast? What irony. They would have been overjoyed to have known, but they had died at the hands of those four. As had I for that matter... I was sure that the birdbrained fool of a swordsman had thrusted that gleaming blade through my heart...

Name: Nameless
Race: Elven
Class: Boy
Lvl: 1
Pet: Unknown~

Hp: 100
Mp: 10
Atk: 5
Def: 2
Mag: 10
Agi: 3
Luck: 13

Weapon: Bare handed
Equip: Tattered clothes
Items: A red ring he found in the sorcerer's lair
Special skills: Unknown curse

Known as God of Death, this unknown heroes always wandering to anywhere, everywhere he goes. He cannot seen by human because his Speed are the fastest among his race. Living for hunting the evil spirits that possessed the human and send them back to Underworld
Name : Thanatos
Race : Deity
Class : Hunter
Level : 99
Pet : None

Hp: 30000
Mp: 12000
Atk: 99
Def: 72
Mag: 50
Agi: 99
Luck: 82

Weapon : Throne Sword (One Handed Sword)
Equip : Adamantium Armor
Racial Skills : Hyper Speed (Allows user to move very fast. Invisible. Lasts 5 Minutes)

Name: Alice
Race: Human
Class: Insane
Lvl: 14
Pet: Leonard

Hp: 80
Mp: 0
Atk: 20
Def: 30
Mag: 0
Agi: 40
Luck: 4

Weapon: Balisong
Equip: Bulletproof vest.
Items: Flashlight
Special skills: Caution

Despite his name Alice is actually male, though his feminine name is the least of his oddities. From an early age Alice began developing Dissociative Identity Disorder, though his was a more unusual case. While most people with multiple personalities tend to flux between them, Alice and his "other" were always simultaneously active and aware of each other. Alice described it as "a friend in his head" when he was young and did not understand the situation. As such his parents and psychologists dismissed it as a typical imaginary friend.

Though when Alice passed into his teens and his "friend" didn`t go away (who, by either Alice or himself, had been named Leonard.) people began to suspect something was off. Alice was diagnosed with DID at 14 and was subsequently put into a therapy regimen.
Alice took quite an agressive stance toward this, as did Leonard for fear of being erased, and much to the dismay of his family and friends, opted out of the therapy at 15. His doctors were hesitant to let him go, but after a series of tests it was determined that Alice was neither a danger to society or himself and was released.

Alice lived his life normally until 19 when he was mugged on a dark street by a common thief. The man creeped up behind him in the shadow and stabbed him in the arm, running off with his wallet.
This left a very large impression on Alice and sparked a severe case of paranoia in him.
A few weeks after the event Alice began to carry a knife in his pocket at all times, started wearing a ballistic vest under his clothes, and kept a small flashlight with him so he would never be blind in the dark.

Now at 23 years old, Alice is a stereotypical lunatic. Paranoia, a second personality, only going out during the day, working a strictly online marketplace to minimize contact with potentially dangerous situations, even going so far as to use aliases when greeting new people.
He is insane in every sense of the word, his only friend in his head and his only human contact with himself. A fragile mind has damned him to a life of concealment and distrust, but Alice does not mind this. He views this as the way everyone should live.
He is always safe, always comfortable, and best of all, content. That`s all he needs.

As for how he arrived- (There`s one for Alice and one for Leonard)
There are too many people here. I`m frightened by most of them, though a few look slightly trust worthy...for now.
God knows I would never come here of my own accord, but I had to. My buyer promised 3 times my asking price if I met him in person. I`m regretting my greed now. I know nothing good can come of this, but there`s nothing I can do at the moment. I`ll just have to keep to myself and wait for a chance to get out.

Alice is being way to uptight about this. Sure we`re at a questionable place on questionable terms with questionable people, but it doesn`t mean we`re gonna die. Quite the contrary in my opinion. I mean, look at the list of food they have here! It`s huge! Maybe I can convince Alice none of it`s poisoned. He hardly eats real food anymore.
It`d be great to have some steak for once.

Name: Eve Rebirth
Race: Human
Class: Swordswoman
Level: 65
Pet: Foxes

Hp: 9000
Mp: 8500
Atk: 75
Def: 75
Mag: 80
Agi: 80
Luck: 75

Weapon: Akuma no Me & Tori no Tsubasa (Cursed Katanas)
Equip: Elegant Black Dress
Items: Acoustic Guitar
Special skills: Sound Vibrations

A 16 year old girl named Eve Rebirth is trained in the way of the sword and earned her sensei's katanas as he passed away. Months after her sensei's death she travels now around the world and plays music on streets to earn some money so she can buy some food. Her abilities are something that rivaled her sensei's but she still lacks honor and a calm behavior but beside all of those things... She is quite perverted and doesn't hesitate to harass someone whether it be a boy or girl.

Name: Kokushi Ryuuten
Race: Half dragon & half human
Class: Type S-soldier
Level: 81
Pet: Dragon-spirit, Pyro

Hp: 11,200
Mp: 9,350
Atk: 255
Def: 175
Mag: 75
Agi: 90
Luck: 87

Weapon: Holy-fire-lance
Spell: Soul-bourning energy ball
Dress: Easy-half covered armor, silver-black color
Item: Demon-dedector jewel
Spec.: Demon and like monster to hunting

It a middle 20 year-, alone-soul yokai, there his job is monster to hunt...

After a certain incident 10 years ago, Alice has been wandering the lands in search of finding herself. Alice has no recollections of her past after the incident. Whenever she tries, all she remembers is a feeling of deep regret and sorrow. Other than an ornate ring on her left hand, all the past has left her is a sense of responsibility. With a cheerful personality, she always finds time to help the people she comes across. Armed with dual gunblades and expertise in various martial arts, her unusual and offensive fighting style makes her unparalleled.

Name: Alice
Race: Human
Class: Mixed
Age: Unknown
Skill Rating: Unknown

Weapons: The Famous Dual Gunblades 'Orihime & Hikoboshi'

Name: Lucca Emily
Race: Human
Class: Assassin
Level: --

Hp: 7.500
Mp: 1000
Atk: 255
Def: 120
Mag: 30
Agi: 255
Luck: 100

Weapon: Plain Knife
Spell: Darkness Cloak
Dress: white and black jacket
Item: Throwing Needle
Spec.: Kill Silently

A young girl, waiting her prey in the middle of darkness...

Name:Kuro the Cat


Weapon:Claws and Fangs
Equips:White Fur
Special Skills:Coughing up furballs

A very intelligent cat from the Kingdom of Cat. He understand the human language and know how to read and write but can't speak it.Quite the risk taker and decide to going on an adventure.....

Name:Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto


Personality:Friendly, Protective, Loving
Abilities:Healing,Flying,Mind Reading,Generate Electricty (like an eel),Super Strengh (when furious)
Weapons:His fists and Double Swords


History:Abandoned at birth.Found by a female magi named Nina.Nina had 3 kids.Two that are human and one thats an angel.The two human kids names are Kevin (3 at the time) and Max (2 at the time).The angel child is caled Angel (1 at the time).12 years later Nina left to the market, the children decided to go outside and play hide and seek.Max and Raikoh run off deep into the woods and hide from Kevin who's it.After several hours of hiding they come out of their hiding spot.Afterwords they get grabed from behind and a mysterious hands come over their mouths.While one mysterious person comes out saying "try and struggle and i wont hesitate to kill you.Well Raikoh tries to fight off the one person holding him.As he is freed from the grip of the mysterious character's hand,he runs to save Max but gets hit in the head from behind with a blunt object.As he falls he sees Max scared beyond her mind.While Max gets pulled back by the other mysterious person she screams "RAIKOH".As Raikoh's vision fades to black he says "Max i'll save you". After an hour of being unconcious Raikoh gets up in some mysterious lab.Finally after trying to figure out where he is he sees Max right next to him straped down to a table.While Raikoh looks around he notices he's straped down too,as he tries to free himself the same mysterious character came into the room with his sinister voice he says "well children this is my lab where i experiment on humans with other "parts" as in I experiment on younger children because they have a more stronger structure than the average adult,they dont resist my "parts" as much as the others".Then suddenly 2 more magi appear in the room then put the kids to sleep with a sleeping spell.After about 3 hours of sleep the children finally wake up in a room that looks like a cell. when raikoh tries to get up he feels pain in his back like as if a wing was attahced to it.As he feels his back he touches the wing and is in shock.At first he's like cool but then realizes that Max is gone.He looks around to the other cells and he cant see her.He screams her name "MAX" and no answer upon the cells. So he just sits there and wait.Hour upon hour pass until finally he heres a door open on the far end of the cells hallway he hears Max raon in pain as shes being drag toward another cell.He sees the same magi who was in the lab that experimented on him and says "you bastard what have you done to Max"? The magi turns arounds and says well BOY why do you question me on what I've done to this GIRL? Hmmm? Then the magi leaves while laughing manically down the cells hallway.As Max wakes up she says in a low tone "Raikoh what's happening i'm scared".Raikoh responds "I'll get us out of here you just wait,ok,count on it".While Raikoh thinks of an escape plan he gets pissed that he cant think of anything so he just starts punching at the wall.He continues doing so until he gets really enraged and punches the wall one last time but with all his might and breaks the wall the down with no pain but his knuckles bleeding.He then goes to free Max, but Max isn't the same she has one red eye and one wing just like Raikoh.Raikoh picks up Max anyways and runs for the door at the end of the cells hallway.He busts down the door and tries to find an escape route.he runs into 2 guards and hides behind some boxes.Then he finds a rock and throws one at one of the guards head.The guard turns around and looks behind the box.Raikoh and Max aren't there.Max has a teleportation power that just saved Raikoh and Max's life.But where they got teleported to was the lab they were just experimented on. Raikoh is confused and tries to escpae again but encounter the magi who experimented on him.Raikoh shoots for the roof of the lab they were in and tries to escape the magi.The magi follows and shoots magic fireballs at Raikoh as he chases him.Raikoh flies until he finds his house.He enters and sees Nina there in the kitchen tell Nina what happened.Nina was in shock and said "Raikoh you know you're not my child right?"He said "No". Nina told him the story of how she found him.Raikoh was furious.Max was upstairs with the other children.Raikoh went up and looked at them showed Kevin and Angel what happened.Max didn't remeber she was asking "how Raikoh how did this happen if i cant remeber anythign that happened".Raikoh said "well Max you're just going to have to figure out what happened.I'll help you but i can't promise anything.I know i'm the youngest but i'll help out even if it kills me". After that Raikoh left and never came back.Four years past since that day.Raokoh still continues his adventure to help Max out and to find the magi who did this to him.

Name : Sevit Alveil
Race: Human
Class: Demonic Familiar Master (DF Master)
Level: The character does not have a level

Hp: 650
Mp: 845
Atk: 120
Def: 65
Mag: 85
Agi: 77
Luck: 92

Weapon : Demonic Familiar turning to weapon
Clothing : School uniform - White top, Green trouser
pet : Demonic Familiar Gheist
Specialty : Demonic Enhancing, Demon Equip

A tad bit story about this chara and how he got dragged to this thief game

He just transfer school some month ago, before he got to know that he's being dragged by his classmate to the world about the Demonic Familiar user (DF user). There are actually so many DF user that're spread across the continents, but, they center around this new town that our hero stands on. There exist some kind of organization of DF user that tirannize the weaker DF user. Why does the organization not attacking the civilian? Because they're scared with the Angelic Familiar user (AF) that always roaming around to extinguish DF user. He wants to help his newfound friend to end the injustice that's done inside the DF Organization, with the help of his newfound DF too named gheist.

Some morning, when he walks to school like always, he tried to go to school using the alleyway he seldom used, at the middle way, he encountered something that looks like a portal that pops out of nowhere. As he is intrigued, he enters it willingly.
He found himself at the alleyway in an era of eastern castles. "what the...??" as he said it the portal behind him closed, and after he got out from the alleyway, he got kidnapped told by the guard that there is a big party in the castle, well, he thinks to himself, maybe there is some kind of clue to get back to his world there anyway, so, he just follow what the guard suggest.

He accepted the job posted on the guild board.The reward was tempting, for just a capture of a thief. He must be an amateur to stir up this much trouble,he thought. He exited the guild and head to the location without further delay.To him,this is just business.nothing more,nothing less.Just business.

Name:Xavier Cross
Class:Bounty Hunter


Weapon:Bastard Sword
Equipment:Leather Armor with Overcoat
Items:Ring of Protection

I never thought that that damn Heiss would send me here to this castle in the middle of nowhere, i know that it is my job, as a specint agent from the chaos plane, under the direct order of the great Archmage Evanthyeil, to gather information...But this is too much for me. I was quite happy to hear that it was the mistress's birthday, since i am quite fond of older women, and parties are usually an inforation mine, but i think that this theft event will blow up my traveling bard cover. Maybe if i help the mistress, she'll give me a "special" present..

Name: Morion
Race: Male Human (chaos plane resident)
Class: Assassin
Lvl: 30
Pet: none

Hp: 12000
Mp: 5000
Atk: 600
Def: 400
Mag: 550
Agi: 700
Luck: 150

Weapon: Hidden blades/Rapier
Equip: Specint (RED) armor
Items: Guitar, Diary
Special Skills: Shadow form, turns the user into a shadow, which cannot be seen nor harmed, the user can't attack in this state, lasts 10 minutes.

Name: Sova
Race: Owl (snow white, slightly bigger then normal owl, silver skeleton)
Class: Last boss
Level: Skull (unknown)

HP: ?????
MP: ????
Atk: ????
Def: ???
Mag: ???
Agi: ????
Luck: 100

Weapon: Silver talons and beak
Equip: Nothing
Skills: Passive 1. If I pick a place to go at night I have higher chance of finding something or triggering event, and at day lowered.
Passive 2. Can understand and speak to animals.

It was night. I was laying in wait for my next prey in my forest, when the super rare and tasty rabbit went into my sight. I immediately chased it and less then in a minute I was already feasting. But then, I suddenly felt so... sleepy...
When I woke up to the loud sound of something crushing, everything was pitch black. I was in some cage covered by the square box. The cage was really fragile so I broke out in a second. When I peaked my head out of the box, I found out that I was being carried by someone somewhere. That someone realized that I was there and quickly tossed the box I was in away and escaped around the corner. The only thing I managed to see is this person looking female. But not caring about that, I saw opened window leaf nearby and made my escape from the unknown building. It was a pain returning to my forest, so I decided to turn the forest nearby into my new home. I decided to rest for the time and think on the situation around. But then someone passed through forest and woke me up. Then again. Then again. Then again and again and again. I was finally getting mad. Then I overheard someone telling that it is all the thief's fault. "So if I find and catch that thief I can calmly rest again?" And so I set out on quest to capture the thief.
P.S. Sorry to make you think of clues I found while sitting in the forest through the whole game XD
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Known as God of Death, this unknown heroes always wandering to anywhere, everywhere he goes. He cannot seen by human because his Speed are the fastest among his race. Living for hunting the evil spirits that possessed the human and send them back to Underworld
Name : Thanatos
Race : Deity
Class : Hunter
Level : 99
Pet : None

Hp: 30000
Mp: 12000
Atk: 99
Def: 72
Mag: 50
Agi: 99
Luck: 82

Weapon : Throne Sword (One Handed Sword)
Equip : Adamantium Armor
Racial Skills : Hyper Speed (Allows user to move very fast. Invisible. Lasts 5 Minutes)
Oh yay~ Someone joined already xD

First post has almost reached the limit so i ish shoving stuff here now~ Hmm this filled too x.x Go to the next page for other phase posts~

Just the list of effects for items that you guys have used before
Acorn- food
Armor- block a negative event
Carrot- food
Charm- luck
Dusty tome/tome- dusty/incomplete tome summons the four elemental sprites or a soot sprite, tome can summon the light and dark sprites in addition to the four elemental sprites, you can choose the summon target in an attempt to summon a certain sprite
Fish- food
Food- extra move with varying degrees of effectiveness in finding events, search an area multiple times for a "thorough search" which increases the amount of items found, food items appeals to different creatures, (acorn, carrot, fish, sweets, wine, tea)
Four leaf clover- gives a luck boost for four turns
Fruit- food
Key- opens locked doors and chests
Luck potion- a chance to double of halve your luck for a turn with a higher chance of doubling
Lucky coin- a chance to retry or evade a negative event
Lump of coal-
Manhole covers-
Pocket watch- extra turn
Pot of gold- leprechauns will give you temporary assistance if returned to them
Sweets- food, makes you tired the next turn
Tea- food, makes you tired the next turn
Whistle- calls the catbus which takes you to five locations of your choice
Wine- food

An odd book without any pages was laying on one of the tables in the library~ It didnt seem like there was much of importance inside but who knows~

I inherited a castle from an uncle who recently passed away. Alice & Leonard
There are numerous books and I found those about magic to be very interesting… I must find out more. Kuro
I saw a fire sprite today. I am intrigued by how a creature could be born from flames. Alice
I have captured one of the fire sprites and I felt a surge of power when it touched me. Eve
The fire sprite grew weak and eventually faded… How I long for the power that it had provided… S
I started a series of experiments but how will I keep my secrets away from prying eyes… Kuro
I now have a lair which no one should be able to find… Sevit
I managed to create a soot sprite but it turned out to be quite useless… Sevit
I cannot create the fire sprite… it requires something I do not have… Lucca
I created enchantments which should lure sprites to my land… though it seems that they are not the only creatures to come… Alice
I tried to tame the sprites but they only grew weaker in captivity so I had to release them all before they disappeared… Alice
I have to content myself with merely watching the sprites but I found that they loved wine and would give me slight boosts if I offered them some. Sevit
These boosts are not as powerful as I hoped… I shall find another source of power. Alice
I heard rumors of a powerful artifact that an old witch had hidden away and the rumors proved to be true. This artifact is just as powerful as the legends say… I hope the witch doesn’t mind me borrowing it. Alice
That horrible witch sent a dragon… I only wanted to hold the artifact for a while… I would have returned it eventually… Alice
I managed to defeat the dragon… but my lands are ruined… and I fear that this wound may be my last… Alice
I found this dusty book in the library and decided to continue where that wizard left off. Alice
I don’t see the wizard anywhere but the enchantments he laid continue to attract creatures. Sevit
A master of the grounds was chosen today. She seems quite mischievous… Kuro
I saw the master cast some enchantments over the preexisting ones… She made it look so easy… Alice & Leonard
Why did she pick me? Sure I know something but gathering energy seems like a pain… Lucca
She told the squirrels to help me but all they do is laze around all day and eat… They’re useless… Alice
I managed to create a little spell to draw in magic from the surrounding lands… but it seems that I made it a little too powerful… S
There are small tremors every so often and the source seems to be coming from the center of the lake… Lucca
The last two oddities to move in are some guy with a peculiar large hat and his rabbit companion… They have tea parties in the maze every so often… For those who bother to search for them anyway… Alice & Leonard
I seem to have grown fond of their tea… If only they weren’t so difficult to find… Alice
Recently a wizard coming by for a cup of tea… How did such a fellow get on the grounds without me knowing? Though I suppose a wizard would have his ways and the master hasn’t sent any orders to deal with him. Alice
I followed the wizard into the forest and it seems that he lives in a secluded grove with his pet owl. Lucca
I left squirrels to keep a watch on the wizard and there was nothing too unusual about the wizard except for that one night when he was sneaking around the forest carrying a bundle. Alice
I decided to follow the wizard myself when I heard the report, but all I saw was him crawling out of a tunnel without the bundle. S
A family moved into the castle atop the hill a short while later. The master moved into the castle with them… Alice
They constructed various structures around the grounds, but the master told us to let them do as they wished… What could the master be thinking? S
It seems that the master was actually the daughter of the family… S
The master continued her duties as normal but it seems that something will happen soon. S
The guards dragged a group of guests over to the castle and they had a feast… I sneaked in to grab a little food. S
It seemed to be the mistress’s birthday and quite the commotion started while I was about to bite into a delicious looking fish. I didn’t notice what had happened, but it’s probably not important… S
The tears and running people are starting to get annoying… what does it matter that a couple boxes are gone? S
There was nothing major happening… Just a bit of mischief… S
The master told me to return to the gate… There is nothing to do there… I suppose ill bring this with me and write record the events… S
Those blasted squirrels seem to have made a game out of stealing the pages and hiding them around the grounds… Alice & Leonard
I give up on collecting the notes… Where is that dog when I need him? S
That annoying Cheshire had to show up now… What does he want? Theres enough trouble here as it is… Stupid dog is still missing… S
A large tremor has struck… I never did find out what caused the tremors but I think it would be wise to do so soon… Alice
The giant fuzzball came along and riled up the soot sprites before going back to sleep… Quite the lazy guardian… But at least he does his job… And I should do mine as well… Alice
Im back on the shores of that wretched lake and shivering miserably in the cold… I spot the dark mass of the island in the distance… Alice
Im on one of those tiny little boats… It feels like it will sink at any moment… Alice
We have finally reached land. Why couldn’t those water sprites go any faster? I should probably be overjoyed… If only this island wasn’t so creepy… Alice
I feel the tremors coming from a cave we found on the island… Powerful magic is at work here… I fear that I will lose my remaining lives here… But here I go… Alice
This thing just might be able to beat the master… But she has many tricks up her sleeves… As for me? I really should disappear~ Alice

The thief was trying to get to the tea party but she saw S sitting there so she tried to sneak away~ S noticed and gave chase with Thanatos joining the chase somewhere in the maze~ The thief ran around a corner and you find a dark tunnel in the ground...

The guards returned from exploring the underground passage in the forest and said that it led outside... They decided that it would be best to seal the passage until the thief was caught~

Lol we filled the 15000 character mark for the first post xD Or was it 150000 hmm oh wells~

Guest Clues- 20

S S35(2) A2 E2 W F2
Clue- 72(4)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x2, Note x2, Whistle, Strange fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin, Tea
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel lucky... sorta...
Event- A path opens up and leads you to a tea party~ The thief ran by which you were sitting around and you chase her to a tunnel... You find a random note in your pocket with "I managed to create a little spell to draw in magic from the surrounding lands… but it seems that I made it a little too powerful…" written on it~

Clues- 70(4)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2? Shadow trap~
Event- The thief probably ran down the tunnel...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Ability 2? Knife~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The fire sprites watch you curiously~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Tome,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Event- The creatures of the forest peer at you from the shadows~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 58(2)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note x2,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- The creatures of the forest peer at you from the shadows~
Event- Interaction- Some of the smaller mischievous creatures sneak up behind you and run off with your armor~ They left and odd pocket watch behind though...

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Hidden Grove
Clues- 76(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit x2, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (1)
Event- You find a crooked tree with one piece of fruit on it~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The creatures of the forest peer at you from the shadows~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x3, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Guest room
Clues- 21(1)
Item(s)- Food x2, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- The guards drag you over to the guest room and tell you what has been happening around here~ They also toss a little pile of random items into your arms before sending you off~

The thief was poking at the door of the dark chamber until she heard S close by~ She hid until S opened the door and knocked him out~ She was gone by the time S woke~

Hmm i think ill not have the thief wander randomly for a while... xD Ill leave my character where it is until the thief starts wandering again~

Guest Clues- 20

S S35(2) A2 E2 W F2
Secret passage--> Dark chamber
Clue- 76(4)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Whistle, Strange fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin, Tea
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel luckier than you had previously~
Event- You follow a glow through the passages and reach the dark chamber~ It is locked but you happen to have a key on you~
Event- You see an odd sigil on the wall and your ring started to glow when you touched it~

Clues- 70(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2? Shadow trap~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Tome- Youre curious if the incantation would still work despite missing words~ You chant the phrase and a familiar glow comes from the book which is then replaced with darkness~ The darkness clears and the book is gone~ You see a dark sprite glaring at you~
Event- Some of the creatures scattered when the dark sprite appeared but a couple stayed~
Event- Interaction- The forest creatures scatter but one seems to be waiting for you to follow~
Event- Interaction- The dark sprite offers you a temporary pact~ Should you really accept something like this?

Lucca Emily
Clues- 58(2)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Pocket watch, Note x2,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- Some of the creatures scattered when the dark sprite appeared but a couple stayed~
Event- Interaction- The forest creatures scatter but one seems to be waiting for you to follow~
Event- Interaction- The dark sprite casted a spell on you but you dont know what it does...

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 76(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit x2, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- Some of the creatures scattered when the dark sprite appeared but a couple stayed~
F Event- Water sprites are skipping on the surface of the lake~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x3, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Dining Hall
Clues- 21(1)
Item(s)- Food x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You sneak around the dining hall and grab a bit of food~

The thief was poking at holes in the garden when Alice Lucca and Kuro wandered by~ She looked over at them with an evil glint in her eyes and tossed a handful of acorns over at them~ Then suddenly squirrels everwhereeeeee ;p By the time the squirrels finally stop running around everywhere the thief had already disappeared~

The guards reported seeing someone lurking around the sealed passage...

Guest Clues- 20

S S35(1) A2 E2 W F2
Dark chamber
Clue- 76(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Whistle, Strange fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x2, Tea
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel yourself overflowing with power~
Event- You find another sigil and the ring glows even brighter~
Event- Somehow squirrels found their way into the room and you find a lucky coin when they leave~

Secret passage--> Library
Clues- 70(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Food
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find more food laying around~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 74(5)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Pact- You feel a large boost of energy but the way the sprite acted after you accepted the pact makes you wonder what it didnt say~
Event- The creatures led you to the garden~
Event- Well the squirrels are gone but theres always checking those holes that the thief was poking at...
Event- Interaction- A confused bunny poked his head out of the hole and mumbled something about missing watched before it ran off~ You poke around the hole and pull out yet another watch~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 61(3)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Pocket watch, Note x2,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Spell- You only seem to be feeling weaker as time goes by and wonders where Alice is getting all her energy from...
Event- The creatures led you to the garden~
Event- Well the squirrels are gone but theres always checking those holes that the thief was poking at...

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 80(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit x2, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Dowsing- Your dowsing led you to the garden~
Event- Well the squirrels are gone but theres always checking those holes that the thief was poking at...
Event- Interaction- You see a metallic glint and pull a pocket watch out of the hole...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 20(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The forest creatures sit around and watch the odd guy that isnt doing anything ;p

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x3, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Food x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

The thief was spotted searching around the study for some reason... Of course the guards got there too late to do anything as usual ;p

The guards blame their failure on the fact that the thief had whips and stuff~

Hmm ill be giving people random food replacements for items that i just named food ;p Same functions except they also have additional purposes~ Made minor changes to certain other things too~

Guest Clues- 23

S S35(0) A2 E2 W F2
Dark chamber
Clue- 76(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Whistle, Strange fruit x2, Fish x2, Lucky coin x2, Tea, Dusty tomes x3
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- Your power overwhelms you~
Event- You find dusty tomes laying around~
Event- Squirrels were dragging a fish around and you decided to borrow it for a bit ;p

Clues- 73(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~

Alice & Leonard
Secret passage--> Basement
Clues- 55(3)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets, Armor
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find a suit of armor sitting in the corner~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 74(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Pocket watch
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Pact- The boost remains but it seems to be draining you at the same time...
Event- You were about to walk away but noticed another gleam from a hole... the rabbit seems to have been collecting those pocket watches~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 61(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Pocket watch, Note x2,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You spot forest sprites resting by the edge of the lake~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Clues- 80(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Strange fruit x2, Fish x4, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (3)

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 23(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You stumbled upon one of those hidden passages~
F Event- You spot forest sprites resting by the edge of the lake~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 24(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x3, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 21(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You spot forest sprites resting by the edge of the lake~

The thief was standing the lake with a little group of squirrels around her when she noticed Lucca Kuro Morion and Sevit's familiar sneaking closer~ She dove into the lake and they saw a flash of blue~ They ran over to where she dove in and saw some water sprites swimming around under the water~ Guards that came over said that certain sprites were known for teleporting people away...

Hmm should there be item trading and stuff for people in the same location and stuff? xD

Guest Clues- 23

S S35(0) A2 E2 W F2
Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber
Clue- 76(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Whistle, Strange fruit x2, Fish x2, Lucky coin x2, Tea, Dusty tomes x6
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- Your feel somewhat energetic~
Event- You grab a few more tomes off the shelf~

Secret passage--> Basement
Clues- 73(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You poke around and see the wall sliding open and revealing a tunnel~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets, Armor
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You poke around and see the wall sliding open and revealing a tunnel~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 74(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Pocket watch
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Pact- The boost wore off and you feel some strain on your body~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 65(4)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Pocket watch, Note x2,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You gaze into the water and the water sprites stare back~

Kuro the Cat S5(1) W
Clues- 84(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Strange fruit x2, Fish x4, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (2)
Event- You gaze into the water and the water sprites stare back~
Event- Interaction- The water sprite nibbles happily on the sweets and gets you to cup your hands together~ It fills your hands with a warm liquid and you feel a rush of energy when you drink it~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 53(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You see shadows hiding behind the trees... probably just some animals~
F Event- You gaze into the water and the water sprites stare back~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 24(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x3, Key x2
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find a key of sorts laying around~

Clues- 25(4)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You gaze into the water and the water sprites stare back~

The guards spotted the thief in the boathouse while they were dragging boats back~ She glanced at them and leapt out the window~
The guards found a map with an x marked in the middle of the lake after she ran off~

Blahs just going to make it so the AFK people just do whatever with creatures and whatnot xD

Guest Clues- 23

S S35(0) A2 E2 W F2
Dark chamber--> Dark chamber
Clue- 76(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Whistle, Fruit x2, Fish x2, Lucky coin x2, Tea, Dusty tomes x8
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- Your luck feels sort of missing but it also doesnt...
Event- You search around and see another sigil~ You stumble upon a book when you walk over~

Clues- 73(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~

Alice & Leonard
Secret passage--> Dark chamber
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets, Armor
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find a door and S opens it after you knock a few times~ You find a glowy sigil on the wall of the room and S is somewhere you cant see... You hear a muffled thud but nothing much from him~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You find a fire sprite and it put its hand on your chest, giving you a little burst of energy~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 74(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Pocket watch, Carrot
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Event- You find something orange poking out of the ground and pull at it~ You got a carrot of sorts... and an angry gardener to chase you off for taking it~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 65(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x2,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- The shadows you thought were animals turn out to be forest sprites peeking at you~
Event- Interaction- The sprite gives you fruit in exchange for your wine~

Kuro the Cat S5(1) W
Hidden Grove
Clues- 84(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Fruit x2, Fish x4, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (2)
Event- You notice some lights coming from within a large tree and take a peek~ Inside you find that it looks sort of like a house and you hear an old man is talking with someone~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 54(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The shadows you thought were animals turn out to be forest sprites peeking at you~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 24(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x3, Key x3
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You poke around in the desk and fin another key~

Clues- 28(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

The thief was not spotted this phase but the guards noticed a large amounts of squirrels running around the hidden grove~

Guest Clues- 23

S S55(2) A2 E2 W F2
Dark chamber--> Dark chamber
Clue- 76(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Note x2, Whistle, Fruit x2, Fish x2, Lucky coin x2, Tea, Dusty tomes x8, Wine x2
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- Your feel a balanced flow of power~
Event- You wander around and knock over some bottles of wine~ You reach to pick up the bottles when you notice squirrels drinking from the spilled wine...
Event- Interaction- You give the squirrels a few nuts and take some wine~

Clues- 73(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- Dig around in a pile of clothes and find a suit of armor~

Alice & Leonard
Dark chamber
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets, Armor
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You hear bottles clinking somewhere in the room but the sigil also seems to be calling out for you to touch it~
Event- Interaction- You touch the sigil and a pulse of energy flows through your body~ The glow of the sigil fades but you notice that your knife has taken on the glow instead~ (Basically an ability boost of sorts~)

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 76(2)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Pocket watch, Carrot
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 65(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x3, Tea, Sweets
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You follow some singing and find that the mad hatter and rabbit had set up another tea party~ They invite you to take a seat while give you tea and sweets~ You find something poking out of your pocket and it seems to be a note with "There are small tremors every so often and the source seems to be coming from the center of the lake…" written on it~
Event- Interaction- The rabbit looks at the fruit and shoves it in his mouth~ Then he proceeds to drop the dormouse into your pack and send you off~

Kuro the Cat S5(1) W
Tree house
Clues- 84(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Fruit x2, Fish x4, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (2)
Event- You poke around and eventually find an entrance... although somewhat hidden... You notice an owl staring at you when you finally squeeze in but you cant see the old man that was talking...
Event- Interaction-The owl looks at you curiously and kicks a crumpled ball of paper at you... It seems to have scratched at and chewed on the ball a few times... The ball unraveled somewhat when it hit the floor and you see words scribbled across the page~ "Water... What a horrible substance… Especially in such large quantities… Well... The squirrels can’t seem to find the cause of the tremors… Let’s just forget about this event and move on…"

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 54(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The shadows seem to be actual creatures now... the sprites ran off somewhere...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 24(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x3, Key x3
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 28(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

Morion and Lucca spotted the thief by the lake talking with forest sprites but some odd group of squirrels jumped all over them while they were watching~ They noticed a wolf and a couple other animals in the shadows watching them when the squirrels ran off~

Event- The guards said that there seems to be an unusual abundance of four leaf clovers everywhere... for those who search anyway~ They shouldnt wither too fast...

Guest Clues- 23

S S55(1) A2 E2 W F2
Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber
Clue- 76(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Note x2, Whistle, Fruit x2, Fish x2, Lucky coin x2, Tea, Dusty tomes x8, Wine x5, Four leaf clover, Charm (25)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel quite hyper and not quite sure why youre running around in circles @_@
Event- Tons of wine around... you cant seem to move an inch without knocking into some bottle...
Event- Interaction- You see an odd glow and find a four leaf clover when you move the bottle away~
Event- Some squirrels were sneaking around but you scared them when you got closer... you find that they dropped a charm of sorts~

Clues- 73(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You dig around a bit and trigger the opening of the secret passage again~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets, Armor, Four leaf clover
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- Interaction- You notice an odd green glow in the corner and notice a four leaf clover growing out of the book case O.o

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 76(2)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Pocket watch, Carrot
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Event- The walls seems to be closing in around you but you see a gap and leap towards it~ You end up in front of a tunnel~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 69(4)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x3, Tea, Sweets
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Dormouse- Sleeping atm...
Event- More odd animals watching...
Event- Interaction- The wolf sniffs around a bit and seems to be following some scent~

Kuro the Cat S5(1) W
Tree house
Clues- 84(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Fruit x2, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch, Luck potion
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (1)
Event- You continue searching around the tree and after a while you notice that an old wizard is watching~
Event- Interaction- The wizard examines the fish for a while before he waved his hand over it and made it disappear (Into his sleeve or so you suspect)~ He then tells you to wait a bit and wanders off for however long... cant really tell the time from inside the tree... He returns with a little bottle which hands to you~ He says it could either bring you the best of luck or the worst of luck and wanders off~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You poke around and stumble into another tunnel~
F Event- More odd animals watching...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 24(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x3, Key x3
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 32(4)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- More odd animals watching...

The thief was kicking at stuff in the garden when Lucca saw her~ The wolf ran away and Lucca was about to run at the thief when the dormouse woke and started babbling something about not walking into a patch of poisonous plants... The thief watched somewhat amused before she ran away~

The guards found the cheshire making a mess in the castle...

Guest Clues- 23

S S55(1) A2 E2 W F2
Dark chamber--> Dark chamber
Clue- 76(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Note x2, Whistle, Fruit x2, Fish x2, Lucky coin x2, Tea, Dusty tomes x10, Wine x5, Four leaf clover (4), Charm (25)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel a balance inside you~
Event- You found a couple more dusty tomes laying around~

Clues- 73(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You see some odd glow coming from a corner of the room...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets, Armor, Four leaf clover (4)
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- You find a torn page with "The last two oddities to move in are some guy with a peculiar large hat and his rabbit companion… They have tea parties in the maze every so often… For those who bother to search for them anyway…" written on it~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Theres tons of squirrels running all over the place...

Alice A2 F E
Secret passage--> Dark Chamber
Clues- 76(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Pocket watch, Carrot, Dusty tome
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Event- You find yourself in front of the dark chamber again... you push at the door and find one of those books behind it~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 73(4)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x3, Tea, Sweets
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Dormouse- It ran off after the random babbling...
Event- You follow the wolf for a while and it leads you to the garden~
Event- You avoid the plants the dormouse said to since they did look somewhat dangerous now that you looked closer... the dormouse told you to run through some other odd plants and instead... you knew the thief would be gone by the time you got to her but the plants seemed to give you a bit of energy~ (extra move)

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 84(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Fruit x2, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch, Luck potion
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- Theres tons of squirrels running all over the place...
Event- Interaction- The squirrels run around and fight each other for the acorns~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 23(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2
Event- You go to the refreshments table and sneaks a carrot~

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You see some glow coming from inside a bush...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 24(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x3, Key x3
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- Some soot sprites are floating around... probably disturbed by the cheshire~

Clues- 32(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

The thief was running around the kitchen with the cheshire and causing a mess~ Squirrels were also eating everything and a black cat was seen running off with fish?

A light sprinkle created a rainbow from the castle to somewhere in the maze~

Guest Clues- 26

S S55(0) A2 E2 W F2
Secret passage--> Master Bedroom
Clue- 79(3)
Item(s)- Whip x4, Pocket watch, Sweets, Note x2, Whistle x2, Fruit x2, Fish x2, Lucky coin x2, Tea, Dusty tomes x10, Wine x5, Four leaf clover (7), Charm (25)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You find that your sight seems sharper~
Event- You search around the room and find two whips near a four leaf clover~ Some squirrels also run through the window and left a whistle of sorts behind them...

Clues- 76(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You find soot sprites around the basement~ They seem to be running from something...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 57(2)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets, Armor, Four leaf clover (7)
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- You see a glow coming from somewhere within the mesh created from the hedges~
Event- Interaction- You shove your hand inside the hedge and pull out a four leaf clover after a bit of searching~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- There is an odd patch of grass that looks greener than the rest...

Alice A2 F E
Dark Chamber
Clues- 76(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x9, Pocket watch, Carrot, Dusty tome
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~

Lucca Emily
Forest--> Forest
Clues- 73(4)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x3, Tea, Sweets, Four leaf clover
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You stumble into a hole in the ground... there seems to be a glow coming from behind on of the rocks...
Event- Interaction- You walk over to see what caused the glow and find a four leaf clover~

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 84(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch, Luck potion
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- You hear sing coming from somewhere in the trees but you also hear Lucca and Sivet give a yelp from some other direction...
Event- You follow the songs and see some forest sprites playing in a small clearing~
Event- Interaction- The forest sprites offer you a fruit when your walk over~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 26(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2
Event- You see a dull glow coming from within a flower pot~

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You stumble into a hole in the ground...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 27(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x4, Key x4
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You search around the room and find a whip and key~

Clues- 32(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

S Kuro and the two Alices were running around the maze with tons of leprechauns running everywhere saying that they had lost their pot of gold~ They saw the thief sitting at the tea party watching but she sneaked away while the crowds of leprechauns blocked their way~

There are rumors among the guards which say that something will happening at the island soon...

Guest Clues- 26

S S60(1) A2 E2 W F2 B8
Kitchen--> Maze
Clue- 83(4)
Item(s)- Whip x4, Pocket watch, Sweets x2, Note x2, Whistle x2, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x2, Dusty tomes x10, Wine x5, Four leaf clover (10), Charm (25)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel a burst of energy~
Event- You find a black cat and squirrels watching a bunch of leprechauns running around searching for their pot of gold~
Event- Interaction- You gave the black cat a fish and it ran off happily~ The squirrels that were also around took your tea...
Event- You find even more leprechauns at the tea party... but the mad hatter and march hare seem to have an unlimited supply of tea or something...
Event- Interaction- You give the mad hatter a cup of tea and he looks around for a while before sneaking the dormouse into your pocket~

Clues- 76(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You find some boxes of tea in the basement~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 61(4)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor, Four leaf clover (6), Tea
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- You find even more leprechauns at the tea party... but the mad hatter and march hare seem to have an unlimited supply of tea or something...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 44(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- There is an odd patch of grass that looks greener than the rest...

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 80(4)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x10, Pocket watch, Carrot, Dusty tome, Sweets, Tea
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Event- You find even more leprechauns at the tea party... but the mad hatter and march hare seem to have an unlimited supply of tea or something... You also find that theres another note in the pile of napkins which said "I seem to have grown fond of their tea… If only they weren’t so difficult to find…"~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 73(4)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x3, Tea, Sweets, Four leaf clover (4)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You see water sprites creating some fog around the lake~

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 88(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch, Luck potion, Present
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- You find even more leprechauns at the tea party... but the mad hatter and march hare seem to have an unlimited supply of tea or something... The thief also seems to have forgotten one of those presents when she ran off~
Event- Interaction- The leprechauns said that they lost two pots of gold and asks if you might have seen them... they said to call out if you should find any because there would probably be some leprechaun around until they had recovered all the gold~ The mad hatter and march hare are too busy trying to keep the leprechauns from stealing all their sweets and tea so they said to come back later~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 26(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2
Event- You see a dull glow coming from within a flower pot~

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You crawl out of the hole and followed kuro to the forest sprites~
F Event- You see water sprites creating some fog around the lake~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 27(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x4, Key x4
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 32(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You see water sprites creating some fog around the lake~

The thief dared to sneak into the guardhouse by the gate and snatch a handful of items~ The guards thought they cornered her when she ran into the watch tower but it seems that she had jumped out the window...

The guard's latest rumors seem to be about enchanted chests that have been attacking those who try to open them... The leprechauns claim to have nothing to do with their appearance~

Guest Clues- 26

S S60(0) A2 E2 W F2 B7
Clue- 83(4)
Item(s)- Whip x4, Pocket watch x2, Sweets x2, Note x2, Whistle x2, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x2, Dusty tomes x10, Wine x5, Four leaf clover (13), Charm (25)
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel a dash of negativity mixed with a subtle positive energy~
Dormouse- Sleeping at the moment~
Event- You rush to the boathouse with the rest of them and find that there is more than enough boats for everyone~ (extra move) A couple squirrels running around distract you and you find that they found a pocket watch of sorts~

Clues- 76(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You come upon some oddly placed treasure chest sitting at the side of the road~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 61(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor, Four leaf clover (5), Tea
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- You rush to the boathouse with the rest of them and find that there is more than enough boats for everyone~ (extra move)

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(3)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 80(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x11, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Sweets x2, Tea, Four leaf clover, Acorn
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Event- You come upon some oddly placed treasure chest sitting at the side of the road~
Event- Interaction- You flip open the chest and pull out a little pile of items~ Sweets, a note with "Recently a wizard coming by for a cup of tea… How did such a fellow get on the grounds without me knowing? Though I suppose a wizard would have his ways and the master hasn’t sent any orders to deal with him." written on it, a four leaf clover, an acorn, and a carrot... Seems like something that a leprechaun might have collected... You try to reach for more but the chest seems to have grown teeth and tries to bite your hand so you kick it into the bushes and wander away~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 73(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Four leaf clover (3), Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- There seems to be a treasure chest sitting under the water~
Event- Interaction- You pull the chest out of the water and take a peek inside~ You pull out a ceremonial dagger, luck potion, ripped page with "I followed the wizard into the forest and it seems that he lives in a secluded grove with his pet owl." scribbled on it, and cup of tea before the lid snapped shut on your arm... You cant seem to pry it open but maybe someone else could...

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch, Luck potion, Present
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- You rush to the boathouse with the rest of them and find that there is more than enough boats for everyone~ (extra move)

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 26(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- Forest sprites appear around you and whisper about the odd afk person ;p
F Event- There seems to be a treasure chest sitting under the water~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 27(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x4, Key x4
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 32(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- There seems to be a treasure chest sitting under the water~

The thief was messing around with a treasure chest in the study when the guards found her~ She walked out laughing as squirrels popped up and went nuts around the guards~

Guest Clues- 29

S S65(1) A2 E2 W2 F2 B6
Hidden Grove--> Lake
Clue- 83(4)
Item(s)- Whip x5, Pocket watch x2, Sweets, Note x2, Whistle x3, Fruit x3, Fish, Lucky coin x3, Dusty tomes x10, Wine x5, Four leaf clover (16), Charm (50), Coal x2
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel somewhat lucky~
Dormouse- Finally woke but it seems to have disappeared after that event...
Event- You find squirrels sitting around a small chest sitting in the corner of the grove~
Event- Interaction- You give the squirrels some sweets before turning your attention to the chest~ You pulled out a whistle, whip, two lucky coins, two lumps of coal, an odd fruit, and a charm before the chest tried to slam on your hand~ You narrowly pulled it out in time but you dropped one of your lucky coins in the chest... The squirrels also ran off when the lid snapped shut~
Event- You find water sprites while rowing around the lake~
Event- Interaction- You row near the sprites and they mumble a amongst themselves~ The dormouse sort of woke and started mumbling random stuff which seemed to interest the water sprites quite a bit~ After a while the water sprites tap you on the forehead and all you see is a flash of blue~ The sprites disappeared after... and so did the dormouse... But you see the island in the distance~

Clues- 76(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- The walls of the maze close in around you and you cant seem to find a way to escape...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 61(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor, Four leaf clover (4), Tea
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- You find water sprites while rowing around the lake~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- One of the guards was just about to set out to patrol the grounds and asks if you want to join~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 80(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x12, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Sweets x3, Tea x2, Four leaf clover (4), Acorn
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Event- The walls of the maze start to close in around you but you manage to slip through a crack before the walls closed completely and find yourself at the tea party~ The mad hatter seems somewhat relieved to have someone other than the leprechauns come by and gives you sweets and tea~ You find another note saying "I left squirrels to keep a watch on the wizard and there was nothing too unusual about the wizard except for that one night when he was sneaking around the forest carrying a bundle."

Lucca Emily
Clues- 73(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Four leaf clover (2), Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You drag the chest over to the gate and got Eve to help you pry it off your arm~
Event- One of the guards was just about to set out to patrol the grounds and asks if you want to join~

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Lake--> Garden
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- You find water sprites while rowing around the lake~
Event- Interaction- The water sprite seems to be in a foul mood and is muttering about some other sprite running off with the dormouse it was playing with... It seemed like it was about to do something to you but got distracted by your lucky coin which had slipped out of your pocket into the water~ The water sprite dives after the coin and the fog around clears somewhat~ You find that youre really close to the island~
Event- Your foot got caught in one of those rabbit holes and it made you trip...
Event- Interaction- You find a hopping mad rabbit screaming about people ruining his home... he ran off but you notice that he dropped a pocket watch~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 29(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
F Event- You see water sprites on the lake~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 30(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x4, Key x4
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 32(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You see water sprites on the lake~

The guards heard talking as they wandered past the hidden grove and saw the thief inside the tree house~ They peeked in and she seemed to be talking to an odd owl but their spying was soon interrupted by squirrels dropping down from the trees~

Guest Clues- 29

S S65(0) A2 E2 W2 F2 B6
Clue- 83(0)
Item(s)- Whip x5, Pocket watch x2, Sweets, Note x2, Whistle x3, Fruit x3, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Dusty tomes x10, Wine x5, Four leaf clover (19), Charm (50), Coal x2
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel really weak again but somewhat lucky too...
Event- You follow squirrels around and find a lucky coin on the ground~ The squirrels seem to be leading you towards a cave of sorts~

Clues- 76(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 61(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor, Four leaf clover (3), Tea
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- You see water sprites running across the lake from the island~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You find fire sprites playing around in a field and burning stuff...

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 83(3)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x12, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Sweets x2, Tea x2, Four leaf clover (3), Acorn
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Event- You see a wolf sitting in the shade~
Event- Interaction- The wolf licked the sweets a bit before eating it~ You get bored watching but when you started wandering off you find that the wolf seems to be following~

Lucca Emily
Gate--> Lake guardhouse--> Kitchen--> Gate
Clues- 73(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Four leaf clover (1), Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion, Carrot
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Patrol- You follow the guards through four areas~
Event- You return to the gate and find fire sprites playing around in a field and burning stuff...
Event- You overhear the guards talking about how they had seen really odd events around the lake...
Event- You find a pile of carrots in the kitchen and take one for yourself~

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- S yelled out that he found a cave of sorts but you also spot blurry forms lurking in the fog~
Event- You walk closer and the forms get somewhat more defined~ You discover that it was water sprites watching you~
Event- Interaction- The water sprite nibbles on the sweets and asks you for two locations you would like it to scry~
Event- Interaction- The water sprite looks into the water and says that it sees air sprites dancing in the garden and a black cat sleeping at the gate~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 29(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You see a wolf sitting in the shade~
F Event- You see water sprites running across the lake from the island~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 30(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x4
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find another odd whip~

Clues- 32(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You see water sprites running across the lake from the island~

The thief was spotted flopped down on a bed in the west guest room~ The thief was messing with soot sprites when the guards rushed in and she tossed a few into their faces before running off~

Guest Clues- 32

S S65(0) A2 E2 W2 F2 B5 D
Cave--> Cave--> Cave
Clue- 83(0)
Item(s)- Whip x5, Pocket watch x2, Sweets, Note x2, Whistle x3, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Dusty tomes x10, Wine x5, Four leaf clover (22), Charm (47), Coal x2
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- The weakness is replaced by a burst of energy~
Event- Some squirrels had followed you in but ran off after leaving you a note to stay around the lake area~ you spill a bit the dust as you pick up the note and attract some dark sprites nearby~
Event- Interact- You give the squirrels fruit as they run off and walk over to the dark sprites~ They offer you a contract which you accepted~ You feel a dark power flowing through you and everything around seems to be warping~

Clues- 76(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 61(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor, Four leaf clover (2), Tea
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- A pack of wolves are drinking water at the edge of the lake~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You see a sleeping black cat by the gate~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 83(3)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x12, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Sweets, Tea, Four leaf clover (2), Acorn
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Event- A pack of wolves are drinking water at the edge of the lake~
Event- Interaction- You feed the wolf and it starts following you around a bit too~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 73(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Four leaf clover (0), Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- A pack of wolves are drinking water at the edge of the lake~
Event- Interaction- The wolf carries the carrot away and returns with a luck potion in its mouth~

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (25)
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Event- You find a back cat sleeping by the gate as the water sprite said and it stirred at you approach~
Event- Interaction- The cat looks at you sleepily and yawns~ After a bit of stretching it wanders off and comes back with a small charm in its mouth~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You find another tunnel during your wandering~
F Event- A pack of wolves are drinking water at the edge of the lake~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x4
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 32(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- A pack of wolves are drinking water at the edge of the lake~

The thief was running around the island talking with sprites when S saw her~ He called out to her but a blue flash blinded him and she disappeared...

The guards mumbled something amongst themselves when they heard that the thief could talk to sprites...

The guards complain about those monster chests multiplying...

Why are half the people at the lake? O.o

Guest Clues- 32

S S75(1) A2 E2 W2 F2 B5 D2 L2
Cave--> Island--> Island
Clue- 91(8)
Item(s)- Whip x5, Pocket watch x2, Sweets, Note x2, Whistle x3, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x6, Four leaf clover (21), Charm (47), Coal x7, Acorn x2, Armor
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel all your senses become sharper~
Contract- You feel a huge surge of energy... now you get to wonder what the dark sprites were laughing about...
Dusty tomes- You flip open all the dusty tomes and try to force summon the dark sprites but a bunch of soot sprites appeared instead...
Event- Interaction- You get some acorns and lumps of coal when you mess with the soot sprites...
Event- One of the dark sprites stayed around after the others left~
Event- Interaction- The dark sprite looks at you curiously and leaps through you... you feel quite odd...
Event- You find light sprites playing around in the fog~
Event- Interaction- You join the light sprites and play along~ They give you a hug before they leave and you get some peculiar sensation~
Event- You find squirrels in the fog and toss them a couple acorns~

East guestroom--> Lake
Clues- 79(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (5)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You find soot sprites hiding in the bed sheets~
Event- You guys find some wooden chest floating in the water~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 64(3)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor, Four leaf clover (1), Tea
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Sigil- Enhance your next ability use~
Event- You guys find some wooden chest floating in the water~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You see fire sprites messing with the cat~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 86(3)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x12, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Sweets, Tea, Four leaf clover (1), Acorn
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~
Event- You guys find some wooden chest floating in the water~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 76(3)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You guys find some wooden chest floating in the water~

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Master Bedroom
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (25)
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Dowsing- You follow the pendant and end up in the master bedroom...
Event- You found the secret passage open again~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
F Event- You guys find some wooden chest floating in the water~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x4
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You found the secret passage open again~

Clues- 32(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You guys find some wooden chest floating in the water~

Guards saw the thief was running around the garden and talking with air sprites but then a roar filled the air... They saw the thief run towards the source of the sound and disappear with the air sprites~

Guest Clues- 32

S S75(0) A2 E2 W2 F2 B3 D2 L2
Clue- 94(3)
Item(s)- Whip x5, Pocket watch x3, Sweets x2, Note x3, Whistle x3, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x6, Four leaf clover (20), Charm (46), Coal x7, Acorn x2, Armor,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- The demonic energy is clashing with the side effects of the contract~
Contract- All your energy is sapped away and you struggle to move...
Event- The walls part and allow you to get to the tea party unhindered~ You find quite a lot of squirrels running around at the table and the mad hatter offers you some tea and sweets~
Event- Interaction- You find another note with "I decided to follow the wizard myself when I heard the report, but all I saw was him crawling out of a tunnel without the bundle." and offer the mad hatter more tea~ He mumbled something about the dormouse having been somewhat more crazy than he usually was when he returned from the last trip and said hes sleeping in some chair or another~ You look around and find him sleeping on top of some odd white chest~
Trade offer- Tomes x10... maybe wine and fruit... blahs all that gathering made somewhat pointless due to good luck x.x

Clues- 79(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (4)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You find tons and tons of squirrels around the lake... they seem to be gathering for some reason?

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 64(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Four leaf clover (0), Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- Interaction- You guys drag the chest floating out of the water and dig around in it~ You pulled out two bottles of wine, a suit of armor, and a carrot before the chest snapped shut on your arm... A key could possibly open it if no one is around to help...
Event- You find tons and tons of squirrels around the lake... they seem to be gathering for some reason?

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 86(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Four leaf clover (0), Acorn
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- One of the wolves run off and comes back carrying a squirming squirrel~
Event- Interaction- The squirrel was carrying a paper ball around and "A family moved into the castle atop the hill a short while later. The master moved into the castle with them…" was written inside~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 79(3)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- Interaction- You guys drag the chest floating out of the water and dig around in it~ You pull a carrot, manhole cover, pocket watch, acorn, and lump of coal out of the chest before it snapped shut on Alice...
Event- You try to follow S but the walls closed in after him and you find yourself in a small clearing... You wander around a bit and accidentally trigger the mechanisms to open the tunnels~

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (25), Pot of gold
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (3)
Event- You find forest sprites hiding among the trees and see a little gleam in coming from somewhere...
Event- Interaction- The sprites dont seem all that happy that youre there and you find vines grabbing at your legs... you try to run but in the end you find yourself dangling from a tree... but you found out what the gleam was... considering how the pot of gold is sort of sitting in front of your face...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 55(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You find forest sprites hiding among the trees~
F Event- You find tons and tons of squirrels around the lake... they seem to be gathering for some reason?

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x5
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You flop down on the bed and get poked by a key...

Clues- 32(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You find tons and tons of squirrels around the lake... they seem to be gathering for some reason?

The guards saw the thief running around the island and chased but she disappeared into the cave... they couldnt really follow because it was too dark...

Guest Clues- 32

S S75(0) A2 E2 W2 F2 B2 D2 L2
Hidden Grove
Clue- 94(0)
Item(s)- Whip x5, Pocket watch x3, Sweets x2, Note x4, Whistle x3, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x7, Four leaf clover (27), Charm (91), Coal x7, Acorn x3, Armor x2, Luck potion,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You find that you cant seem to move again...
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Event- Interaction- You move the dormouse and poke at the chest a bit~ You leave a coin by the hinge to make sure the chest doesnt snap on you and pull out two four leaf clovers, a luck potion, a bottle of wine, two charms, a lucky coin, some pieces of armor, an acorn, and part of a page with "They constructed various structures around the grounds, but the master told us to let them do as they wished… What could the master be thinking?" written on it~
Event- You find a small toy chest by a tree... and it just happens to be that odd tree with the wizard living in it...

Clues- 82(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (3)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom
Clues- 64(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x2, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- The chest is stuck on your arm... but maybe Alice or Xavier could remove it? Anyhow theres another chest sitting in the closet~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Master bedroom
Clues- 86(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Acorn
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- Alice & Leonard came in while dragging a chest that was stuck on their arm and asked if you could help pry it off... theres also another chest of sorts in the closet~

Lucca Emily
Secret Passage--> Maze
Clues- 79(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You run through the tunnel and find some light up ahead~ When you get closer, it seems that youre at the maze again...

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (25), Pot of gold
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (2)
Event- Sevit found you hanging around and got you down~ A bear sort of wandered up while he was cutting at the vines but he didnt cut the vines around your mouth until it was a bit late...
Event- Interaction- The bear swallowed the fish and started following you around~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 56(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You saw Kuro hanging around and got him down~ You didnt notice that a bear had appeared and was sniffing at you...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x5
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- Alice & Leonard came in while dragging a chest that was stuck on their arm and asked if you could help pry it off... theres also another chest of sorts in the closet~

Clues- 35(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

The guards returned to the cave with a light and search around~ The thief was somewhere in there but they couldnt find her... There was also really loud snores... A different kind than those they heard in the forest...

The soot sprites seem to be migrating or something but theyre all over the grounds...

Guest Clues- 32

S S85(1) A2 E2 W2 F2 B1 D2 L2
Tree House--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house
Clue- 94(0)
Item(s)- Whip x6, Pocket watch x5, Sweets x2, Note x6, Whistle x3, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x8, Four leaf clover (26), Charm (116), Coal x40, Acorn x3, Armor x4, Luck potion, Dusty tome, Manhole cover x2, Tea, Carrot x2, Key
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel a balanced flow of energy~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Event- Interaction- You turn the chest upside down and shake it~ The chest seems to not like that quite a bit and chomps down on your arm...
Event- You crawl through the entrance to find a wizard talking to his owl... The owl was mumbling about some sword when the wizard spotted you... The wizard told you to get over there and listen since the owl was confusing him... The owl shoves a piece of paper at you and told you to search the notes since the wizard had forgotten where he put the sword... The wizard conjures up two little boosts for you and sends you off~ You notice an ornate chest sitting around in the corner of the room and the wizard just said "Sure, sure, take the darn chest too. It just appeared randomly," when he saw you looking at it~
Event- Interaction- You notice soot sprites floating through cracks in the wall and run around chasing them~ You toss some sweets to a few of the and some sneak off with the lumps of coal you found but the rest just got frightened and turned into more lumps of coal...

Clues- 82(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (2)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom
Clues- 64(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x3, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find a ring of keys in one of the jackets~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Master bedroom
Clues- 86(0)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Acorn, Luck potion, Sweets, Wine, Key
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- Interaction- Someone seems to have been hiding a stash of food in the chest... which you decided to borrow~ The chest tried to bite you but you had armor on and it couldnt get through~
Event- You find a ring of keys in one of the jackets~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 79(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- Everywhere you search has soot sprites just floating around... but you managed to pull a dusty covered chest out of the closet...

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Hidden Grove
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (25),
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (1)
Bear- Just a bear following someone around~ Nothing to see here~
Event- The some leprechauns pop up and asks if they could get their pot of gold~ They offer their assistance in exchange~
Event- Interaction- You give the leprechauns the pot of gold and one of the leprechauns stay around after the others carry the pot off~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 56(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- Some deer are running past you~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x6
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find a ring of keys in one of the jackets~

Clues- 35(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

The guards heard the snoring stop and suddenly it became eerily quiet~ A spot in the distance seemed to start warping and suddenly there was a deafening roar~ A large creature flew past them and out into the grounds but they couldnt see what it was in the dark...

Guest Clues- 32

S S85(1) A2 E2 W2 F2 D2 L2 S
Forest--> Secret passage--> Dark Chamber
Clue- 94(0)
Item(s)- Whip x6, Pocket watch x5, Sweets x3, Note x6, Whistle x3, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x9, Four leaf clover (33), Charm (141), Coal x40, Acorn x3, Armor x4, Luck potion, Dusty tome x2, Manhole cover x3, Tea x2, Carrot x3,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel somewhat energetic~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Chest- Still stuck...
Boosts- Two mediocre boosts... better than nothing~
Event- Interaction- Youre somewhat wary about messing with another chest but you do anyway~ You dig around for a bit and feel a familiar bite...
Event- A squirrel followed you around for a bit and you saw that it had a note tied to its back that said "You might want to go to the garden area~" You spot a wolf as you continue walking and it leaps at you, but you dodged and it didnt try again~ Though it continued following you... Sevit popped up later and you asked him if he could help pry the chests off your arm~ You notice two other chests in the bushes while he does so~
Event- You end up in front of that door again and find an odd light coming from behind it... You quickly unlock the door and the light disappears... you stumble around the room and come upon some odd sword stuck into the floor~ You pull at the sword and it slides out after a bit but dissolved as you held it...

Clues- 82(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (1)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You notice a large shadow but it disappeared by the time you looked up...

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom
Clues- 64(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x3, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- Soot sprites are floating around and leaving soot everywhere...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Master bedroom
Clues- 86(0)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Acorn, Luck potion, Sweets, Wine, Key, Coal
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- Soot sprites are floating around and leaving soot everywhere...
Event- Interaction- The soot sprite gets scared when you get closer and disappears in a cloud of soot~ It left behind an odd lump of coal though...

Lucca Emily
Clues- 82(3)
Item(s): Fish x2, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Four leaf clover, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- Interaction- You wipe a bit of dust off the chest and open it~ You find a key, four leaf clover, dried fish, piece of armor, and sweets inside~
Event- You notice a large shadow but it disappeared by the time you looked up...

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (25),
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Just a bear following someone around~ Nothing to see here~
Leprechauns- Riding around on the bear~
Event- You notice a large shadow but it disappeared by the time you looked up...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 57(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You see S in the distance with some wolves following him in the shade... You want to warn him but most of the wolves left after a while anyway... You run up to him later and he seems to need help with prying those chests off his arm... some wolves also seem to be following you...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x6
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- Soot sprites are floating around and leaving soot everywhere...

Clues- 38(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You notice a large shadow but it disappeared by the time you looked up...

The guards spotted the large creature by the boathouse but it flew off before they could get close enough to see it clearly...

S was poking at some chests in the Guardhouse in the Garden when the thief came by... She pushed S and the wolf into a door nearby and locked it~ When guards got S back out, the thief had disappeared~

Guest Clues- 32

S S85(0) A2 E2 W2 F2 D2 L2 S
Garden Guardhouse
Clue- 98(4)
Item(s)- Whip x8, Pocket watch x5, Sweets x6, Note x8, Whistle x4, Fruit x4, Fish x4, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x10, Four leaf clover (44), Charm (266), Coal x41, Acorn x5, Armor x9, Luck potion x3, Dusty tome x4, Manhole cover x6, Tea x3, Carrot x8, Key
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel quite a bit of control~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Chest- Hmm a chest stuck on each arm now... but at least theres guards around to get them off~
Event- Interaction- You topple both chests and a pile of items spill out of it~ A note is among the pile of items and it reads "The master continued her duties as normal but it seems that something will happen soon." Anyhow one of the chests snapped on your hand while you were busy reading...
Event- The thief locked you in the Watchtower of the Guardhouse... when you get out it seems that she had gone through the chests and taken stuff but at least theyre not empty... There was quite a few squirrels running around the tower too... squirrels which dropped a manhole cover on your foot...
Event- Interaction- You quickly dig around in the chests and try to find something but they snap on you pretty quickly... You manage to avoid one... well at least youre still at the guard house... even if theyll probably laugh again...

Clues- 82(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- The water sprites seem to be going a bit crazy and running all over the place...

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom
Clues- 64(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x4, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find a key after shooing away all the soot sprites~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You find the black cat running around saying something about someone having too much power...

Alice A2 F E
Master bedroom
Clues- 86(0)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Acorn, Luck potion, Sweets, Wine, Key x2, Coal
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- You find a key after shooing away all the soot sprites~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 82(3)
Item(s): Fish x2, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Four leaf clover (4), Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x4, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Bear- Just a bear following someone around~ Nothing to see here~
Leprechauns- Riding around on the bear~ 83
Dowsing- The dowsing led you to the gate~
Event- You find the black cat running around saying something about someone having too much power...
Event- Interaction- As you walk up to the cat, he notices a couple notes poking out of your pocket and pounces on them~ He asks for the notes and offers a couple items in exchange~
Event- Interaction- The cat carries off the notes and drags over a bag of items~ Inside you find a charm, fruit, whip, and armor~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 57(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
F Event- The water sprites seem to be going a bit crazy and running all over the place...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find a key after shooing away all the soot sprites~

Clues- 38(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- The water sprites seem to be going a bit crazy and running all over the place...

The guards saw the thief sneak into the study and knocked down the door... They saw a trapdoor from the ceiling and ran up the stairs that came down~ They last saw the thief at the edge of the roof before she disappeared down the side~

The guards at the guardhouse in the garden were panicking when the shadow descended on the roof but the shadow left shortly after~

The guards saw that fuzzball like creature wandering around the forest again and a couple of them disappeared into the ground while trying to chase...

Guest Clues- 35

S S95(1) A2 E2 W2 F2 D2 L2 S
Lake Guardhouse--> Boathouse
Clue- 99(1)
Item(s)- Whip x8, Pocket watch x5, Sweets x6, Note x9, Whistle x4, Fruit x4, Fish x5, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x10, Four leaf clover (47), Charm (266), Coal x41, Acorn x4, Armor x9, Luck potion x3, Dusty tome x4, Manhole cover x6, Tea x3, Carrot x8, Key
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel a dwindling power~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Event- You ask around the guardhouse for the location of the stairs to the tower and the guard gives you a slip of paper with directions~ You find that the back of the paper also has a familiar writing "The guards dragged a group of guests over to the castle and they had a feast… I sneaked in to grab a little food." At the top of the tower you find two chests~
Event- You find some fish in the boathouse but it slips from your hangs and down the stairs... You find that there is still some boats left~

Clues- 82(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- The forest sprites seem to also be somewhat unsettled and are hiding in the trees~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 67(3)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x4, Note x2, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find some baked fish laying around and sneak off with one of them~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The last patrol has come back and another is about to set out~ One of them asks if you want to follow along for a bit~

Alice A2 F E
Clues- 88(2)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x3, Dusty tome, Acorn, Luck potion, Sweets, Wine, Key x2, Coal
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- The wolf was digging around in the carrot patches and brought one back...

Lucca Emily
Clues- 82(3)
Item(s): Fish x2, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Four leaf clover (3), Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 93(2)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x4, Fish x3, Tea x3, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (3)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 79/96
Event- The leprechaun leads you to the location of the tea party and pokes around in the bushes while you talk with the Hatter and Hare~ You feel rumbling and see that the leprechaun had activated the opening of the underground passage~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 35(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 57(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
F Event- The forest sprites seem to also be somewhat unsettled and are hiding in the trees~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 36(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x6, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find another whip sitting around in the closet~

Clues- 38(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- The forest sprites seem to also be somewhat unsettled and are hiding in the trees~

The thief was also wandering the forest in search of the creature when S, Alice, and Sevit spotted her~ While they chased, the thief seemed to fall and disappeared into the ground... They searched around the area where the thief was and noticed a bunch of acorns~ Then they fell through the ground as well~

Just when the guards at the garden guardhouse think that they were safe, the unknown creature decides to stomp on their roof a couple more times~ The guards finally get some form of defense together but when they get out the door, the creature had already flown off...

Guest Clues- 35

S S95(0) A2 E2 W2 F2 D2 L2 S
Cave--> Forest
Clue- 103(4)
Item(s)- Whip x8, Pocket watch x7, Sweets x8, Note x12, Whistle x4, Fruit x7, Fish x6, Lucky coin x5, Tomes x10, Wine x13, Four leaf clover (46), Charm (281), Coal x41, Acorn x5, Armor x10, Luck potion x4, Dusty tome x4, Manhole cover x7, Tea x3, Carrot x8, Key x5, Dagger, Pot of gold
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You senses sharpen~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Event- Interaction- You take the two chests and roll them down the stairs~ You grab everything that drops out and nimbly leap over them to avoid their bite~ Among the pile is another note with "It seemed to be the mistress’s birthday and quite the commotion started while I was about to bite into a delicious looking fish. I didn’t notice what had happened, but it’s probably not important…"
Event- You row over to the island and head directly for the cave~ You find a water, air, and fire sprite hovering around two chests and some smaller object which looks like a pot~ The water and air sprites give you some scraps of paper with scribbling on them and look to you for answers~ The fire sprite gets bored and pokes you in the back~ You feel the burn which the other fire sprites had left on you and a red flash lights up the cave~ When you could see again, the sprites had left but the chest and pot of gold were still there~ You then leave the cave for the forest~ You find a bear wandering around and after sniffing you a little the bear decided to follow you~ Then you find Sevit and Alice in a clearing with forest sprites~ The sprites were dancing around you when you saw the thief riding past with a bear...

Clues- 82(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You meet Alice & Leonard and Morion on your search and decide to team up for now~ You also find that birds are gathering around you for some reason~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 67(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x4, Note x2, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You meet Thanatos and Morion on your search and decide to team up for now~ You also find that birds are gathering around you for some reason~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Squirrels... squirrels everywhere...

Alice A2 F E2
Clues- 92(4)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x3, Dusty tome, Acorn, Luck potion, Sweets, Wine, Key x2, Coal
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 1
Event- You find Sevit wandering around the forest and join him~ You happen upon some forest sprites and S wanders by while you watched~ The sprites were dancing around you when you saw the thief riding past with a bear...
The forest sprites share the wine and play with the wolves a bit~ You feel mesmerized by the dancing and they pull you into the ring~ Eventually the forest sprites start to fade away one at a time and you find yourself along with your wolves... Some odd feeling seems to have been left over from that dance~

Lucca Emily E
Clues- 82(0)
Item(s): Fish x2, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Four leaf clover (2), Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You see Alice & Leonard, Morion, and Thanatos in the distance but there is also some shadows in the trees which could be of interest and something is playing the flute from somewhere further in the trees~
Event- You follow the sound of flutes and find a group of forest sprites sitting around one who was playing~
The forest sprite noticed you and changed the melody a bit~ Eventually you feel drowsy and fall asleep~ When you wake, the sprites are gone but you feel a subtle energy flowing through you~

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W F
Secret Passage--> Master Bedroom
Clues- 95(2)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x4, Fish x3, Tea x3, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (1)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 79/50
Event- You find a fire sprite in the tunnels and notice a glow coming from a crack in the walls~ Further down the tunnels you hear Xavier talking... You search along the walls and activate the opening to the Master Bedroom~ Xavier was poking at a collection of whips when you walked in~
Event- The sprite drinks the tea and then looks around as if wanting more... the leprechaun walks over and has some odd chat with it~ Eventually the sprite walks over and gives you a little kiss on the cheek~ A warm feeling spreads throughout your body and fades afterwards but a little warmth lingers~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 35(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 61(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You find Alice wandering around the forest and join her~ You happen upon some forest sprites and S wanders by while you watched~ The sprites were dancing around you when you saw the thief riding past with a bear...
F Event- You meet Alice & Leonard and Thanatos on your search and decide to follow them~ You also find that birds are gathering around you for some reason~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x7, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You were sitting around messing with some whips you found when the wall slid open and Kuro walked in~

Clues- 38(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You meet Alice & Leonard and Thanatos on your search and decide to team up for now~ You also find that birds are gathering around you for some reason~

S Alice and Sivet five themselves in the Heart of the Forest after the long tumble~ The thief had been talking with Totoro (if it wasnt obvious from the previous time ;p) before they rolled in and it flew her off to the garden...

The large creature was spotted flying towards the island~

Guest Clues- 35

S S100(1) A2/1 E2/1 W2 F2 D2 L2 S
Heart of the forest--> Lake
Clue- 107(4)
Item(s)- Whip x8, Pocket watch x7, Sweets x8, Note x13, Whistle x5, Fruit x7, Fish x6, Lucky coin x5, Tomes x10, Wine x13, Four leaf clover (45), Charm (281), Coal x41, Acorn x6, Armor x10, Luck potion x4, Dusty tome x4, Manhole cover x7, Tea x3, Carrot x8, Key x5, Dagger, Pot of gold
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You seem somewhat paralyzed again...
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Event- You wake (extra move) by the lake and find another bear around... The bear looks like it wants to attack but you glare at it a bit and it backs down~ The bear following you goes over and it seems like they became friends... since theyre both following you... Some squirrels pop up shortly and they crawl around you before running off with an acorn~ Forest sprites come by and leave a bit of medicine on some little piece of paper before continuing... not that you could make the medicine... but after the paralysis wears off you find that the paper is one of the notes with "The master told me to return to the gate… There is nothing to do there… I suppose ill bring this with me and write record the events…" on it~

Clues- 82(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You see forest sprites scattering and laughing about something~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 67(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x4, Note x2, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find an odd chest in the corner of the library~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E2
Heart of the forest--> Tree house
Clues- 99(7)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x3, Dusty tome, Acorn x3, Luck potion, Sweets, Key x2, Coal, Whistle
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 1
Event- You wake in that odd tree house in the forest... no one if around but you see a chest sitting in the corner~

Lucca Emily E
Clues- 85(3)
Item(s): Fish x2, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Four leaf clover (1), Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You wander around and find yourself at a fork in the road... You hear the clattering of porcelain and bad singing which is probably the hatter and the hare down one path while the other path seems to lead to some pit in the ground...

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W F
Hidden Grove
Clues- 98(3)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x4, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 71/50
Event- The bear drags a wolf out from behind a tree... it seems quite scared...
Event- Interaction- The wolf ravages the fish and starts following you around after~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 35(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
Heart of the forest--> Roof
F- Lake
Clues- 65(4)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- Air sprites are dancing around on the roof... the flying creature also seems to be going towards the garden area...
F Event- You see forest sprites scattering and laughing about something~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x7, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 38(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You see forest sprites scattering and laughing about something~

A guard saw the thief running into one of the numerous tunnels...

The guards saw the large creature land in the maze and went to hunt it down... but they got lost and the creature flew off shortly after anyhow...

Guest Clues- 35

S S100(1) A2/1 E2/1 W2/2 F2 D2 L2 S
Tree house--> Tree house
Clue- 107(0)
Item(s)- Whip x8, Pocket watch x7, Sweets x8, Note x13, Whistle x5, Fruit x7, Fish x6, Lucky coin x5, Tomes x10, Wine x13, Four leaf clover (44), Charm (281), Coal x41, Acorn x6, Armor x10, Luck potion x6, Dusty tome x4, Manhole cover x7, Tea x3, Carrot x8, Key x5, Dagger, Pot of gold
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You seem to have a bit of bad luck today...
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Thorough search- You can get up to 2x items this turn~
Event- You sneak into the tree house and see Alice, the wizard, and the owl~ You walk up to the wizard and owl that were sitting around and the wizard stared at you for a bit before saying "So you found it" and handing you two potions~ The owl continued "Well you should know what to do so shoo" and tossed two more of those paper balls at you~ You then heard Alice speak an incantation and summon a water sprite~ You talk to the sprite a bit before walking out the door and taking a fish to the head from the squirrels that were playing around in the trees... Leprechauns come for their pot of gold but you refused for now and said maybe later so they left mumbling that they had wasted time... You find a chest by the tree house~

Clues- 82(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You wander around with Morion and Sivet's familiar for a while and spot forest sprites in the distance~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 67(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x3, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x3, Tea x2, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome, Coal
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- Interaction- You poke the chest and take a little pile of items out before the chest snaps on your arm... anyhow you found a note where someone seems to be raging about something "Those blasted squirrels seem to have made a game out of stealing the pages and hiding them around the grounds…"

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E2 W
Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house
Clues- 99(0)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key x2, Coal
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Thorough search- You can get up to 12x items during this turn, can cause up to two events, and finds that your luck seems to have increased~
Dusty tome- The pages soaked through and a water sprite appeared~
Event- The wizard and owl somehow came into the room without you noticing~ After a while you saw S walk in and talk to the owl and wizard but got bored after listening a bit~ You played with your items and read a couple lines from the dusty tome~ A water sprite popped up and which the wizard didnt seem all that happy about but S talked with the sprite a bit before leaving~
Event- Interaction- The wizard was talking with the water sprite and gave you a major boost while shooing you off~ So you went to the owl and he was scratching at some odd pile of paper when you got there which he crumpled and tossed at you and said you could probably benefit from finding the black cat soon... The wizard then came back after talking with the sprite and got into some odd conversation with the owl~ So you went over to the water sprite~ She asked if there was any places you wanted to scry (scout the events of two places) and tossed some odd piece of ice in your mouth~
Event- Interaction- The water sprite peered into the surface of the bowl of water and said that it was likely that forest sprites would be found in the forest and water sprites around the lake during the next phase~

Lucca Emily E W
Clues- 85(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Four leaf clover (0), Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You see Morion, Thanatos, and Sivet's familiar walking towards forest sprites but there also seems to be water sprites which they didnt notice playing around closer to you~
Event- Interaction- The water sprite takes the fishy and puts a drop of shining liquid on a leaf which it gives you to drink~ The liquid leaves an odd little feeling in your body~

Kuro the Cat S20(3) W F
Clues- 98(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 55/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Event- Some squirrels seem to have sneaked in and are running around everywhere...
Event- The squirrels stand around for a bit then attack the fruit after Kuro closes the door~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 35(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 65(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You see the dragon flying towards you...
F Event- You wander around with Thanatos and Morion for a while and spot forest sprites in the distance~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x8, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find another whip laying around~

Clues- 38(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You wander around with Thanatos and Sivet's familiar for a while and spot forest sprites in the distance~

Clues- 37(2)
Item(s)- Acorn, Sweets, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
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hmm...another thief status features quite interesting^^
Decided to join. Created a character just for it.

Name: Alice
Race: Human
Class: Insane
Lvl: 14
Pet: Leonard

Hp: 80
Mp: 0
Atk: 20
Def: 30
Mag: 0
Agi: 40
Luck: 4

Weapon: Balisong
Equip: Bulletproof vest.
Items: Flashlight
Special skills: Caution

Despite his name Alice is actually male, though his feminine name is the least of his oddities. From an early age Alice began developing Dissociative Identity Disorder, though his was a more unusual case. While most people with multiple personalities tend to flux between them, Alice and his "other" were always simultaneously active and aware of each other. Alice described it as "a friend in his head" when he was young and did not understand the situation. As such his parents and psychologists dismissed it as a typical imaginary friend.

Though when Alice passed into his teens and his "friend" didn`t go away (who, by either Alice or himself, had been named Leonard.) people began to suspect something was off. Alice was diagnosed with DID at 14 and was subsequently put into a therapy regimen.
Alice took quite an agressive stance toward this, as did Leonard for fear of being erased, and much to the dismay of his family and friends, opted out of the therapy at 15. His doctors were hesitant to let him go, but after a series of tests it was determined that Alice was neither a danger to society or himself and was released.

Alice lived his life normally until 19 when he was mugged on a dark street by a common thief. The man creeped up behind him in the shadow and stabbed him in the arm, running off with his wallet.
This left a very large impression on Alice and sparked a severe case of paranoia in him.
A few weeks after the event Alice began to carry a knife in his pocket at all times, started wearing a ballistic vest under his clothes, and kept a small flashlight with him so he would never be blind in the dark.

Now at 23 years old, Alice is a stereotypical lunatic. Paranoia, a second personality, only going out during the day, working a strictly online marketplace to minimize contact with potentially dangerous situations, even going so far as to use aliases when greeting new people.
He is insane in every sense of the word, his only friend in his head and his only human contact with himself. A fragile mind has damned him to a life of concealment and distrust, but Alice does not mind this. He views this as the way everyone should live.
He is always safe, always comfortable, and best of all, content. That`s all he needs.

As for how he arrived- (There`s one for Alice and one for Leonard)
There are too many people here. I`m frightened by most of them, though a few look slightly trust worthy...for now.
God knows I would never come here of my own accord, but I had to. My buyer promised 3 times my asking price if I met him in person. I`m regretting my greed now. I know nothing good can come of this, but there`s nothing I can do at the moment. I`ll just have to keep to myself and wait for a chance to get out.

Alice is being way to uptight about this. Sure we`re at a questionable place on questionable terms with questionable people, but it doesn`t mean we`re gonna die. Quite the contrary in my opinion. I mean, look at the list of food they have here! It`s huge! Maybe I can convince Alice none of it`s poisoned. He hardly eats real food anymore.
It`d be great to have some steak for once.

Edit- Posted him in the other thread too for no real reason.
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Hi samy, I think I'm gonna watch for a while :happywhistle:
I guess I can join and see how it will work out :3
I hope that this is alright.

Name: Eve Rebirth
Race: Human
Class: Swordswoman
Level: 65
Pet: Foxes

Hp: 9000
Mp: 8500
Atk: 75
Def: 75
Mag: 80
Agi: 80
Luck: 75

Weapon: Akuma no Me & Tori no Tsubasa (Cursed Katanas)
Equip: Elegant Black Dress
Items: Acoustic Guitar
Special skills: Sound Vibrations

A 16 year old girl named Eve Rebirth is trained in the way of the sword and earned her sensei's katanas as he passed away. Months after her sensei's death she travels now around the world and plays music on streets to earn some money so she can buy some food. Her abilities are something that rivaled her sensei's but she still lacks honor and a calm behavior but beside all of those things... She is quite perverted and doesn't hesitate to harass someone whether it be a boy or girl.
Name: Kokushi Ryuuten
Race: Half dragon & half human
Class: Type S-soldier
Level: 81
Pet: Dragon-spirit, Pyro

Hp: 11,200
Mp: 9,350
Atk: 255
Def: 175
Mag: 75
Agi: 90
Luck: 87

Weapon: Holy-fire-lance
Spell: Soul-bourning energy ball
Dress: Easy-half covered armor, silver-black color
Item: Demon-dedector jewel
Spec.: Demon and like monster to hunting

It a middle 20 year-, alone-soul yokai, there his job is monster to hunt...
I have a really old character I used to use in the old forums can I use him?
I have a really old character I used to use in the old forums can I use him?

Any character works~

Kuro spotted the thief in the dark chamber~ She was playing with a dagger which she stabbed into a tome to create a flash of light which allowed her to escape~

The large creature was stomping around near the castle... the basement took a bit of damage as shelves toppled and the misfortunate Sova and Alice happened to be around... Alice managed to evade but Sova wasnt quite as lucky...

Guest Clues- 35

S S100(0) A2/1 E2/1 W2/2 F2 D2 L2 S
East guestroom
Clue- 107(0)
Item(s)- Whip x10, Pocket watch x10, Sweets x12, Note x16, Whistle x7, Fruit x11, Fish x11, Lucky coin x6, Tomes x10, Wine x16, Four leaf clover (71), Charm (328), Coal, Acorn x9, Armor x11, Luck potion x10, Dusty tome x4, Manhole cover x7, Tea x4, Carrot x11, Key x9, Dagger x3, Pot of gold
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel like youre going to have horrible luck today...
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- You spill a little pile of items out of the chest and knock it away before it bites~
Event- You find a key that was poking you on the bed and find a couple soot sprites in the covers which you gave some sweets and the pile of coal which you had sitting around~ You also find two small chests under the bed~

Clues- 82(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You wander around with Morion and Sivet's familiar for a while and spot water sprites in the distance~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 67(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x3, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x3, Tea x2, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome, Coal
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You come upon another chest sitting around in the library...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E2 W
Clues- 99(0)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key, Coal
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Wizard's boost- A major boost which practically makes you radiate luck~
Event- You open the door to the basement and Sova runs in~ You stop at the stairs to look around and notice a pile of armor pieces in one corner next to a couple manhole covers laying against the wall... Sova was sitting around the shelves filled with various foods and drinks~ There was a small trail of soot sprites sneaking into a crack in the wall which was probably the opening to the passage~ But anyhow it seems that something is happening outside and the ground is shaking... You could probably do two things before anything major happens...

Lucca Emily E W
Clues- 85(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You find some forest sprites having a little feast~

Kuro the Cat S20(3) W F
Secret passage--> Dark chamber
Clues- 102(4)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 55/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Dowsing- Event- The dowsing led you to the door of the dark chamber but it was locked... You see a fire sprite wandering around the halls as well~
Event- Interaction- The sprite creates a little flame which it shoves in your mouth~ Blazing energy flows through your veins (extra move) The sprite then leaves and you open the door to the dark chamber~ It swings open with a loud creak and you see the thief in the light of a sigil~ She noticed you and quickly stabbed the ornate dagger she was holding into one of the tomes to create a blinding light~ After your vision recovered the thief had disappeared and the sigil appeared to be fading... You see something reflecting the sigil's remaining light~ (You can go for the sigil and give up on finding the source of the gleam or go for the gleam while the sigil fades away~)

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 35(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 65(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The creature had left the castle by the time you decided to peek outside again and it seems to be heading towards the gate~
F Event- You wander around with Thanatos and Morion for a while and spot water sprites in the distance~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x8, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 38(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You wander around with Thanatos and Sivet's familiar for a while and spot water sprites in the distance~

Clues- 37(0)
Item(s)- Acorn, Sweets x2, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- you circle around the trapdoor leading to the basement and rush in upon Alice opening it~ You find some odd sticky substance in a barrel... probably candy of sorts~ Anyhow you were too absorbed in trying to take a bit of the substance that you didnt notice that the ground was shaking and a got knocked out by a falling ceiling tile... (lose your next move unless you use some movement or turn related item)

Guards spot the thief on the island in the middle of the lake talking with light sprites... the guards saw a flash and the thief disappeared... they spotted a blue and a white flash from the island later...

The large creature landed at the gate... Eve happened to be in quite the horrible spot and was knocked away by a large claw... which also scattered the fire sprites around...

Guest Clues- 35

Shady merchant S S100(0) A2/1 E2/1 W2/2 F2 D2 L2 S
Kitchen--> Maze
Clue- 107(0)
Item(s)- Whip x12, Pocket watch x14, Sweets x15, Whistle x11, Fruit x11, Fish x11, Lucky coin x9, Tomes x10, Wine x16, Four leaf clover (78), Charm (353), Coal x2, Acorn x13, Armor x13, Luck potion x14, Dusty tome x6, Manhole cover x9, Tea x9, Carrot x11, Key x9, Dagger x4, Pot of gold, Note
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- A mixed boost which gives you a bit of energy~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- You hold the chests upside down and shake like crazy... the chests go nuts and try to snap on you but they just cant seem to...
Event- You wander into the kitchen and get yourself a cup of tea~ A black cat comes by after having eaten some fish or another and asked for the pile of notes that you had... you hand it over and it runs off somewhere with them... when it returns it has a... decently sized bag... of items~ Meanwhile you found two more chests sitting around in one of the cabinets~ Then you wander off to the maze thinking the mad hatter has better tea and crash their party like usual~

Clues- 85(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You wander around with Morion and Sivet's familiar for a while and spot water sprites in the distance~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 67(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x4, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x3, Coal
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- Interaction- This chest was fairly empty and only contained two dusty tomes and some tea~ The chest tried to snap down on you but your armor made that difficult and you smacked it a few times to slip your arm loose~
Event- You find another note sticking out of a book but its blank...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The fires sprites are gathering for some reason... which you never found out because you happened to be in that something's way and got knocked flying...

Alice A2 F E2 W
Clues- 99(0)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key, Coal, Sweets x2
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Event- The wolves found soot sprites and were messing with them... anyhow they came back whimpering with a black face and pulled you over to where the soot sprites were... somewhere among the piles of armor...

Lucca Emily E W
Clues- 85(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)

Kuro the Cat S20(3) W F
Dark chamber--> Dark chamber
Clues- 102(4)
Item(s)- Key, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (3)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 55/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Sigil- The world seems to be moving a little slower~
Event- You find a sword which seems to be stuck in the ground and while you move over to take a better look, you trip over a couple dusty tomes...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 35(0)
Item(s): Present x3, Sweets, Carrot x2
Event- You dig around and find another present laying under a tree~

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 66(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The creature had turned back to the castle again... much to your chagrin...
F Event- You wander around with Thanatos and Morion for a while and spot water sprites in the distance~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x8, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 41(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You wander around with Thanatos and Sivet's familiar for a while and spot water sprites in the distance~

Clues- 37(0)
Item(s)- Acorn, Sweets x2, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You feel somewhat dizzy after you wake and watch Alice's wolves mess with soot sprites that were floating around~ The guards are also running around trying to clean up the place...

Alice was talking with a fire sprite in the tunnels when the thief ran by~ She decided to give chase but got lost in the tunnels instead... Eventually she bumped into S and they made their way to the dark chamber where they found Kuro laying around unconscious~ While they were fretting over Kuro, the thief sneaked away from the room~

Sivet was in somewhat off a tight spot as the creature drew near... He tried to run for cover but got smacked by the creature's tail...

Guest Clues- 35

Shady merchant S S100(0) A2/1 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S
Secret passage--> Dark chamber
Clue- 111(4)
Cost x1
Fruit x13, Fish x12, Coal x3, Acorn x13, Dusty tome x7, Manhole cover x11, Tea x9, Carrot x11, Key x11, Note x2
Cost x1.5
Dagger x6, Luck potion x14, Armor x14, Charm (378), Lucky coin x10, Whip x14, Pocket watch x14, Sweets x16, Wine x19,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (87), Whistle x12, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- Somewhat of a curse... somewhat not~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- You finished digging around in the chest and push them away before they bite~ Then you wander into the tunnels and hear some yelling... You run towards the voice and stumble over two chests on the way... You bump into a fire sprite as you run it leads you to Alice~ Then you find the door to the dark chamber and its unlocked although there was something blocking on the other side... You and Alice push the door open and find Kuro unconscious on the floor... You find some odd dagger nearby but it doesnt seem to be the reason why Kuro is unconscious~ Alice woke Kuro and he complained about having a headache while stumbling around... He ended up knocking over some random bottle of wine that were laying around~

Boathouse--> Island
Clues- 85(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (5)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- The guards havent brought back the boat yet so you sit around and wait~ Lucca comes by after a while and waits with you... You hear the slapping of paddles on the water after a bit and the guards come into view~ You take the first boat that they get out of (extra move) and row off to the island~ The water sprites didnt create too much fog today so you arrive without too much trouble~ You find some odd chest sitting near the water's edge~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 69(2)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x4, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x3, Coal, Fruit
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find some forest sprites playing around at the lake~
Event- Interaction- You walk over and the forest sprites share some fruit with you~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You find Lucca and a small black cat staring at you after you wake~

Alice A2 F E2 W
Secret passage--> Dark chamber
Clues- 103(4)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key, Coal, Sweets x2, Armor, Wine
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Event- You were wandering around the passages when you found a fire sprite~ You were talking with the sprite when the thief ran by and you started to give chase... She disappeared somewhere and then you bumped into S who was trying to get to the dark chamber as well~ You two eventually find the dark chamber but the door seems to have been blocked by something... You and S push and eventually the door slides open~ You find Kuro laying behind the door unconscious and hurry to help... He has quite the bump on his head but wakes after you call his name a few times~ He wanders around a bit and ends up knocking over some bottles of wine~

Lucca Emily E W
Gate--> Boathouse
Clues- 87(2)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item) (6)
Event- You go to the gate and find Eve laying around~ A little black cat was watching her but went over to you when you got there~ It seems to want those notes you have~ Anyhow Eve wakes after a while and you blink to the boathouse~ You find Thanatos waiting for the guards to bring back boats and wait with him~ They eventually row back with the boats and you take one while Thanatos takes another~ (extra move)

Kuro the Cat S20(2) W F
Dark chamber
Clues- 106(4)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x3, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (2)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 55/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Event- Someone was knocking on the door so you went to open it... and got knocked out by that someone pushing at the door... You woke with Alice staring at you and S running around grabbing random stuff... Anyhow you have quite the headache and cant quite walk straight... You eventually trip over some random bottle of wine... You lay around for a while and find that a squirrel had dragged a bottle of wine on your stomach... You stare at it for a while and it runs off~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 35(0)
Item(s): Present x3, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 66(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You got smacked by the creature's tail and now youre sort of laying around... The creature flew off bit it hasnt left the castle yet...
F Event- You find some forest sprites playing around at the lake~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 36(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x9, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You fine more whips laying around in the closet~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You find some forest sprites playing around at the lake~

Kitchen--> Lake
Clues- 39(2)
Item(s)- Acorn, Sweets, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Fruit
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You search around the kitchen and see a black cat wander by after having sneaked off with some food or another~ It gazes at you somewhat uninterested and you decide to go to the lake~ You find some forest sprites playing around at the lake~
Event- Interaction- The sprites gazed curiously at the owl flying over and gave it a bit of fruit~

There was random screaming in the bathroom so the guards rushed in... apparently the thief was around... but escaped somewhere... anyhow something was smashing holes in the study so they quickly rushed over there too... but they got there somewhat late and the creature that the panicking guests were talking about had left...

Guest Clues- 38

Shady merchant S S100(0) A2/4 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S
Roof--> Garden
Clue- 114(3)
Cost x1
Fruit x15, Fish x15, Coal x4, Acorn x14, Dusty tome x7, Manhole cover x11, Tea x10, Carrot x13, Key x12, Note x2
Cost x1.5
Dagger x6, Luck potion x14, Armor x16, Charm (403/25), Lucky coin x12, Whip x15, Pocket watch x15, Sweets x16, Wine x19,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (102/4), Whistle x13, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- A boost of energy along with a chunk of negativity...
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- S wandered back to where he had found the chests and dug around for a bit~ The chests looked like they wanted to snap after a while so he stopped and he wander off to the roof to see how Sivet was doing~ Some air sprites were playing around on the roof and he talked with them a bit~ Some commotion was happening inside so he went to take a look and found that the thief was in the building and the large creature was outside the study... Anyhow he ignored since it had nothing to do with him being a merchant and went to the garden~ He found Sova around a rabbit hole and "borrowed" another pocket watch from the rabbit before sneaking off~ Some other air sprites were in the garden and he went to play with them~ He stumbled across four chests while playing with the sprites~

Clues- 85(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (4)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You wander in the fog for a while and find Lucca near the shore talking with water sprites~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x4, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x3, Coal, Fruit
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The patrol had returned from whatever they were doing and another group is about to set out again~

Alice A2 F E2 W
Dark chamber
Clues- 103(0)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key, Coal, Sweets x2, Armor, Wine, Dusty tome
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Event- You search around for the sword in the dim light of the room and stumble over some dusty tomes...

Lucca Emily E W2
Island--> Island
Clues- 87(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item) (5)
Event- You row over to the island and find water sprites following your boat~ After you get on shore they came over and watched you somewhat curiously~ Thanatos also came by after a while~
Event- The sprites nibble on the fruit and sing you a soothing song~ One of them gives you a conch shell as they leave~ (you can now call out the sprites to help you onto the island without a boat along with a slight boost when traveling using a boat)

Kuro the Cat S20(2) W F
Dark chamber
Clues- 106(0)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x3, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (1)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 55/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Event- You hear Alice stumbling over something in the darkness but a glint reflecting off of something also attracts your attention...
Event- Interaction- You thought the glint might have been the sword so you wander over but it turns out to be a dagger stuck into a table...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 38(3)
Item(s): Present x3, Sweets x2, Carrot x2
Event- The chef had cooked up some batch of cookies and left them out for everyone to enjoy~

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 69(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You wake to find S poking at you~ He went off to bother some air sprites that were playing around on the roof after he saw that you were awake~ The creature seems to be flying towards the lake in the distance~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 39(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x9, Key x8
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find a key of sorts laying around on the floor~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

Garden--> Boathouse
Clues- 39(0)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Fruit
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event-You fly over to the garden and take a look around~ You find some odd holes and S comes by while youre staring at them~ He poked around in the hole before leaving and you just kind of watch confused at his actions... You later fly over to the boathouse and got a misfortunate guard to help you row one of the boats~ (extra move)

The guardhouse in the forest was reported sightings of the thief carrying off two of their chests... and the creature had gone on a rampage at the lake...

Guest Clues- 38

Shady merchant S S100(2) A2/4 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S
Dining Hall
Clue- 114(0)
Cost x1
Fruit x15, Fish x16, Coal x4, Dusty tome x12, Manhole cover x11, Tea x15, Carrot x14, Key x13, Note x2
Cost x1.5
Dagger x7, Luck potion x16, Armor x21, Charm (428/25), Lucky coin x14, Whip x18, Pocket watch x17, Sweets x19, Wine x20, Acorn x15,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (113/4), Whistle x16, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel a stable boost~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- You dig around the chests and force them open again whenever they feel like they would snap~ Then you wander off to the dining hall and find some random acorns all over the place~ You feed one of the squirrels that run by~ You watch as the squirrel runs off and notice two chests sitting in the corner of the room~

Clues- 87(2)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (3)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You didnt find much in the bathroom but you felt better walking out so it wasnt completely pointless~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x4, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x3, Coal, Fruit
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Lucca comes by and you two have a little talk~ Some fire sprites also appeared while you two were talking~

Alice A2 F E2 W
Dark chamber
Clues- 103(0)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key, Coal, Armor, Wine, Dusty tome, Dagger
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~2
Event- You send the wolves off to try and find the sword~ One of the wolves seem to be be making a mess with Kuro's wolf and knocking bottles over while the other is pawing at some object which reflects a bit of the dull glow coming from the walls~
Event- Interaction- You go over to one of the wolves and find that its playing with a dagger~ You quickly take it from her before she hurts herself~ Then you wander over to the other wolves and find them soaked in wine... It probably wouldnt be a good idea to search more considering the amount of broken glass on the floor...

Lucca Emily E W2
Clues- 87(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item) (4)
Event- You find Eve sitting by the gate and went to have a talk~ Some fire sprites appeared while you two were talking~
The fire sprite you approach seems somewhat scared and it disappears in a little blaze of fire as you approach... you get a slight burn but nothing serious~

Kuro the Cat S20(2) W F
Dark chamber
Clues- 106(0)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x3, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 55/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Event- You watch as Alice's wolves search around and let your wolf do similarly~ One of Alice's wolves are pawing some object that is reflecting what little light is in the room while the other two wolves and making a mess elsewhere and knocking over bottles~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 38(3)
Item(s): Present x3, Sweets x2, Carrot x3
Event- The butlers brought some carrot sticks out for the guests to snack on~

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The air sprites are making it somewhat windy on the roof but it doesnt seem like the dragon will be going anywhere anyway so you go back indoors~
F Event- You were wandering around the lake with Morion and talking about the water sprites running around when you saw Sova in a tree~ You go over to talk and the ground started shaking for some reason~ Morion lost his balance fell of you... He was trying to get up when a dragon burst from the tree line and headed towards the lake~ The dragon knocked over the tree Sova was in when it passed and you got pinned down by the branched~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 39(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x10, Key x8
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- Your collection of whips is growing~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You and Sivet's familiar were walking around the lake and trying to make sense of the water sprites' running around when you saw Sova sitting in a tree~ You go over to talk and the ground started shaking for some reason~ You lose your balance and fall over on Sivet's familiar~ You were trying to get up when a dragon burst from the treeline, heading towards the lake~ The tip of its wing knocked over the tree as it passed and you got pinned down along with Sivet's familiar...

Forest--> Lake
Clues- 42(3)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Fruit
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- The guard rows you over to the forest and lets you off~ You fly around for a bit and encounter a prowling wolf~ Nothing much happens after so you fly over to the lake and watch the guard rowing back to the boathouse~ The water sprites seem to be in quite a frenzy and are running all over for some reason~ Morion and Sivet's familiar wander by to talk when the ground starts shaking~ You try to escape by flying but the tree is shaking too much and you get smacked by the branches~ That large creature was running through the forest nearby and was heading towards the lake... When it emerged from the tree line you saw that it was actually a dragon~ It ran past and knocked over the tree then everything went black~
Event- Interaction- You flew over to one of the sprites that were not running around and it seems like it was a child that didnt really understand what was happening anyhow~ He seems a bit bored and offers to scry a bit to pass the time~ (pick two locations)
Event- Interaction- The water sprite draws a little circle in the water and plays around with the water for a bit before saying "Someone will probably fall into some hole at the forest and theres other water sprites at the island"~

S saw the thief running sneaking into the kitchen while he was looting chests eating and decided to follow~ The thief disappeared down the trap door and into the basement and S did similarly thinking that he might have cornered her~ But it seems that she escaped into the passages so he just gave up and decided to look around the basement instead~

The dragon flew over to the boathouse and was smashing stuff but the guards managed to sort of chase it away~

Guest Clues- 41

Shady merchant S S100(2) A2/4 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S
Clue- 118(4)
Cost x1
Fruit x15, Fish x16, Coal x4, Dusty tome x12, Manhole cover x11, Tea x15, Carrot x15, Key x14, Note x3
Cost x1.5
Dagger x7, Luck potion x18, Armor x22, Charm (503/25), Lucky coin x14, Whip x21, Pocket watch x18, Sweets x20, Wine x23, Acorn x16,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (116/4), Whistle x17, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel a continued boost~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- You dig around the chests a bit and see the thief run by~ You sneak after her and see her disappear into the basement~ You go down thinking that you might have cornered her but she was gone... So you gave up and searched around for more stuff to sell~ You find some odd armor you could polish and a couple bags of tea~ Then you trip over some chests which the thief seems to have gone through already...

Clues- 90(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (3)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Relief- Now back to work~
Event- It seems you have to go again O.o

Alice & Leonard
Master bedroom
Clues- 72(3)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x4, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x3, Coal, Fruit, Whip
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You hang around with Xavier a bit and he finds more whips~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Fire sprites wander over to the gate again~

Alice A2 F E2 W S
Dark chamber
Clues- 103(0)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key, Coal, Armor, Wine, Dusty tome, Dagger
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Event- You send the wolves off to search again and they finally find the sword~
Event- Interaction- You grab the handle and tug~ After a bit the sword slips out and its quite a bit lighter than you thought it would be~ The sword lets out a glow and then disappears with a flash~ You body seems to be glowing now~

Lucca Emily E W2
Clues- 87(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item) (4)
Event- You were wandering around the forest when you trip over a branch and become that person that the water sprite had foretold falling into a hole~ Anyhow you find yourself in a tunnel~

Kuro the Cat S20(2) W F
Dark chamber
Clues- 106(0)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x4, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 55/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Event- You notice a little glint off in the distance and walk towards it, bumping into a stack of books in the way~ Alice wandered off to some other part of the room and you hear some excited yell coming from her after a bit but you cant quite pinpoint where the yell came from...
Event- You continue towards the glint and find a dagger stuck inside one of those tomes~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 41(3)
Item(s): Present x3, Sweets x2, Carrot x3, Wine
Event- They bring out a bit of wine~ Might as well get some~

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 72(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The dragon seems to be flying over to the forest now... anyhow the air sprites are still causing quite the gale so you go back inside after looking~
F Event- You wake to find water sprites peering at you curiously~ They seem to have gotten the tree off you and are in the process of... doing something to the tree...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 42(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x11, Key x8
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You look around a bit and voila more whips~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You wake to find water sprites peering at you curiously~ They seem to have gotten the tree off you and are in the process of... doing something to the tree...

Clues- 42(0)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Fruit
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You wake to find water sprites peering at you curiously~ They seem to have gotten the tree off you and are in the process of... doing something to the tree...
Event- Interaction- You wander over to the water sprites and they seem to be pouring water on the tree~ It seems to grow slightly as they pour more water on and you watch for a while before noticing that boy sitting by the lake again~ You go over and he seems to be scrying again and offers to search more places for you~
Event- Interaction- The sprite twirls his hand around in the water and looks at the glimmering surface for a bit before talking about how there was tons of animals in the forest and some odd round pieces of metal sitting around the basement~

The thief was sneaking around the waiting room where everyone was somewhat drunk from the wine... Raikoh was trying to recognize her but she wandered off before he could...

The dragon was flying around in a deep part of the forest and the guards heard screams of rage and magics of various colors flying through the air at the dragons as they got near...

Guest Clues- 45

Shady merchant S S100(2) A2/4 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S
Games room
Clue- 121(3)
Cost x1
Fruit x16, Fish x16, Coal x5, Dusty tome x14, Manhole cover x13, Tea x18, Carrot x15, Key x15, Note x4
Cost x1.5
Dagger x8, Luck potion x18, Armor x23, Charm (549/25), Lucky coin x14, Whip x22, Pocket watch x18, Sweets x21, Wine x23, Acorn x18,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (127/4), Whistle x12, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- Nothing much changes~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- You dig around in the chests and find a bit of random stuff sitting around in them~ Then you wander off to the games room and finds some toy chests~

Clues- 93(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (1)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Relief- Now back to work?~
Event- The mirror cracked for some reason...

Alice & Leonard
Master bedroom
Clues- 75(3)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x4, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x3, Coal, Fruit, Whip
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Fires sprites appeared by the gate~

Alice A2 F E2 W S
Dark chamber
Clues- 103(0)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key, Coal, Armor, Wine, Dusty tome, Dagger x2
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Event- The wolves wander off and you wait for a bit~ Someone opens the door of the chamber and comes in~ He walk over to the wolves and the wolves come back with a small ornate dagger~

Lucca Emily E W2
Secret passage--> Forest
Clues- 87(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item) (2)
Event- You wander the passages and eventually find yourself back at the forest...

Kuro the Cat S20(2) W F
Garden guardhouse
Clues- 106(0)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x4, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 55/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Dowsing- Event- You find yourself in the guardhouse at the garden but there doesnt seem to be any uproar which usually follows the appearance of the thief... You find some bag of acorns sitting around though~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 45(4)
Item(s): Present x3, Sweets x2, Carrot x3, Wine x2
Event- Shouldnt drink too much~ The thief walked past and you didnt notice...

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 75(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The wind sprites are still around but you take another peek and it seems that the dragon is headed towards the gate~
F Event- You and Morion wander around the lake and take a look at the odd creation of the water sprites~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 45(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x11, Key x8
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You and Sivet's sprite wander around the lake and take a look at the odd creation of the water sprites~

Secret passage--> Dark chamber
Clues- 42(0)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Dagger
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You follow Lucca into the passages though she disappeared somewhere among the various forks in the road... You see a glow in the distance and find that its a fire sprite when you get closer~ Its standing outside a door which happens to be unlocked~ When you peek in you see the faint outline of Alice's wolves and theyre playing with something... you find that its a pair of daggers when you get up to them and take one while the wolves take the other~
Event- Interaction- You got too close to the fire sprite and singed your feathers but the sprite quickly lessened the flames it was giving off and cast a little spell on you which gave you a small burst of energy~ (extra move)

The S Lucca and Alice run to the gate after hearing about the dragon flying near~ They find Eve sitting around with fire sprites~ They watch the dragon intently as it flies near but it landed on the guardhouse instead... They were running towards the guardhouse when the thief ran by... Lucca Eve and Alice chase the thief while S continued to the guardhouse~ The dragon flew off as he got near and he stayed a bit away since he smelled something odd... The smell dissipated after a while so he went to the guardhouse and found the guards all laying around~ He looked out of the tower and saw Lucca and Alice still chasing the thief but something was oozing out of the ground all around the area... Little slimes were popped out of the floor boards of the guardhouse and dropping from the ceiling~ S quickly ran out and saw that there was a large slime where Alice Lucca and Eve were~ Some of the guards that were recovering tried to fight back against the slimes but got mobbed and left paralyzed... Eve Lucca and Alice watched helplessly as the thief ran past the slimes and escaped but were unable to follow due to the large slime sitting in the way...

Guest Clues- 45

Shady merchant S S100(2) A2/6 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S
Gate--> Gate guardhouse
Clue- 128(7)
Cost x1
Fruit x17, Fish x17, Coal x7, Dusty tome x16, Manhole cover x14, Tea x18, Carrot x17, Key x16, Note x4
Cost x1.5
Dagger x10, Luck potion x19, Armor x25, Charm (599/25), Lucky coin x16, Whip x23, Pocket watch x19, Sweets x22, Wine x23, Acorn x18,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (134/4), Whistle x13, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- A boost of energy~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- You open the toy chests and borrow the contents~ Then you wander over to the gate and that^ happens~ Hmm there was also some odd chests of sorts in the guardhouse but do you really want to get them?
Event- Interaction- You stomp some slimes as you run past but stay away from the large slime... The fire sprites were watching somewhat curiously but stayed away from the slimes~ You went over and kept a couple slimes away from them and they gave you a little boost~

Clues- 93(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Relief- Now back to work?~
Event- You ignore the broken mirror and go back into the stalls~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 75(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Note x4, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x3, Coal, Fruit, Whip
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 51(4)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- Care to read the wall of text up top? ;p

Alice A2 F E2 W S
Clues- 107(4)
Item(s)- Note x25, Key, Coal, Armor, Wine, Dusty tome, Dagger x2
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Event- Care to read the wall of text up top? ;p

Lucca Emily E W2
Clues- 91(4)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x5, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn x2, Coal, Armor, Four leaf lover
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item) (1)
Event- Care to read the wall of text up top? ;p
Event- Interaction- You rush at the mob of slimes slash like wild~ The first slime dropped acorns, the second a four leaf clover, and the third a blank note~ You turned to find that a fourth slime was leaping at you and it touched you a bit as it passed~ The odd gel like substance makes you feel a numbness which spreads through your body and you collapse against the wall~

Kuro the Cat S20(2) W F
Clues- 106(0)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x4, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (3)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 49/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Event- The leprechaun was trying to get the bear to go upstairs and chase the squirrels that were tossing nuts at it but the bear wanted to go into some fishy smelling room... The wolf ran downstairs where the boats are and it sounds like it was making a mess... (pick an event and bear will probably leave if you dont feed it or get the leprechaun to make it stay~)
Event- Interaction- The leprechaun couldnt quite keep the bear under control and it went for the room full of fishes~ You let the bear wander around the room eating and take one for yourself which you later fed to the bear anyway~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 45(0)
Item(s): Present x3, Sweets x2, Carrot x3, Wine x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 75(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The air sprites left so you take a peek outside and it looks like the dragon is headed towards the castle again so you quickly duck back inside~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x12, Key x8
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- Sova opened the tunnel again and you find a whip near the opening~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~

Secret passage--> Master bedroom
Clues- 45(3)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Dagger, Whip x2
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You find a fire sprite while wandering the tunnels and follow it around a bit~ You trigger some opening and find yourself at the master bedroom... Xavier then comes over and looks around~ He finds a whip by the opening so you feel around and find some whips as well~

The thief was running around the kitchen and taking foods when S went in with the same intention... They stared at each other for a while before the thief ran for the stairs... S found some emptyish chests sitting around... The guards started yelling about a dragon outside the games room after a while~

Guest Clues- 48

Shady merchant S S100(2) A2/6 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S
Kitchen--> West guestroom
Clue- 135(7)
Cost x1
Fruit x18, Fish x21, Coal x11, Dusty tome x19, Manhole cover x19, Tea x20, Carrot x21, Key x17, Note x5
Cost x1.5
Dagger x11, Luck potion x22, Armor x29, Charm (649/25), Lucky coin x22, Whip x25, Pocket watch x23, Sweets x25, Wine x26, Acorn x19,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (141/4), Whistle x13, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- A weakish boost of energy~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- Interaction- You play around with the chests you found in the guardhouse and take the random stuff you find before wandering off to the castle~ You spot the thief in the kitchen and dashed after her when she ran off... of course grabbing a cup of tea and sweets along the way... and poking at the chests she left open~ Anyhow you couldnt find the thief but you end up poking a soot sprite that was sitting near some chests and taking a nap in the guestroom...

Clues- 96(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Relief- Now back to work?~
Event- Youve been in there quite a while...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 75(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x4, Coal x2, Fruit, Whip x2, Four leaf clover
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You see a black cat is sitting around on a tree and watching the slimes attack you guys...
Event- Interaction- The cat watches as the two Alices approach and dashes past~ They wonder why and notice that the notes they had collected were missing... They spot the cat at the top of the gate and over~ The cat pushes two bags over the edge of the wall when they get close and disappears into hiding~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 51(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You see a black cat is sitting around on a tree and watching the slimes attack you guys...

Alice A2 F E2 W S
Clues- 107(0)
Item(s)- Key x4, Coal x2, Armor x2, Wine, Dusty tome x3, Dagger x4, Acorn, Charm (25), Luck potion x2, Fish, Four leaf clover, Sweets x2, Whip x2, Lucky coin, Tea, Wine, Fruit,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 1
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~1
Event- You see a black cat is sitting around on a tree and watching the slimes attack you guys... there also seems to be something running around behind the tree~
Event- Interaction- The cat watches as the two Alices approach and dashes past~ They wonder why and notice that the notes they had collected were missing... They spot the cat at the top of the gate and over~ The cat pushes two bags over the edge of the wall when they get close and disappears into hiding~

Lucca Emily E W2
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x5, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn x2, Coal, Armor, Four leaf lover (4)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You see a black cat is sitting around on a tree and watching the slimes attack you guys... there also seems to be something running around behind the tree~

Kuro the Cat S20(2) W F
Clues- 106(0)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x4, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (2)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 49/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Event- You wander around the forest and find yourself surrounded by sprites which run past and into the trees~ You take a few steps to follow and frighten some deer which run off elsewhere~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 48(3)
Item(s): Present x3, Sweets x2, Carrot x3, Wine x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 78(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The dragon seems to be headed for the forest now~ And the air sprites returned...
F Event- The water sprites were still poking at that odd fallen tree~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 48(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x12, Key x9
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You go through the room again and find a key~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- The water sprites were still poking at that odd fallen tree~

Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Dagger x2, Whip, Fruit, Dusty tome, Four leaf clover
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You see a black cat is sitting around on a tree and watching the slimes attack you guys...
Event- Interaction- You fly over to the cat and hear it mumbling about a chest hidden somewhere in the lake~ The slimes were sneaking up on you while you were listening so you quickly got out your whip and tried to defend yourself~ You managed to tame one but the others mobbed it and in the end you splattered four before the fifth one got you~ The slimes dropped a fruit, dagger, dusty tome, and four leaf clover~

The guards couldnt find the thief anywhere so they focused on chasing the dragon which landed on the forest guardhouse and caused quite a mess~ There was also rumors of the cheshire cat being around everywhere...

Guest Clues- 48

Shady merchant S S100(2) A2/6 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S
Master bedroom
Clue- 135(0)
Cost x1
Fruit x18, Fish x22, Coal x13, Dusty tome x21, Manhole cover x20, Tea x21, Carrot x23, Key x18, Note x8
Cost x1.5
Dagger x13, Luck potion x24, Armor x31, Charm (695/25), Lucky coin x26, Whip x28, Pocket watch x23, Sweets x26, Wine x27, Acorn x22,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (144/4), Whistle x15, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- There seems to be a conflicting force within~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- You dig around the chests you found before running off to the master bedroom~ Xavier was off on a whip hunt again and you found some as well along with a chest in the closet~ The cheshire cat pops up after a bit and asks if you want to follow it as it opens a door~

Clues- 96(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Relief- Now back to work?~
Event- The patrol returned to find the slimes all over the place... The other guards dissuaded them from trying to fight and they sent out another patrol~ The cheshire came by later and opened a peculiar door in the wall before disappearing off~

Alice & Leonard
Games room
Clues- 75(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x5, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x4, Coal x2, Fruit, Whip x2, Four leaf clover (4)
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- The cheshire cat floated by and you found some odd door in the wall which didnt seem like it shouldve been there...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 51(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The patrol returned to find the slimes all over the place... The other guards dissuaded them from trying to fight and they sent out another patrol~ The cheshire came by later and opened a peculiar door in the wall before disappearing off~

Alice A2 F E2 W S
Clues- 107(0)
Item(s)- Key x4, Coal x2, Armor x2, Dusty tome x3, Dagger x4, Charm (25), Luck potion x2, Four leaf clover, Whip x2, Lucky coin,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 4
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~4
Event- You find Kuro and wander around the forest with him searching for the dragon~ The dragon landed somewhere in the forest but you just couldnt find where~ You happen upon some bears lazying around though... and the cheshire also floated by~ He opened a door within a tree and disappeared through~
Event- Interaction- You feed the bear and it starts following you around for more~ 3

Lucca Emily E W2
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x5, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn x2, Coal, Armor, Four leaf lover (3)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- The patrol returned to find the slimes all over the place... The other guards dissuaded them from trying to fight and they sent out another patrol~ The cheshire came by later and opened a peculiar door in the wall before disappearing off~ You spot some fire sprites watching from further off~

Kuro the Cat S30(2) W F
Clues- 106(0)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x5, Fruit x3, Fish x2, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger x2,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (1)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 49/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Event- You find Alice and wander around the forest with her searching for the dragon~ The dragon landed somewhere in the forest but you just couldnt find where~ You happen upon some bears lazying around though... and the cheshire also floated by~ He opened a door within a tree and disappeared through~ You also see some squirrels which were dragging around a bottle of wine~
Event- Interaction- The bear swallows the fish and starts following you around like the other bear~ The squirrels seemed wary of the bear but took the acorns before leaving~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 48(0)
Item(s): Present x4, Sweets x2, Carrot x3, Wine x2
Event- You find another box of presents hidden around the room~ Or well the cheshire cat found it anyway...

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 78(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You wait for the air sprites to leave and sit around on the roof again~ The dragon is flying around in the distance and headed toward the lake now~ You can only hope that your familiar stays safe...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 48(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x13, Key x9
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- S walks in after a while and searches around with you~ Eventually you happen upon another pile of whips~ The cheshire came in and opened some odd door before leaving~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- Its quiet today except for the cheshire cat which came by~

Sova F
Clues- 45(0)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Dagger x2, Whip, Fruit, Dusty tome, Four leaf clover (4)
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- The patrol returned to find the slimes all over the place... The other guards dissuaded them from trying to fight and they sent out another patrol~ The cheshire came by later and opened a peculiar door in the wall before disappearing off~ You spot some fire sprites watching from further off~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprites seem to be chatting excitedly about something as you go over to them~ They feed you a little seed and you feel a burning sensation within you which fades after a while~

Alice, Kuro, Alice & Leonard, and Sova find themselves stumbling around in darkness when they walk into the door~ They see a small light in the distance and walk up to find S sitting at a table with a candle putting random items away into his bag~ The cheshire was floating around nearby watching but disappeared leaving his odd laugh echoing across the seemingly endless room~ S snuffed out his candle and familiar looking sigils started appearing in the air around and illuminating the surroundings slightly~ A sigil appears in the distance which illuminates a running figure for a moment before it disappeared~ They give chase though there was little chance of catching up to the figure... And everyone gets separated in the darkness... They later find each other again after following a peculiar speck of light and end up in a room with a sword stuck within an anvil~ Alice and Alice & Leonard found that they werent able to touch it and sat off to the side with S to take a look at the books sitting around while Kuro and Sova stood around the sword~

The dragon was seen flying off to the island again~ The guards decide not to chase since the dragon would probably have escaped by the time they got over anyway~

Guest Clues- 48

Shady merchant S S100(1) A2/6 E2/1 W2/2 F2/1 D2 L2 S B
Dark Chamber--> Gate
Clue- 139(4)
Cost x1
Fruit x19, Fish x23, Coal x13, Dusty tome x29, Manhole cover x21, Tea x23, Carrot x25, Key x19, Note,
Cost x1.5
Dagger x16, Luck potion x24, Armor x33, Charm (745/25), Lucky coin x26, Whip x30, Pocket watch x25, Sweets x28, Wine x29, Acorn x22,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (143/4), Whistle x15, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- A fairly powerful negativity with whatever positives there may be~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Event- You wander around in the darkness after getting separated and end up near shelves of books lined along a wall~ (You can choose to go find everyone else that was in the dark chamber and interact with their events as well) You leave the chamber somewhat early to run off to the gate and meet the patrol leaving the area~ The black cat is still sitting around in his tree watching the slimes as well~
Event- Interaction- Kuro came over while you were reading and took a book before wandering off~ You go in the direction he came from after getting bored of the book and found some crates filled with wine bottles~ You then return down the path and find Alice standing in front of a sigil~ You touch the sigil and a glow flows through you before ending up in your ring~ You ask her if anyone passed and she pointed you in some direction where you found Alice & Leonard standing around some barrels~ You see a glint between some barrels and decide to take a look~ A dagger was laying around and you decide to take it with you~ Alice & Leonard decide to follow as you leave and you two wander into a room where Sova Alice and Kuro were playing around and decide to sit off to the side where you found more books~
You give the black cat a fish along with your notes and it runs off~ It returns with a bag of random stuff and you run around bothering the weaker slimes for a while before running over to the patrol and following them around~

Clues- 96(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Relief- Now back to work?~
Event- You find yourself trapped within the maze unable to find a way through~

Alice & Leonard
Dark chamber
Clues- 79(4)
Item(s)- Wine x4, Key x5, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x5, Coal x2, Fruit, Whip x2, Four leaf clover (3)
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- After getting separated you find yourself at a corner of the room~ You find some odd barrels stacked on top of each other and spot a glint coming from between two barrels~ (You can choose to go find everyone else that was in the dark chamber and interact with their events as well)
Event- Interaction- You bump into Kuro while going around in the darkness and wander around with him~ You two find a stack of barrels and you go over to see whats inside while Kuro goes off~ You find that the barrels contain wine and decide to take a bit~ S comes by after a while and you follow him to a room where Kuro Alice and Sova are trying to pull out a sword stuck in an anvil~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 51(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The patrol finally got everything together and is leaving~ S comes by while the patrol sets out and goes around the slimes sitting around~

Alice A2 F E2 W S
Dark chamber
Clues- 111(4)
Item(s)- Key x4, Coal x2, Armor x2, Dusty tome x4, Dagger x4, Charm (25), Luck potion x2, Four leaf clover (4), Whip x2, Lucky coin,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 4
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~4
Bear- The bear seems to be fairly hungry despite you having fed it and is following you around... probably for more~3
Event- You go towards a light after being separated from the others and find another sigil on a pillar~ Somewhat different from the sigils that just appear in the air around as you can feel some power coming from this one~ (You can choose to go find everyone else that was in the dark chamber and interact with their events as well)
Event- Interaction- Kuro came by while you were staring at the sigil and you decided to put a hand on it an see what happens~ A bit of the light from the sigil flowed through your hand and you were glowing for a bit with the glow lasting the longest in your hands~ Kuro did similarly except his glow was tinged with green~ S came by later to poke at the sigil and the glow of the sigil transferred to his ring~ It didnt seem like anyone else was coming by so you wander off and find a little ball of light which guides you over to a room where Sova and Kuro are trying to pull some odd sword out from an anvil~ You try as well but something seems to be keeping you from getting a firm grip on the handle...

Lucca Emily E W2
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x5, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn x2, Coal, Armor, Four leaf lover (2)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You watch as the patrol leaves in the distance and walk over to the gate~ You see Eve sitting around and S seems to be coming over as well~ The slimes are still as plentiful as ever with the large slime in their midst~ You hear some chittering behind you and find some squirrels running up and down the wall~
Event- Interaction- The squirrels watch you warily and bite your hand when you reach out to them... They run off and leave you standing by the wall alone...

Kuro the Cat S30(2) W F
Dark chamber
Clues- 110(4)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x6, Fruit x3, Fish x2, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger x3, Dusty tome,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 49/50
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Bear- Another bothered by the leprechaun who is jumping from the back of the other bear and back~
Event- You find a pile of crates sitting around and take a look inside to find some bottles of wine~ (You can choose to go find everyone else that was in the dark chamber and interact with their events as well)
Event- Interaction- You take a bottle of wine and decide to go searching for everyone~ You find S standing by some shelves reading and decide to take one of the books to see whats so interesting about them but got bored and wandered off~ The next that you find is Alice who was lit by a sigil on the wall~ She put a hand on the sigil and its light seemed to flow into her body~ You decide to do similarly and find a similar rush of energy but with a slight tinge of green~ Alice & Leonard walks by and you follow him over to a stack of barrels~ He pokes around at the contents of the barrels and you go over as well~ You find a dagger on the lid of a barrel and decide to take it~ You get lost for a bit until a small light guides you into a room where you find Sova playing around with a sword stuck in an anvil~ You try to pull it but it just wouldnt come loose~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 48(0)
Item(s): Present x4, Sweets x2, Carrot x3, Wine x2, Tea
Event- They bring out some tea for everyone~

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 78(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The dragon is headed towards the castle again... and the air sprites have returned... so yet again time to hide~
F Event- Some bears have come from the trees and are drinking water from the lake~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 48(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x13, Key x9
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You poke around and open that odd tunnel that people kept coming out of~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- Some bears have come from the trees and are drinking water from the lake~

Sova F
Dark chamber
Clues- 49(4)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Dagger x2, Whip, Fruit, Dusty tome x2, Four leaf clover (4)
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You wander around and find yourself in a smaller room with a small table stacked with books off to the side and a sword in the middle~ The others come in one after another as you stand around thinking about what you should do... (You can choose to go find everyone else that was in the dark chamber and interact with their events as well. This event basically means another try for the sword if you dont get it the first time or you could just give up on it and take a book ;p)
Event- Interaction- You try to pull the sword but it seems to be stuck deeply in the anvil~ You go off to the side and took a look at the books while Kuro and Alice also tried to pull out the sword~ Alice & Leonard and S come in join you watching after a while~

The thief was found running around in the basement but the guards were too busy trying to keep the dragon from making a mess of the games room so they didnt have time to chase her... and the few that tried failed to catch her anyway...

There is gossip spreading among the servants saying that light sprites were seen appearing in random locations~ You can search if you wish but since they are almost invisible in sunlight it is better to search in darker places or during the night (even phases which the next phase happens to be) There is still a chance even if you dont actively search~

Guest Clues- 51

Shady merchant S S100(2) A2/6 E2/1 W2/2 F2/2 D2 L2 S B7
Lake--> Gate--> Garden guardhouse--> Gate guardhouse--> Master bedroom
Clue- 142(3)
Cost x1
Fruit x20, Fish x23, Coal x13, Dusty tome x29, Manhole cover x22, Tea x23, Carrot x25, Key x19, Note
Cost x1.5
Dagger x16, Luck potion x26, Armor x33, Charm (870/25), Lucky coin x27, Whip x31, Pocket watch x28, Sweets x28, Wine x29, Acorn x22,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (154/4), Whistle x15, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- A strong charge to your senses~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Sigil- Your ring seems to pulse faintly~ 13
Event- You follow the patrol around for the turn and they go to the lake first~ Its fairly chaotic with almost every animal running around but you find a bear before you leave decide to tame it~ You toss the squirrels a few acorns and follow the patrol back to the gate... You decide not to attack the large slime as you probably cant beat it yourself and pick on the smaller slimes instead~ You give the black cat a note and search around for a fire sprite while he goes dig around for something~ You find one hiding and have a little talk with it before the cat returned and tossed two items at you~ The patrol was leaving again so you follow and they go to the garden guardhouse this time~ You wander around and find charms before the patrol leaves and goes to the gate guardhouse~ You sit around to rest and talk a bit before the patrol leaves again and goes to the castle~ You go off to the master bedroom and find a whip along with some soot sprite that you give some candy~

Clues- 96(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (5)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You use hyper speed to escape the maze and run off to the forest~ An odd flock of birds are sitting in the trees watching as you pass~

Alice & Leonard
Dark chamber
Clues- 79(0)
Item(s)- Wine x4, Key x5, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x6, Coal x2, Fruit, Whip x2, Four leaf clover (2)
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You watch Sova and Kuro stand around the sword wondering how they could get it out~ You still cant touch the sword as it seems to reject you... Sova seems to get tired of trying and comes to read besides you~ He says a few words from the book and suddenly it starts glowing and a fire sprite appears from a fire that sprouts from the book~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprite gives you an odd look before taking your hand and drawing an odd symbol on it~ The symbol fades as a rush of energy enters your body (extra move)~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 51(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The black cat is running around poking slimes~ S also came through with the patrol briefly~

Alice A2 F E2 W2 S
Clues- 111(0)
Item(s)- Key x4, Coal x2, Armor x2, Dusty tome x4, Dagger x4, Charm (25), Luck potion x2,bWhip x2, Lucky coin,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 5
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~5
Bear- The bear seems to be fairly hungry despite you having fed it and is following you around... probably for more~4
Sigil- Your abilities seem to have improved a bit~
Event- Lucca seemed to be going to the island as well so you follow her~ You stood on the shore wondering how to get to the island but Lucca seems to have a way~ She blew on a conch which called water sprites that dragged you and Lucca into the lake~ You appear slightly offshore of the island and it is shallow enough to walk to shore~ You and Lucca wander around the island after drying a bit and come upon that cave where the dragon first appeared from... You see some water sprites watching you two from afar~
Event- Interaction- The water sprites see that you dont have a conch and decide to give you one as well (you can directly access the island without boats and boats now give a minor boost when used)~

Lucca Emily E W2
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x5, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn x2, Coal, Armor, Four leaf lover (1)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- Alice wanted to get to the island with you so you let her follow along~ You two get to the lake side and you take out that conch that the water sprites gave you~ You blow on the conch and an fairly low sound comes out and seems to echo around the lake~ A few water sprites come by after you wait a while and pull you and Alice into the lake~ You reappear besides the island and it doesnt seem like the water sprites followed~ You and Alice dry off a bit before wandering around the island and come upon that cave where the dragon first appeared from... You see some water sprites watching you two from afar~

Kuro the Cat S30(2) W F
Dark chamber
Clues- 110(0)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x6, Fruit x3, Fish x2, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger x3, Dusty tome,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 59/60
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Bear- Another bothered by the leprechaun who is jumping from the back of the other bear and back~
Sigil- The leprechaun took a look at the green glow and put a hand on you which absorbed the glow into him~
Event- Alice and Sova had stayed after the rest wandered off and you stare at the sword a for a while... Sova joined Alice, who was reading on the, side and started reading as well~ After he reads a few words out, a light fills the room and the book starts to burn~ A fire sprite appears from the fire as you watch~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 51(3)
Item(s): Present x4, Sweets x2, Carrot x3, Wine x2, Tea

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 81(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You give a sigh of relief as the dragon leaves and watches as it heads toward the lake~
F Event- You sit around in a tree with Morion as squirrels run around... S and the patrol came by briefly later on~ There also seems to be wolves chasing deer in the trees...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 51(3)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x14, Key x9
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You watch the patrol wander around the castle though S was the only one who really came in the room as the guards all seemed afraid of something... Anyhow you find more whips laying around~ There is quite a bit of chaos elsewhere in the castle~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You sit around in a tree with the familiar as squirrels run around... S and the patrol came by briefly later on~

Sova F2
Dark chamber
Clues- 49(0)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Dagger x2, Whip, Dusty tome, Four leaf clover (3)
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You and Kuro stayed after everyone left and Alice continued sitting off to the side reading... The sword was still stuck within the stone and you didnt really know how to get it out... You try reading one of those tomes you found before and a glow starts coming out of it... The book started burning so you dropped it and a fire sprite rises from the ashes~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprite gladly accepts the fruit and gives you a small stone whistle (you can call them to help you through dark areas aka direct access to the dark chamber and similar places)~
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Myaa~ ok i just have to look for him and plus im using my phone to get on here for the time being
Hmm i wonder if two weeks would be enough... Oh wells~ xD I guess thatll be the deadline for now~
Nah~ Its just seeing who would join in this before i start~ Then everyone could go nuts with whatever~ Ill be dropping clues daily but whether anyone gets the clue all depends on how they play ;p
Lol nothing to really lose or gain by joining~ Though i guess some people dont want to end up as the thief~ Shouldnt spark anything up like the mafia game...
The mansion will be divided into six sections and the thief will run by one or two sections every day~ You get to move your character to a section and then you can see if your lucky enough to get a sighting of the thief (clue given at a certain time each day)~ There will be guards around the mansion in case anyone wanders through later on and wants to ask if there was a sighting though theyre busy guards so if no one comes by soon then they will probably forget the clue and run off to another part of the building chasing~
not sure how this works but here goes.

After a certain incident 10 years ago, Alice has been wandering the lands in search of finding herself. Alice has no recollections of her past after the incident. Whenever she tries, all she remembers is a feeling of deep regret and sorrow. Other than an ornate ring on her left hand, all the past has left her is a sense of responsibility. With a cheerful personality, she always finds time to help the people she comes across. Armed with dual gunblades and expertise in various martial arts, her unusual and offensive fighting style makes her unparalleled.

Name: Alice
Race: Human
Class: Mixed
Age: Unknown
Skill Rating: Unknown

Weapons: The Famous Dual Gunblades 'Orihime & Hikoboshi'

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