[Translation] Party DLC & Studio NEO English Translation - All-In-One


New member
May 1, 2017
This is the same AIO that can be found on page 26 of the Hongfire Translation page, merely reposted here for ease of use and wider availibility.

Have you been having problems with you game?
Do you want to know what buttons to click?
Don't know the name of that dress?
Girls are taking to you, but it doesn't make any sense?
(Don't worry, this is normal)
Did you run the EMF patch and things still don't work as advertised?
Dr. Yoshi is working on a new one, so patience on that front is needed, that is an astronomical undertaking.

We've all been there. Maybe you're a long time player of Illusion games. Maybe you're like me and come from a different modding community. Maybe none of that describes you, but you are here, and you want to take the guess work out of Honey Select, Honey Studio, or the Studio Neo. It's a long road to getting things right, hundreds of files, thousands of hours, dozens of people all working on the same goal. The files scattered over dozens of pages, comments, and websites. The lists of requirements, DLCs, plugins, manual fixes, not to mention the simple confusion of it all can be staggering if you haven't been following the Translation's development for months. Many of the people that are actually doing the translations themselves have a hard time keeping up, I know I do, so you're not alone in this.

To streamline things and help avoid many issues (it won't be all of them, but it's a good start), we've decided to make post. If you want to keep up on your translations then this is where you need to be. Development is ongoing. DLCs are coming out every few days. Not everything is done yet. It's a long road, but you've made the first steps.

Honey Select
Honey Studio
Honey Select DLC#_01
Honey Select Party DLC
Honey Select Studio NEO
IPA - Illusion_Plugin_Architecture_v3.3 - https://github.com/Eusth/IPA/releases
All Official Updates Listed Below

HoneySelect DLC#_01
DLC#_01 12-22-2016 Patch honey_03_plus1222sa
DLC#_01 12-26-2016 Patch honey_03_plus1226ss
DLC#_01 honeyex_souki - Optional
DLC#_01 honeyex_yoyaku - Optional
HoneySelect DLC#_02_DISK_01
HoneySelect DLC#_02_DISK_02
DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus
DLC#_02 honeyparty_02_vr - Optional
DLC#_02 honeyparty_souki - Optional
DLC#_02 honeyparty_yoyaku -Optional
DLC#_02 honeyparty_battle
DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0512ras_sub
DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0519drt_sub
DLC#_02 honeyparty_battle_arena
DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0526wsx_sub
DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0602iy_sub.exe - Optional
DLC#_02 honeypty_battle0609_sub
DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0616to_sub

1. Install all dependencies.
2. Make a backup of these folders; BattleArena_32_Data, BattleArena_64_Data, HoneySelect_32_Data, HoneySelect_64_Data, HoneyStudio_32_Data, HoneyStudio_64_Data, StudioNEO_64_Data
3. Copy the AIO into your game folder, the same directory with the .exe files.
You will be warned of same files and asked to overwrite. Do so.
4. Use the IPA to patch your game. Drag and drop your game .exe files over the IPA.exe. Literally, drag and drop them as if you are moving them to a new folder.
That's it. Enjoy playing Honey Select!

This can't be uninstalled. There shouldn't really be a need for it regardless. But if you do want it gone for whatever reason, delete the file UITanslations from you plugin folder, restore the backups from the first step in installation, and run the patches again.

UI Translation AIO Download
All you need if this is your first time downloading.


UI Translation Incremental Update Patch
(For use if you already have the AIO installed but new stuff is out)


Audio Subtitle Placeholders for Party DLC
(Not in main AIO, will apply the subtitles from Bewitching to the other personalities in regards to lines added by Party, i.e. Threesomes, Tentacles, ext.)

Moan Free (No Moaning) H-Scene Subtitles
The girls will still moan, but there's no subtitles for them.
P.S. Sitri and other Diligent girls may or may not call you Daddy instead of customer...


English Translated Game Manuals


I don't think it will do that, but as with any mod things go wrong, and it's usually because the things the mod is looking for are not there. Calm down, and be nice. I will help in any way I can.

This is because you don't have all the DLCs. The Active personality was included in the HoneySelect DLC#_01 from December 2016, the Sincere and Bewitching personalities were included in HoneySelect DLC#_02, aka Honey Party.

These things take time. We all have lives, and it takes a very long time to translate this stuff. We are talking tens of thousands of lines. They will get done. But if it's not in the download It's not finished.

The things that get changed in subsequent official updates are typically image and text files which are in both the AIO and the patch files for the AIO. What will most likely help your situation is to make sure you have applied all the official updates, there is a list of those that are required in this post. If by chance you have applied them all and you did so in order my only suggestion would be to re-install the official update from 6/16, that added buttons to the UI, that is why the image file seams broken. The UI is actually just a picture. Your UI in game is different than the one in the AIO and in the patch, so because you are missing information the plugin can not correctly apply the new image over the old one, because they are not the same. Also, if you translations ever get broken, after applying the fixes from the AIO you must run IPA again, and it must be the latest version, the one that creates a new .exe file (patch and launch).

7/1 Added Updated Bewitching subtitles- by Hunterrod
7/1 Added Updated Neo items and colors by- by shinki
7/1 Added more translated line for Sincere Dialogues - by Brimstone Omega
6/21 Actually added the Battle Arena Translations - by Snooley - Because I'm dumb and didn't put it in there before....
6/19 Added link for Translated Game Manuals - by joe12148
6/18 Added link to Zip file for Subtitle Placeholders - by Hunterrod
6/17 Fix for 06/16 update - Studio Neo Map - By Chlorel
6/17 Updated Partial Translation of Sincere Audio Subtitles - by Brimstone Omega
6/17 Added Battle Arena Translations - by Snooley
6/8 fixed misspelled Folder Path
6/8 Added StudioNeo_Data folder - by Chlorel
6/7 added Updated display of Active Personality in Lobby - by shinki
6/7 added Correct Image files for Sincere and Bewitching for display in Lobby - by shinki
6/5 added Updated H-Scene map and Names.txt - by Chlorel
6/5 added Updated StudioNeo_Menu.3.txt and fix for displaying Sincere and Bewitching in main game Lobby - by shinki
6/5 added Updated Partial Translation of Bewitching Audio Subtitles - by Hunterrod
6/5 added Partial Translation of Sincere Audio Subtitles - by Brimstone Omega
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This is so greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for everyone's hard work! And thanks for posting it here! This is all much easier to navigate than the old Hongfire thread!
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Thanks. But it seems to break mods like high heels, customized poses, etc, I guess it replaces it's files?

Edit: I can't seem to fix it now since I'm not sure what is what. Using the IPA patcher gives an error too.
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Thanks. But it seems to break mods like high heels, customized poses, etc, I guess it replaces it's files?

Edit: I can't seem to fix it now since I'm not sure what is what. Using the IPA patcher gives an error too.

It does? That's the first I've heard of that. I know the Official Updates break those mods, along with 4k, wideslider and a whole mess load of them. Did you just update your game?
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It does? That's the first I've heard of that. I know the Official Updates break those mods, along with 4k, wideslider and a whole mess load of them. Did you just update your game?
No my game has been updated for a while. But it's such a mess that I don't remember what is what because I have pretty much every mod installed. I have wideslider, ggmod, shortcutplugin, texmod. Replacing the Mono.Cecil.dll file with IPA 3.3's original then patching the game exe gets things semi-working again (but it's buggy), and I'm not sure why since your translation patches didn't touch that file, right? Using ggmod's Mono.Cecil.dll doesn't work anymore, and attempting to patch using it results in an error.

Edit: I had the wrong ggmod Mono.Cecil.dll, the right one patches, but that doesn't answer anything else and leaves everything pretty much in the same buggy form it was before. Such as why does patching the exe again get the game mods semi working again? Texmod is the only big remaining issue now, it randomly blurts out textures now, bah.
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Yeah, I have a bazillion mod too, my Honey Select is at about 45 gigs now, so I feel your pain in trying to figure this stuff out. Have you tried reinstalling the mods that got broken? The only problem with that is going to be when there's a new update to the translations this may happen to you all over again if you install any updates we release for this.

No, this isn't going to mess with the IPA .dll, but you do need 3.3. This does change the actual game's data files a little in places though, that may be why it's messing your install up, but if things are good and up to date it shouldn't break any mods. I have 27 different plugin .dlls in my game, so I think I can say with a fair amount of certainty that the translations shouldn't break other plugin mods, but I can and have been known to be wrong.

Do you have a backup of your game somewhere that you can either use as a test to try stuff in or restore to the point before you installed this? I think you may have crossed IPA versions from the sounds of things but I could be wrong. Try uninstalling/deleting everything that is part of IPA, then get the one I have linked in the OP, and get the newest version of Wideslider. Re-patch with IPA, then again with Wideslider and see if that helps at all.

EDIT: I was posting this when you edited your post. When the new DLC came out it broke pretty much everything that has a plugin/dll associated with it and many of the subsiquent official updates did as well. Have you updated you mods along with the main game? You can try re installing the newest versions of the mods that aren't working for you as well, but you may want to try getting the patchers updated first and seeing if that helps at all.
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Yeah I updated the necessary mods, I leave ggmod as one version older intentionally (its bug allows holding the feet's pose with shoes off). I found out that TexMod had for some reason created auto load files for a bunch of characters and that's why it was loading textures randomly, and I mean randomly. I'm not sure at this point if it had anything to do with your patches or if the timing was a coincidence. How does TexMod create auto load files anyway? Is it a command I accidentally pressed? AdjustMod is broken but I haven't used that in forever so it's possibly unrelated (no idea if it's updated for 1.2 or not), I don't use it so I just removed it.

So tl;dr is that all that was needed to get things working again was patching the exe again... I think. I'll figure out this mess eventually, I think. Thanks for your work!
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Yeah I updated the necessary mods, I leave ggmod as one version older intentionally (its bug allows holding the feet's pose with shoes off). I found out that TexMod had for some reason created auto load files for a bunch of characters and that's why it was loading textures randomly, and I mean randomly. I'm not sure at this point if it had anything to do with your patches or if the timing was a coincidence. How does TexMod create auto load files anyway? Is it a command I accidentally pressed? AdjustMod is broken but I haven't used that in forever so it's possibly unrelated (no idea if it's updated for 1.2 or not), I don't use it so I just removed it.

So tl;dr is that all that was needed to get things working again was patching the exe again... I think. I'll figure out this mess eventually, I think. Thanks for your work!

I'm not sure about the TexMod thing, the newer version does the auto load files automatically, and the older version you had to press a key to get them to do that I think, but I'm definitely no expert on that mod, about the only thing mod wise I really know the behind the scenes workings of is this translation. Glad you kinda have things working again, btw. Oh, and if you want, there's actually a shoe mod that has an invisible high heel so the girls feet are in the position of wearing a high heel if you ever wanted to update that one. Granted that would be the shoe she was wearing, so she wouldn't be wearing an actual high heel, so I don't know if that's something you'd be interested in. The mod itself is NamelessKing's AC_Mods_Fusion_v1.03

Here's the link;
Please excuse the double post, but I just wanted to let anyone who may be interested know that I added a new zip to the OP with alternate H-Scene subtitles that won't display the girls moaning or thoughts, just the spoken words. When I started doing these translations that's how I did them, and that's also how my own game is, but people complained about them not being "complete" so I stopped uploading them. Be warned though, Sitri and other Diligent girls will call you daddy instead of customer or guest. I was always a little put off by them saying that, "Oh Customer, you feel good." ext., so much so that I never used that personality, then I changed those two words and now, at least for me, that personality is way more enjoyable. It doesn't pop up a lot, but yeah, don't say I didn't warn you if you use it.

If you don't like that just don't use the c09.txt in the extra zip.

P.S. So much for an AIO..... more like an AIF; All-in-Four. Options are always good though, and I don't want to push stuff on people, I'd rather you have your game the way you like it, that's the whole point of modding, isn't it?
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All my characters go white, and the mods do not work anymore.

I almost forgot, the translation works normal, only problem was this.
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All my characters go white, and the mods do not work anymore.

I almost forgot, the translation works normal, only problem was this.

Uhh.....can you give me a little more information? Like, what mods don't work? Are you fully updated? Are you using the correct IPA? Did this happen before you installed the translation or only after? Where there any other mods you installed other than this when the problems occurred? Is this your first time installing the game?

I highly doubt this was from the AIO, but anything is possible....
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Sorry, brother, it's my fault the problem with white textures, it's because I installed a mod and the files corrupted the game, thanks for replying and thanks for the topic

Sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm using google translator, i'm from brazil :)
Sorry, brother, it's my fault the problem with white textures, it's because I installed a mod and the files corrupted the game, thanks for replying and thanks for the topic

Sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm using google translator, i'm from brazil :)

Hey it's all good, man! Glad you got it figured out. If you need any help though don't worry about asking, some people do have trouble getting this to work.
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Here's some updates for both the Character Creation Menu and Studio NEO. These include translations for both random mods (for both the Character and Clothing areas) and the party stuff that wasn't translated yet (like the Succubus Suit). Do note that this doesn't include the Accessories from the Creation Menu. I'll need a fair bit of time to do those properly. Hopefully I'll get it done this weekend.

Place Items_Clothing_Mods.21.txt here:

And Studio_Items_Mod.3.txt here:

You can get them here.

Sidenote: can't attach them here because they are too big, lol. :D
Here's another update for both the Character Creation Menu and Studio NEO.
This mainly focuses on translating the vanilla and modded Accessories for the Character Creation Menu. I also included a minor update to the studio to keep all the item names universal (hopefully). Last but not least, I also updated some of the vanilla accessories that were still showing up in Japanese in the left hand menu.

Place Studio_Items_Mod.3.txt here:

and the rest go here:

Do note that Items displayed in the Copy Tab of the Accessories Menu will still be in Japanese, as I don't think anyone has translated that part yet.

Once again, you can get them here.
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Updated the AIO and made a new patch with your work, @random_user. Thanks again for the time you put into this!

I downloaded and installed the UI Translation AIO today. Every thing seems to work fine in Honey Select Game and Studio except that the shortcuts don't work in game anymore but they do work in studio. I probably just have to reinstall it.

However Studio NEO looks like this.

First time I installed party DLC I ran the MF and EMF like a dumb ass and had to reinstall the DLC because when I ran the game it said version 1.11 instead of 1.20. So I did but maybe I messed something up? Is it supposed to look that way. I will uninstall and start from scratch if I have to but I thought I would ask incase someone knows what to do.

Thanks in advance.

I downloaded and installed the UI Translation AIO today. Every thing seems to work fine in Honey Select Game and Studio except that the shortcuts don't work in game anymore but they do work in studio. I probably just have to reinstall it.

However Studio NEO looks like this.
View attachment 16744

First time I installed party DLC I ran the MF and EMF like a dumb ass and had to reinstall the DLC because when I ran the game it said version 1.11 instead of 1.20. So I did but maybe I messed something up? Is it supposed to look that way. I will uninstall and start from scratch if I have to but I thought I would ask incase someone knows what to do.

Thanks in advance.

The reason your Neo looks like that is your game isn't fully updated. For an explanation of why that happens, check the F.A.Q on the first post.

To fix it, you're gonna need to get the Official Updates and start installing them, which is going to break a few of your mods, which you will have to reinstall again after you're done updating. Sucks, I know, but it's better now than it was when these updates were coming out each week, breaking stuff each time and we had to fix our mods like constantly.

There is a list of all the updates that are required in the first post as well.

As to Shortcuts, do you mean the vanilla shortcuts like Girl Gaze, swap outfits, ext., or is it the Shortcuts mod? The translations shouldn't effect either of those, but the Shortcuts mod could have been broken due to you installing Honey Party, which a reinstall of the latest version will fix.

If you need any more help, or have any questions feel free to ask.

You will probably be able to salvage the installation, but if you still have all the files it may be better to do a fresh install. You will have a lot of assets and .exes that are going to be changed around, and with the EMF patch installed as well your game might get cranky.

*EDIT* This is probably a stupid question, seeing as to all the stuff that gets shared here, but can I link the stuff people need, like updates and such? I know that's a no-no on Hongfire, but I imagine it would be cool here, right?
Thanks for the reply,

I'll check first page and download the updates that I need thanks.

I was talking about the shortcuts plugin by Animat0r and you're right I need to download the correct version for the version I have now, 1.20, forgot lol.
I have downloaded this ( https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2313251 ), which should be the latest version, all patched up aready, but after I put in your translation, in studio neo all the icons are fucked up...

Ok, I figured out what the problem was;
that torrent have Every updates, up to 1.20, but it doesn't have "honeyparty_01_plus_0630grt_all".
After downloading that patch everything seems to work as intended.
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I read on Hongfire that one of the people doing a lot of the translation for more accurate and sensible (as opposed to the weird machine translations) dialogue got his files lost or corrupted a few days ago. Dark times.... :-(

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nettomondo wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying