[Illusion] Immoral Ward : FAQ & General Discussion

ya me too,and i always play the game [Illusion] with use HFpAppLoc
btw,i think im remember this one about ur tutorial installation


3. DO NOT autorun, but explore the mounted dvd and right-click Startup.exe and select Run with Japanese locale as administrator (you need HF pApploc or here for the right-click options).

4. Refer to Startup.exe picture on the right: If you can click the top button it means you have to install DirectX 9.0c. Your game will not work if you ignore it!

when i try it,always no image like u say,but my game work nicely
and whether it would not be a problem?

hmmm,ups,these tutorial from u mr ?? sorry if im wrong :crushed:
I made the tutorial on the wiki. If you don't get the startup menu, it's not a problem.

You may wonder why the tutorial is so detailed, and why just not run the setup/msi or ... Well, many years of experience have thought me that the shortcut often turns out to be much longer and more complicated in the end. If you follow my tutorial everything is gonna work. ;)
I made the tutorial on the wiki. If you don't get the startup menu, it's not a problem.

You may wonder why the tutorial is so detailed, and why just not run the setup/msi or ... Well, many years of experience have thought me that the shortcut often turns out to be much longer and more complicated in the end. If you follow my tutorial everything is gonna work. ;)

for this sir "the shortcut often turns out to be much longer and more complicated in the end"
it's for other people tried to play the game and finally get blank/some errors in the game/crashes with his windows ??
for this sir "the shortcut often turns out to be much longer and more complicated in the end"
it's for other people tried to play the game and finally get blank/some errors in the game/crashes with his windows ??
First of all, no need to call me sir! Anyway I have found that if guys skip StartUp.exe they will miss that they may have to install DirectX and/or Visual C++. If they go directly to the .msi (or copy and regfix) they might experience problems saving the game/configuration. My conclusion: For anyone but experts it's simply easier to do it the way the publisher intended. :P
First of all, no need to call me sir! Anyway I have found that if guys skip StartUp.exe they will miss that they may have to install DirectX and/or Visual C++. If they go directly to the .msi (or copy and regfix) they might experience problems saving the game/configuration. My conclusion: For anyone but experts it's simply easier to do it the way the publisher intended. :P

i call some people with called "SIR" it just for first meet :P [ dunno he/she is old than me :) , in my region i had to called him ["bang"/and i dunno what for courtesy with an english and i use sir/mr ] just for courtesy :) ]

hmm,i have it [MS C++ like 08 and other,and DirectX 11,FrNetwork 3-4.x]
so,i would not find problem ?? right ?? [ bcs,i never found the problem with my game [ an illusion ] ]
i call some people with called "SIR" it just for first meet :P [ dunno he/she is old than me :) , in my region i had to called him ["bang"/and i dunno what for courtesy with an english and i use sir/mr ] just for courtesy :) ]

hmm,i have it [MS C++ like 08 and other,and DirectX 11,FrNetwork 3-4.x]
so,i would not find problem ?? right ?? [ bcs,i never found the problem with my game [ an illusion ] ]
DirectX 11 is not the same as DirectX 9.0c, which you need to install to run this game. Read the wiki for a link.
Yes, you're right. Kaname Akitsuki has a melanocytic nevus just below her left eye, near the lateral palpebral commissure. You can clearly see it on the CG, and even on the videos available on the characters pages of the game site. But it doesn't show in the current version of the game.

Woah! Thats really an anatomic forensic description! hehe

Well, in fact, after a quick investigation, I found out it actually shows in the game. You can see it perfectly on this screen capture :

In fact, it disappears when you check the "Use custom setting for Kaname" box on the main screen (fourth checkbox as seen in my previous post).

This is simple to explain : when using the custom model for a girl, the game doesn't use her own "original" textures, but the ones used for customized skins from the DLC. Each skin color possess it own face texture that replace the girl "original" face.

One thing that could be done is changing the "blue skin" textures (in 30_00_00.pp) with the ones from the original Kaname model (found in 07_00_00.pp). Personally, I don't make alien girls, so discarding the blue skin wouldn't bother me.

Now I understand why the mole wasn't there... After you illuminated me with the translation of the checkboxes =)
Thanks a lot.

This is for "prince90" (and for others too):
I use "Locale Emulator" to run Japanese games instead of changing system language. It doesn't require any major change in Windows and works better in windows 7/8 than "HF apploc".
I use it after I found a game that didn't worked with HF Apploc (don't remember the game though).

You can find it searching in google for "Locale Emulator". Latest version is

Despite that, if you used the NO-CD cracked exe for DLC2 (the one named "SceneSkipFix"), be sure to copy the data folder too. I did it and works perfectly.

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DirectX 11 is not the same as DirectX 9.0c, which you need to install to run this game. Read the wiki for a link.

wait wait wait,but im never see a problem with this directx :surprised:
i have SB3,AG3+ with Hannary,PPD+PSP,Immoral Ward
and never see a problem if i run it
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , directx make me confuse X_X

This is for "prince90" (and for others too):
I use "Locale Emulator" to run Japanese games instead of changing system language. It doesn't require any major change in Windows and works better in windows 7/8 than "HF apploc".
I use it after I found a game that didn't worked with HF Apploc (don't remember the game though).

You can find it searching in google for "Locale Emulator". Latest version is

Despite that, if you used the NO-CD cracked exe for DLC2 (the one named "SceneSkipFix"), be sure to copy the data folder too. I did it and works perfectly.


wait,im never change my system language to run an Illusion game sir,i just change system language for flash game if needed it
i have HFpAppLoc and NTLea
and i always run an Illusion game with HFpAppLoc [ never seeing the problem ]
NTLea just for flash game , and if it can only be done with NTLea
ah yeah last,i haven't tested SceneSkipFix :P
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lol, been your problem the scene skip, you should test the SceneSkipFix the first =)

i haven't tested it bcs i don't know what for :sowwy:

oke,i'll test it,and i'll be back then notice u if i have some different before i put it :)


Edited 1 : i'd have tried to put SceneSkipFix [ 09_00_00.pp ] and i put Immoral.exe [ i think im wrong,and now i get windows crash for it [ now i just re-install game :donow: ]

just dunno what is this question [ coppied from other people from this forum in Download thread ] i think u're talk about this ??

Mr.x : "All sex scenes are skipped for me, any idea why this happens? "

and he is need to put SceneSkipFix for it ??
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what the diference whit:
- immoral ward
- immoral ward studio
- immoral ward premium???

also what's the correct instalation order for the 3 "games"???

and what are this 3 archives???
予約特典 追加衣装データ
早期予約キャンペーン 衣装データ
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what the diference whit:
- immoral ward
- immoral ward studio
- immoral ward premium???

- Immoral Ward (インモラル病棟 特典)
Is the game (more like a visual novel than an actual game imho)
- Immoral Ward Studio (インモラル病棟 購入特典 インモラルスタジオ):
Is a tool to make scenes (kind of 3D dioramas where you can place everything you see in the game (and even more) as you wish).
- Immoral Ward Premium (インモラル病棟 購入特典 プレミアムディスク)
It refers to an extra DVD containing lots of costumes.

what the diference whit:
also what's the correct instalation order for the 3 "games"???

First its the game. After that there is no specific order, but install the DLC2 the last of all. (Note: DLC2 contains DLC1, so you can skip DLC1)

and what are this 3 archives???
予約特典 追加衣装データ
早期予約キャンペーン 衣装データ

immoral_01_custom is the first DLC. It adds the possibility to use custom models during the story mode.
immoral_01_custom2 is the second DLC. Adds some things for the free mode related to clothes.
予約特典 追加衣装データ its a preorder DLC that adds two costumes: Yukata and Naked Y-Shirt (weird google translation)
早期予約キャンペーン 衣装データ its another preorder bonus that adds two sets of erotic lingerie
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This is a guide to install Immoral Ward and all the bonus shipped with the game. Reading and following this will insure the game runs properly.

If you experience any issues with the application, be sure to double check your installation process. A poorly installed game is a major source of problems and the vast majority of issues reported in the HF FAQ threads could have been avoided if games were installed correctly.

Before Installing :

Immoral Ward is a Japanese game. In order to run smoothly, you must execute the application with Japanese locale.

In order to do so, you should avoid to change the regional settings of your Operating System. Altering this setting may cause applications to swap around characters encoding, resulting in data corruption. So, let me insist on that point :


The best way to run Japanese applications is by using one of the following softwares :
  • If you are using Windows XP, download and install HF pAppLoc.
  • If using Windows 7 or Windows 8, you should prefer to use Locale Emulator instead.
For more informations on those softwares, read :
If you are not using the original game disks, you will also need the following tools :
  • If you have .rar / .zip / .7z files, or any other type of archived files, you will need to decompress all the archives beforehand. To do so, I strongly recommend the use of 7-Zip, a fast, free and open-source software. You can grab a copy on 7-zip.org.
  • If you have .iso files, you will need a tool to mount the aforementioned disk image files. One of the only software able to handle Japanese game disk images is Daemon Tools. There is a free "Lite" version available and you can download it here if needed.

Game Content :

Before continuing, I assume you have read and understood the "Before Installing" section of this guide, installed all the mentioned tools and decompressed all the archive files.

You now should have all you need to install and run the game properly and be in possession of the following assets :

The three game disks :

インモラル病棟 : Immoral Ward
  • This is the main game disk. Contains all of the base elements needed to install and run the game.
  • Comes as a disk image file named "ImmoralWard.iso".
  • Size of the disk / disk image : about 3,1 GB
インモラルスタジオ : Immoral Studio
  • This is a "poser" program allowing you to play with the game characters, animations and other models and build scenes.
  • Presented as a disk image or a folder depending on your sources. In Girlcelly's release, this is available as an image disk file named "ImmoralWardStudio.iso" and in Mikocon / 2DGF release, as a folder named "インモラル病棟 購入特典 インモラルスタジオ".
  • Size of the disk / disk image / folder : about 800 MB
プレミアムディスク : Premium Disk
  • This is a bonus disk containing a whole lot of costumes, accessories and other props for Immoral Ward and Immoral Studio.
  • May be presented as a disk or a folder depending of your source : disk image named "ImmoralWardPremium.iso" in Gircelly's release or folder named "インモラル病棟 購入特典 プレミアムディスク" in Mikocon / 2DGF release.
  • Size of the disk / disk image / folder : about 2.2 GB
For further information about the bonus disks shipped with the game, you could consult the dedicated page on the Illusion's website.

The two pre-order costumes pack :

予約特典追加衣装データ : Pre-Order Additional Costumes Data
  • This bonus archive contains a few additional clothes for Immoral Ward and Immoral Studio. Visit this page on Illusion's website for more informations about this bonus.
  • It comes as a self-extracting archives named "予約特典追加衣装データ.exe" which expends to a folder with the same name.
  • Self-extracting archive size : 63.2 MB / Uncompressed folder size : 282 MB
早期予約キャンペーン 衣装データ : Early Pre-Order Campaign Costumes Data
  • This is a lingerie set looking like a basque, available in black or white.
  • Comes as a self-extracting archives named "早期予約キャンペーン 衣装データ.exe" which expends to a folder with the same name.
  • Self-extracting archive size : 5.6 MB / Uncompressed folder size : 25.4 MB
The day-one DLC :

インモラル病棟 キャラカスタム追加プログラム : Immoral Ward Character Customization Additional Program
  • This DLC add options to customize various aspects of the five girls featured in the game like size, measurements, skin, hair and eyes color... The DLC shipped with torrent release is currently outdated but you can grab an up-to-date version on the download page of the game's website.
  • It comes as a self-extracting archives named "immoral_01_custom.exe" which expends to a folder named "インモラル病棟 キャラカスタム追加プログラム".
  • Self-extracting archive size : 31.7 MB / Uncompressed folder size : 268 MB

Installation Process :

So, now we got all the files ready, we know which part is what, and the only remaining thing to do is to install everything properly. This is what this section is about.

Step #1 : Installing the game

  1. Insert your disk or mount the "ImmoralWard.iso" image (using DaemonTools Lite, see "Before Installing" above).
  2. DO NOT use the autorun or let the automated installation takes place. Instead, navigate to the root of your (virtual) CD drive. To do so, go to "Computer", right-click on the game CD icon and choose "Open".
  3. Launch "setup.exe" with Japanese locale by using HF pApploc or Locale Emulator (view "Before Installing above). To do so, right-click on "setup.exe" and select "Run with Japanese locale" or "Locale Emulator > Run in Japanese".
  4. If done properly, the installation program should look like this :


  5. If the first button is not grayed out, click on it. It will install DirectX 9c, which is needed to run Illusion's games.
  6. Then click the second button from the top to start the game installation.
  7. Click the button with (N) once.
  8. Change the installation path with a patch without unicode characters nor spaces, like "C:\illusion\IW". To do so, click on the button with (C) as seen on this picture :


  9. Click the button with (N) again, until the game has finished installing.
  10. Your game is now installed. You can check if it runs correctly by navigating to the game folder ("C:\illusion\IW" in our example) and running "インモラル病棟.exe" with Japanese locale. To do so, right-click on it and select "Run with Japanese locale" (HF pAppLoc) or "Run in Japanese" (Locale Emulator).

Step #2 : Installing the bonus disks

In order to prevent those nice, genuine, original disks from Illusion to get scratches (because you bought them, right ?), you've got yourself a digital copy of the game by other means.
Depending on your source, the bonus disks could come in two different flavors :
  • the mikocon one, where those are made available as folders : "インモラル病棟購入特典 インモラルスタジオ" contains the "Immoral Studio" files and "インモラル病棟購入特典 プレミアムディスク" contains the "Premium Disk" files.
  • the girlcelly one, where you instead have disk image files : "ImmoralWardStudio.iso" and "ImmoralWardPremium". Pretty easy to figure what they're about.
The actual content is the same, and it just installs the same.

There is two methods for installing those bonuses :
  • By running the "FileCopy.exe" application with Japanese locale (using HF pAppLoc or Locale Emulator as you did to install the game).
  • By copying the content of the "setup" folder into the game folder. This is pretty simple : press Ctrl+A to select all the files in the "setup" folder and press Ctrl+C to copy them. Then, navigate to your game folder (we used "C:\illusion\IW" in our example) and press Ctrl+V to paste all the files.
The bonus disks installs totally different files, so you can install them in whichever order you want.

Step #3 : Installing the pre-order bonus packs

The pre-order bonuses comes as self-extracting archives : their names are "予約特典追加衣装データ.exe" and "早期予約キャンペーン 衣装データ.exe". Decompress them by running those two little applications with Japanese locale.

They'll extract to folder with the same name as the executables by default. Their installation method is the same as for the bonus disks : you can launch "FileCopy.exe" with Japanese locale or copy the content of the "setup" folder into your game path.

Step #4 : Installing the DLC

The DLC is also a self-extracting archive : it is named ""immoral_01_custom2.exe". Run it with Japanese locale to get a folder named "インモラル病棟 キャラカスタム追加プログラム". The installation method is still the same as for the other additional contents.

The DLC modifies the game executable and other game assets, so make sure to install everything else beforehand. If you choose to manually copy the files, make sure to select "replace all files" when prompted.

Step #5 : Installing the patch

Your game is now installed. You should now proceed with the installation of the upcoming HF Patch or any other mod. Refer to the first post of this thread for the links.
Immoral Ward HF Patch

Thanks to the work done by Dr Yoshi, enimaroah, FutaBoy, Rock N Roll Racer, TheShadow and Wong2005 it was possible to put together a HF patch for this game. My personal thanks to those guys for making and sharing their awesome work! Please don't forget to spend a little time (while downloading or whatever) to send your thanks to the guys. I promise that they'll appreciate your comment and that they won't bite! :P

Immoral Ward HF Patch version 0.1 includes:

This patch would not be possible without SB3Utility(GUI+Script) 0.5.7α by enimaroah

Show your appreciation of the modder's work and click on all the
buttons above and write a comment!

Read more and get it in the release post in the mod release thread
I got the problem while try to install IW studio when I try to run Filecopy.exe, what is it? Because I cannot read Japanese.
Or is it possible to just manual copy (ctrl+a) and paste (ctrl+v) to install game folder.


  • IWstudio_050.jpg
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I got the problem while try to install IW studio when I try to run Filecopy.exe, what is it? Because I cannot read Japanese.
Or is it possible to just manual copy (ctrl+a) and paste (ctrl+v) to install game folder.
I'm not sure, but It seems like you're trying to install a DLC without having the game installed?
I just manual copy it and use HF patch but its seem kinda strange in gameplay. Yep, maybe I'll try to re-install again.
I just manual copy it and use HF patch but its seem kinda strange in gameplay. Yep, maybe I'll try to re-install again.
Manual copy is bound to cause problems. I recommend that you install as described in the wiki in the future. You will have to fix the game before you can install the studio.
Hey Guys, i have a question about the IW Studio: Is it possible to activate the scaling for the characters too? :)

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