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  • I imagine you are talking about the eu laws that supposedly led to nyaa closing shop. I actually had not heard anything about it until this came up and i have no idea if Italy is even affected by it, or even what is happening exactly. From what i have heard it was mostly against sources hosting some illegal streaming services kinda like the old megavideo where people uploaded tv series and pirated movies (afaik it's the most common source of piracy these days, almost no one i know uses torrents anymore). Anyway it's usually not the end users being targeted by these laws, but the hosting sites, for example some bigger torrent sites.
    What's strange is that nyaa is not nearly as big and known as the likes of kat, isohunt or piratebay, so they could probably keep operating unaffected by this kind of stuff, which is usually pushed by the movies and music industry, meaning they wouldn't care much about nyaa. This makes me hope they didn't just close for good and just acted in advance and will be back when they find an alternative. Or maybe their host was one of those hit because of the streaming and they had to delete all their stuff, who knows...
    Whatever the truth is i just hope they come back or some other new torrent site emerges as a result, the ones available are not nearly as good and i'd never use ddl sites other than mega and mediafire if i can choose.
    I didn't play the first as i don't own a ps3, i just looked up the story. Though from what i see the gameplay wasn't the best
    I like blind guardian, although their latest album felt a bit generic.
    I also prefer single player campaigns, it is a bit of a shame they seem to be leaving quake as their "multiplayer only" series, but maybe we're gonna see another with a campaign at some point? Although I'm having less and less time for videogames, especially because in my free time I'm also trying to do all this other stuff like meddling with japanese and trying to draw etc. I still haven't finished nier automata
    I love metal, it's my favorite genre, in fact the "prog" in my name is for progressive metal but i also like heavier stuff from time to time. Doom's ost was pretty good, especially the parts with the 8 string guitar, but it's true that in some parts it gets too "dubstep" and kinda makes you miss the old soundtrack with all the tracks ripped off from all sorts of heavy metal songs =P
    I wonder what kind of direction they'll take with the new quake
    LOL oh shit they were worse looking then I recalled :/
    But for you to have the images of them ready is also pretty funny. If they did a proper model for the Anniversary I think we have a taker.
    I think if you had the twins next to each other that might make it hard for you to sleep.
    Yeah them figures are odd if I come across them again and see any semi decent looking or okish ones I'll post them.
    You wanna sandwich yourself between the twins I take it :P
    TBH I an't the guy to ask for this. Might wanna ask with some of the experienced daki collectors on the forums or something, since I think there is many variables you can have with pillow types.

    I got mine of aliexpress years ago for cheap since they were knock offs like $20 a pop. Someone on Hf was talking about them in the Lilith thread but the chat got cut due to them being about illegal purchases.
    I don't even use mine anymore since you can easily ruin the lovely art and take effort to maintane. Some people hang them up on walls, though but I don't have the space for that either.

    DAYUM that's a lot of DAKI's in your post. How many do you own now? I've also seen some iffy looking Inyouchuu figures around, but they seem legit just a bit on the cheaper model maker side.
    Well 0 is great to get the fresh start and late summer we have the first games remake coming. So if you get the chance to pick it up I say do it! The reason it's the best I've played (1,3,4,5)(5 I haven't finished) is simply the battle system is much more smoother, the story is overall better paced and overall the have smoothed out a lot of the issues from the older games, while still keeping it in the same vain.

    Yeah I thought you couldn't DL it cuz code was blocked so it might not have redeemed it. But saying that codes might be redeemable but this is through dlsite and not cyberworks site so...

    Shoku is choc full of content so DAYUM! I just wanted to check, so you're not a 100% sure? I'll check in the thread.
    I'm starting to think rather then him doing a direct remake his taking key scenes and updating them to keep the overall narrative, while adding new content to said scenes and beyond while losing/cutting some of the fluffier parts. I said that cuz I went through and have got comparison shots ready of old to new and some of the straight new pieces. So we can discuss on the thread. I mean who wants a lovely Yamato Mikato/Sui scene when you have all this hard content?

    Yeah he does 2 games a year on average, but if his doing SHOKU and with how big it is we might get it for new years if lucky or he skips the winter game and we get a super payload next year?!?
    Nothing goofy, people would say that about people who played games back in the day or watched cartoons now it's the hip thing... Like some people idolize pornstars and all that, at-least with hentai we have many of the finer things to discuss when it comes to creators of detailed worlds/girls and all things pervy.
    Yeah I IMO Yakuza 0 is the best of the series I have played. The only trophy related stuff I have left is for doing the mini games over and over. And my patience hasn't got the time for it.

    I'll have to look into and perhaps save for a big order then.
    TBH the codes are likely all gone or used since they only dropped 500 of them.

    In regard to the Inoyouchuu rmeake they did say the were gonna remake SHOKU after the 1st game right?
    IIRC SHOKU won the poll and they said after that result they will do the first game then the 2nd next year?
    Yeah DOOM has a cult like following. I think it was the game that inspired lots of clones like wolfenstein and what not. I use to play doom since the psone and I think it was linking up with my mates psone to do co-op. I might also have played a remaster on ps3?

    I'm done with Yakuza 0 and started playing Bloodbourne.

    Do you have a method to get imports from Japan only sellers?
    I managed to track down one of the MP2 bonus discs but they only ship nationwide and it's only 230yen.
    If your interested I can pay you to pick it up through paypal then you can rip the disk, keep the disc and just upload the data?
    I'm still trying to find that Inyouchuu special but that is a bit harder since it was a code.

    I did find this piece of merchandise for Inoyuchuu too:
    I think it's a theme song disc?
    This also.
    Asagi 3 episode 1 wasn't bad nut 2 is better. Utea finally got a third but it's all futanari. There is that one with monster girls i don't remember the title of which was pretty interesting, reminded me of some old school stuff. Shoujo ramune has some cute lolis. Unfortunately not much tentacles in the last months T_T
    uhg, after that it seems like they started doing itg everywhere and even on other characters.
    But i guess it can be skipped, just like the scat scenes, so it's not a big deal I guess, just a small imperfection in a great series =P as long as the main focus stays demons breeding the girls I'm fine with that.
    I definitely want to see what the twins do in kowaku though.
    Yes, Momoko is the best, her boobs are awesome! I hahve already seen the bull scene but i haven't found the part with the twins yet
    I recently started playing Kowaku no Toki and I must say it's much better than other random non-inyouchuu tinkerbell games.
    Back then they also had the same VA for Ouka and Kikuka =P guess they had to cut corners where possible. Anyway I'm pretty sure all the VAs changed between etsu and kyou and to be honest most of ther new ones are better IMO. From Goku's extra it says Yoru's new VA is called Minase Yuna and Mikoto's one is Mayori (I didn't hear any surname, it's probably a stage name). I wonder if they are cute XD
    It seems like eroge VAs are super reserved though, I can imagine why but it's kinda sad they have to stay basically undercover -.-
    I haven't played 64 but i hear it's pretty good. 3 for me is less "fun" but still a very good game, as far as mods i've also played brutal doom.
    Yeah, Yoru basically hasn't gotten outside the brigade's office since shoku (and even then he just appeared in the end to fight Meioki). It's a bit of a shame, i think he's funny, but I can also see that the writer is trying to focus more on the girls and sometimes Yamato. I guess having so many characters that demand attention is not always that easy =)
    Well we chat about Hentai anime/games among other things, since we have several sub sections.
    I've been playing Yakuza 0 and doing my Super Hang-On runs for
    I really wanna try doom 3 BFG in VR, but I haven't picked the game up or put the time to do it on the side.
    What's fan megawads?
    yeah, looks pretty good =P i wish theyàd put some kind of story in their videos but apparently they prefer it like this

    I think she's also kinda awkward when they meet her in the past, it's probably just her personality because she's a quiet and serious type, i remember even reading in some description that she isn't ashamed of being nude. The part where she falls in love with the fat guy I think it happened a bit out of compassion for him.
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