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  • e-e-ech-ecchi Ja Na-Nai yoo... uumm.. Chottoo kamoo.. ahahah
    eh realy..?? season one is better..??? well season 2 begin the serious chap.. n love triangle begin.. n bored when tell minami story.. ~__~

    hueee... but u will online here too right..?? even busy..?? iff onee say so i will think watch gosick then.. :fullblush:

    sory.. i don't notice that i reply in my wall.. hehehe
    I see, i see so what are you doing right now?
    by helping you mean finding manga/anime or anything?
    azumanga daioh..??? hmmm... don't watch it... >,< since don't like the manga i guess... i prefer baka to test, gintama heehe

    gosick is horor..?? hmmmm onee just wattch anime..?? not watching like saw,etc horror real i mean here
    ahhahaa.. that's Moar.morwr..moree... T__T pervert with miu... well that's a man.. :shockmenft: can't standing when there is a babe like miu.. ~__~

    why u stopping oneee..?? WHYYYYYYYYYY........??????????????????????
    Yhea i do like it ^^ but right now i have quite the list to watch so i might wait a little but thanks for the offer
    YEY.. at least onee watch it again... what happen..??? hehheeh

    eh realy..?? well just want to say it though.. n gonna say it too at 25th... ahhaaha.. anw beside romance genre.. what else onee like.?? horror/action..?? o.O
    heelow Onee... sorry for the late replay... in animeee... with Myu i guess.. since th-the-they k-k-kiss a lot.. :shockmenft:

    in game yes... ~__~ with airi too...

    btw Merry Christmast ONeeee.... Wish All The Best... Heheheh :fullblush:
    Haha no we haven't meet before, i'm just new here and i passed by to see how poeple were her on the forums and i find everyone kind friendly. And so when i passed by i though i would say hello ^^
    ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEECHWAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN............... Th-The-they are ki-ki-kissing... Uryy Miu.. Arghhhhh...... Mating season.. :deadsad: gud Bye Airi..
    :baby::baby::baby: don't wannaaa.... :baby::baby::baby:

    ermmmm... so silent when there is no ppl spam here... spam here onee.. if u spam ,spam sec will got merrier.. XD
    hooee... is that because Miu...??? Miuuuu,,>>>?????

    lucky ya..???? i want to be lucky too... hehe.. next year ya..?? hmmm.. dunno if i can go to holiday.. because my parent want to me go to higher education.. T__T
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