You're really considerate for thinking about inviting me.
To go to enjoy each other's company and liven up the place would make a nice memory...
However, I must apologize though. It's not strange to invite someone and I love how you chose me as someone to come over to hang for awhile... eat and chat...
My declining such a warm invitation has nothing to do with you or that I wouldn't want to socialize with your friends. You're a good person... therefore your friends are also good people.
I just find myself pretty busy... drawing requests, babysitting my little cousins every other night, going away for awhile to stay over at my uncle's house...
Wish there was more time to do things, but I do wish you a merry time~
Please cheer and relax~ ^^
As for the person's name... I'm not familiar with it, but sounds quite pretty.
Bye-bye now~