Ah..Ok. Yea the blue haired girl (shizune :3) has a short route so it shouldn't be that hard to get a good ending.
The fast ending.. oh where you end up with none of the girls but that weirdo xD
I couldn't be bothered with that ending tbh. I don't want bad endings and the bad ending I got in Hanako's route was one too many D:
And yes, you can end up with Lilly ^^
I recommend that you go through Lilly's route too. It's such a touching route..
Hanako's route is quite depressing
but of course the good ending makes up for it ^^
Unfortunately there is no seperate route for Misha. Which made me sad cuz I liked her happy-go-lucky attitude.
I might go for some of the Neutral Endings but..we'll see.. :3