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  • M
    Ah my apologies, I had my VM turned off ;s
    I have been fine..sleepy but overall fine, are you studying?
    Strawberry I'm fine. A little busy with my personal life nowadays. Thanks for asking. :) How about you?
    Hello Tee! how have you been?
    I suppose everything always starts somewhere. Even those long messages you see below yours on my profile, they started from a simple "hello" and "pleased to know you". I'm not the type to start conversations often, but I try to always respond accordingly. Just shoot if you feel like chatting me up, I guess ;)

    ...Come to think of it, your profile's got pretty few messages for someone with relatively high activity.
    It was fun. XD I was 8 years-old when I played it. You had to get as many guys to fall in love with you an score high before the time runs out.
    Oh a Flash game? that brings back some memories from the time when i played a lot of them :D
    Oh was that game any good by the way ?
    Oh i see. I bet you have much more experience in the genre than me :D
    So let me ask what was your first experience in this wonderful genre?
    Glad to hear that.
    Then let me introduce myself:
    I'm Gamerguy I am an otome lover guy nice to meet you :D
    Thank you Tee-chan, that is so sweet of you! I appreciate your hardwork in the Otome Section, a late congrats on being an uploader :cheering:
    Not trying to be humble, but I don't think I am admired...? You should come and drop by the spam section too :P
    No need to fret yourself too much over that. With the exception of spambots, almost no members are banned on first offence. Besides, I don't think I've seen anything you've done that could be considered objectionable. When in doubt, feel free to ask around. We may bite, but at least don't chew. (j/k)
    Hello Tee ^^.

    The reason why it looks messy is because for a long while otome section was very inactive as you probably noticed and it made many request threads pile up. Uploaded request threads gets locked. I know what you mean as it looks messy too see locked up threads on the first page, but this is the job that is given to me. People don't need to request the link of the uploaded games on the 'requested thread' since threads I locked have already their games uploaded so they can report it at the actual thread itself. Closing threads means important so in the future we'll re-edit otome index section to see which games are already added by looking at closed threads to make sure it's on forum.
    Hey Tee, seems like your tutorial here needs some fixing. It's not your fault that Imgur links are broken, but considering it's the kind of tutorial where images can be essential, do you mind fixing them? Thanks.
    Congratulations for getting promoted as an uplouder! Keep up the good work Tee :)
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