『Mafia Game 8: Your maddest School Life ever starts from here...』


Elite Member
Jan 5, 2012
『Welcome to the Madness Academy! I'm MadSova also known as the Mad Host, and I will now host my 2nd, newest and maddest Mafia Game on ASF! Players who are gonna participate in this mad school life and people who will simply enjoy the show while chewing on popcorn and sipping on your cola are equally welcomed here... In order to ease the search of Game Posts like Phase Changes and other important posts, click on this hashtag #MG8 and please don't post it anywhere yourself...』

『The game already started...』

『I think lots of people asked and will ask this question thus it needs to be answered. This MG is a forum game played solely through forum, text and imagination. In order to do an action you need to send me a PM with what you do and afterwards I will send you a PM with the results... Depending on situation more PMs might be needed for an action for example if PM was to go to search some room and inside you saw Person A killing Person B... There are actually 2 control systems and that will be explained in details later... In this MG your goal is mostly set by you yourself, you can simply try to escape the academy by whatever means necessary, try to find out the culprit behind this madness and stop him/her/it or kill and get revenge for everyone who died in process, or simply enjoy killing other people and the thrill of being close to death at School Trial...』

『Now for the rules:』
『Normal Phases:』
『Game consists of days, each day has 4 phases: Morning(6am-12pm), Day(12pm-6pm), Evening(6pm-12am) and Night(12am-6am). Haven't decided on duration of each phase but I guess that will depend on how fast I can go through all the actions shoved at me... I'll be making big status posts at start of each phase mentioning you...』

『At Morning, Day, Evening you are able to freely go around the whole school, but some places are closed at Night and train in underground isn't going. Places closed at night are: Cafeteria, Club Rooms.』

『Special Phases:』
『Apart from normal phases that always repeat, some special phases may activate if special conditions are met. These are:』
『Investigation - Starts after 3 players locate a corpse and lasts until the end of next phase (if 3 players locate a corpse at Evening, it will last until end of the Night). During this phase all school locks will be opened (even if its Night) and players will have to find clues to who is the killer. More actions are allowed during this phase. Once this phase ends, Class Trial starts.』
『Class Trial - Starts right after Investigation ends. Lasts 1 normal phase. Players will be able to discuss clues they found and then vote for the person they think is the culprit. If the correct person voted for by the majority then he gets punishment and everyone gets a reward, if wrong person is voted for, then one of the people who voted for the wrong person (except culprit) gets randomly punished. Punishment is death of course ^_^. After Class Trial ends, game returns to normal rotation of normal phases until next person is killed and their corpse is found.』
『Manual Controls』
『Players write up and send me their moves themselves. For example once new phase starts player sends me a PM where he/she says "I'm going to go and search over Music Room." and I will send him/her there afterwards reporting what interesting he/she found or if something happens PM that happening and ask what he/she will do about it.』

『Zettai Sentakushi! or Choice Controls』
『At beginning of the phase I will send player few choices as to where he/she can go/what to do, player then replies with the chosen action and I reply back the result and in case something happens sent out new choices. You won't be able to do anything except these choices.』

『Mixed Controls』
『Players can control character manually, but I still give them few choices (usually most absurd/useful/useless) and they can decided whether to choose from choices or do something else…』
『With time passing and actions being done your character can and will get hungry, tired, sleepy or something else..? I'll go through these normal ones first.』

『With time your character will get hungrier and hungrier. If you don't eat anything for 2 days your character will starve to death. Don't say 2 days is too short, it was same number of days in MG5 and nobody complained >_< You can fill your stomach at Cafeteria/Kitchen (has infinite amount of food) but unless you can cook you will only be able to replenish 0,5days of hunger by 1 meal, you can also eat some random things too and if they are edible they will fill your stomach by random amounts (try not to belch since that will make you even hungrier ;p). Normal cooked food replenishes 1 day, and if you have talent for cooking completely replenishes hunger. If you do heavy tasks you will get hungrier too.』

『Most of the actions you do decrease your stamina and make you tired, some actions more, some less. In order to restore stamina take a bath(100%)/shower(75%) or sit on sofa and watch TV(50%).』

『As time passes you get more and more sleepy. The more you don't sleep the less focused you become, doing boring tasks has a chance of you falling asleep in the middle. If you don't sleep for 3 days you will pass out and stay in coma for who knows how long… You can become less sleepy by sleeping (obviously) or taking some special medicine, eating special food.』

『Special status that you get by *whisper*whisper*whisper*… And it gives you *whisper*whisper*. Understand? Good. ^_^ Not? Too bad ;p』

『TV Zombie』
『If you get too inactive (don't post anything on the thread for over 1 day(ingame) on next Day Phase you will become a TV Zombie and become unable to do anything except watching TV at all. And with that you will be unable to eat and die in 2 days out of starvation. Only way to heal this is to gather your spirit and move yourself away from that cursed TV!』
『This game is all about Actions. During 1 phase get 10 Action Points or AP and different actions cost different amount of AP. Here I'm gonna list basic actions you will need to know and amount of AP they take . During Investigation you get 10 more AP.』

『Traveling – 0-5AP』
『Going to a certain destination for predetermined action requires 0AP. To go to 2nd location from there takes 1Ap, to 3rd 2AP and so on… It takes 2AP to go through the train tunnel to get from Dorm to School Building or other way (in case you have been left behind by train). It takes 5AP to patrol the building you are in.』

『Cooking – 4AP』
『An action that helps you replenish more hunger. Normal cooking replenishes 1day while if talented person's cooking replenishes 2days. 1 Action of Cooking can make portions of food for maximum 10 players. If 2 people cook together they will always be able to feed full class. If 1 person makes food along with talented culinarian and that one agrees than he is able to receive their bonus as well.』

『Eating in Cafeteria – 2AP』
『Coming to Cafeteria and eating food prepared for you by people on cook duty or going to kitchen and picking random stuff to chew on will take 2AP.』

『Search – 5-10AP』
『You can decide how much time/AP you are going to spend on your searching, the more spent, the more chances you have to find things like medals or clues to puzzles or murders if during Investigation.』

『Puzzles – 5AP and till the end of phase』
『Solving a puzzle requires lots of attention thus it takes all AP left of 1 phase and needs at least 5AP. You get 3 tries at a puzzle, if you don't finish it solve it in 3 tries you fail at puzzle and will have to try again next phase if you still want to solve it.』

『Killing – All remaining AP』
『You can kill players at any amount of AP, but the more you had, the more you can do after the killing. Any actions that connected to kills work the same way. For example if you are attacked by someone, in most cases all of your remaining AP will be consumed.』

『Bathing/showering/TV – 5AP/5AP/5-10AP』
『To restore your stamina you can go through 1 of these actions. Bath takes 5AP to completely restore 100%, but you might take longer if you want. Showering restores 75% for 5AP. TV restores 50% for 5AP and 100% for 10AP. Watching TV may teach you something you didn't know yet?』

『Sauna – 5AP』
『Makes you hungrier from losing all the sweat but can increase your max stamina by 50% until you decrease it by actions again.』

『Shop – 3AP』
『In order to use your medals to get items you need to spend 3AP. After that you can get as many items as number of medals you have if you want to. Window shopping isn't very appreciated ;p』

『Sleep – 0AP』
『You can sleep any time to ease your drowsiness. Sleeping ends current phase for you. How long you sleep depends on your condition.』

『Sending/getting note - 0-1AP』
『Sending the note to someone's room costs 0AP but you have to be inside Dorm Building. You get note sent to you automatically if you go to your room for any of actions... You can send up to 3 notes for 0AP on a single phase, every additional note on that same phase will cost 1AP...』

『You can do much more actions if you want to, just tell me the action you want to do and I will do that action telling you how much AP it took afterwards or if you didn't have enough to do it. ^_^』
『These are actions that will be carried out by your character automatically if you don't PM me specific actions. (Cause its gonna be a real pain for both of players and me if everyone have to PM me each and every time you want to sleep or eat >_<) So here they are:』

『You will wake up at morning to a Morning Announcement and go to Cafeteria where Fear and Hanami will cook you food (cause they are on cook duty (they have an option not to cook though)) and you will eat there. Afterwards you go watching TV for the leftover time.』

『You are still watching TV and will do that till Evening.』

『Cook duty players (Fear and Hanami) will cook you food and you will eat, afterwards everyone takes a bath (or shower depending on their personality) and returns to their rooms.』

『You all sleep in your rooms.』
『At certain conditions announcements will be made through monitors and speakers all over all school buildings (some places don't have any of those so only most important announcements will reach through 1 way or another). These announcements are:』

『Morning and Night Announcements.』
『Host will ring a loud and not so loud melody and tell you that it is morning and you should wake up already and it is night and you should leave places such as Cafeteria or Club Rooms before they get locked (or you will have to spend a night inside ;p) 』

『Corpse Discovery Announcement』
『Host will ring a weird melody and tell you that corpse has been located and Investigation phase starts and Class Trial is coming soon.』

『Class Trial Announcement』
『Host will ring a dark melody and tell you that Investigation ends and you need to go to a place he names and wait for Class Trial to start. If you couldn't come or didn't come for one reason or another you will be brought by force.』

『Rule Addition Announcement』
『Host will ring a strange melody and tell you that new Rule has been added to ID Card Rules.』

『Might be some other Special Announcements too…』
『At the beginning of the morning train is always at the Dorm Underground station waiting for departing to school. Train can started by pushing a button inside every train wagon. After returning to Dorm Underground station, train will depart to circle around back to the other side of tracks in 1 hour. It takes 2 more hours for it to return.』
『All over the school there are lots of medals hidden. You can find them by searching. There are 2 different medals: normal medals and rare medals. Rare medals aren't scattered around like normal ones, you get these by successfully murdering people and solving puzzles. (find other ways yourself) These medals differ by material they are made from, their taste and what items they give you if you insert them into DMs』

『In shops there are Item Dispenser Machines. You insert the medals you found into these and spin the handle in order to get different useful items like flashlights, special food, medicine, guns, blades, puzzle tips, more medals, item lists and stuff like that... Rare medals give you more rare items, what those are is secret ;p』
『In order to tell people about yourself, what you found in any rooms or any other information you found ingame you must go through me. In order to tell to a single certain person you either have to be in the same room with them, or send a note using pen and paper you have in your room. If there is someone else in the room they might overhear your conversation. If you want to tell something to everyone, tell it to me and I will announce you saying that during one of status posts.』
『Electronic Student Handbook is a card-like device that is made out of different high-tech stuff that and is used as your identity card. Called ID Card for short. It has touch screen and you are able to interact with different stuff inside it. It has different useful functions such as:』

『From your ID Card you can access the map of places you have visited. It will be immediately updated once you visit new place. Currently, at the start of the game, every player has only Dorm, School Underground and School Floor 1 maps.』

『Class Book』
『You can check a bit information about your classmates here. Due to privacy issues not all information is shown.』

『School Rules』
『More detailed rules about what you shouldn't do unless you want to get punished. Has 3 categories: General Rules, Investigation Rules and School Trial Rules.』

『Clues (Investigation, Class Trial)』
『During Investigation, you temporarily unlock ID Card's camera and voice to text recorder in order to collect clues you see. Maximum number of clues you can create is 20. During Class Trial you will be able to project clues you found on the big screen in Trial Arena.』

『And other useful functions you can unlock in Shop by getting chips out of Dispenser Machine』
『On the 3rd floor there are Club Rooms and Student Council Room. Unless you join those club or SC, you cannot enter the rooms. Once you join a club or SC, you can leave it at any time you want. But after leaving another club, you can't join other clubs until the next day (ingame time). You can't be a member of both a club and SC at the same time.』
『This information you can access in the beginning of the game through your ID Card.』
『Dorm F1』

『Dorm F2』

『Dorm F3』
『Dorm Underground』


『School Underground』
『School Floor 1』

『School Floor 2』

『School Floor 3』

『School Floor 4』

『School Floor 5』

Name: Fear (real name not known)
Age: ??? (looks around 17)
Birthday: September 5th
Race: Human
Title: Super High School Level Alchemist
(oh, and those flying things aren't ghosts, they are special flying fireworks so don't misunderstand)
Name: Final P. Mckringleberry
Age: Hero of Time (???)
Birthday: May 20th
Gender: :samuraihero: (Male?)
Race: Norwegian
Title: Super High School Level Pyrotechnic

Name: Erza Excelsior
Age: 17
Birthday: January 12th
Gender: Female
Title: Super High School Level Perfectionist

Wearing these pajamas...
Name: Ariya
Age: 17
Birthday: January 20th
Gender: Female
Race: Fairy
Title: Super High School Level Grimoire

Name: Tane Yamana
Age: 19
Birthday: October 29th
Gender: Female
Race: Hanyō
Title:Super High School Level Lover

Name: Chiru
Age: 15
Birthday: September 10th
Gender: Female
Race: Human?
Title: Super High School Level Artist

Name: Yabai
Age: 24
Birthday: August 13th
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese
Title: Super High School Level Jagariko User

Name: Azuriel Varheim
Age: 17
Birthday: May 4th
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Title: Super High School Level Anomaly

Appearance: Without those blue hair accessories.
Name: Chiaki Hayanori (Meaning: Wisdom Bright Falcon Law)
Age: 19
Birthday: August 29th
Gender: Female
Race: half German, half Japanese
Title: Super High School Level Mechanic

Name: "You can call me with any name you want! People usually call me these :
Bill cosby
Burning fighting fighter
Thunder king thunder king
Zappy dan the magnet man

Or you can just call me by my oh-so-dreadfully-boring NAME"
Age: 17
Birthday: February 5th
Gender: Male
Title: Super High School Level Dipshit

Appearance: Wears only mask, shoes and black pants, has diagonal scar across body from stomach to chest

Name: Bear
Age: Unknown
Birthday: November 9th
Gender: Male
Title: Super High School Level Escapee

Name: Hanami Sasaki
Age: 16
Birthday: May 13th
Gender: Female
Title: Super High School Level Housewife


Name: Kuro
Age: Unknown
Birthday: July 16th
Gender: Male
Title: Super High School Level Dumplings


Name: Daichi Reiko
Age: unknown
Birthday: June 22nd
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Title: Super High School Level Inventor

Name: Rin Suzumoto
Age: 17
Birthday: August 23rd
Gender: Female
Title: Super High School Level Fujoshi

Name: Sumire Sanshiki
Age: 16
Birthday: February 20th
Gender: Female
Title: Super High School Level ???

Name: Sky
Age: 18
Birthday: July 9th
Race: Witch
Title: Super High School Level Gunner

Name: Satori G. Shinozaki
Age: 16
Birthday: November 16
Gender: Female
SHSL Title: Super High School Level Yandere

Name: Skall Bestern
Age: 18
Birthday: April 13th
Gender: Male
Title: Super High School Level Punk

Name: Maeve Maeda (前田メーブ)
Age: 17
Birthday: February 2nd
Gender: Female
Race: Half Scottish, half Japanese.
Title: Super High School Level Survivor

Name: Koshka Tirin
Age: 15
Birthday: July 7th
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Title: Super High School Level Vet
Appearance: Like on pic but the long-sleeved shirt is longer and wearing slippers. + only 1 cat.

Name: Ayano Tateyama
Age: 17
Birthday: November 8th
Gender: Female
Race: Japanese
Title: Super High School Level Happiness

Appearance: ^ that + large dark eye bags.

Name: Mikhail (Михаил)
Age: Random
Birthday: May 6th
Gender: Male
Race: Russian
Title: Super High School Level Information Technologist
Oh, he also speaks in code...

Name: Sin
Age: 17
Birthday: January 15th
Gender: Male
Title: Super High School Level Cambion
Rule 1:
Kill 3 players and you get the right to escape!

『1 [MENTION=41294]Fear~[/MENTION] ;
2 [MENTION=37707]Pyre[/MENTION] ;
3 [MENTION=28026]Selvaria[/MENTION] ;
4 [MENTION=8332]Samye[/MENTION] ;
5 [MENTION=40801]Ruby~[/MENTION] ;
6 [MENTION=76366]chiru[/MENTION] ;
7 [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
8 [MENTION=36528]aexiel[/MENTION] ;
9 [MENTION=25147]Mokou~[/MENTION] ;
10 [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ;
11 [MENTION=60305]Zad[/MENTION] ;
12 [MENTION=86272]Dream[/MENTION] ;
13 [MENTION=46616]Inori~[/MENTION] ;
14 [MENTION=14327]Kim~[/MENTION] ;
15 [MENTION=32153]DaRk_AnGeL_ZoA[/MENTION] ;
16 [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ;
17 [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION] ;
18 [MENTION=78507]Satori~[/MENTION] ;
19 [MENTION=29827]Ogikumo[/MENTION] ;
20 [MENTION=78659]Marimo~[/MENTION] ;』
21 [MENTION=67840]Pichu~[/MENTION] ;
22 [MENTION=78963]Soul~[/MENTION] ;
23 [MENTION=79180]M1ha1ru[/MENTION] ;
24 [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ;
『Hmmmmmmmm… I think thats it… 』

『Oh, [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ; here are the rules if you want to join and please make this thread stickered.』

Next part...

『The game ended with Bad End!』
Last edited:
cool so evening and morning im on cooking duty with dream :) well at least most wont need to eat for 2days
『If we get more member I'll increase amount of food 1 person can make per 1 food so that it always = half of max members...』
ok just 1 question, so if i cook lets say day 2 morning and 10 players eat it, they wont need to eat again until day 4 morning right?
『On day 4 morning they will starve to death... Hell, they might not even wake up that morning xD』
hmmm but u said in the rules they dont need to eat for 2 days if made by someone who can cook good. unless u meaning evening 3 would be the last time they get to eat?
『Now lets count: From beginning of the Morning 2 these phases pass: Morning 2, Day 2, Evening 2, Night 2, Morning 3, Day 3, Evening 3, Night 3. That is 8 phases, or in other words 2 days. Morning 4 is already 3rd day. And yes, since Cafeteria is closed at night, the last time they would be able to eat would be Evening...』

『Crap! I forgot to say about AFK modkills >_<』
Hmm... so since youre going by 4 phases per day then it would be that people can live without eating for up to 7 phases and on the 8th they would starve? And can old food just be stored so you dont need to cook more? =w=
『Why 7 though? Why don't you people count the phase you are eating on? Eating takes only 2AP, thats 2/10th of phase thats only 72 minutes (now that I think about it you take quite a bit of time to eat, huh?), where do other 8AP or 5 hours go..? And before you say that leaves them 2AP to eat in the morning, do you honestly believe you can get up and go to Cafeteria to eat 72 minutes before you completely die out of starvation? Will your body even let you wake up trying to reserve as much power as possible?』
Hmm didnt sint just make a coin flip or something to decide if they died of starvation or not? =w= Then leave them till the next phase if they managed...~

7 as in 7 full phases after eating? Since you said eating takes a bit of one phase and you wont get to the cafeteria on the 8th =w=
『Sin didn't let Selvaria eat on that fateful morning Samye... He just... Never woke up... Also...』

[hl-red]『DZILING! DZILING! DZI-DZI-DZI-LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!! New Rule has been added to your ID Cards so check it out! Won't mention you since you are currently sleeping though...:goodtea:[/hl-red]

『Samye, look above and count for yourself >_<』
Oh mehs =w= Hmm... 8 phases... though the last night ish risky =w= So it sort of is 7 full phases... just that im counting differently..
『But that Morning they eat at still kind of counts as a phase so Morning 2 days later will be the complete end of 8th phase. And in that state even if they wake up it will be too much for them to move themselves to Cafeteria and eat to survive...』
Makes me wonder if charas in DR even eat at all, I can only recall them sitting together on the table and discussing
Do you really want to watch an anime on people eating? ;p Unless it serves some purpose =w=

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hello, do you have this drama cd ,thank you!
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Hi, if you would reup the mexashare links for this one, that'd be great. Thanks
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Hi, would you reup this old one please? Thanks