Black★Rock Shooter


RL Siscon. Problem?
Sep 25, 2011
So in case you haven't noticed I'm a BRS fanboy so I'm going to start a thread even though it's only 8 episodes long.
Yes, it's only 8 episodes long. Get over it.


It'll probably be an extended version of the OVA from the looks of it, with a new villain (Kagari/Chariot) to add some more creepy vibe.
It's violent, it's emo, and it's juicy. It's amazing what you can show on TV when your blood isn't red.
I thought it is a retelling of the OVA? More episodes will tell.
Hm, so the movie shown yesterday (at least on my timezone) on NicoNico was a prequel?
I love BRS so I dont care how many episodes it is IM STILL GONNA WATCH IT AND LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!
White Rock Shooter FTW!!!
I thought it is a retelling of the OVA? More episodes will tell.
I'm hoping they show more of it in details like
BRS and Mato merging, OVA was rather unsatisfactory in this respect.

Hm, so the movie shown yesterday (at least on my timezone) on NicoNico was a prequel?
I don't know what movie you are talking about, but the OVA was released more than a year ago.

White Rock Shooter FTW!!!
Agreed, but unfortunately she's from a completely different universe than the one in anime so no spotlight for her :<
the character design is a bit changing but still it doesn't matter as the seiyuu is still the same.
the story now will explain how Kotori will be drifted to that world, one thing i've been wait. and...
Mato is so lovely !!
This show does have minor problems but I don't care, after this episode I can easily say I fucking love it. Couldn't look away for a second and my interest was completely swept up in all of what was happening.

I didn't expect the issue with Kagari to resolve itself so soon though. I thought she'd be the antagonist for the whole run of the series. When she cut that heart-shaped scar into Yomi with the needle, she was starting to become one of those cold-hearted ruthless villains where seeing them finally get their comeuppance would be so satisfying. It's a shame her psychosis was cured so soon and easily. Quite disappointing. I kind of wish Mato or Yomi would've decked her at least once and then maybe I'd be a little more content with that.

Action in the Otherworld scenes were brilliant here. BRS didn't take that shit no more and brought out a big-ass gatling gun against Chariot's mount. Not to mention the way she finished off Chariot by decapitating her. That was so goddamn cool. We need more female characters this awesome in anime.

And Black Gold Saw appears for the first time interrupting what was happening. I wonder if she even has a real-world counterpart? I wonder what that scene was supposed to mean...

I'm looking forward to seeing where this will go next and how it'll all come together.~
And Black Gold Saw appears for the first time interrupting what was happening. I wonder if she even has a real-world counterpart? I wonder what that scene was supposed to mean...

If she did, I have to guess Saya. Some of things she says are actually pretty dark (e.g. someone somewhere gets hurt in your place), and the fact that she watches over students in an omnivorous position kinda fits BGS just watching over the chaos. She is also practically the one who got Mato to make moves that ultimately led to Kagari being taken out of the picture (which I am surprised about myself...but I wouldn't expect Chariot to be gone for good yet).
after this episode I can easily say I fucking love it. Couldn't look away for a second and my interest was completely swept up in all of what was happening.

Action in the Otherworld scenes were brilliant here. BRS didn't take that shit no more and brought out a big-ass gatling gun against Chariot's mount. Not to mention the way she finished off Chariot by decapitating her. That was so goddamn cool. We need more female characters this awesome in anime.

Quoted for truth and the truth only. Brilliant episode 2.
If this episode didn't prove that my guess of BGS = Saya was right (and that she is actually very dark), I don't know what will. And to add an interest twist to the things, it seems like Saya is aware of the otherly world's existence and her other persona being BGS as she is taking actions to somewhat "help" BGS stir up chaos in her world by searching for students to connect to it.

I like how nothing is ever direct in this anime. Everything is in symbols and pertains to the other world. Yomi drawing a drop of tear on Mato's left eye was a nice touch, and keeping this in mind can add a mix of emotions to the final scene in this episode when BRS chops Kohata (persona)'s head off while her flame is burning.

Another interesting thing to note is that Yuu (who is possibly Strength) is no longer the jealous one, Yomi (Dead Master) is. How this will play out compared to OVA will be interesting to see.

Man, it's so shameful this anime is only 8 episodes. I wish it was at least one full cour long.
While not a very action-packed episode, 3 still makes a lot of clarifications on already hanging plot-threads whilst making certain revelations about what's going on.

I guess if you didn't already figure it out sooner, they pretty much outright explain what the connection between the real world and the "other world" is and that Mato can actually observe what's happening there in her dreams.

Yomi's jealousy is starting to come into effect. That was rather quick, but I'll let it go since the show only has an 8 episode run. I suppose we'll get an episode emulating the events of the OVA soon.

Also this episode seemed to imply BGS is the "other self" of Saya (the councilor). While not outright blatantly shown there is some evidence that can support this, like Mato mentioning one of the "girls in her dream" is older than the others. It's pretty obvious she's being built up as an antagonist though. That scene where she was speaking with Kohata couldn't have been less sinister.

Now the main thing I'm wondering now is what the heck Saya actually did to Kohata. One guess of mine is that Saya is actually the only character at the moment that is aware the "Otherworld" actually exists and uses it to her advantage somehow. For what reason I cannot say at the moment.
Well Yomi snapped, adding to the list of growing mentally unstable girls to this show. The writers seemed to have some weird fetish for making schoolgirls suffer mental breakdowns and go through an emotional collapse. I had some slight hopes that Dead Master would change back to her original form when they added that huge chain cocoon. I was half disappointed at the outcome. They did add the two floating skulls that accompany Dead Master, but not her physical appearance. They also spawned some minions that screams "I AM CANNON FODDER".

Apparently, if a character's alter-ego is destroyed or killed by BRS then their real life counterparts experience some sort of amnesia. They lose their memories associated with their obsessions. Kagari was surprisingly adorable wither her hair tied up.
I wonder if BRS just "sucks up" all the pain from the entities she kills in the other world. It would explain Saya's words about "somebody somewhere feeling the pain in your place", and it would also explain how her flame symbolizes tear.

On another note, non-psycho Kagari is quite adorable. Her design too, as I am a sucker for side-tied ponytail.

I think it's a pretty safe bid that BGS = Saya at this point, but I'm still not completely sure if Strength is Yuu...Strength hasn't had much airtime yet and the only thing she's done so far is throw Chariot into a ditch but I'm not sure how that pertains to what's going on in the real world where Kagari and Yuu are yet to meet (although Yuu tried to make friends with Yomi which ironically drove her to the edge of insanity).

Hard to believe we are half way through already QQ
One thing I would have to complain is that the closeup shots of DM during the fights were kind of cluttered up by the veil and her green glasses. The fights scenes themselves were top notch this episode. The choreographing was just superb. We were shown more ways to be creeped out by Yomi's descent into depravity and madness. The painting of Mato and that bracelet Yomi gave to Yuu was some seriously messed up shit.

Yuu being the one to shed light on the other world came out of left field for me. She through some hints from the beginning episode, but I always assumed she was merely speaking more about an alter-ego like persona facets. I guess the writers are setting up a fight between Strength and IBRS with the way the developments are unfolding so far.
The episode really drained me, it was too much for me.

I know BRS's song tells about how everything she has is gone, but it still gives hope in the end that a new story starts. I'm thinking that's what we're going to see in the last two episodes.

Daaamn, they didn't give any preview of the Real World, just the fight between Rock and Strength.
Ok, I know I'm little late, but I just found out that BRS TV anime was already aired. So far, I LOVE it!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the OVA but the same concept. Truly brilliant! And what's more, I love how they put the original opening of Hatsune Miku!!!! (and singed by Miku and not a cover by some artist!!!!!) LOVE IT!!! (for a hardcore Hatsune Miku fan like me, this is very exciting!)
More information about the other world is revealed, and also some character development for Strength.. she's surprisingly kind for someone who fights a lot - possibly a hint that other world beings can actually live in human society? Or maybe Strength is an exception because she learned how to feel emotions. The others would probably just proceed to attack the first human they see.

And yes, so glad that Dead Master seems to have some life back in her. I wonder how this will effect events in the final episode? Hoping for a nice conclusion to everything.
My god already at seventh episode? 2 episodes late for me...:(
time to sucking up those torrents...

IMHO the series is a lot better than the OVA. The animation, choreography, story are top notch. Not to mention the new design of DM! *I love girls with glasses lol. And IBRS figma + Blu-Ray Disc bundle is hurting my heart like hell... my wallet can't afford it....
Last minute twist shows Kotori Tori as symbol of Mato and not Yomi--a revelation well done through explaining the very nature of BRS. Now we know why exactly she has black dominant color scheme; mixing that many colors will leave you with pitch black. Huke probably didn't even have this in mind when he first designed BRS..she's grown as a character in many ways.

Story writing here is just top notch. So many symbolism and metaphors, yet so simple to understand. I know I said this before but it's a shame such a good series is so short...although it might be good BECAUSE it's short. :/

I wonder, if Yuu could "switch places" with Strength, would it be possible for BRS and Mato to do the same? I would personally KILL to see that in a bonus OVA of sort.
Wow! Didn't knew that there was an anime series of BRS! haha! Just played it's game version last year i think.. anyway, hope that the anime's better than ova. though i'm not that expecting that highly. :3 Hope i like it better. xD

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