Detective Masochist features 20 porn scenes in total. Each scene has multiple CGs with numerous variations.
Heavy use of zooming and panning functions convey motion and focus scenes. For example, when a futa dick is about to penetrate your ass, camera zooms in on the dick. This creates a sense of fluid motion that mimics animation, no doubt saving the budget.
The scenes are almost always focused on outercourse, tease, and denial. When penetration happens, chances are it’s the woman doing the fucking. If role-reversal turns you on, this game will be a great experience!
Erotic dialogue is frequently centered on the women calling your dick “small but cute” as they lovingly step all over you, literally. Handjobs are frequent. The girls deny you the pussy and keep you submissive!
The scene I like best is when your character finally loses his virginity to the busty but shy beauty of the game. She was a virgin as well, and watching the trickles of blood in the game’s first vaginal sex scene, was glorious!
Heavy use of zooming and panning functions convey motion and focus scenes. For example, when a futa dick is about to penetrate your ass, camera zooms in on the dick. This creates a sense of fluid motion that mimics animation, no doubt saving the budget.
The scenes are almost always focused on outercourse, tease, and denial. When penetration happens, chances are it’s the woman doing the fucking. If role-reversal turns you on, this game will be a great experience!
Erotic dialogue is frequently centered on the women calling your dick “small but cute” as they lovingly step all over you, literally. Handjobs are frequent. The girls deny you the pussy and keep you submissive!
The scene I like best is when your character finally loses his virginity to the busty but shy beauty of the game. She was a virgin as well, and watching the trickles of blood in the game’s first vaginal sex scene, was glorious!